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Who's the latest pervert at the BBC?

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81Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? - Page 5 Empty Re: Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? Fri Jul 28, 2023 7:56 am


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Well you guys can make your snide remarks as much as you like, all water off a ducks back to me. You watch and believe what you want and I’ll watch and believe what I want, it’s a free country isn’t it, although it wouldn’t be if we only had the MSM to go by with their constant propaganda and brainwashing. It’s a bit sad really that otherwise intelligent people can be so easily led and not even know it. You carry on watching the Broken Biscuit Company and Sly whilst the more enlightened amongst us save your bacon.

82Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? - Page 5 Empty Re: Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? Fri Jul 28, 2023 8:14 am


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:Well you guys can make your snide remarks as much as you like, all water off a ducks back to me. You watch and believe what you want and I’ll watch and believe what I want, it’s a free country isn’t it, although it wouldn’t be if we only had the MSM to go by with their constant propaganda and brainwashing. It’s a bit sad really that otherwise intelligent people can be so easily led and not even know it. You carry on watching the Broken Biscuit Company and Sly whilst the more enlightened amongst us save your bacon.
Therein lies the problem 63. You watch and believe. Some of us prefer to watch and think.

I've had to face facts in the past, and I've not enjoyed it, because the facts I found didn't fit my world view.

Anderson is a case in point. Because of his past, I decided to find him guilty in the present, despite a lack of corroborating facts. It's easily done, if you try hard enough.

Look at the facts, then piece together the puzzle accordingly. Don't do what I and many others have been guilty of, in taking a hammer and trying to bang a piece into place.

You'll be left with a picture that makes no sense.

83Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? - Page 5 Empty Re: Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? Fri Jul 28, 2023 8:59 am


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

boltonbonce wrote:
Therein lies the problem 63. You watch and believe. Some of us prefer to watch and think.

I've had to face facts in the past, and I've not enjoyed it, because the facts I found didn't fit my world view.

Anderson is a case in point. Because of his past, I decided to find him guilty in the present, despite a lack of corroborating facts. It's easily done, if you try hard enough.

Look at the facts, then piece together the puzzle accordingly. Don't do what I and many others have been guilty of, in taking a hammer and trying to bang a piece into place.

You'll be left with a picture that makes no sense.
I do exactly that Bonce, I hope that I’m savvy enough to be able to make my own decisions on matters rather than just what the so called “experts” say or whatever story fits the propaganda of whichever media source is spouting it. I’m not I hope daft enough not to realise that all media organisations push their own agenda but for me some do it worse than others and for me that’s BBC and Sky. I think Brexit, immigration and climate change are the best example of brainwashing. All of those are pushed just one way by the MSM to feed their own views.

Everybody can see that immigration is a major problem, we can all see that the climates changing and we can all see the consequences of Brexit but there is never a balanced view on any of them from Sly and the BBC, much to their discredit. Of course we can accept that human created carbon contributes to overheating but the U.K. alone with its virtue signalling desire to be seen to be the greenest first is just madness. Even Tony Blair accepts that until the major polluters like China and India change their ways, whatever we do will have virtually zero effect. Let’s move towards net zero but at a pace that allows technology to catch up and doesn’t financially penalise our population.

84Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? - Page 5 Empty Re: Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? Fri Jul 28, 2023 9:08 am



Whitesince63 wrote:Well you guys can make your snide remarks as much as you like, all water off a ducks back to me. You watch and believe what you want and I’ll watch and believe what I want, it’s a free country isn’t it, although it wouldn’t be if we only had the MSM to go by with their constant propaganda and brainwashing. It’s a bit sad really that otherwise intelligent people can be so easily led and not even know it. You carry on watching the Broken Biscuit Company and Sly whilst the more enlightened amongst us save your bacon.

If it is me your are referring to, then you are wrong again, as I like to fact check most things before making serious statements, even making them here on social media.

I mention three things in my post above, Truss-economics, Johnson lying (repeatedly to Parliament) and man made global warming.

I stated even before Truss was elected as PM that her economic mantra was insane and proved unquestionably to be so with here mini budget that almost wrecked the economy and was estimated at doing £20 billion worth of damage to the UK economy to mitigate and recover from it.

The WORLD rejected Truss-economics as unworkable - it wasn't just my opinion of it - that's why the economy crashed and she had to sack her closest ally and bring in her biggest economic critic to scrap entirely her budget and do a complete 180 degree policy turn to save the country from ruin.

That was REALITY - it HAPPENED - it isn't my 'belief' she was wrong - REAL LIFE EVENTS and her scrapping of her own policies (in a vain attempt to save her on skin and stay on as PM!) demonstrably evidenced she was wrong.

