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Where's GOD now?

Natasha Whittam
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21Where's GOD now? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where's GOD now? Mon Mar 23 2020, 09:05


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

wanderlust wrote:
xmiles wrote:
wanderlust wrote:
xmiles wrote:
wanderlust wrote:
xmiles wrote:
Natasha Whittam wrote:
Sluffy wrote:There's no such thing as God.

Prove it.

Prove God exists.
The universe exists ergo something was created from nothing.
All change requires a catalyst ergo there was/is a creator i.e "God" or whatever you want to call the force that created something from nothing as it is logically impossible for somethingness to have always existed without it having being created in the first place.

Will that do for starters?

So who created God?
The Creator.
The whole concept of God is the one and only eternal force.

That is just circular reasoning and proves nothing. All you are saying is God created God.
I'm not saying that. I'm saying that the religious concept of God is the concept of an eternal force i.e. one that was never created but has simply been in existence for eternity.
That doesn't necessarily imply a physical manifestation and certainly not an elderly anglo-saxon bloke with a white beard wearing a hospital coat sitting on a cloud - more like potential energy in a matterless environment (although that isn't really possible in our known dimension)

Folk have discussed this for millenia without reaching a definitive conclusion either way so it goes back to what I wrote in the first place i.e. if you believe God exists then God exists for you and if you don't, God doesn't exist for you.
Personally I'm keeping an open mind about it basically because we are just fancy monkeys living on a tiny rock with next to no understanding of the complexities of our own dimensional space let alone those we haven't even discovered yet.

What I don't believe is that "God" has a conscious state and watches/judges/determines human behaviour on an ongoing basis - that concept is merely a tool of religion which is something developed by humans to pacify humans in our struggle to come to terms with the unknown IMO - although it's just as possible as every other unknown.

Lennon was wrong because religion does exist and God exists for those who believe in God because it is their reality.

OK. That clarifies things and I don't disagree. Smile

22Where's GOD now? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where's GOD now? Mon Mar 23 2020, 13:23


Guðni Bergsson
Guðni Bergsson

Whatever the case, lets hope that none of us find out before our time, (or is that part of of God's plan)?

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