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The Post Office Scandal

Ten Bobsworth
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161The Post Office Scandal - Page 9 Empty Re: The Post Office Scandal Thu May 16 2024, 23:36



Ten Bobsworth wrote:Lesley Sewell is not one of the more familiar names in the Post Office saga, so today's proceedings at th'Inquiry didn't seem too promising.

Geordie lass, Mrs Sewell must have thought her boat had come in when she landed a highly paid job at the Post Office having spent the previous 25 years at the Northern Rock before it capsized on the rocks. Out of the frying pan and into the fire you might say if you weren't too bothered about mixing metaphors

Five years later, after it seemed that like Susan Crichton she had been cold-shouldered by the ruling gang at POL, Lesley  was also on her way out. Unlike most of the cold fish that have emerged during the proceedings, Mrs Sewell seemed genuinely upset by the whole shamozzle.

The proceedings wound up with focus on Paula Vennells seemingly harrassing Lesley Sewell by phone and text 5/6 years after Mrs S had left the employ of POL. It resulted in Mrs S blocking POL's CEO but we were left a little in the dark about what PV had hoped to gain by all this.

Maybe we'll find out more next week.

Clearly because Vennells was trying to plan to wriggle out of as much shit as possible heading her way after it was shortly going to be hitting the fan with the impending Parliamentary inquiry and High Court cases!

(Still think TPTB had their hands all over it from the start in 1999 or has the reality of Vennells et al not reporting Horizons 'bugs' (and flowing from that all the unsafe convictions) upwards to the PO Board and government. with all the facts known to us so far showing that to be the case, not relevant in your world?).

Ms Sewell, who worked at the Post Office between 2010 and 2015, said in her witness statement that Ms Vennells contacted her from a personal email account on 8 March 2020 - a year after she had resigned as chief executive.

Ms Sewell said that in the email, which has been passed to the inquiry, Ms Vennells said she had "been asked at short notice to appear before a BEIS Select Committee on all things Horizon/Sparrow and need to plug some memory gaps! My hope is this might help avoid an independent inquiry but to do so, I need to be well prepared".

I had not spoken to Paula since I had left the Post Office in 2015," she added.

Project Sparrow was a sub-committee that dealt with Horizon issues and eventually got rid of forensic accountants who had found bugs in the faulty system.

Ms Sewell said that they spoke on the phone later that day and she made notes.

The witness statement also indicates that, ahead of a 2021 Court of Appeal hearing, Ms Vennells was aware of a 2014 report by Deloitte which showed remote access to sub-postmasters’ accounts was possible.

The report, codenamed "Project Zebra", was not disclosed ahead of a group litigation in 2018 brought by campaigner Alan Bates and 554 other sub-postmasters.

Ms Sewell says Ms Vennells contacted her again on 12 April 2021 via text message, requesting a call, and that she made notes.

“I can see from my notes that there is reference to the Project Zebra Deloitte report and a reference to a call to Gareth James of Deloitte, who I recall was the lead on this project who I worked with a lot. I cannot recall why he was mentioned. I do not know what is meant by ‘lawyers say we didn't do anything about it’.”

Her witness statement also indicates that the Post Office wanted to publish Deloitte’s Project Zebra report but the audit firm was only willing to do this if it was "massively caveated".

Ms Sewell said her notes also say “PV got jumpy” but she could not recall what this was a reference to.

The witness statement said her notes from that phone call also refer to the upcoming Court of Appeal case on 23 April 2021.

She wrote: "I can also see that I have made reference to 'Deloitte report said that transactions could be amended/changed?' and have added 'not my understanding'.

"At the time of writing this note, my understanding of the Deloitte findings was that only one balancing transaction had taken place."

Ms Sewell said that "Paula contacted me on four occasions in total"

"I recall blocking her number after the last call as I did not feel comfortable with her contacting me."

Court of Appeal case on 23 April 2021.

Judges have quashed the convictions of 39 former postmasters after the UK's most widespread miscarriage of justice.

