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What's your favorite exercise?

Reebok Trotter
9 posters

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1What's your favorite exercise? Empty What's your favorite exercise? Fri Mar 07 2014, 17:12


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Running, Swimming, Weight training, Cycling, walking or circuit training?

What do you do to keep fit, at the moment i am doing an insanity workout and do six hours cycling a week, the insanity is great for abs, but I love nice weather, when you can just go out running, its great for thinking.

What do you like best?

2What's your favorite exercise? Empty Re: What's your favorite exercise? Fri Mar 07 2014, 17:22


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I walk 15 miles+ a day,and have done for the past 30 years. It's great exercise for mind and body. Follow it with a hot bath and you're ready for anything.

3What's your favorite exercise? Empty Re: What's your favorite exercise? Fri Mar 07 2014, 17:30

Reebok Trotter

Reebok Trotter
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I run twice around the block every morning.....and then I put the block back under my bed. Other than that I play a lot of pocket billiards.

4What's your favorite exercise? Empty Re: What's your favorite exercise? Fri Mar 07 2014, 17:35


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Reebok Trotter wrote:I run twice around the block every morning.....and then I put the block back under my bed. Other than that I play a lot of pocket billiards.
What's your favorite exercise? Giggle

5What's your favorite exercise? Empty Re: What's your favorite exercise? Fri Mar 07 2014, 18:05


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Shagging is excellent exercise. Gets the blood pumping, raises the heart rate and loads the brain with happy hormones that have a therapeutic effect.
Plus it keeps the missus happy for a few hours so helps to reduce stress.
Thoroughly recommend it.

6What's your favorite exercise? Empty Re: What's your favorite exercise? Fri Mar 07 2014, 18:08


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:I walk 15 miles+ a day,and have done for the past 30 years. It's great exercise for mind and body. Follow it with a hot bath and you're ready for anything.
Do you dress like your avatar when you do it? Very Happy

7What's your favorite exercise? Empty Re: What's your favorite exercise? Fri Mar 07 2014, 18:08


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Reebok Trotter wrote:I run twice around the block every morning.....and then I put the block back under my bed. Other than that I play a lot of pocket billiards.

8What's your favorite exercise? Empty Re: What's your favorite exercise? Fri Mar 07 2014, 18:08


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

wanderlust wrote:Shagging is excellent exercise. Gets the blood pumping, raises the heart rate and loads the brain with happy hormones that have a therapeutic effect.
Plus it keeps the missus happy for a few hours so helps to reduce stress.
Thoroughly recommend it.
That's great but normal folk do that too, its not a substitute for exercise.

9What's your favorite exercise? Empty Re: What's your favorite exercise? Fri Mar 07 2014, 18:16


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

karlypants wrote:
boltonbonce wrote:I walk 15 miles+ a day,and have done for the past 30 years. It's great exercise for mind and body. Follow it with a hot bath and you're ready for anything.
Do you dress like your avatar when you do it? Very Happy
No. It's not worth the hassle from the cops.

10What's your favorite exercise? Empty Re: What's your favorite exercise? Fri Mar 07 2014, 18:25


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

scottjames30 wrote:
wanderlust wrote:Shagging is excellent exercise. Gets the blood pumping, raises the heart rate and loads the brain with happy hormones that have a therapeutic effect.
Plus it keeps the missus happy for a few hours so helps to reduce stress.
Thoroughly recommend it.
That's great but normal folk do that too, its not a substitute for exercise.

And not so normal folk.
But shagging is fantastic exercise - check out the calorie burn calculator:

11What's your favorite exercise? Empty Re: What's your favorite exercise? Fri Mar 07 2014, 18:26


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

wanderlust wrote:
scottjames30 wrote:
wanderlust wrote:Shagging is excellent exercise. Gets the blood pumping, raises the heart rate and loads the brain with happy hormones that have a therapeutic effect.
Plus it keeps the missus happy for a few hours so helps to reduce stress.
Thoroughly recommend it.
That's great but normal folk do that too, its not a substitute for exercise.

And not so normal folk.
But shagging is fantastic exercise - check out the calorie burn calculator:
Having a few stress wanks at your desk during the day usually helps as well.

Not only will you have a popeye arm, you will also be a little less stressed and also be a few calories lighter!

Win-win all round!

12What's your favorite exercise? Empty Re: What's your favorite exercise? Sat Mar 08 2014, 00:41

Angry Dad

Angry Dad
Youri Djorkaeff
Youri Djorkaeff

Reebok Trotter wrote:I run twice around the block every morning.....and then I put the block back under my bed. Other than that I play a lot of pocket billiards.

13What's your favorite exercise? Empty Re: What's your favorite exercise? Sat Mar 08 2014, 00:47

Angry Dad

Angry Dad
Youri Djorkaeff
Youri Djorkaeff

Early morning running, one hundred press ups with a woman on my back , they love it, 30 mins on the heavy bag, 10 mins head butting a wooden block and 30 lengths in the pool.

14What's your favorite exercise? Empty Re: What's your favorite exercise? Sat Mar 08 2014, 01:03

Banks of the Croal

Banks of the Croal
Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Upto about 40 years ago I used to 

Run 9 miles a day.
Swim 2 miles a day
Walk 20 miles a day

Thing was, I was never at home, for my tea.
So  my mam made me pack it in Very Happy

15What's your favorite exercise? Empty Re: What's your favorite exercise? Sat Mar 08 2014, 09:08


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

I used to do a lot of bodybuilding in my 20's and I loved it, unfortunately, I knackered my rotator cuff tendon in my shoulder and I had to give the sport up.

Nowadays, I'm more into cardiovascular stuff, like cycling and even the stepper is a great workout, I also walk loads every day with the dog and in an hour or so, I'll be walking the dog in the fields it's around a 5 mile walk.

16What's your favorite exercise? Empty Re: What's your favorite exercise? Sat Mar 15 2014, 06:09


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I've been doing some serious training, really pushing myself, absolutely aching each morning until I get going again, going on a beast of a run now, going listening to some classical music on the way round.

Does pain and fatigue make you want to keep going?

17What's your favorite exercise? Empty Re: What's your favorite exercise? Sat Mar 15 2014, 07:51


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Still push myself even now and really enjoy it.Got to have some music though.

18What's your favorite exercise? Empty Re: What's your favorite exercise? Sat Mar 15 2014, 10:40


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I just go to the gym to keep fit.

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