If you want to remain in denial of all this, then that's you burying your head in the sand and not me 'being led' and 'not knowing about it'.

Johnson was proved to have lied to Parliament.

The Inquiry it to it found conclusively he did!

Johnson thought he could bluster his way out of this and called on the Tory Party to vote against the Inquiry's findings - his looney mates, Delories (de-select those who don't vote for Boris), Rees Mogg and a few others did but there were so few who would now stand behind the liar, that Johnson resigned before he was pushed and begged his followers not to vote - as he was embarassed to see how few still were mental enough to believe in him anymore.

This is what REALLY HAPPENED, these are FACTS - not me 'being led and not knowing about it'...

Finally man made global warming.  I posted up the scientific FACTS (on the Global Warming thread) as to how a specific Carbon isotope that can only be created through the burning of fossil fuels (or in other words man made burning of coal and oil) which over the last hundred years or so has directly 'fuelled' the current global warming crisis.


Each of two or more forms of the same element that contain equal numbers of protons but different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei, and hence differ in relative atomic mass but not in chemical properties; in particular, a radioactive form of an element.

There is no scientific doubt whatsoever that all what is happening now is man made.

You have your 'beliefs' I seek out the facts.

Do you ever question what you are being fed to build your beliefs on because all the three examples above are easy to verify and are all contrary to what you believed (or may believe still!).

85Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? - Page 5 Empty Re: Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? Fri Jul 28, 2023 9:37 am



Whitesince63 wrote:I do exactly that Bonce, I hope that I’m savvy enough to be able to make my own decisions on matters rather than just what the so called “experts” say or whatever story fits the propaganda of whichever media source is spouting it. I’m not I hope daft enough not to realise that all media organisations push their own agenda but for me some do it worse than others and for me that’s BBC and Sky. I think Brexit, immigration and climate change are the best example of brainwashing. All of those are pushed just one way by the MSM to feed their own views.

Everybody can see that immigration is a major problem, we can all see that the climates changing and we can all see the consequences of Brexit but there is never a balanced view on any of them from Sly and the BBC, much to their discredit. Of course we can accept that human created carbon contributes to overheating but the U.K. alone with its virtue signalling desire to be seen to be the greenest first is just madness. Even Tony Blair accepts that until the major polluters like China and India change their ways, whatever we do will have virtually zero effect. Let’s move towards net zero but at a pace that allows technology to catch up and doesn’t financially penalise our population.

There is no reasoning with you, you are too entrenched in your 'belief's'.

Brexit - has been an unmitigated disaster for the economy - that's a FACT that can be shown from the fall in the UK's GDP since leaving.

Immigration - Is a problem we would all like to solve but put simply we can't unless France secures it's boarder with us - and it isn't in their interests to do so.

All we can do is deal the best we can with the numbers coming and clearly sending them to Ruanda isn't going to work.

Nobody seems to have an answer to the problem and fwiw, the majority end up getting 'leave to remain' when they eventually go through the process anyway!

Probably the government should be looking to into processing their claims much faster and getting the ones they are going to give leave to remain to, into the community to work and out of the hostels they are currently in.

It won't solve the problem but it will ease the current bottleneck.

As for global warming, you remind me of the saying, Nero fiddles whilst Rome burns'.

We've (the world) just had the warmest June since records began and will have the hottest July too (although we in the UK has had our usual wet summer so far!).

We ALL have to play our part in cutting the use of fossil fuels NOW.

There's no point saying 'we won't do it until you do it first', there's no point saying we are only tiny compared with China and the USA, we have ALL got to start NOW.

There are disasters going to come from now on - we all know that now.

We need to stop the disasters getting bigger and bigger in years to come by doing what we can now - it is as simple as that.

But we all know 'we' won't.

That unfortunately is the world we live in and quite clearly the world we are in the process of destroying for ourselves and our children and grandchildren.

86Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? - Page 5 Empty Re: Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? Fri Jul 28, 2023 9:58 am


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sorry 63, but replying to my post on another thread, you dismissed Professor Tim Wilson as a 'numpty', 
an opinion you asserted was confirmed by the fact that he had a cat!

87Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? - Page 5 Empty Re: Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? Fri Jul 28, 2023 1:52 pm


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

boltonbonce wrote:Sorry 63, but replying to my post on another thread, you dismissed Professor Tim Wilson as a 'numpty', 
an opinion you asserted was confirmed by the fact that he had a cat!
Yes Bonce, I never trust anyone with a cat, horrible creatures and I fail to understand why any sane person would want to own one. 🤗

88Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? - Page 5 Empty Re: Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? Fri Jul 28, 2023 1:57 pm


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Sluffy, there’s no point in discussing anything with you because you have such fixed views that I’m sure you intentionally don’t fully read replies to you so that you can go on thinking you’re right. There was nothing wrong with Truss’s policies just the speed she applied them. Leaving the EU after 50 years tied to an ever increasing collection of numpties was always going to take time to repair. I’m actually still waiting for the government to actually deliver Brexit because they certainly haven’t so far. Immigration isn’t a France/UK problem it’s an EU/UK problem and until Mediterranean countries erect barriers to entry we will never overcome the problem, indeed it will keep getting worse.

89Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? - Page 5 Empty Re: Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? Fri Jul 28, 2023 7:20 pm



Whitesince63 wrote:Sluffy, there’s no point in discussing anything with you because you have such fixed views that I’m sure you intentionally don’t fully read replies to you so that you can go on thinking you’re right. There was nothing wrong with Truss’s policies just the speed she applied them. Leaving the EU after 50 years tied to an ever increasing collection of numpties was always going to take time to repair. I’m actually still waiting for the government to actually deliver Brexit because they certainly haven’t so far. Immigration isn’t a France/UK problem it’s an EU/UK problem and until Mediterranean countries erect barriers to entry we will never overcome the problem, indeed it will keep getting worse.

The thing is that I don't have any fixed views, I'm always open to amending them in the light of new facts, let me share a few of them (facts) with you.


Trickle down polices have been tried before and simply do not work.  

That's basically why immediately after the mini budget, every sane country in the world immediately stopped buying government bonds - which basically meant we (the UK economy) immediately ran out of fluidity to pay our international debtors countries and caused the massive financial crisis.

Have you ever thought that IF Truss was right that by now some large economy in the world somewhere would be introducing 'trickle down' in a 'slower' version by now?

Don't you realise the 'excuse' that 'she introduced trickle down too quickly' is just that - an excuse - or if you want it more bluntly a lie put out in a vain attempt to save some face for the catastrophe - in the same way Johnson lied to Parliament in that 'no rules were broken' during the lockdown parties' at the Cabinet office at number 10.


You can wait as long as you want, there isn't any upside to Brexit.

We are worse off in our trading position with the EU and the EU have better trade deals with other countries than we can have - simply because they are a lot bigger than us and buy more units than we can and thus can negotiate better discounts/terms.

We've been frozen out of free movement within Europe and also with collaboration on Europe wide projects such as the police data bases and science research.

None of that is going to change much because we have left them (the EU) and simply now can't compete with them on the scale that they have by being a massive trading block (I think it may even be the biggest trading block in the world but I'm to tired to check that out for certain right now)

Think of the simple proverb, 'united we stand, divided we fall' - we've divided ourselves away from a 'united Europe' and have 'fallen' behind them on almost anything you care to name.

That is the reality that you simply refuse to face up to.


Immigration to our shore IS a French/UK issue (alright maybe includes Belgium as well).

Put simply it doesn't matter how many people flood across the EU boarders, to get to us in the UK they have to cross the channel and can only do so from France (and some from Belgium too).

If France stopped the boats from launching, the UK would simply not have an immigration problem.

It can't be any easier to solve than that.

And ironically if we were still in the EU we could legally send loads of them back under the Dublin Accord.

Unfortunately you, Wanderlust (Hoppy10) and other 'Make Britain Great Again' types voted for - and won - Brexit for us all!

Thanks a bunch for that...

90Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? - Page 5 Empty Re: Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? Sat Jul 29, 2023 2:28 am


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:
Yes Bonce, I never trust anyone with a cat, horrible creatures and I fail to understand why any sane person would want to own one. 🤗
Not a cat man myself, but I've noticed that most movie villains seem to have one. Could be significant.

91Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? - Page 5 Empty Re: Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? Sat Jul 29, 2023 4:56 am


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Sluffy wrote:

The thing is that I don't have any fixed views, I'm always open to amending them in the light of new facts, let me share a few of them (facts) with you.


Trickle down polices have been tried before and simply do not work.  

That's basically why immediately after the mini budget, every sane country in the world immediately stopped buying government bonds - which basically meant we (the UK economy) immediately ran out of fluidity to pay our international debtors countries and caused the massive financial crisis.

Have you ever thought that IF Truss was right that by now some large economy in the world somewhere would be introducing 'trickle down' in a 'slower' version by now?

Don't you realise the 'excuse' that 'she introduced trickle down too quickly' is just that - an excuse - or if you want it more bluntly a lie put out in a vain attempt to save some face for the catastrophe - in the same way Johnson lied to Parliament in that 'no rules were broken' during the lockdown parties' at the Cabinet office at number 10.