At the Royal Courts of Justice in London, Lord Justice Holroyde said the Post Office "knew there were serious issues about the reliability of Horizon" and had a "clear duty to investigate" the system's defects.

But the Post Office "consistently asserted that Horizon was robust and reliable" and "effectively steamrolled over any sub-postmaster who sought to challenge its accuracy", the judge added.

The Court of Appeal also allowed the appeals on the basis that their prosecutions were an affront to justice - a decision that allows for the possibility of further claims for compensation against the Post Office.

Full article here -

162The Post Office Scandal - Page 9 Empty Re: The Post Office Scandal Fri May 17 2024, 23:12

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Today's witness, Alisdair Cameron, was an interesting geezer. You'd think that anyone coming from an Arthur Anderson background would be a bit more sceptical than this guy was when he joined POL.

For those that may not remember, the international accountancy firm of Arthur Anderson went belly up as a result of the massive Enron scandal. They were actually BWFC's auditors for a short while before AA went phut.
As for KPMG finding nowt to worry about over the suspense accounts and counting money wrongfully extracted from SPMs as profit! Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

163The Post Office Scandal - Page 9 Empty Re: The Post Office Scandal Sat May 18 2024, 10:06

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

An interesting week, a really interesting week.

For someone so slow to 'grasp it', Alisdair Cameron seemed to me a bit too slick and quick in putting the boot into Paula Vennells and Rod Ismay, even if they deserved it.

According to Cameron, Ismay's finance department at Chesterfield wasn't fit for purpose (or words to that effect). If that was the case how come the auditors didn't tell the Board that in their annual management letter? Or did they and it was just swept under t'carpet?

164The Post Office Scandal - Page 9 Empty Re: The Post Office Scandal Sat May 18 2024, 14:19



Ten Bobsworth wrote:An interesting week, a really interesting week.

For someone so slow to 'grasp it', Alisdair Cameron seemed to me a bit too slick and quick in putting the boot into Paula Vennells and Rod Ismay, even if they deserved it.

According to Cameron, Ismay's finance department at Chesterfield wasn't fit for purpose (or words to that effect). If that was the case how come the auditors didn't tell the Board that in their annual management letter? Or did they and it was just swept under t'carpet?

I would suspect that if I was Cameron and did include such in the annual management letter, then I would have definitely included that fact on my witness statement to the inquiry - wouldn't you in his shoes?

Why do you always start from the point that the PO Board was doing a cover-up job and not consider that they simply may never have been informed of these things?

Wouldn't it be more likely that the auditors may have thought Ismay and his office was shit but didn't want to say as much for fear of upsetting a major client who might go somewhere else next time for their audit?


165The Post Office Scandal - Page 9 Empty Re: The Post Office Scandal Sun May 19 2024, 08:05

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Nick Wallis, who has done so much to expose this scandal, has got one thing wrong.

Nick thought that Oxford would 'valiantly fail to make it into the Championship'.
Here's part of an email I got from Nick yesterday morning:

plus: It's tour over!

The Post Office Scandal - Page 9 07e05038bbab9046246debfb3348a9fc1e02dbce
(l-r) Eleanor Shaikh, Chirag Sidhpura, Seema Misra, Davinder Misra at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre in Guildford.

'I've had three people get in touch in the last couple of days to ask if I'm okay as they haven't had any emails recently.
I did say I was going to take some time out to focus on the rest of my talks in my last newsletter, but sorry if I didn't make it absolutely explicit. I am okay, just. Thank you for your concern!
Anyway the live dates are now done, and all I have to do now is focus on the inquiry. And my brother's forthcoming nuptials. Major Tom (yes, really) is picking me up to take me on his stag do at 9.30am today, which is obviously just the R&R I need (Footgolf, hovercrafting, crossbow shooting, pause to watch Oxford Utd valiantly fail to make it into the Championship, comedy club, Fury vs Usyk, bed). I'm sure I'll find a way to struggle through.

