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The racism discussion thread

Reebok Trotter
Soul Kitchen
Natasha Whittam
Mr Magoo
14 posters

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1The racism discussion thread  Empty The racism discussion thread Mon Nov 03 2014, 11:14


Tinned Toms - You know it makes sense!

What is racism? The reason I raise the question is because, a couple of days ago I had a joke removed on the joke thread that was deemed to be racist. I am not arguing about whether it should have been removed or not. If it caused offence to anyone I can only apologise and although I am by no means a racist person, I do admit that the joke was racially motivated. Now, I may get pilloried for saying this but if a joke is funny then surely you can laugh. If I make a joke about black people does that make me racist? You might say the answer to that is yes. If a black person made a joke about white people would that joke be taken down off the thread and deemed racist? If I read or hear a joke about white people I don't get offended. If it is funny I will laugh. It is a joke. Racism isn't only skin colour. There are many jokes about the Irish on here but they are deemed funny. Is that because Irish people don't kick up a fuss and can laugh at themselves or does it only matter when it's about skin colour. Jokes about the Chinese and the way they speak are deemed funny. Why is that not classed as racist? If you make a joke about child abuse and laugh does it make you a Paedophile. If you make a joke about someone being killed does it make you a murderer? 
This is just a discussion. I am not racist or accusing anyone else of being racist either. Nor is it an excuse to try and justify why racist jokes should be shared. Just wondered what different people consider racism to be. Cue inevitable abuse.............

2The racism discussion thread  Empty Re: The racism discussion thread Mon Nov 03 2014, 11:28


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I missed the joke, you'll have to post in again here and i'll let you know.

3The racism discussion thread  Empty Re: The racism discussion thread Mon Nov 03 2014, 11:36


Tinned Toms - You know it makes sense!

scottjames30 wrote:I missed the joke, you'll have to post in again here and i'll let you know.
No scott I'm not posting up a joke that has already clearly offended someone because I am not trying to offend people. My point is why is it ok to joke about the Irish, Chinese and polish etc but not black people? Or do people think racism is solely prejudiced against skin colour?

4The racism discussion thread  Empty Re: The racism discussion thread Mon Nov 03 2014, 11:40

Mr Magoo

Mr Magoo
Youri Djorkaeff
Youri Djorkaeff

RACIST you should be ashamed, :banned:

5The racism discussion thread  Empty Re: The racism discussion thread Mon Nov 03 2014, 11:40


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Bwfc1958 wrote:
scottjames30 wrote:I missed the joke, you'll have to post in again here and i'll let you know.
No scott I'm not posting up a joke that has already clearly offended someone because I am not trying to offend people. My point is why is it ok to joke about the Irish, Chinese and polish etc but not black people? Or do people think racism is solely prejudiced against skin colour?
If your joke was about black people then its was probably the right decision to remove it tbh, BDP probably wouldn't like it and would be offended.

6The racism discussion thread  Empty Re: The racism discussion thread Mon Nov 03 2014, 12:15

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I saw the joke. I found it offensive. This is a football forum, not a Ku Klux Klan meeting place.

I'm guessing you wouldn't have told that joke at the Macron had you been surrounded by black Bolton fans, so why post it on here?

7The racism discussion thread  Empty Re: The racism discussion thread Mon Nov 03 2014, 12:29


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I'm not racist but...

8The racism discussion thread  Empty Re: The racism discussion thread Mon Nov 03 2014, 12:39


Tinned Toms - You know it makes sense!

Natasha Whittam wrote:I saw the joke. I found it offensive. This is a football forum, not a Ku Klux Klan meeting place.

I'm guessing you wouldn't have told that joke at the Macron had you been surrounded by black Bolton fans, so why post it on here?
I fully understand what you're saying Nat and in hindsight it was a bad idea. I think people are missing the point of this thread. Why does a joke like that offend you but jokes about any other race of people on earth doesn't? Do you condone racism against all other races and nationalities except black people. I am not disputing the fact it should have been taken down. I have no argument with that. I will say it again. WHY IS IT OK TO BE RACIST TO EVERYONE IN THE WORLD EXCEPT BLACK PEOPLE?