You can wait as long as you want, there isn't any upside to Brexit.

We are worse off in our trading position with the EU and the EU have better trade deals with other countries than we can have - simply because they are a lot bigger than us and buy more units than we can and thus can negotiate better discounts/terms.

We've been frozen out of free movement within Europe and also with collaboration on Europe wide projects such as the police data bases and science research.

None of that is going to change much because we have left them (the EU) and simply now can't compete with them on the scale that they have by being a massive trading block (I think it may even be the biggest trading block in the world but I'm to tired to check that out for certain right now)

Think of the simple proverb, 'united we stand, divided we fall' - we've divided ourselves away from a 'united Europe' and have 'fallen' behind them on almost anything you care to name.

That is the reality that you simply refuse to face up to.


Immigration to our shore IS a French/UK issue (alright maybe includes Belgium as well).

Put simply it doesn't matter how many people flood across the EU boarders, to get to us in the UK they have to cross the channel and can only do so from France (and some from Belgium too).

If France stopped the boats from launching, the UK would simply not have an immigration problem.

It can't be any easier to solve than that.

And ironically if we were still in the EU we could legally send loads of them back under the Dublin Accord.

Unfortunately you, Wanderlust (Hoppy10) and other 'Make Britain Great Again' types voted for - and won - Brexit for us all!

Thanks a bunch for that...

Fine Sluffy, you keep living in your negative, pessimistic world whilst lots of the rest of us attempt to foster a better country. As for your darling EU, make the best of it now because for sure it won’t be around that much longer. It’s grown too big for itself with far too many differences between states, especially the Eastern bloc and there are growing groups in Spain, Italy, France and even Germany who are beginning to see the problems. You keep kidding yourself they’re this massive trading bloc but their share of world trade is diminishing all the time and will continue to until they see sense and return to a purely trading bloc rather than a political mess.

92Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? - Page 5 Empty Re: Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? Sat Jul 29, 2023 7:02 am



Whitesince63 wrote:Fine Sluffy, you keep living in your negative, pessimistic world whilst lots of the rest of us attempt to foster a better country. As for your darling EU, make the best of it now because for sure it won’t be around that much longer. It’s grown too big for itself with far too many differences between states, especially the Eastern bloc and there are growing groups in Spain, Italy, France and even Germany who are beginning to see the problems. You keep kidding yourself they’re this massive trading bloc but their share of world trade is diminishing all the time and will continue to until they see sense and return to a purely trading bloc rather than a political mess.

I wasn't championing the EU, I was simply telling you what the facts were.

Nobody will be leaving the EU anytime soon, they can see how much the UK has suffered from doing so. If anything country's are clamouring to join it such as Ukraine and Serbia.

No doubt trading bloc share of world trade varies over time but as far as I'm aware the EU is certainly one of the biggest in the world, if not the biggest, and will remain a world player for many years to come yet.

93Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? - Page 5 Empty Re: Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? Sat Jul 29, 2023 10:04 am


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Of course Serbia and Ukraine want to join but only because they can see the pound note signs in their eyes just as the other Eastern nations have done but thankfully now we’re out we don’t have to be their bankers do we? Isn’t that an advantage? Trust me the EU will implode before long however much you champion it.

94Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? - Page 5 Empty Re: Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? Sat Jul 29, 2023 10:40 am



Whitesince63 wrote:Of course Serbia and Ukraine want to join but only because they can see the pound note signs in their eyes just as the other Eastern nations have done but thankfully now we’re out we don’t have to be their bankers do we? Isn’t that an advantage? Trust me the EU will implode before long however much you champion it.

Fuck me!

I'm NOT championing it, I don't champion anything!

And fwiw, the EU's major currency is the Euro and not the pound (sterling)!

If you want to believe in fantasy that's up to you but you will find the EU is going nowhere anytime soon and will continue to outperform the UK on trade if for no other reason than they are bigger than us and thus can buy and sell more units than us, and thus get preferential trading terms than us.

If you want a football analogy think of it as a club leaving the Premier League, they are financially in shock initially - they have to adjust themselves to having less income and thus have to downsize their wage bill and sell off players that they would rather keep, and become unable to compete effectively in buying players from other clubs simply because they don't have the money coming in that they once had to buy them with - in trading terms, they have to give bigger discounts to sell their goods (exports) and have to compete for new players (imports) with Premier League clubs who have the purchasing power, we no longer have!

In simple terms the result being exports fall and imports cost more.

That's the position now of the UK economy.

