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Bring back the death penalty!

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1Bring back the death penalty! Empty Bring back the death penalty! Fri Dec 03 2021, 14:46


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

The story of the little 6 year old lad who was tortured, starved, poisoned and killed by his so-called Step Mum and Dad is absolutely heart breaking.

The pair of them have been given long jail sentences but i would be quite happy to see them put to death. Now that may sound a bit strong and i know many people will disagree with me but it just makes my blood boil what so called parents can do to their defenceless kids.

I'm man enough to admit i cried my eyes out when the baby P story came out and this makes me feel the same.

2Bring back the death penalty! Empty Re: Bring back the death penalty! Fri Dec 03 2021, 14:56


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

A real pair of cunts that deserve it. Didn't she have the guts to complain she was being bullied in prison recently with inmates throwing salt at her?

Just wait until they hear what she fully did. Hopefully she will get tortured with the boiling water and sugar consistency thrown in her face.

3Bring back the death penalty! Empty Re: Bring back the death penalty! Fri Dec 03 2021, 15:04


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

karlypants wrote:A real pair of cunts that deserve it. Didn't she have the guts to complain she was being bullied in prison recently with inmates throwing salt at her?

Just wait until they hear what she fully did. Hopefully she will get tortured with the boiling water and sugar consistency thrown in her face.
Their lives will hopefully be a total misery in prison with daily beatings with any luck.

It would be a tight call between that and being put to death but i would still prefer the latter to be honest.

4Bring back the death penalty! Empty Re: Bring back the death penalty! Fri Dec 03 2021, 16:02

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

When I read this story I thought if ever there was a poster boy & girl for the death penalty, these two twats were it.

What also angered me was the fact Tustin refused to enter the courtroom to hear her sentence and the victim impact statement. If she was in America she'd have been dragged into court and tied to a chair. Just as it should be.

We are way too soft on violent crime in this country. I just don't understand people who say the death penalty isn't the answer. Of course it's the bloody answer as it's the only way to stop people doing the same shit again.

5Bring back the death penalty! Empty Re: Bring back the death penalty! Fri Dec 03 2021, 17:25



I've never really understood why it is deemed the right and proper thing to do to imprison someone who is clearly and unquestionably guilty beyond any doubt, for the rest of their life at the tax payers expense.

These people are never ever going to be allowed back into society so why not they suffer the consequences of their actions immediately following when they are sentenced?

What good did it do anyone keeping someone like Peter Sutcliffe in prison for the best part of 40 years?

What did the achieve other than a massive cost to the public purse?

Vengeance is mine says the Lord but in the same book it also says those that live by the sword, die by the sword and also, an eye for an eye etc.

Wayne Couzens is another one who will never be let out.

Personally I think the loved ones of those who have been harmed or killed should have a say in the punishment of these people and that should include the option of the death penalty.

I certainly could never forgive anyone who harmed my child.

6Bring back the death penalty! Empty Re: Bring back the death penalty! Fri Dec 03 2021, 17:57


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Sadly,the thought of actually punishing people for what they’ve done takes a back seat to the insane belief that they can be rehabilitated. It’s not though, just scum like this who should suffer stiffer penalties but as long as the law is stacked so heavily in favour of the criminal, nothing will change and in fact will worsen. We’ll intentioned laws such as the Human Rights Act were originally created to fight atrocities, mainly in third world countries or where democracy didn’t exist but sadly it’s been completely misused by clever lawyers and activist groups to make “punishment” harder. 

It makes my blood boil when I watch the snearing faces of criminals being interviewed by the police constantly using the “no comment” option. In years gone by, rightly or wrongly, the police would have extracted the answers from these people. Now there’s no respect for the law and our police have to suffer abuse and violence from the scumbags they have to encounter. And it isn’t just the police, it’s health workers, firemen and other people who have to attend to these low lives. WE should all hang our heads in shame because WE have allowed this to happen.

7Bring back the death penalty! Empty Re: Bring back the death penalty! Tue Oct 03 2023, 11:28

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

This bloke is another poster boy for the death penalty.

He may not have killed anyone but to sink to those depths over a football match is incomprehensible. We shouldn't be letting people like this walk free in society, but no doubt some judge will give him nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

A firing squad would be my preferred punishment.

8Bring back the death penalty! Empty Re: Bring back the death penalty! Tue Oct 03 2023, 12:14


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:This bloke is another poster boy for the death penalty.

He may not have killed anyone but to sink to those depths over a football match is incomprehensible. We shouldn't be letting people like this walk free in society, but no doubt some judge will give him nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

A firing squad would be my preferred punishment.
Saw this over the weekend and he is just scum. He probably will just get a slap on the wrists but he has been sacked from his job i believe, so that's a start.

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