I wasn't so sure that Oxford would 'valiantly fail' at all but I'll wait till tomorrow before replying.

P.S. Eleanor Shaikh is on the left of the photo. What a star she has turned out to be.

166The Post Office Scandal - Page 9 Empty Re: The Post Office Scandal Mon May 20 2024, 08:14

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Its Paula Vennells week at th'Inquiry an' t'media will be watching with keen interest.

But it didn't all start with Ms Vennells, the rot had well and truly set in long before she got her chance to give back. "I saw something in the Post Office that was bigger and deeper, maybe it was something about giving back". Yes Paula and maybe it was something about the £500K  p.a. you were getting paid.

Meanwhile Jane MacLeod, POL's antipodean General Counsel and a key figure from 2015 to 2019, seems to have made herself scarce and is refusing to appear to give evidence.

The Board and the owners, HM government, never knew a thing about any of it, of course, because ITK Sluffy says so.

167The Post Office Scandal - Page 9 Empty Re: The Post Office Scandal Mon May 20 2024, 11:33




I'm not ITK.

I've simply asked you repeatedly to link me to the FACTS you base your assertion that The Powers That Be (the government and Post Office Board) have their hands all over this right from the beginning - and you haven't.

In fact you repeatedly ignore I've even asked and repeatedly change the subject - like you will this time too!

I'm happy to be proved wrong but up to now I know of NO proof to support your claim and and a mountain of testimony that points to the government and the Post Office Board being ignorant and/or misled about the scandal unfolding by key 'gatekeepers' within the Post Office management.

The Swift Report for instance, where the government instructs the Post Office to commission an independent report on the goings on which flags ups concerns about PO prosecutions, which ultimately was NOT presented to the Board.

Time and time and time again you have failed to produce a shred of evidence to to support your belief of a massive deep state cover up and absolutely nothing to refute hard evidence produced at the public inquiry.

If there IS a deep state cover-up then I hope it is fully exposed but up to now you produce nothing other than a conspiracy theory and ceaseless petulance towards me.

Sluffy wrote:Don't you deal in facts anymore?


168The Post Office Scandal - Page 9 Empty Re: The Post Office Scandal Wed May 22 2024, 08:29

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Its Paula Vennells day today. Its the first day of three and she's found another 50 documents for the Inquiry to see.

Yesterday it was Company Secretary and Coven Co-ordinator, Alwyn Lyons. Ms Lyons proved to be a fully-qualified Convenient Memory Lapse Practitioner (CMLP). It seems to have been quite an advantage in the corridors of power at the Post Office to be a CMLP.  

We also discovered yesterday that meeting minutes did not record the names of directors asking inconvenient questions or the questions they were actually asking.

That's the way to do it! Shocked Shocked Shocked

169The Post Office Scandal - Page 9 Empty Re: The Post Office Scandal Wed May 22 2024, 09:44



Ten Bobsworth wrote:Its Paula Vennells day today. Its the first day of three and she's found another 50 documents for the Inquiry to see.

Yesterday it was Company Secretary and Coven Co-ordinator, Alwyn Lyons. Ms Lyons proved to be a fully-qualified Convenient Memory Lapse Practitioner (CMLP). It seems to have been quite an advantage in the corridors of power at the Post Office to be a CMLP.  

We also discovered yesterday that meeting minutes did not record the names of directors asking inconvenient questions or the questions they were actually asking.

That's the way to do it! Shocked Shocked Shocked

If you are talking about Crichton not being called into the meeting I'm not sure what you are saying is correct?

What I understood what happened was that Lyons got up to allow Crichton to attended the meeting for the next item and was asked by the Chair to 'wait a minute'.

I don't see anything there that should have been minuted formally.

If the minutes of the previous meeting had asked for Crichton to attend this one, then I would have expected a reference in the list of attendees for the meeting to show that Crichton had made herself available but was not called for.

