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Bury expelled from EFL

Ten Bobsworth
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41Bury expelled from EFL - Page 3 Empty Re: Bury expelled from EFL Mon Nov 02 2020, 21:02


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

They still exist as far as I know, tried to gain entry to a league and was denied.  So think they were looking at start of next season.  Also another bury team was set up with are competing right at the lowest level

42Bury expelled from EFL - Page 3 Empty Re: Bury expelled from EFL Mon Nov 02 2020, 21:05

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Thanks for the info.

43Bury expelled from EFL - Page 3 Empty Re: Bury expelled from EFL Mon Nov 02 2020, 21:39


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

There is a phoenix club which has just started playing way down the leagues in the North West Counties League

44Bury expelled from EFL - Page 3 Empty Re: Bury expelled from EFL Mon Nov 02 2020, 22:29

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I may start supporting them as Bolton & Chorley are both pants.

45Bury expelled from EFL - Page 3 Empty Re: Bury expelled from EFL Thu Dec 23 2021, 15:26


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

A possible way back for Bury? It does mention an all-weather pitch but that wouldn't be allowed by the EFL would it? They would still end up a non-league team i presume?

46Bury expelled from EFL - Page 3 Empty Re: Bury expelled from EFL Thu Dec 23 2021, 16:01


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

They're in the same league as Daisy Hill FFS so don't expect too much Smile

47Bury expelled from EFL - Page 3 Empty Re: Bury expelled from EFL Thu Dec 23 2021, 17:08



wanderlust wrote:They're in the same league as Daisy Hill FFS so don't expect too much Smile

No they are not.

There are two Bury's, the one in name only Bury FC and a fan led Phoenix club called Bury AFC which is probably the one you are talking about.

Bury FC isn't in any league and even if they were able to reform in some way they would probably have to start somewhere near the bottom with the likes of Daisy Hill etc.

So your point would probably still stand.

48Bury expelled from EFL - Page 3 Empty Re: Bury expelled from EFL Tue May 10 2022, 22:35



I can't say I've been too bothered about following the developments of Bury but their ST seems to have been somewhat active and has just come up with a (non enforceable) Memorandum of Understanding amongst all the key groups involved.

Just to remind you Bury couldn't pay its bills and the EFL withdrew its 'golden share' which meant Bury could no longer play in the EFL pyramid.

The owner eventually business into Administration who held the ground as an asset for sale, Gigg Lane and this led to a split amongst the fans, with one group wanting to form a phoenix club - which they did Bury AFC (and whom have just got promoted from the division they were in) and the hardcore Bury fans who didn't recognise any other club than Bury itself - who had no team was was unable to compete!

It seems the government has splashed out £1m of our taxpayers money to the Bury ST in order for them to buy Gigg Lane (I'm sure Bob will share the same view as mine as to what an absolute waste of our money for no apparent benefit apart to perhaps buy a few votes for them at the time of the next elections!) and this MoU is intended to bring everybody together!

It's rather a lengthy document so I won't post it out in full...

...but I will post out a reply to it from someone clearly in the Bury AFC camp!

Mark Jackson
May 10, 2022

This memorandum of understanding is a clear example of nudge theory in action – influencing people to make the right choice (a ‘merger’ and return to GL) whilst appearing not to coerce or restrict choice.
Thus we have reference to “signed to progress football in Bury”, a statement designed to position anyone who doesn’t agree with the proposed choices as being resistant to progress. We have reference to Bury Football Club in the Est grouping, designed to fool people into believing they have saved FC. We have the daddy nudge “we are looking to combine and unite a number of organisations under one banner, however that might be achieved”, designed to position as divisive those not favouring a faux ‘unity’ and a takeover of AFC badged as a merger. Finally we have the illusion of choice, through reference to member votes, to be held (naturally) at a time when those doing the nudging are confident they can win the day.
So who is doing the nudging? It’s clearly not AFC, as this is not our style. I strongly suspect AFC has been left with no choice but to go along with this, under extreme pressure from the political stakeholders who appear to have aligned themselves behind Est / SS.
The direction of travel and desired outcomes laid out in the memorandum presage the end of the AFC model and its many attributes. A structure with fans in total control, and which deters predators. Exemplary fan involvement and engagement. Proactive community engagement. Openness and transparency. Financial sustainability and sound governance. A demonstrably skilled, capable leadership. A club by the fans, for the fans and the wider community.
Stand by now for more nudging. Including reference to the downsides of 100% fan ownership, and the benefits of a different approach. Including reference to the need to retain AFC’s CBS status, not as a means of protecting our money and assets but as a means by which Est and SS can get their hands on those assets without breaching FCA rules.
A sad day indeed.

