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Bolton 2-1 Burton

Hip Priest
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41Bolton 2-1 Burton - Page 3 Empty Re: Bolton 2-1 Burton Thu Oct 27 2022, 12:29


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:
What are those boys up to!? I'm surprised at you Lusty. Promoting filth. Shocked

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I have bound copies of the 1933, 1934 and 1935 magazines that my great uncle left me and I have to say they'd be right up your street.
I occasionally dig them out to gawp at the condescending colonialist claptrap targeted at impressionable youths who are drawn in by Frog aeroplanes, Raleigh bicycles, how to build a dam, the secrets of car assembly, the world's largest structures, birds of prey, chemistry experiments at home, speed boats, "fast" cars, trains and stamp collecting.
Even the adverts are incredible e.g. Webley and BSA air rifles with targets for indoor use. (BSA match rifle 45/- or 4/3 a month)
Another world my friend.

42Bolton 2-1 Burton - Page 3 Empty Re: Bolton 2-1 Burton Thu Oct 27 2022, 12:39


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Just had a dip in to 1935 and read a fascinating article on the Holmes-Reyrolle pedestrian actuated traffic light system. WTF a ten year old boy would see in that is beyond me.

43Bolton 2-1 Burton - Page 3 Empty Re: Bolton 2-1 Burton Fri Oct 28 2022, 00:22

Hip Priest

Hip Priest
Andy Walker
Andy Walker

wanderlust wrote:
I think this needs a longer and much more detailed explanation of where you're coming from...

..ideally cross-referenced with quotations from the Bible, Talmud and the Kama Sutra. Some links to the Origin of Species and the Meccano Magazine August 1932 would also be helpful.

Very Happy

44Bolton 2-1 Burton - Page 3 Empty Re: Bolton 2-1 Burton Fri Oct 28 2022, 00:34


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:
Excuse me for saying but isn’t that what the referee is supposed to do, stop his watch when play stops or when time wasting takes place, otherwise why does the ref point to his watch during a match to indicate it’s pointless? Surely that’s what he’s there for, to run the game and all its processes?
...and therein lies the problem - especially a ref who doesn't clamp down on time wasting. He has enough to do keeping up with play and making decisions so keeping time should be completely taken out of his hands - and that's not particularly revolutionary as he doesn't decide the amount of extra time anyway.
Works well in other sports so why not football?

45Bolton 2-1 Burton - Page 3 Empty Re: Bolton 2-1 Burton Fri Oct 28 2022, 11:55

Bolton Nuts


wanderlust wrote:
Whitesince63 wrote:
Excuse me for saying but isn’t that what the referee is supposed to do, stop his watch when play stops or when time wasting takes place, otherwise why does the ref point to his watch during a match to indicate it’s pointless? Surely that’s what he’s there for, to run the game and all its processes?
...and therein lies the problem - especially a ref who doesn't clamp down on time wasting. He has enough to do keeping up with play and making decisions so keeping time should be completely taken out of his hands - and that's not particularly revolutionary as he doesn't decide the amount of extra time anyway.
Works well in other sports so why not football?

When I was a referee I was sometimes slated for adding on too much time.

But I was in my opinion doing a better job of it than most.
I carried 3 watches. That was one on each wrist and a back up in my pocket which was a failsafe incase a wrist watch broke.

One wrist would run continuously.
The other I used just to start and stop as a stopwatch when there was an unreasonable amount of stoppage.

And even if it was 4-0, I would still add on the full amount.

Kevin Friend and Lee Mason both said that I should be more reasonable and only add on a few minutes if the score gap was big. I ignored them.

And Lusty is right, it's too much for the ref to keep track of time, because, even in my scenario, it was down to my interpretation of what I considered to be an unreasonable stoppage.

46Bolton 2-1 Burton - Page 3 Empty Re: Bolton 2-1 Burton Sat Oct 29 2022, 12:03


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Biggie wrote:

When I was a referee I was sometimes slated for adding on too much time.

But I was in my opinion doing a better job of it than most.
I carried 3 watches. That was one on each wrist and a back up in my pocket which was a failsafe incase a wrist watch broke.

One wrist would run continuously.
The other I used just to start and stop as a stopwatch when there was an unreasonable amount of stoppage.

And even if it was 4-0, I would still add on the full amount.

Kevin Friend and Lee Mason both said that I should be more reasonable and only add on a few minutes if the score gap was big. I ignored them.

And Lusty is right, it's too much for the ref to keep track of time, because, even in my scenario, it was down to my interpretation of what I considered to be an unreasonable stoppage.
At the end of the day, I just want the game to be fair - so the less that "fairness" is determined by the subjective opinions and prejudices of one individual, the better IMO.

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