Clearly it was a big snub to the company's head of legal to be sat outside a meeting (or more likely in her office waiting for a call for her to attend for a specific item on the agenda) especially when the CEO (Vennells) had to do the briefing instead - but I imagine Crichton by that time knew her face didn't fit and was on the way out.

I would imagine Lyons knew that too, so why even mention it in the minutes that had to be approved by the Chair, who would no doubt remove it and no doubt put a black mark against herself in the eyes of the PO Chairman.

One could even put a case that Vennells had prior to the meeting informed the Chair that she would do the briefing (as she expected Crichton to say something she didn't want the board to hear).

It's one thing having a pop at the minute taker as the counsel and yourself have but in reality whatever she wrote would have to be approved by the Chair (and no doubt Vennells) prior to them being published, so what point is putting something in there that you know they will take out and no doubt setting their sites on you once Crichton is potted?

That's how the system really works - everyone covers their own backs.

170The Post Office Scandal - Page 9 Empty Re: The Post Office Scandal Wed May 22 2024, 10:29



WOW - Moya Green text message to Vennells

:bomb: :bomb: :bomb:

(Moya Green - Royal Mail CEO at same time as Vennells was CEO at PO - Vennells claimed her and Green good friends)


171The Post Office Scandal - Page 9 Empty Re: The Post Office Scandal Wed May 22 2024, 13:21


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I see Vennells has been in tears and admitted lying to Parliament! Get her charged now!

172The Post Office Scandal - Page 9 Empty Re: The Post Office Scandal Wed May 22 2024, 14:24



Norpig wrote:I see Vennells has been in tears and admitted lying to Parliament! Get her charged now!

I'm not sure she has admitted to lying, her excuse is that she repeated what her Chief Legal officer told to a Post Office Board meeting, which she was told by her senior member of staff, Jarnail Singh.

The following is a summary of the second time Singh has come before the inquiry - it's bad, very bad...

Ex-Post Office lawyer Jarnail Singh denies cover up

Posted at 16:14 3 May
Apologies, cover ups and 'big fat lies'

That was quite a day. Exchanges were volatile and accusations often damning.

So, before we head off, let's take a moment to recap the key lines in the evidence of former Post Office lawyer Jarnail Singh:

Inquiry counsel Jason Beer KC put it to Singh over and over that he was involved in a cover-up to keep Horizon bugs a secret. Singh denied this repeatedly

He was also asked several times to admit what he knew about the bugs and when, but denied knowledge of any faults prior to 2013

The inquiry was shown a 2010 report detailing bugs that Singh saved and printed out, and he was accused of telling a "big fat lie" to the inquiry about his knowledge of bugs

Singh offered an apology to Seema Misra, whose case he was involved in prosecuting. "I admit mistakes were made and I am sorry that Mrs Misra had suffered," he said

As questioning turned to the shredding of documents, Singh's head fell into his hands, and he was instructed to sit straight and speak clearly, but he returned to that position a number of times through the rest of his questioning

The inquiry saw emails that showed Singh advised against disclosing a report finding no evidence of theft in the case of Jo Hamilton to the Post Office mediation group

Vennells excuse is that "no one" told her anything...


173The Post Office Scandal - Page 9 Empty Re: The Post Office Scandal Wed May 22 2024, 17:58



God, is Vennells really that stupid???

Still think TPTB have their hands all over this from the very beginning Bob as it looks more a more to me that Vennells has mislead everyone by her stupidity rather than be a key player in a major government cover-op.

Beer (and Wyn Williams) have run rings around her.

It would be laughable really if peoples lives hadn't been ruined by all of this.

I don't really know where this Tim McCormack fits into this (sort of like a early version of Alan Bates?) but he seemed to have told Vennells directly what was happening and the consequences of ignoring it and he seems to have been spot on.

(Strangely enough he didn't think it was a government cover-up either!!!)