49Bury expelled from EFL - Page 3 Empty Re: Bury expelled from EFL Tue May 10 2022, 22:41



Just to make clear - Gigg Lane has been sold to Bury's ST.

Sale of Bury FC's historic ground Gigg Lane completed

The sale of Bury FC's historic ground has been completed.

The stadium and assets - such as club memorabilia, goodwill and intellectual property, and the Bury FC name - have been sold to Gigg Lane Stadium Limited, a new company set up by fans of the club.

The move which has been described as a 'fantastic outcome for the fans, the club and the whole town' has paved the way for football to return to Gigg Lane.

Mr Wiseglass, the administrator of The Bury Football Club Company Ltd, said: “We are delighted that this transaction has been successfully completed.

“It is a fantastic outcome for the fans, the club and the whole town, as it will hopefully bring football back to Gigg Lane. My hope all along has always been that Bury FC could be rescued.

“Bury is blessed with a passionate and dedicated group of supporters and we wish them well for the future.”

Mr Wiseglass announced in May 2021 that the 12,000-capacity stadium was being put up for sale.

Gigg Lane is one of the world’s oldest professional football stadiums and has been home to Bury FC since the club was founded in 1885.

National chartered surveying firm Fleurets, which specialises in the leisure property sector, was appointed as the agent to actively market the stadium for sale and seek offers. Bids were received a number from parties in the UK and overseas.

Mr Wiseglass said The Bury Football Club Company Ltd remains in administration and that Inquesta is continuing with investigations into the company.

Peter Scholes of Fleurets said: “Fleurets is delighted to have been involved in the sale of such an iconic and important property. It was no surprise the sales process saw strong competition from a range of parties and we wish the purchaser all the very best in bringing football back to Gigg Lane.”

Richard Wolff, James Wynne and Oliver Moore from law firm Pannone Corporate advised Inquesta.

Richard said: “Today’s announcement is not only a positive result for the parties involved, but also for football, Bury and its local community. As a firm, we’ve been able to bring together our expertise across restructuring and real estate to support the process over the past few months and achieve the best possible outcome for stakeholders.”

Mr Wiseglass added: “I am grateful to Fleurets for their expertise and assistance with the property side of the transaction, to JPS Chartered Surveyors for their efficient support in the management of the
property and assets, and to Pannone Corporate for their legal support in helping to bring the matter to a successful conclusion.”

50Bury expelled from EFL - Page 3 Empty Re: Bury expelled from EFL Tue May 10 2022, 23:48


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Thanks for this info Sluffy. Can't say I've been paying much heed to the travails of The Shakers recently, but this is interesting news.
I'm sure some knowledgable financial heads will be able to pick the bones of this for us, so I look forward to seeing the full implications.

51Bury expelled from EFL - Page 3 Empty Re: Bury expelled from EFL Wed May 11 2022, 01:05



boltonbonce wrote:Thanks for this info Sluffy. Can't say I've been paying much heed to the travails of The Shakers recently, but this is interesting news.
I'm sure some knowledgable financial heads will be able to pick the bones of this for us, so I look forward to seeing the full implications.

I think this all runs a bit too deep for me to follow to be honest with you.

I seem to recall that there was some sort of dodgy doings that didn't seem to sit right about the process which led up to Administration and that the Administrator Wiseglass had some sort of involvement in it(?)...

Company which bought Bury debt reported to be owned by partner of Dale’s daughter (Dale being the very dodgy owner).

And that when Admin did follow it was non other than Wiseglass that got the gig - surprise, surprise!

...clearly that came no place close to happening - and still hasn't - has it!!!

Even what has followed since seems to be somewhat complexed to follow.

This is taken from the MoU to set the scene...

