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BP mania.

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21BP mania. - Page 2 Empty Re: BP mania. Sat Jun 23 2012, 21:55

Banks of the Croal

Banks of the Croal
Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Angry Dad wrote:I used to get palpitations thru stress but the doc said every body gets missed beats or extra beats and not to worry. Then I went into A fib one night and had to be zapped back into sinus which lasted for two years then I had a few bouts of it which were debilitating could hardly walk, so I had an ablation 3 years ago which worked thankfully the docs put it down to drink over the years. I need to lose weight tho now as I'm 16st and 6-2 with BMI of 38 which the doc said shed it now it should be 20 not 38 thats a lot over , he said I should get down to 13 st seems a bit too much to me I,d be a stick man.

AD just done a calculation of your BMI and i get it has being...28.76 not 38.

22BP mania. - Page 2 Empty Re: BP mania. Sat Jun 23 2012, 22:02


Guðni Bergsson
Guðni Bergsson

Its a miracle !! Banksy are you a faith healer ? Smile

23BP mania. - Page 2 Empty Re: BP mania. Sat Jun 23 2012, 22:06

Reebok Trotter

Reebok Trotter
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

largehat wrote: because they have emotional problems,

Largehat, you come across as an an intelligent bloke so how the fuck do you believe that people can be fat because of emotional problems ?

It is fucking impossible to put on weight unless you increase your calorific content. I don't know how big you are but going off what I have read you are at least 6 ft 4 and 17 stone . Don't be ashamed of it. Embrace it and do something about it.

Get yourself down to the gym and try to display a positive attitude. Burn them calories off and work hard on increasing your self-esteem. Every pound lost is a massive bonus.

Do not feel bitter about your shape. It is only YOU that can put things right.

Last edited by Reebok Trotter on Sat Jun 23 2012, 22:11; edited 4 times in total

24BP mania. - Page 2 Empty Re: BP mania. Sat Jun 23 2012, 22:07

Banks of the Croal

Banks of the Croal
Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

gloswhite wrote:Its a miracle !! Banksy are you a faith healer ? Smile
If only i could heal myself, my Downfall is The Drink.

25BP mania. - Page 2 Empty Re: BP mania. Sat Jun 23 2012, 22:09


Guðni Bergsson
Guðni Bergsson

Take youself in hand my friend, (if nothing else it means you won't be able to pick up a glass), Razz

26BP mania. - Page 2 Empty Re: BP mania. Sat Jun 23 2012, 22:10

Reebok Trotter

Reebok Trotter
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Banksy is not fat. I can vouch for that. And he has a good head of hair for his year.He has a better barnett than Rooney!

Last edited by Reebok Trotter on Sat Jun 23 2012, 22:18; edited 1 time in total

27BP mania. - Page 2 Empty Re: BP mania. Sat Jun 23 2012, 22:13


Guðni Bergsson
Guðni Bergsson

My arse is hairier than Rooney's head Very Happy

28BP mania. - Page 2 Empty Re: BP mania. Sat Jun 23 2012, 22:14


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Reebok Trotter wrote:
largehat wrote: because they have emotional problems,

Largehat, you come across as an an intelligent bloke so how the fuck do you believe that people can be fat because of emotional problems ?

It is fucking impossible to put on weight unless you increase your calorific content. I don't know how big you are but going off what I have read you are at least 6 ft 4 and 17 stone . Don't be ashamed of it. Embrace it and do something about it.

Get yourself down to the gym and try to display a positive attitude. Burn them calories off and work hard on increasing your self-esteem. Every pound lost is a massive bonus.

Do not feel bitter about your shape. It is only YOU that can put things right.

What about all the other reasons I listed in my previous post? Do you completely dismiss those too?

I'd personally prefer not to get into my personal circumstanes, I'm not talking about myself in my previous posts, I'm talking in general terms.

29BP mania. - Page 2 Empty Re: BP mania. Sat Jun 23 2012, 22:16


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

You've really hurt my feelings RT, I am going to go and eat 24 doughnuts. Back later.

30BP mania. - Page 2 Empty Re: BP mania. Sat Jun 23 2012, 22:20


Guðni Bergsson
Guðni Bergsson

LH, have one for me mate, I'll send the money later.

31BP mania. - Page 2 Empty Re: BP mania. Sat Jun 23 2012, 22:21

Reebok Trotter

Reebok Trotter
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

LH, Do not take it personally. I do not give a fuck if truth be told. If you like your doughnuts then good for you, as long as you do not come on here complaining that you are overweight or have sugar diabetes. In which case I will just say, It is your own fault.