174The Post Office Scandal - Page 9 Empty Re: The Post Office Scandal Wed May 22 2024, 18:11



Tim McCormack

Written evidence from Mr Tim McCormack (PON0004)
April 2019

My name is Tim McCormack and I am a former subpostmaster. I am known as an arch critic of Post Office Ltd and I publish a blog on matters to do with my serious concern on how Post Office Ltd is managed ( Post Office Ltd take my criticism extremely seriously. So much so in fact, that they have barred me from operating a Post Office now and in the future. That is how they react to constructive criticism so good luck with any criticism of them you come up with as a result of this inquiry.

Full transcript here -,take%20my%20criticism%20extremely%20seriously.

This is what he says about the government -

A brief review of parliamentary questions to the various ministers in charge of Postal Affairs over the last 10 years will show that the stock answer is a hand’s off approach to the way the Post Office is run by the Government. When serious questions are put about the performance of POL, the Minister refers to answers received from POL and not their own enquiries. From a financial aspect the management of POL as a 100% Government owned company do not receive the attention of the National Audit Office despite POL being the recipient of billions of pounds in state aid. In fact if it were not for one of my interventions POL would still be misusing the working capital loan received from BEIS and a recent FOI request has revealed that POL were again misusing government funds to finance the current trial and they had to repay several millions to the government as a result.

His Twitter account

175The Post Office Scandal - Page 9 Empty Re: The Post Office Scandal Wed May 22 2024, 22:54

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Sluffy wrote:God, is Vennells really that stupid???

Still think TPTB have their hands all over this from the very beginning Bob as it looks more a more to me that Vennells has mislead everyone by her stupidity rather than be a key player in a major government cover-op.

Beer (and Wyn Williams) have run rings around her.

It would be laughable really if peoples lives hadn't been ruined by all of this.

I don't really know where this Tim McCormack fits into this (sort of like a early version of Alan Bates?) but he seemed to have told Vennells directly what was happening and the consequences of ignoring it and he seems to have been spot on.

(Strangely enough he didn't think it was a government cover-up either!!!)

Is Vennells that stupid? Deranged I'd say but the culture or dare I say the malignant tumour that had taken over the body of the Post Office was well and truly established long before Vennells arrived on the scene.

It was the governments responsibility to ensure that the Post Office was properly managed and governed and did not routinely abuse the power it had. It is simply not good enough for government to turn a blind eye and pretend that it had nothing to do with them. The same might equally be said of the numerous NHS scandals not least the contaminated blood scandal.

176The Post Office Scandal - Page 9 Empty Re: The Post Office Scandal Wed May 22 2024, 23:58



Ten Bobsworth wrote:Is Vennells that stupid? Deranged I'd say but the culture or dare I say the malignant tumour that had taken over the body of the Post Office was well and truly established long before Vennells arrived on the scene.

It was the governments responsibility to ensure that the Post Office was properly managed and governed and did not routinely abuse the power it had. It is simply not good enough for government to turn a blind eye and pretend that it had nothing to do with them. The same might equally be said of the numerous NHS scandals not least the contaminated blood scandal.

Yes Bob, you are finally getting there - it IS the culture, and it IS the system, that is how it works in the public sector, there's a completely different process and mind set of how things are done.

The government does NOT micromanage it's 'nationalised' (for want of a better word) services such as the Royal Mail or in this case the POL, they have them  report to them via the POL Board.

Complaints to MP's are not dealt with by MP's as such, or even Ministers, they are sent to the POL for answers, and if things don't get better their Chairs, CEO's, CFO's, etc are called to answer questions to Parliamentary Committees, and if problems still persist they are told to commission independent reviews The Swift Report for instance.

There still exists a 'trust' that the 'right sort of people'...

(look at those on the Board  - this is worth a read -

The City grandees who let the Post Office fight to the bitter end )

...are the ones who can get on and do the job required, so there is no need to control things themselves - but the Board is only as good as the information it sees.

Clearly there was much they didn't get to see including the Swift Report.

