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British Broadcorping Castration

Natasha Whittam
Angry Dad
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161British Broadcorping Castration - Page 9 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Thu Sep 24 2020, 15:57

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Norpig wrote:I think Dale needs to get a restraining order out on you ten bob. I bet you go through his bins as well don't you?
You don't have to go through his bins. Its all on his Twitter account. I just have a little look every now and again. I expect his bins are enclosed in his fortified mansion anyway.

Dale loves his publicity though - on his own terms of course.

The judge in the case his ex-wife brought against him told him, in no uncertain terms, that if he wanted to shout about the case from the top of the battlements, he wasn't going to order his ex to say nowt.

162British Broadcorping Castration - Page 9 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Fri Sep 25 2020, 08:36

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

I expect Dale was gutted not to get into Glamour magazine's list of celebrity vegans. All the trouble he goes to to get himself noticed. He'll just have to try harder, won't he.

163British Broadcorping Castration - Page 9 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Fri Sep 25 2020, 09:06


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

A couple of meat pies down him and a good wash and he would look a million times better.

164British Broadcorping Castration - Page 9 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Fri Sep 25 2020, 09:36

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

karlypants wrote:A couple of meat pies down him and a good wash and he would look a million times better.
Not sure about that KP but what's happened to his much younger and photogenic second missus? Changed her name from Karen to Kate it seems but no photos of her on t'internet now for three years.

But she has been seen out apparently. Look out for Giffo's comments on this article:

Just in case you cannot access them, here's Giffo's first comment:

I think she (MP for Stroud) is a very good MP and extremely intelligent. She has moved to Stroud and quickly integrated herself in our local community. David Drew (former MP for Stroud) was on Dale Vince's payroll and clearly a conflict of interest. We don't need a new stadium to be built to replace one that was only ever half full in the first place. Dale Vince has made a fortune out of government green energy grants and is now making even more money under his guise of 'green planning'. All while the local people lose out, it's a joke. I've seen him turn up at a hairdresser in Stroud on a motorbike and then the rest of the family in a car. 2 vehicles for one trip, what an eco hero! He even has a sponsored advert running on Facebook asking people to follow him LOL. He's a total narcissist.

165British Broadcorping Castration - Page 9 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sat Sep 26 2020, 13:14

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

It could, of course, be that Giffo of Stroud's sighting of the Vince family's trip to the hairdresser was a few years ago but, for someone whose husband courts publicity so much, sightings of photogenic Kate Vince seem almost as rare as the appearances of Elizabeth Mainwaring in Dad's Army. Or does anyone know any different?

166British Broadcorping Castration - Page 9 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sat Sep 26 2020, 13:41


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

British Broadcorping Castration - Page 9 659bf6129a074032c92a72e967a25516

167British Broadcorping Castration - Page 9 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sun Sep 27 2020, 08:09

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Susannha Butter is Deputy Features Editor at the Evening Standard. She recently interviewed Fiona Bruce. 
Fiona's reported to be the second highest paid woman at the Beeb though her £450K salary is a fraction of Zoe Ball's and an even smaller fraction of the modest salary of Gary Winston Lineker, the Beeb's 'brightest star'.
Five years ago Ms Butter interviewed League 2's 'brightest star', Dale Vince.
The interview is noteworthy for several reasons including the photos, the questions that weren't asked and the information that wasn't volunteered.
'Vince earns £120,000 a year, taxed and deposited at Barclays (he makes an apologetic face, saying there are no green banks). “Tax is important — it’s how we run the country', reported Ms Butter. 
However Ms Butter didn't seem to ask him how on a net £6K per month he was able to afford to buy and maintain a £2.8m fortified mansion, a £750K motor bike, fund a professional football club and donate £250K to the Labour party. And, of course, Mr Vince didn't volunteer the fact that he drew a million quid a year in interest free loans from Ecotricity and that it was Ecotricity that financed Forest Green Rovers.
The photos are interesting. Vince declined to say how old his second wife was but he produced a photo of them together in which she looked very glamorous and he looked like the cat that got the cream.
There's one other photo of Mrs Vince on t'internet published in the Stroud News and Journal in 2017.