Bury Football Club (“the Club”) was placed into Administration in November 2020 following its expulsion from the English Football League (“EFL”) in August 2019 and the failure of a CVA which, if successful, may have resulted in a change of ownership of the Club and re-admission to the Football Association’s National League System.  As part of the Administration process the Club’s assets, including the stadium, intellectual property and memorabilia at Gigg Lane, were openly marketed.

The Club’s Supporters’ Society (then known as Forever Bury and now known as the Bury Football Club Supporters’ Society (“BFCSS”)), backed by several benefactors, successfully applied for a grant from the Government’s Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities for £1m to contribute to the acquisition of Gigg Lane.

In February 2022, BFCSS was successful in acquiring Bury Football Club’s assets through a special purchase vehicle, Gigg Lane Stadium Limited – Sale and Purchase Agreements have been shared amongst parties. In April 2022 Gigg Lane Stadium Limited was renamed The Bury Football Club Company Limited, as had been anticipated in the Non-Real Estate Sale and Purchase Agreement.

Following the expulsion of the Club from the EFL, Bury AFC was formed as a supporter owned football club under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014

To achieve these aims [To bring professional football back to Bury] we are looking to combine and unite a number of organisations under one banner, however that might be achieved. These are

Bury AFC

and its holding company Shakers Community Society Limited, and

The Bury Football Club Company Limited

and its owners Bury FC Supporters Society Limited and

Bury FC Benefactors Limited.

It is acknowledged that each party has its own governance process (see Appendices 1 and 2), and due diligence to perform and that in the case of Bury AFC this involves consultation with members and the need for members to vote in favour of any change of home ground.

So in simple terms you've got one group of people (their ST) that is set up as a company that now has the ground but no football club and a completely separate group of people that have set up their own company and has a football club - Bury AFC and who would in theory at least have to disband and merge with the ST.

I can't see it happening myself as per the views of the comments from the AFC supporter in my earlier post above - the inference being the ST wants to get their hands on Bury AFC's money!

I don't think I'll be following this one avidly as it seems to be a complete can of worms to me!

52Bury expelled from EFL - Page 3 Empty Re: Bury expelled from EFL Tue Mar 14 2023, 22:38



It seems Bury might well be playing football once again at Gigg Lane!

A quick recap as to the background to this...

Bury go into Admin at the EFL kick them out of the league.

The stadium however is still under the control of the Administrator and for whatever reasons, no one gets to buy it off him.

One group of Bury fans realise it's time to move on and start a phoenix club Bury AFC, which is fan owned and run under a 'society' called the 'The Shakers Community' and now play in the lower levels of the football leagues.

However another group of Bury fans believe Bury AFC is not 'Bury' without it's history and Gigg Lane - and a bit of bad blood ensues among the two sides - and they set themselves up as 'Bury Football Club Supporters Society' BFCSS'.

Eventually with the help of £1m levelling up fund (plus the promise of £450k to refurbish the ground IF the two groups come together) BFCSS buys the ground plus the 'name' of the club and it's history, from the Administrator and a new company Gigg Lane Stadium Ltd was set up to be the legal holder of them.

The two sides then voted to come together and merge under a new society and close down their current ones.

Unfortunately for them the vote just failed!

Now a second vote had been called for and both groups are urging their members to vote for it.

Bury will lose the £450k promised to them from the Council if they fail to merge - and there's even talk that the government will seek to reclaim the £1m they gave them on the understanding the ground was bought to play football in for the benefit of the community.

As for the Bury AFC group, they also are asking their members to vote for the merger and spell out that Bury AFC will find in financially difficult to continue on alone due to the current economic hardship it's supporters (and the rest of us face).

It looks odds on that this vote will succeed this time and (presumably?) Bury AFC will morph into 'official' Bury.  If so I assume Bury AFC will 'fold' but it's place in the leauge structure will be replaced by 'official' Bury instead?

If it does, it will apparently trigger a further 'grant' from the levelling up fund of £300k, plus the Coucil's £450k

Personally I do hope it works out for them.

53Bury expelled from EFL - Page 3 Empty Re: Bury expelled from EFL Tue Mar 21 2023, 08:52


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

So do I Sluffy. I haven’t been paying too much attention to this I have to admit but I genuinely hope this is the start of them reforming and making their way back up the leagues but if they don’t and it all fails can we have their badge it’s so much better than ours? 🤗

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