9The racism discussion thread  Empty Re: The racism discussion thread Mon Nov 03 2014, 12:43


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse


But it's not is it.

10The racism discussion thread  Empty Re: The racism discussion thread Mon Nov 03 2014, 12:43




11The racism discussion thread  Empty Re: The racism discussion thread Mon Nov 03 2014, 12:46



Oh good, another person who thinks racism claims are a conspiracy against white people.

12The racism discussion thread  Empty Re: The racism discussion thread Mon Nov 03 2014, 12:47


Tinned Toms - You know it makes sense!

Exactly the point I was trying to make. Why do all the other jokes about other races not even get a mention much less taken down? Just an observation that's all

13The racism discussion thread  Empty Re: The racism discussion thread Mon Nov 03 2014, 12:49

Soul Kitchen

Soul Kitchen
Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

Bwfc1958 wrote:
Natasha Whittam wrote:I saw the joke. I found it offensive. This is a football forum, not a Ku Klux Klan meeting place.

I'm guessing you wouldn't have told that joke at the Macron had you been surrounded by black Bolton fans, so why post it on here?
I fully understand what you're saying Nat and in hindsight it was a bad idea. I think people are missing the point of this thread. Why does a joke like that offend you but jokes about any other race of people on earth doesn't? Do you condone racism against all other races and nationalities except black people. I am not disputing the fact it should have been taken down. I have no argument with that. I will say it again. WHY IS IT OK TO BE RACIST TO EVERYONE IN THE WORLD EXCEPT BLACK PEOPLE?

Nat nicely muddying the water again!
I find it offensive that I have to take my crash helmut off when I go in Asda...........well I would if I had one.
Perhaps I'll dress up like a.......................

14The racism discussion thread  Empty Re: The racism discussion thread Mon Nov 03 2014, 13:20

Reebok Trotter

Reebok Trotter
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I get sent joke texts all the time and some of them are very close to the knuckle even though they do make me chuckle.

Just because somebody laughs at a racist joke it doesn't necessarily follow that they are racist. It all depends on an individuals humour. One mans meat is another mans poison.

Humour, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

15The racism discussion thread  Empty Re: The racism discussion thread Mon Nov 03 2014, 13:38


Tinned Toms - You know it makes sense!

I completely agree RT. People think by saying such a statement they would be somehow complicit in racism or discrimination. I see nobody has actually come up with an answer to the original question. Maybe people just don't want to admit the point I'm making is a valid one.

16The racism discussion thread  Empty Re: The racism discussion thread Mon Nov 03 2014, 13:42

Mr Magoo

Mr Magoo
Youri Djorkaeff
Youri Djorkaeff

If a joke is funny, I do not give a shit who its about.
In my opinion the world as gone fecking mad, bring back Chubby Brown, Jim Davison, Bernard Manning etc.

17The racism discussion thread  Empty Re: The racism discussion thread Mon Nov 03 2014, 14:03


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

58 don't waste your time, there isn't much you can say on here without someone finding it offensive. Quite pathetic really

18The racism discussion thread  Empty Re: The racism discussion thread Mon Nov 03 2014, 14:07



Mr Magoo wrote:If a joke is funny, I do not give a shit who its about.

I agree. 

But this thread is more about 58 thinking only black people are allowed to think things are racist. 

Which is complete bollocks.

19The racism discussion thread  Empty Re: The racism discussion thread Mon Nov 03 2014, 14:12

Soul Kitchen

Soul Kitchen
Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

Mr Magoo wrote:If a joke is funny, I do not give a shit who its about.
In my opinion the world as gone fecking mad, bring back Chubby Brown, Jim Davison, Bernard Manning etc.
I agree, Bernard Manning used to say "switch the lights on let's see how many.............." 
Those were the days, thought they'd never end!!

20The racism discussion thread  Empty Re: The racism discussion thread Mon Nov 03 2014, 14:14



I'm not having a pop now, SK, but why is that funny?

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