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Smart Meter

Natasha Whittam
Ten Bobsworth
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1Smart Meter Empty Smart Meter Sun Jun 13 2021, 11:10


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Anyone got one? We keep getting pestered by Octopus to have one installed, but I've heard conflicting opinions.
There are places to go on the web for info, but, unlike Bob, I consider you all to be bottomless wells of knowledge.
Or, in Nat's case, just bottomless.

2Smart Meter Empty Re: Smart Meter Sun Jun 13 2021, 11:13

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

boltonbonce wrote:Anyone got one? We keep getting pestered by Octopus to have one installed, but I've heard conflicting opinions.
There are places to go on the web for info, but, unlike Bob, I consider you all to be bottomless wells of knowledge.
Or, in Nat's case, just bottomless.
Beware of those Octopuses, Boncey. They've got eight testicles, you know.

3Smart Meter Empty Re: Smart Meter Sun Jun 13 2021, 13:14

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:Anyone got one? We keep getting pestered by Octopus to have one installed, but I've heard conflicting opinions.
There are places to go on the web for info, but, unlike Bob, I consider you all to be bottomless wells of knowledge.
Or, in Nat's case, just bottomless.

You massive tit. PM me your address so I can put your details out to every energy company in the country saying you're interested in a smart meter.

I don't have a smart meter even though I'm on EDF's cheapest smart meter tariff. 18 months in and they still haven't cottoned on.

4Smart Meter Empty Re: Smart Meter Sun Jun 13 2021, 13:19


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Ten Bobsworth wrote:
Beware of those Octopuses, Boncey. They've got eight testicles, you know.
I'm wary of them. Never trust a fish with a beak. I know they're not fishes, but they ponce about in the sea, and that's good enough for me. Say what you like about the Haddock, it at least has the decency to play fair.

5Smart Meter Empty Re: Smart Meter Sun Jun 13 2021, 13:20


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I don't have one either and I don't want one.

I'm quite happy to submit my monthly meter readings manually.

6Smart Meter Empty Re: Smart Meter Sun Jun 13 2021, 13:23


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:

You massive tit. PM me your address so I can put your details out to every energy company in the country saying you're interested in a smart meter.

I don't have a smart meter even though I'm on EDF's cheapest smart meter tariff. 18 months in and they still haven't cottoned on.
Never mind me, just put Bob in touch with Vince, and they can sort it out over a vegan roll.

7Smart Meter Empty Re: Smart Meter Sun Jun 13 2021, 13:24


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

karlypants wrote:I don't have one either and I don't want one.

I'm quite happy to submit my monthly meter readings manually.
That's my choice too. They're saying our meter is reaching the end of it's useful life.

That happened to me years ago, but I get by.

8Smart Meter Empty Re: Smart Meter Sun Jun 13 2021, 16:12

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

karlypants wrote:I don't have one either and I don't want one.

I'm quite happy to submit my monthly meter readings manually.
Me too, me neither and me too

9Smart Meter Empty Re: Smart Meter Sun Jun 13 2021, 20:48


Guðni Bergsson
Guðni Bergsson

I changed from British Gas to The Peoples .. something or other, and my smart meter, which was great and forgettable, is now a dumb meter, and reading the bloody meters every month is a pain in the arse.

10Smart Meter Empty Re: Smart Meter Sun Jun 13 2021, 20:52



We have one, not through choice it was here when we bought the place. It took a while for our energy provider (Bulb) to realise but since someone came round to check the meter they’ve known and our bills have been climbing ever since - partly because we’re home so much more now we do use more.

Anyway, I’d say avoid myself!

11Smart Meter Empty Re: Smart Meter Mon Jun 14 2021, 01:16


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

We had one at our old place which came with a plug in device that measured usage in real time and essentially told us off when the daily total exceeded the standing order i.e. the middle of winter.
Didn't thank us when we used f*** all in summer so I just unplugged it which ironically reduced our consumption.

12Smart Meter Empty Re: Smart Meter Mon Jun 14 2021, 15:23


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Don't get one Boncey, they are scary things that can look into your mind.

I don't have one and Avro Energy my current supplier are happy with monthly meter readings.

13Smart Meter Empty Re: Smart Meter Mon Jun 14 2021, 15:33


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Cajunboy wrote:Don't get one Boncey, they are scary things that can look into your mind.

I don't have one and Avro Energy my current supplier are happy with monthly meter readings.
Wouldn't be wise to look into my mind. Like you, I'll read my own meters for now.

14Smart Meter Empty Re: Smart Meter Mon Jun 14 2021, 16:11


Guðni Bergsson
Guðni Bergsson

Just as a matter of interest, is anyone aware of the fact that the companies are aware of exactly when you are in, or out, of the house, merely by seeing if your usage has gone up. Also, they are able to compile a lot of information about you and your habits? Very useful to them when they sell your information on.

15Smart Meter Empty Re: Smart Meter Tue Jun 15 2021, 01:45


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

gloswhite wrote:Just as a matter of interest, is anyone aware of the fact that the companies are aware of exactly when you are in, or out, of the house, merely by seeing if your usage has gone up. Also, they are able to compile a lot of information about you and your habits? Very useful to them when they sell your information on.
Or burgle your house.

16Smart Meter Empty Re: Smart Meter Wed Jun 16 2021, 23:50


David Ngog
David Ngog

Installing all these smart meters is going to cost millions and millions and millions.  They sure as fuck aren't spending all that for my benefit.

I am oot

17Smart Meter Empty Re: Smart Meter Thu Jun 17 2021, 07:10


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

barryk32 wrote:Installing all these smart meters is going to cost millions and millions and millions.  They sure as fuck aren't spending all that for my benefit.

I am oot
Welcome to Nuts Barry, and I'm with you. The problem for me is that the gas meter is under the sink, and when I get down there to read it, I have to take a packed lunch to tide me over while I'm trying to get back up again. Shocked

18Smart Meter Empty Re: Smart Meter Thu Jun 17 2021, 07:32


David Ngog
David Ngog

Just yesterday I looked at one of those things that puts your socks on for you. I feel your pain 😂

19Smart Meter Empty Re: Smart Meter Thu Jun 17 2021, 07:44


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

barryk32 wrote:Just yesterday I looked at one of those things that puts your socks on for you.  I feel your pain 😂
I'm not that bad yet, but a mate of mine has a stair lift, and there's hell to pay if he gets caught short.  They take an age to reach the top. 
I like Fred Astaire, but his brother, Stan, has a lot to answer for.

20Smart Meter Empty Re: Smart Meter Tue Jun 29 2021, 22:54


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I've been overruled. We're getting one. Like I care.

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