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Global Warming

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41Global Warming - Page 3 Empty Re: Global Warming Tue Jan 16 2024, 07:59


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Must just be me who finds it utterly bizarre behaviour then?
 Yes it is Sluffy., any excuse to have a go, its tiresome  Rolling Eyes

42Global Warming - Page 3 Empty Re: Global Warming Tue Jan 16 2024, 10:20


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

boltonbonce wrote:
Bit of a confession here, but I actually hate going on holiday. It's got to the  point where, for the past twenty years at least, I'm left behind at home.
The main bone of contention is that it appears I want to do boring stuff, like visiting museums. 
And what's wrong with the Derwent Pencil Museum? I enjoyed it.
I'm surrounded by plebs. Smile
Can’t say I’m a great holiday fan either bonce, I’d much rather spend time in my garden although I do love going away with my youngest granddaughter as she’s so much fun and I just love to see her enjoying herself. Other than that she loves staying in hotels so we often just take her for weekends and she feels like she’s so posh. Oops, I’d better stop there or it might upset a certain person and this is the Global Warming thread after all. 🥴

43Global Warming - Page 3 Empty Re: Global Warming Tue Jan 16 2024, 10:33


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:
Can’t say I’m a great holiday fan either bonce, I’d much rather spend time in my garden although I do love going away with my youngest granddaughter as she’s so much fun and I just love to see her enjoying herself. Other than that she loves staying in hotels so we often just take her for weekends and she feels like she’s so posh. Oops, I’d better stop there or it might upset a certain person and this is the Global Warming thread after all. 🥴
Prefer going out for a day, or perhaps a weekend.
I'm almost like an institutionalised lifer, conditioned to the surroundings of my man cave.
Mind you, the family consensus is that I'm a miserable sod.

44Global Warming - Page 3 Empty Re: Global Warming Tue Jan 16 2024, 12:01



Norpig wrote:

Must just be me who finds it utterly bizarre behaviour then?
 Yes it is Sluffy., any excuse to have a go, its tiresome  Rolling Eyes

Get over yourself Norpig.

It's clearly obvious to all except yourself that Wanderlust posted just to tell us all he was on holiday.

If you took your blinkers off to, you would see that as well.

(he's getting free electricity don't you know!).

45Global Warming - Page 3 Empty Re: Global Warming Tue Jan 16 2024, 12:11


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:
Norpig wrote:

Must just be me who finds it utterly bizarre behaviour then?
 Yes it is Sluffy., any excuse to have a go, its tiresome  Rolling Eyes

Get over yourself Norpig.

It's clearly obvious to all except yourself that Wanderlust posted just to tell us all he was on holiday.

If you took your blinkers off to, you would see that as well.

(he's getting free electricity don't you know!).

I can’t quite work you out sometimes.

I didn’t reply simply because I couldn’t be arsed with this charade you are playing.

46Global Warming - Page 3 Empty Re: Global Warming Tue Jan 16 2024, 12:40



There's nothing to work out - it's the internet.

Everyone has a voice on it.

Wanderlust clearly has the need to tell strangers that he's on holiday and that he's getting free electricity!

I just thought it was funny and quite bizarre that he needed to do so by shoehorning it into a thread on global warming targets for the next 77 years.

It is.

Get over yourselves.

47Global Warming - Page 3 Empty Re: Global Warming Tue Jan 16 2024, 14:31


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

How about you get over yourself for a change Sluffy. I don't care if Lusty has 20 holidays a year so why should you?

Its obvious you have a massive problem with Lusty in general and feel the need to poke and provoke him after every post he makes. Its a bit pathetic really and really makes you look very petty.

48Global Warming - Page 3 Empty Re: Global Warming Tue Jan 16 2024, 14:37


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:How about you get over yourself for a change Sluffy. I don't care if Lusty has 20 holidays a year so why should you?

Its obvious you have a massive problem with Lusty in general and feel the need to poke and provoke him after every post he makes. Its a bit pathetic really and really makes you look very petty.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

49Global Warming - Page 3 Empty Re: Global Warming Tue Jan 16 2024, 15:16


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Perhaps Sluffy is jealous of all the holidays Wanderlust goes on? Very Happy

50Global Warming - Page 3 Empty Re: Global Warming Tue Jan 16 2024, 15:19



Norpig wrote:How about you get over yourself for a change Sluffy. I don't care if Lusty has 20 holidays a year so why should you?

Its obvious you have a massive problem with Lusty in general and feel the need to poke and provoke him after every post he makes. Its a bit pathetic really and really makes you look very petty.

I don't care at all, good for him if he does.

I wouldn't care if he posted about them on an existing holiday thread on here (there's dozens of them - just search for 'holiday' on see for yourself) or even started a new one.

What amuses me is how he goes about shoehorning into threads, like this one on global warming.

He makes me laugh by doing such stuff - it really wasn't global warming he wanted to talk about, was it?

I'm sick and tired of telling you that I don't have a massive problem (not even a teensy-weensy one) with Wanderlust or anybody else.

If you don't want to believe me then that's your problem.

And if you think I'm pathetic and petty then carry on, I've been called far worse things.

