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21VinceUlike - Page 2 Empty Re: VinceUlike Thu Dec 29 2022, 09:28


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Ten Bobsworth wrote:

Thanks Boncey. I know the hotel well. One day I was sitting in its lobby waiting for Lady Bobsworth to join me when who should walk through the front door but Phil Gartside. I recognised him instantly and he me but I think he was trying to place the face.

It was only the year before that that he'd invited me to pre-match lunch with him in what is now called the Eddie Davies Suite in recognition of the near £200m Eddie spent on the club.

We had a long chat. I'll leave it at that.

That hotel was still causing controversy even after the big man's death.

22VinceUlike - Page 2 Empty Re: VinceUlike Thu Dec 29 2022, 09:40

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

boltonbonce wrote:

That hotel was still causing controversy even after the big man's death.

I can well believe it Boncey but the Mount Murray was a nice hotel with a leisure complex and excellent golf course. Its back open now. I've been thinking of paying it a visit again.

23VinceUlike - Page 2 Empty Re: VinceUlike Thu Dec 29 2022, 09:45


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Ten Bobsworth wrote:

I can well believe it Boncey but the Mount Murray was a nice hotel with a leisure complex and excellent golf course. Its back open now. I've been thinking of paying it a visit again.
It's very nice. Bad fire though, all caused by a blowtorch.

24VinceUlike - Page 2 Empty Re: VinceUlike Thu Dec 29 2022, 09:56

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

boltonbonce wrote:
It's very nice. Bad fire though, all caused by a blowtorch.

Interesting that Boncey. Many thanks.

I'll get back to Vince in due course. There's quite a lot to go at but there's no rush.

25VinceUlike - Page 2 Empty Re: VinceUlike Sat Dec 31 2022, 09:49

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Vanity, thy name is Vince

Here's the complete ensemble. Black and white camouflage jumpsuit teamed with black fingerless gloves, matching nail varnish and diamond ring. Don't forget the diamond ring, ar Dale's an ideas man.

Last edited by Ten Bobsworth on Sat Feb 04 2023, 13:11; edited 6 times in total

26VinceUlike - Page 2 Empty Re: VinceUlike Sat Dec 31 2022, 12:20


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I should have been there. I'm something of a fashion icon myself.
Sadly, I had to attend another police lineup, and these things take up a lot of time.

27VinceUlike - Page 2 Empty Re: VinceUlike Sat Dec 31 2022, 12:45

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

boltonbonce wrote:I should have been there. I'm something of a fashion icon myself.
Sadly, I had to attend another police lineup, and these things take up a lot of time.

Are you quite sure that isn't you on the left of the picture, Boncey?

The one with purple hair, glasses and discreetly carrying a bomb in a red handbag.

28VinceUlike - Page 2 Empty Re: VinceUlike Sat Dec 31 2022, 13:07


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I see Rashford has been dropped for 'internal disciplinary' reasons.

29VinceUlike - Page 2 Empty Re: VinceUlike Sat Dec 31 2022, 14:12

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

boltonbonce wrote:I see Rashford has been dropped for 'internal disciplinary' reasons.

Tbf Saint Marcus isn't sixty and gets paid a fortune for dressing up like a narcissistic narcissist.

30VinceUlike - Page 2 Empty Re: VinceUlike Sat Dec 31 2022, 14:20

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Anyroad back to Cousin Vinny. Don't you think he's standing a bit too close to the woman in the fur coat and looking a bit too intently into her eyes?

Does Rapunzel/Karen/Kate ever get a night out?

31VinceUlike - Page 2 Empty Re: VinceUlike Sat Jan 07 2023, 10:52

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

According to his latest tweet, Prince Vince has been helping SkyNews shine a bright bright light into the ‘murky arena’ of election funding.

Maybe they think he might know summat about it. While they are at it, SKY could try taking a look into the ‘murky arena’ of Egotricity funding but I wouldn’t put money on it.

32VinceUlike - Page 2 Empty Re: VinceUlike Tue Jan 10 2023, 15:49

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Vinny ain’t happy. He must have thought SKY would ignore his political dealings. They haven’t. 

They don’t seem to have figured out whose money he was spending but you can’t expect everything, can you?

There’s been a helluva lot of viewings on Robinsnest recently. Far more than are likely from the usual nesters.

33VinceUlike - Page 2 Empty Re: VinceUlike Sat Jan 21 2023, 11:40

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

I'm indebted to ctfc-fan on robinsnestforum for drawing my attention to this:

Not the first time the brazen Vince has masqueraded as the public spirited taxpayer he isn't. This is him talking to the Evening Standard a few years ago whilst he was raking £millions out of Ecotricity in interest-free loans which would soon disappear in a puff of smoke and which, of course, he didn't mention:

“I am not driven by the creation of wealth. We need more of a social-enterprise approach to business. It shouldn’t just be about making money which leads you to a short-term horizon.” All company profits go into funding the building of new sources of green energy, a Bills into (wind) Mills model. He doesn’t know the starting salary at his company but Vince earns £120,000 a year, taxed and deposited at Barclays (he makes an apologetic face, saying there are no green banks). “Tax is important — it’s how we run the country. It is wrong that companies like Starbucks and Amazon avoid tax. I don’t think our government should let it happen — it has abdicated control in that respect. There are people who can’t feed their families and that is happening off the back of tax breaks and avoidance by big companies and the rich. Ed Miliband will stop that.

Profits? What profits? ... 84297.html

34VinceUlike - Page 2 Empty Re: VinceUlike Thu Feb 02 2023, 13:48

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

OK, I confess. You may know that I've been on Robinsnest recently trying to educate the locals about Cousin Vinny. The Vinceophiles didn't like it, got abusive and started a campaign to get me stopped. One of the mods closed the thread down on Christmas Eve but it kept getting loads of views.

Undeterred, I got onto another thread about FGR and the Vinceophiles kicked off again. So, as you do, I wrote a little poem about them. The shortened version read:

If you like your fruitcake
You needn't go far
Theres's prize-winning fruitcake
In Cheltenham Spa

They didn't really like it much or my references to 24-carat TWERPS but the TWERPS are like the poor, they will always be with us.

35VinceUlike - Page 2 Empty Re: VinceUlike Sat Feb 04 2023, 09:10


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

36VinceUlike - Page 2 Empty Re: VinceUlike Sat Feb 04 2023, 11:02

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Thanks BTID. Maguire doesn’t seem to have mentioned that FGR derives over £2million p.a of its income by making charges to other companies in the Ecotricity group and it’s that that makes losses look like profits.

For years, Vince has been telling customers and would-be customers that the bills they pay fund more windmills. The owner of Fleetwood is going on trial soon for allegedly telling customers and would-be customers things that aren’t true.

37VinceUlike - Page 2 Empty Re: VinceUlike Sat Feb 04 2023, 12:06

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Changed accountants AGAIN, I see. It’s usually a good idea to keep a close eye on folks who keep changing accountants. 

I wonder if HMRC have had a good look at the value placed on the Electric Highway Company and the value at which 49% of the shares were transferred into the personal name of you know who. A bit of a game changer that for Monsieur Vince.

38VinceUlike - Page 2 Empty Re: VinceUlike Sat Feb 04 2023, 14:26



This is a test to see if I can fully  open a tweet on this part of the forum because for some reason I don't seem to do so on the Bolton Banter part of the forum - in so much as I can't see the tweet 'fully' opened?

39VinceUlike - Page 2 Empty Re: VinceUlike Wed Feb 15 2023, 10:48

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

One point from 4 games for Big Dunc at FGR. Maybe Vince should have gone for Big Sam.

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