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The Rock Gardens (moss bank park)

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1The Rock Gardens (moss bank park) Empty The Rock Gardens (moss bank park) Sun Jul 31 2016, 22:25

Bolton Nuts


I used to end up at Moss Bank Park all through the summer holidays as a kid and normally started by plaything footy on the field before heading to the Rock Gardens (which was ace) for a game of man hunt! 

Who else?

2The Rock Gardens (moss bank park) Empty Re: The Rock Gardens (moss bank park) Tue Aug 02 2016, 08:47


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

used to love wandering through there and then going wandering around Barrow Bridge and going in the Cigarette tunnel  Very Happy. Moss Bank Park is the best park in Bolton in my opinion, it has a bit of everything even though they closed the mini zoo which was a shame

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