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The climate

Natasha Whittam
Angry Dad
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61The climate - Page 4 Empty Re: The climate Fri Apr 03 2020, 16:08

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:It's rather telling that the earth has been starting to heal since we got out of the way.

Yes, thankfully slipper production is right down.

62The climate - Page 4 Empty Re: The climate Fri Apr 03 2020, 16:25


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:
boltonbonce wrote:It's rather telling that the earth has been starting to heal since we got out of the way.

Yes, thankfully slipper production is right down.
I've been preparing for years. I won't go short.

63The climate - Page 4 Empty Re: The climate Fri May 28 2021, 01:42


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

The UN has issued a climate change warning following the recent WNO report which says there's a 40% chance we'll hit the lower 1.5 degree increase in just 5 years despite global efforts to cut carbon emissions i.e.the world is heating up faster than anticipated.

At that level the impact on the UK will be massive - stormier, rainier winters with extensive flooding and very, very hot summers and that will worsen year on year.

64The climate - Page 4 Empty Re: The climate Fri Jul 15 2022, 10:54


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

The weather on Monday and Tuesday will be a 'threat to life' according to the news this morning.

Are we going over the top, or is this just what we used to call Summer?

65The climate - Page 4 Empty Re: The climate Fri Jul 15 2022, 11:18

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:The weather on Monday and Tuesday will be a 'threat to life' according to the news this morning.

Are we going over the top, or is this just what we used to call Summer?

Definitely going over the top. If you were in Spain or Portugal you'd be disappointed if the temperature wasn't in the 30s.

I'm glad the BBC keep telling me to drink water, I wouldn't have known that otherwise.

66The climate - Page 4 Empty Re: The climate Fri Jul 15 2022, 11:20


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:

Definitely going over the top. If you were in Spain or Portugal you'd be disappointed if the temperature wasn't in the 30s.

I'm glad the BBC keep telling me to drink water, I wouldn't have known that otherwise.
Indeed. I was reading the instructions on a bottle of medicine yesterday, and the first one was 'unscrew cap'.

No shit.

67The climate - Page 4 Empty Re: The climate Fri Jul 15 2022, 11:41

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:Indeed. I was reading the instructions on a bottle of medicine yesterday, and the first one was 'unscrew cap'.

No shit.

Who did you get to do it for you?

68The climate - Page 4 Empty Re: The climate Fri Jul 15 2022, 11:46


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:

Who did you get to do it for you?
Norpig. He's got a strong grip.

69The climate - Page 4 Empty Re: The climate Fri Jul 15 2022, 13:04


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:

Definitely going over the top. If you were in Spain or Portugal you'd be disappointed if the temperature wasn't in the 30s.
True but you'd be a bit miffed if it was 47 degrees with wildfires burning down your house.

The climate - Page 4 60302507-11016869-image-a-6_1657881634482

70The climate - Page 4 Empty Re: The climate Fri Jul 15 2022, 13:51


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I reckon it's already too late with regard to the climate. We're all doomed.

71The climate - Page 4 Empty Re: The climate Fri Jul 15 2022, 14:05


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

It must be warm next week, my sons school have said they don't have to wear their blazers  Very Happy

72The climate - Page 4 Empty Re: The climate Fri Jul 15 2022, 14:31


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Very Happy

73The climate - Page 4 Empty Re: The climate Fri Jul 15 2022, 15:53


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

National Emergency declared. Blimey.

74The climate - Page 4 Empty Re: The climate Fri Jul 15 2022, 19:07


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Just more scare mongering I’m afraid. I think the fact that despite all the reductions in emissions achieved so far, it’s pretty clear that it isn’t going to affect nature one iota. More proof if it were needed that we need to scrap the stupid net zero targets and get real. WE CAN’T CONTROL THE CLIMATE,  accept it and face up to it and stop imposing stupid and expensive measures on people who can’t afford it.

75The climate - Page 4 Empty Re: The climate Fri Jul 15 2022, 20:21


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:Just more scare mongering I’m afraid. I think the fact that despite all the reductions in emissions achieved so far, it’s pretty clear that it isn’t going to affect nature one iota. More proof if it were needed that we need to scrap the stupid net zero targets and get real. WE CAN’T CONTROL THE CLIMATE,  accept it and face up to it and stop imposing stupid and expensive measures on people who can’t afford it.The climate - Page 4 360_F_133982897_pbU7DlrIyDTubf0eiyt3ANvDWTbR4fIj

76The climate - Page 4 Empty Re: The climate Fri Jul 15 2022, 22:00


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

WTF are those old style socks about Bonce?

Do they not have enough elastic in them to stay up?

77The climate - Page 4 Empty Re: The climate Fri Jul 15 2022, 22:03


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

karlypants wrote:WTF are those old style socks about Bonce?

Do they not have enough elastic in them to stay up?
All men wore garters in days of yore, KP. Mine just hang round my ankles now.

Much like Nat's Knickers.

78The climate - Page 4 Empty Re: The climate Fri Jul 15 2022, 22:17


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:
karlypants wrote:WTF are those old style socks about Bonce?

Do they not have enough elastic in them to stay up?
All men wore garters in days of yore, KP. Mine just hang round my ankles now.

Much like Nat's Knickers.

79The climate - Page 4 Empty Re: The climate Sun Aug 07 2022, 14:26


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

boltonbonce wrote:
Not sure who you’re indicating are the blind here Bonce?

You won’t hear it from the BBC, Sky or the climate nut jobs but having claimed just 5 years ago that the Great Barrier Reef had been destroyed beyond repair, according to the Australian sea and Ocean scientists, the coral has now recovered to the highest level it’s been since records began and oh yes the ozone layer is quickly recovering all on its own. Isn’t nature wonderful? It’s going to be hot and sunny again later this week, but then it is summer. 😎

80The climate - Page 4 Empty Re: The climate Sun Aug 07 2022, 16:20



The Australian Government reported in May this year that 91% of the Barrier Reef was subjected to 'bleaching' (otherwise known as dying!).

‘Devastating’: 91% of reefs surveyed on Great Barrier Reef affected by coral bleaching in 2022

Sluffy wrote:I know I'm talking to a brick wall with some on here but you really need to STOP  believing what you read on social media just because it fits in with what you WANT TO BELIEVE is happening!!!

That is known as Confirmation bias.

I've posted this video up before - clearly a few haven't bothered to watch it - but if you do this time you WILL find out how to avoid believing all the utter guff you clearly have been doing up to now...

To conclude and put it bluntly there are a few on here (and probably millions out there) who are being fed left wing propaganda to believe - and you are!

Of course there are plenty out there who believe right wing propaganda too.

That's how the world is today.

You need to research who is telling you these things and check for yourselves that they are telling the truth in what they say before you believe anything.

Obviously many can't be arsed and rather believe the lies, misinformation and hatred instead.

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