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Brexit negotiations

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761Brexit negotiations - Page 39 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Thu May 10 2018, 17:44


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:
Sluffy wrote:
Travelodge wrote:The UK population currently stands at about 66 million.

In 1939 it was about 46 million.

And we couldn't grow enough food to feed everyone, hence rationing and recipes for Blackbird Pie and the like.

So yes, we will have to import more food.

And guess what......? It's going to be fucking expensive because (unlike the stuff we currently import from the EU) it will be subject to trade tariffs.

Remember the 3 quid loaf I predicted?

It's coming.....

Errr, there was a war on in 1939 and German submarines sinking ships all around us - I think you will find that was the reason rationing was introduced (in 1940 actually).

By the way did you enjoy following the match on Sunday like the rest of us did, or even come to say how brilliant Natasha's Behind Enemy Lines was, or is your infatuation with Nuts only to have a pop at me and keep telling us 'I told you so' over something that has not actually happened yet?

Don't bother replying, we already know the answer.

They forgot my Birthday Mr Lodge.
You have had far too many already. 

Don’t be greedy! Laughing

762Brexit negotiations - Page 39 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed May 23 2018, 22:28


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

763Brexit negotiations - Page 39 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Thu May 24 2018, 10:22


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

xmiles wrote:Is this what you voted for?
Nobody knows what they voted for but I want my £900 a year back.

764Brexit negotiations - Page 39 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Thu May 24 2018, 11:21


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I do get fed up with seeing Brexiteers moaning about we didn't vote for this and that. Now if memory serves then the ballot paper just said do we want to leave or stay - nothing else. People banging on about customs unions and the like when at the time of the referendum they didn't even know they existed.

765Brexit negotiations - Page 39 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Thu May 24 2018, 12:47


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:I do get fed up with seeing Brexiteers moaning about we didn't vote for this and that. Now if memory serves then the ballot paper just said do we want to leave or stay - nothing else. People banging on about customs unions and the like when at the time of the referendum they didn't even know they existed.
As discussed at the time, this is the problem with a single question referendum. The people didn't know what would be involved or how it would affect the UK so I find it a bit rich that the Government claims to "deliver what people voted for" when future trading, military, financing, taxation and policing arrangements, borders and multinationals weren't even explained or debated publicly. I guess the single question referendum gave them carte blanche to interpret "leaving the EU" in any way they choose.

766Brexit negotiations - Page 39 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed May 30 2018, 11:12


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

Sluffy wrote:
Travelodge wrote:The UK population currently stands at about 66 million.

In 1939 it was about 46 million.

And we couldn't grow enough food to feed everyone, hence rationing and recipes for Blackbird Pie and the like.

So yes, we will have to import more food.

And guess what......? It's going to be fucking expensive because (unlike the stuff we currently import from the EU) it will be subject to trade tariffs.

Remember the 3 quid loaf I predicted?

It's coming.....

Errr, there was a war on in 1939 and German submarines sinking ships all around us - I think you will find that was the reason rationing was introduced (in 1940 actually).

By the way did you enjoy following the match on Sunday like the rest of us did, or even come to say how brilliant Natasha's Behind Enemy Lines was, or is your continuing infatuation with Nuts only to have a pop at me and keep telling us 'I told you so' over something that has not actually happened yet?

Don't bother replying, we already know the answer.

Rationing continued up until July 1954, just under 9 years since end of World War Two, therefore it couldn't have been German submarines sinking ships during that time period, although that was part of the rationing between 1940 and 1945, but not the main reason for rationing.

And before you ask me, as well, I absolutely enjoyed reading Nats Behind Enemy Lines, always do, and not had much cause to enjoy such a read over the last season.  Plus what an end to the season - it shows that miracles can, and do happen.  Bring on next season, now that we can spend money on players, for a change (hopefully not too much, though)

767Brexit negotiations - Page 39 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed May 30 2018, 14:45


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Why are we still negotiating?

Should have walked away years ago.

768Brexit negotiations - Page 39 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed May 30 2018, 15:15


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Hipster_Nebula wrote:Why are we still negotiating?
Because a) promises that can't be kept were made so the Government are playing for time whilst they salvage what they can b) the Government are still trying to decide what the people actually voted for so they're not sure what their negotiating position is and c) as it becomes increasingly apparent that it's a massive f*** up, more and more people have changed their minds so they're casting about trying to find a mandate to agree to anything that will keep them in power.

But other than that it's all going swimmingly well.

769Brexit negotiations - Page 39 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed May 30 2018, 16:00



Hipster_Nebula wrote:Why are we still negotiating?

Should have walked away years ago.