51Global Warming - Page 3 Empty Re: Global Warming Tue Jan 16 2024, 15:30


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Time is precious boys. Let's not waste it. Cool

Global Warming - Page 3 Death-10

52Global Warming - Page 3 Empty Re: Global Warming Tue Jan 16 2024, 15:37



karlypants wrote:Perhaps Sluffy is jealous of all the holidays Wanderlust goes on? Very Happy

Not really, I've done all the travelling I've wanted to do and haven't bothered going outside the country since Covid struck.

I'm even toying with the idea of letting my passport lapse which is due for renewal shortly.

If I do renew it will only be in case my daughter decides to get wed abroad.

I'm another one in the Bonce and W63 category, where I've always found it far more enjoyable doing cultural things than getting pissed in the sun.

53Global Warming - Page 3 Empty Re: Global Warming Tue Jan 16 2024, 15:57


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:

I'm another one in the Bonce and W63 category, where I've always found it far more enjoyable doing cultural things than getting pissed in the sun.

I didn't say you had to go and get pissed in Benidorm. Very Happy

54Global Warming - Page 3 Empty Re: Global Warming Tue Jan 16 2024, 16:12


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

karlypants wrote:

I didn't say you had to go and get pissed in Benidorm. Very Happy
Can't beat a trip to Scotland to study their old heroes.
Global Warming - Page 3 Entertainment-bruce_forsyth-bruce-brucy-nice_to_see_you-game_show-cst0154_low

55Global Warming - Page 3 Empty Re: Global Warming Thu Jan 18 2024, 17:18


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Currently waiting for the AA rep on a service station on the A2 somewhere short of Faro so not exactly loving it ATM. The missus is sat in the van with a face like thunder and I’m working up the energy to call the bastards again - said they’d be here 20 minutes ago. All this after having her bag containing her cards and our passports nicked by smashing the passenger window and the windscreen to boot so we’ve spent ages sorting that crap out. That happened on Jan 6th which was their Xmas day so you can imagine the police response. TBH it’s been a bit shit in general so far. Has to get better as we have another 5 weeks before we get back. 
On a positive note we’re off on a cruise to Norway for 10 days to celebrate our mates 60th at the end of Feb but the way it’s going the boat will probably sink.
And it will be effing cold in Tromso apparently.
And AA guy is now going to be another hour FFS. Wondering if it’s because we weren’t very nice to them when they were faffing about sorting the window which took 5 days. Fortunately we were able to stay with mates.

Anyhoo, hope that’s cheered you up Sluffy.

56Global Warming - Page 3 Empty Re: Global Warming Thu Jan 18 2024, 17:23


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Very Happy

57Global Warming - Page 3 Empty Re: Global Warming Thu Jan 18 2024, 19:03



wanderlust wrote:Currently waiting for the AA rep on a service station on the A2 somewhere short of Faro so not exactly loving it ATM. The missus is sat in the van with a face like thunder and I’m working up the energy to call the bastards again - said they’d be here 20 minutes ago. All this after having her bag containing her cards and our passports nicked by smashing the passenger window and the windscreen to boot so we’ve spent ages sorting that crap out. That happened on Jan 6th which was their Xmas day so you can imagine the police response. TBH it’s been a bit shit in general so far. Has to get better as we have another 5 weeks before we get back. 
On a positive note we’re off on a cruise to Norway for 10 days to celebrate our mates 60th at the end of Feb but the way it’s going the boat will probably sink.
And it will be effing cold in Tromso apparently.
And AA guy is now going to be another hour FFS. Wondering if it’s because we weren’t very nice to them when they were faffing about sorting the window which took 5 days. Fortunately we were able to stay with mates.

Anyhoo, hope that’s cheered you up Sluffy.

Not especially as I'm not one of those people who delight in the misery of others.

You do however continue to make me laugh though, even now, as in your post which you've made to try to guilt trip me (otherwise why call me out?) you STILL feel the overwhelming urge to shoehorn into it, to tell everyone about your next holiday - proving what I said originally about you being exactly right in the first place!!!


58Global Warming - Page 3 Empty Re: Global Warming Fri Jan 19 2024, 06:49


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I'm going to Fearnhead in a canoe. The bus would be quicker, but I'm nothing if not adventurous. I'll stop off at the Farmers Arms for a pint, before nipping into Waterfields for a couple of custard tarts.
I've heard a rumour that Wigan bakery firm Galloways, are going to open a shop in Warrington.
Keep it under your hat.
Tomorrow I might take a morning walk up to Risley Moss to look at a tree or two. They're closed on Friday's, so I'll just tidy my desk today.

59Global Warming - Page 3 Empty Re: Global Warming Fri Jan 19 2024, 10:00


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

All’s well now. 
Portuguese AA guy was great and the missus’ retirement tour presses on with a positive attitude…despite the rain in the Algarve.

60Global Warming - Page 3 Empty Re: Global Warming Fri Jan 19 2024, 10:02


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

wanderlust wrote:All’s well now. 
Portuguese AA guy was great and the missus’ retirement tour presses on with a positive attitude…despite the rain in the Algarve.
 Enjoy all your holidays mate, we aren't all bitter about it on here  Very Happy

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