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Could You Eat Your Pet?

Reebok Trotter
Mr Magoo
Banks of the Croal
Angry Dad
Soul Kitchen
14 posters

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1Could You Eat Your Pet? Empty Could You Eat Your Pet? Sun Nov 03 2013, 21:53

Soul Kitchen

Soul Kitchen
Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

I heard a tale on Radio 5 this morning were this guy had gone out into the Canadian outback with his Alsatian dog. During this time whilst he was on his adventure he stumbled upon a bear which had obviously put him on the menu for lunch. Apparently his dog had a bit of a set to with the bear which culminated in the bear doing a runner and thus the dog probably saving his life.
Unperturbed the guy carried on with his travels but encountered difficulties and ran out of food. Apparently after finishing off the Winalot he was left with no alternative but to dine on his dog. All this info came to light when he was stumbled upon by a couple of rangers, the guy was quite worse for wear apparently and how much and what parts he ate weren't mentioned, but the situation must have been pretty extreme.
The question is could any of you fellow posters eat your pet(s) in desperation, and I'm not talking about a goose on the table for Christmas?

2Could You Eat Your Pet? Empty Re: Could You Eat Your Pet? Sun Nov 03 2013, 22:04


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

If everyone resists a feline related innuendo, it will be a miracle.

It's a no by the way.

3Could You Eat Your Pet? Empty Re: Could You Eat Your Pet? Sun Nov 03 2013, 22:14

Soul Kitchen

Soul Kitchen
Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

Yes I know what you mean but I felt I had to share the story.
Many years ago when I was at college this particular lecturer was a gentleman farmer in his spare time and a lot of the animals he had were treated as pets, however this guy couldn't understand why his kids wouldn't eat the goose that had been served up for Christmas dinner,hence the latter part of my post.

4Could You Eat Your Pet? Empty Re: Could You Eat Your Pet? Sun Nov 03 2013, 22:32


Guðni Bergsson
Guðni Bergsson

When it comes to a genuine him or me, then its me. However, I cant see a goldfish extending my life by too much.

5Could You Eat Your Pet? Empty Re: Could You Eat Your Pet? Sun Nov 03 2013, 22:41

Angry Dad

Angry Dad
Youri Djorkaeff
Youri Djorkaeff

I'd rather eat shit .

6Could You Eat Your Pet? Empty Re: Could You Eat Your Pet? Sun Nov 03 2013, 22:55

Banks of the Croal

Banks of the Croal
Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Not got a pet nowadays, but no, unless I had all the proper gear to do it.

Not eating owt that's not been properly prepared and cooked reet.

7Could You Eat Your Pet? Empty Re: Could You Eat Your Pet? Sun Nov 03 2013, 22:57

Mr Magoo

Mr Magoo
Youri Djorkaeff
Youri Djorkaeff

If I was starving, then yes I would kill the poor fuckers.

8Could You Eat Your Pet? Empty Re: Could You Eat Your Pet? Mon Nov 04 2013, 05:35


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Ever seen the film alive, of course you'd eat your pet if you were starving.

It might taste nice too.

9Could You Eat Your Pet? Empty Re: Could You Eat Your Pet? Mon Nov 04 2013, 12:25



No chance.

Just couldn't do it, no matter how hungry I got.

I'd have to eat my own toe-nail clippings and hair to survive.

10Could You Eat Your Pet? Empty Re: Could You Eat Your Pet? Mon Nov 04 2013, 12:32


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I'm a veggie,but I could eat my dog. It's a collie.

11Could You Eat Your Pet? Empty Re: Could You Eat Your Pet? Mon Nov 04 2013, 12:52

Reebok Trotter

Reebok Trotter
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:I'm a veggie,but I could eat my dog. It's a collie.

Didn't Freddy Starr eat his hamster?

12Could You Eat Your Pet? Empty Re: Could You Eat Your Pet? Mon Nov 04 2013, 15:03


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Of course I would.

Probably a lot tastier than ADs preferred diet too.

13Could You Eat Your Pet? Empty Re: Could You Eat Your Pet? Mon Nov 04 2013, 17:29


Guðni Bergsson
Guðni Bergsson

Reebok Trotter wrote:
boltonbonce wrote:I'm a veggie,but I could eat my dog. It's a collie.

Didn't Freddy Starr eat his hamster?
Strange, a collie having a hamster as a toy  Very Happy

14Could You Eat Your Pet? Empty Re: Could You Eat Your Pet? Mon Nov 04 2013, 18:27



I had a pet chicken, once. I'm told she tasted great with rice and peas, but I was too busy crying to eat. I was 5 or 6 at the time.

15Could You Eat Your Pet? Empty Re: Could You Eat Your Pet? Mon Nov 04 2013, 18:38


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Not in a million years- but I bet the little sod would eat me.

16Could You Eat Your Pet? Empty Re: Could You Eat Your Pet? Tue Nov 05 2013, 02:01

Bolton Nuts


I know you don't like the idea some of Tom but im sorry. There is no way you would not do it if desperate. Your cosy little mind set would not be the same after a week without any food. Your will to survive would take over from your moral code. Fact. Itk.

17Could You Eat Your Pet? Empty Re: Could You Eat Your Pet? Tue Nov 05 2013, 05:16

Angry Dad

Angry Dad
Youri Djorkaeff
Youri Djorkaeff

I would work with the dog and kill the fucking bear and there's plenty of fish in the outback and other animals the dog would be invaluable as a companion as he already proved what a dirty and stupid dumb fuck this guy was.

18Could You Eat Your Pet? Empty Re: Could You Eat Your Pet? Tue Nov 05 2013, 10:37


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

I would rather eat my Mrs than my dog, there's a lot more meat on her.

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