Nobody in the cabinet actually wants to push for, and forever have their name associated with a position which is so risky.

Coming out with no deal would be incredibly difficult to make a success out of.

770Brexit negotiations - Page 39 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed May 30 2018, 18:43


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

We voted to leave the EU.

We not vote to stay in the EU for an extra two years.

Remainiacs keep banging on about the ballot paper are they not worried that a "two year implementation period" didn't appear on it?

771Brexit negotiations - Page 39 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed May 30 2018, 18:49


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

Just over a third of the electorate voted to leave the EU. The ballot paper had no reference to the terms on which we would leave.

772Brexit negotiations - Page 39 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed May 30 2018, 19:45



Hipster_Nebula wrote:We voted to leave the EU.

We not vote to stay in the EU for an extra two years.

Remainiacs keep banging on about the ballot paper are they not worried that a "two year implementation period" didn't appear on it?

What does leave the EU actually mean though because Brexiteers couldn’t define it during the campaign (and certainly haven’t since) a ‘Norway agreement’ was touted as an option for instance, but Farage said it wasn’t.

773Brexit negotiations - Page 39 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed May 30 2018, 19:55


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Sadly it's looking more and more like B R I N O!!

774Brexit negotiations - Page 39 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed May 30 2018, 19:58


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

Cajunboy wrote:Sadly it's looking more and more like B R I N O!!

Which will at least minimise the damage.

775Brexit negotiations - Page 39 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed May 30 2018, 20:25


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

xmiles wrote:Just over a third of the electorate voted to leave the EU. The ballot paper had no reference to the terms on which we would leave.

Leaving the EU means leaving it's instatutions. 

It was made clear by everyone during the campaign.

I think everyone accepts the main motivational factors for those voting leave were immigration, money and our laws. All of which we would relinquish control of back to the EU by remaining members of it and any of its instatutions.

It's quite simple really and those who bang on about the ballot paper and that bloody bus should at least be honest about their intent.

776Brexit negotiations - Page 39 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed May 30 2018, 20:28


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

T.R.O.Y wrote:
Hipster_Nebula wrote:We voted to leave the EU.

We not vote to stay in the EU for an extra two years.

Remainiacs keep banging on about the ballot paper are they not worried that a "two year implementation period" didn't appear on it?

What does leave the EU actually mean though because Brexiteers couldn’t define it during the campaign (and certainly haven’t since) a ‘Norway agreement’ was touted as an option for instance, but Farage said it wasn’t.

Well you wouldn't leave a golf club and keep paying your subs. Well I wouldn't anyway.

777Brexit negotiations - Page 39 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed May 30 2018, 20:42


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

Hipster_Nebula wrote:
xmiles wrote:Just over a third of the electorate voted to leave the EU. The ballot paper had no reference to the terms on which we would leave.

Leaving the EU means leaving it's instatutions. 

It was made clear by everyone during the campaign.

I think everyone accepts the main motivational factors for those voting leave were immigration, money and our laws. All of which we would relinquish control of back to the EU by remaining members of it and any of its instatutions.

It's quite simple really and those who bang on about the ballot paper and that bloody bus should at least be honest about their intent.

There was nothing about when we leave on the ballot paper. It was certainly not "made clear by everyone during the campaign".

I hardly think brexit fans are in a position to demand honesty from those who oppose them when most of their campaign was built on lies - the bus being a prime example.

778Brexit negotiations - Page 39 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed May 30 2018, 20:55


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

It was clear in the 100s of hours of television interviews with both sides of the debate, to me, that a leave vote would mean leaving the EU and it's instatutions.

How would we possibly control immigration, our money and our laws; the main tenants of the leave campaign if we didn't. 

Dishonesty during the campaign, of which there was a vast amount is quite irrelevant. 

Anyway we will never leave, it simply will not be allowed. Italy are also learning to their cost.

779Brexit negotiations - Page 39 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed May 30 2018, 23:33



But leaving all of the EU’s institutions wasn’t what was offered by Dan Hannan for instance, even Aaron Banks called for it in the lead up to the referendum.

And what about anyone who voted for £350 million more for the NHS?

This notion that Brexiteers knew exactly what they were voting for is flawed, in fact I think most of the voting was subjective.

780Brexit negotiations - Page 39 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Thu May 31 2018, 10:16


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

But as I said the main motivational factors of the leave campaign were immigration, money paid to the EU and control of our laws.

None of which can be retained by remaining members of the single market or customs union.

Whatever you think of the campaigns that is a fact.

The Hannan quotes are usually out of context most always said we would retain ACCESS to the single market. 

The nature of voting is always the same.

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