That frock looks expensive if you ask me. A Vivienne Westwood I expect.

Last edited by Ten Bobsworth on Sun Sep 27 2020, 09:54; edited 1 time in total

168British Broadcorping Castration - Page 9 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sun Sep 27 2020, 09:44


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Dale Vince gets his lunch delivered.

169British Broadcorping Castration - Page 9 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sun Sep 27 2020, 10:20



Seems like a good guy Vince doesn’t he.

170British Broadcorping Castration - Page 9 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sun Sep 27 2020, 11:06


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

T.R.O.Y. wrote:Seems like a good guy Vince doesn’t he.
Don't think he impresses Bob. Very Happy

171British Broadcorping Castration - Page 9 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sun Sep 27 2020, 11:21

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

boltonbonce wrote:
Don't think he impresses Bob. Very Happy
I rather doubt Susannah Butter was impressed.
Adding the words 'It cost £2.8 million.' to his 
''I find possessions a burden and bought my first house three years ago.” provided a small clue to what she must have thought of the monumental egotism and hypocrisy of her interviewee.

172British Broadcorping Castration - Page 9 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Mon Sep 28 2020, 08:02

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Its hard to not feel rather sorry for Kate Vince. When she married  the millionaire did she really expect to spend her life holed up in Rodborough Fort like Rapunzel in the tower whilst the master of the house strutted round like a peacock in Galliano jeans and shocking pink trainers?

And what of those two lads whose mother was treated like something on the bottom of his shoe? What kind of life have they led and what prospects does it hold whilst they remain under his roof, under his influence and in his employ? 

Susannah Butter seems like a very nice young woman who showed exactly what she thought of Dale Vince when she gave her article the headline: 

'I don’t consider I was married other than I signed a piece of paper'.

173British Broadcorping Castration - Page 9 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Mon Sep 28 2020, 10:23


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Why the obsession with Dale Vince? I don’t get it.

174British Broadcorping Castration - Page 9 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Mon Sep 28 2020, 10:25


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Just ignore him BTID, he might eventually realise no one gives a shiny shit and move on to the next person he can stalk online.

175British Broadcorping Castration - Page 9 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Mon Sep 28 2020, 10:41

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

British Broadcorping Castration thread has now had over 1900 views, more than a hundred a day on average.

Not bad really but Nuts has a contingent of blockheads who will never understand anything of interest beyond the narrowest of spectrums. They howl in protest but its never been aimed at them. They are a totally lost cause and always will be.

176British Broadcorping Castration - Page 9 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Mon Sep 28 2020, 10:44


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Problem is ten bob as we keep saying no one cares about Dale Vince on here, do FGR have a forum? I'm sure they would be over the moon to hear your Daily Mail esque gossip on him and his love life.

177British Broadcorping Castration - Page 9 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Mon Sep 28 2020, 11:08


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Racist son of the actor James Fox has started a new political party to regain what he believes is British culture. Obviously being brought up in one of the richest acting dynasties in the world with a silver spoon in his mouth and a golden ticket to start off his own acting career suggests he really has no idea what British culture actually is but he's going for it anyway.
The reason I mention it here is that he's having a go at the BBC.

178British Broadcorping Castration - Page 9 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Mon Sep 28 2020, 11:13



Norpig wrote:Problem is ten bob as we keep saying no one cares about Dale Vince on here, do FGR have a forum? I'm sure they would be over the moon to hear your Daily Mail esque gossip on him and his love life.

Can't believe you blockheads aren't interested in the owner of FGR not wearing a tie to the football, you just don't understand!

179British Broadcorping Castration - Page 9 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Mon Sep 28 2020, 11:25


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Bob, I'd be interested to know which laws Vince has broken. I can only assume the cops are moving in as we speak.

180British Broadcorping Castration - Page 9 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Mon Sep 28 2020, 11:29


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

The Police are moving in on ten bob due to his online stalking, lock him up and throw away the key  Very Happy

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