We aren't going to get a trade deal with the USA, we've lost trading as equals with the EU, we are looking to join the Pacific Ocean Trade group - not on favourable terms, the deals we've done with Australia and New Zealand are worse than what we had when in the EU, Russia is out of the question and we aren't going to do with in the African or South American country's are we?

Where on Earth do you see us doing better out of this since we've left the EU?

Christ mate you do swallow political rhetoric by the bucket load but you really have little understanding of how the real world actually works!

Like it or not the simple truth is that we've 'relegated' ourselves out of one of the worlds biggest and best trading blocs and we've automatically made ourselves and our economy all the worse for doing so.

That's not me championing the EU, that's me telling you what we've actually done and which you seem to be completely oblivious of.

95Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? - Page 5 Empty Re: Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? Sat Jul 29, 2023 11:05 am


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:Of course Serbia and Ukraine want to join but only because they can see the pound note signs in their eyes just as the other Eastern nations have done but thankfully now we’re out we don’t have to be their bankers do we? Isn’t that an advantage? Trust me the EU will implode before long however much you champion it.
"When stupidity is considered patriotism, it is unsafe to be intelligent".

   Isaac Asimov.

96Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? - Page 5 Empty Re: Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? Sat Jul 29, 2023 12:13 pm


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Let's change the subject to fencing. Very Happy

97Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? - Page 5 Empty Re: Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? Sat Jul 29, 2023 7:06 pm



There is actually a little more to the story.

Apparently before she fenced the Russian woman she asked the Chairman of the world fencing organisation if it was ok not to shake hands but to tap swords instead (apparently it is in the fencing rules that it is compulsory to shake hands after the match (or whatever is the correct term for two people fencing) - and he said 'yes'.

The match went ahead, the Ukrainian woman won and offered her sword to tap, which the Russian refused to do.

The Russian (who had lost remember) staged a sit down protest on the mat (or whatever it is they fence on) and refused to leave, thus holding up the whole competition.

Her protest lasted for 40 minutes until it was announced that the Ukrainian woman had been disqualified and thrown out of the whole competition - meaning she could not compete in the team competition to be held some days later.

It's worth pointing out that the Ukrainian is one of the worlds best fencers, won medal's at the Olympics and I believe is a two time World Champion.

If the Russian thought she would take the Ukrainians place in the next round she was mistaken as the person who the Ukrainian should have fenced in the round of 32 was given a bye into the round of 16.

The story didn't end there.

The next day the Olympic fencing committee announced that would give the Ukrainian women a place on the Olympics as her ban at the competition had prevented her from earning one outright herself at this competition that she could no longer fence in.

Some bigwig Russian politician then started to complain the the Olympic commission was showing that they had taken the side of Ukraine in the war!!!

Finally the World Fencing Committee overturned her ban and she is now free to fence in the team competition (but it was too late for her to re-enter the women's competition as further rounds had by then been completed).

Anna Smirnova is the Russian fencer (pictured with it is claimed, her brother)

Olga Kharlan is the Ukrainian fencer (her parents having to sleep in the basement for fear of being bombed and killed).

And finally - today the International Fencing body have abolished the mandatory handshake.

98Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? - Page 5 Empty Re: Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? Sun Jul 30, 2023 3:43 am


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

boltonbonce wrote:
"When stupidity is considered patriotism, it is unsafe to be intelligent".

   Isaac Asimov.
Crikey Bonce as if the cat wasn’t bad enough we’ve now got the Hat, more proof he’s a wally!!

99Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? - Page 5 Empty Re: Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? Sun Jul 30, 2023 8:27 am


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:
Crikey Bonce as if the cat wasn’t bad enough we’ve now got the Hat, more proof he’s a wally!!
You cheeky monkey! I've got one like that. Very Happy

100Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? - Page 5 Empty Re: Who's the latest pervert at the BBC? Sun Jul 30, 2023 7:17 pm


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote: I’m actually still waiting for the government to actually deliver Brexit because they certainly haven’t so far.
It's interesting that you felt it has not delivered what it promised. 
I remember pointing out at the time that it garnered a wide range of support by promising a wide range of things to a wide range of people with differing priorities to the extent that leave voters were not in any way a coherent group.

Did it stop 70 million Turks moving in next door? Yes.
Did we leave the EU? Yes.
Did it end the role of the Court of Justice? Yes
Did we "take back control" of immigration? Yes
Did we get new trade deals? Erm...Yes
Did we stop sending £350 million to the EU? Yes
Did we cut VAT on tampons? Yes.

So whilst it may not have delivered YOUR Brexit, it has delivered the Brexit that many Brexit voters voted for and it certainly delivered the Brexit that Remainers feared it would.

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