32BP mania. - Page 2 Empty Re: BP mania. Sat Jun 23 2012, 22:24


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Thanks, they were delicious.

RT, on a serious note, have you never heard of the notion of 'comfort eating'? Do you not think it goes on? Do you not think people ever eat to feel better? Eating certain types of food releases chemicals in the brain which makes people feel better. Some children don't have home lives which provide them with happiness and love and eat to compensate for it. This is established. I don't see why you think me believing this to be true suggests a lack of intelligence. Why do you think girls eat ice-cream when they have been dumped etc?

33BP mania. - Page 2 Empty Re: BP mania. Sat Jun 23 2012, 22:35

Reebok Trotter

Reebok Trotter
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

largehat wrote:Thanks, they were delicious.

RT, on a serious note, have you never heard of the notion of 'comfort eating'? Do you not think it goes on? Do you not think people ever eat to feel better?

I marked you down as reasonably intelligent but HTF do you think eating more than is necessary makes you feel better ? All it does is makes you fat. If you cannot see that that then I am wasting my time. You can only put on weight if you absorb more calories than you body needs. Everything else is stored as fat.

The argument about it being in your glands is bullshit. There were no fatties filmed in Belsen.

34BP mania. - Page 2 Empty Re: BP mania. Sat Jun 23 2012, 22:42


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

You're wasting your time then, so lets leave it at that.

35BP mania. - Page 2 Empty Re: BP mania. Sun Jun 24 2012, 00:03

Angry Dad

Angry Dad
Youri Djorkaeff
Youri Djorkaeff

Banks of the Croal wrote:
Angry Dad wrote:I used to get palpitations thru stress but the doc said every body gets missed beats or extra beats and not to worry. Then I went into A fib one night and had to be zapped back into sinus which lasted for two years then I had a few bouts of it which were debilitating could hardly walk, so I had an ablation 3 years ago which worked thankfully the docs put it down to drink over the years. I need to lose weight tho now as I'm 16st and 6-2 with BMI of 38 which the doc said shed it now it should be 20 not 38 thats a lot over , he said I should get down to 13 st seems a bit too much to me I,d be a stick man.

AD just done a calculation of your BMI and i get it has being...28.76 not 38.
That's cheered me up ,the nurse at the docs must have got it wrong. Very Happy Yeah I am a bit top heavy looks a bit like Ali when he would not bother to get in shape for a bum . B ut in no way am I fat. No way at all . I don't drink beer, I have the occasional glass of wine, my daily menu is baked beans on toast and a small bowl of Quaker oats cos it's good for cholesterol. No lunch then a light meal fish and rice and veg in the evening, I never eat snacks. To me that seems a very sensible diet. So why am I 16st. I walk the dogs daily 3 miles I live in a 3 story house so I'm up and down stairs all the time, I cycle once a day weather permitting 3 miles., so how do I lose at least 2 st? When I was in hospital for a few days I wouldn't,t eat the food and I came out with a flat stomach. Got to be a starvation diet I reckon, but I read that the body will only burn the good fat and store the bad to survive. The fucker. Evil or Very Mad

36BP mania. - Page 2 Empty Re: BP mania. Sun Jun 24 2012, 00:13

Angry Dad

Angry Dad
Youri Djorkaeff
Youri Djorkaeff

I just had a tuna and veg foot long in subway at Walmart but I only ate nine inches of it.

37BP mania. - Page 2 Empty Re: BP mania. Sun Jun 24 2012, 19:27


Guðni Bergsson
Guðni Bergsson

Don't know if I could cope with just 9 inches Very Happy

38BP mania. - Page 2 Empty Re: BP mania. Mon Jun 25 2012, 00:00

Angry Dad

Angry Dad
Youri Djorkaeff
Youri Djorkaeff

I gave the other three to the wife as she,d only had six!!!

39BP mania. - Page 2 Empty Re: BP mania. Mon Jun 25 2012, 00:12

Angry Dad

Angry Dad
Youri Djorkaeff
Youri Djorkaeff

I got nothing against fat people that's the truth, but shit these yanks have taken fat to a different level since I was last here. They are huge lard buckets endlessly stuffing themselves with shit. The women take up two seats in Denny,s, one couple had a whole table their kids on another. I am amazed at the huge arses on the women, one woman fat as fuck had a meal then a desert then a large bucket of ice cream. It reminded me of the exploding diner in monty python. Plenty of ass for quent here.

40BP mania. - Page 2 Empty Re: BP mania. Mon Jun 25 2012, 00:15


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

AD, is that a formal committment to take Quent with you next time? It sounded that way to me. I bet the family will love him.

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