I simply believe the cock-up theory is always more likely than your favoured conspiracy theories - particularly when you can back up your belief with any facts.

I don't know if you watched Vennells today - I did, and the personal text messages from Moya Greene were utterly damning of Vennells integrity.

The briefing note at the end of the day which POL public relations manager gave to Vennells in advance of her Parliamentary Committee appearance - first say as little as possible, if pushed then say there was no external access, and if all else fails say there was external access but it was only used once - was another car crash moment

To paraphrase Beer to Vennells- why did your own PR manager know there was external access (as per her briefing note) yet  you didn't, even though you had a note in your hand saying there was - but told the committee there wasn't?

There's clearly some folk who knew the truth and got out when they could Crichton for one and Sewell seems to have been another (or at least she didn't want anything more to do with Vennells.  However there were bad actors in there (and Fujitsu) Gareth Jenkins, Jarnail Singh, and John Scott to name but three of the most obvious ones.

Did the government cover thing up?

Jo Swinson said: "The latest revelations about the Project Sparrow meetings and decisions show the extent of the cover-up by Post Office Ltd - they were kept secret from Parliament and the public, and from ministers too.

"Not only did the Post Office directors, including the government official, choose not to tell ministers, they instead briefed the opposite. Repeatedly they told me that Post Office Ltd had never seen anything that would undermine any of their prosecutions, something that we now know is simply not true."

I'm still waiting to be linked to your facts that they did...


177The Post Office Scandal - Page 9 Empty Re: The Post Office Scandal Thu May 23 2024, 09:30

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

The Post Office Scandal - Page 9 F3e2914034a89b8c9c9f00d33502481e7bc7abd4
Paula Vennells didn't have her listening ears or her thinking head on.
AND she was lied to, she says. It hasn't cut the mustard with Moya Greene who is due to appear in July.

We have already heard Ministers making the same excuse even before they get to the Inquiry.
We'll have to wait and see how it goes when the next bunch of ex-Ministers turn up with their lame excuses but it hasn't gone unnoticed that quite a few of POL's scoundrels seem to have got off lightly so far.

178The Post Office Scandal - Page 9 Empty Re: The Post Office Scandal Thu May 23 2024, 15:54




Remember what I've been saying about 'gatekeepers', Bob?

Well were you watching Jason Beer at 14:50 today when he put it to Vennells that that was EXACTLY what she was doing to the Post Office Board???

Beer goes on to ask Vennells whether she agrees that the Post Office's executive team, which she led, shielded the board from the executive team's "dirty laundry".

"I'd say it was completely wrong," Vennells replies.

Beer continues that there is a suggestion the executive team could manage problems away, but if the board were to know about these problems they'd need to disclose them to sub-postmasters, Parliament, and the public.

A bit strange don't you think that the razor sharp mind of Jason Beer has zeroed-in on the very point a 99.9999% TWERP like me has been saying and not focused at all on your conspiracy theory of a government / Post Office Board cover-up by TPTB (The Powers That Be) who have had their hands all over in from the beginning?

Does that make Jason Beer a 99.9999% TWERP too in your esteemed view?

PS - I'm still waiting for you to link me to the facts supporting your conspiracy theory...


179The Post Office Scandal - Page 9 Empty Re: The Post Office Scandal Thu May 23 2024, 23:24



Are you there Bob?

You seemed to have gone a little quiet today?

I've not even had one of your childish insults trying to demean me for over a week now, either?

In case you are ailing, I've taken the liberty of finding a video of this afternoons session at the inquest for you to watch, just in case you might have missed it.

If you don't fancy watching it all then could I recommend that you forward it to 36:00 which is when Jason Beer, slowly and deliberately sets a trap for Vennells to fall into.

To set the scene, this is the PO Board meeting where Crichton was left outside of, and where Vennells was less than totally honest in giving a report about Second Sight's progress but forgot completely to mention anything about all the unsafe prosecutions based on the unreliable expert witness testimony the PO had been totally relying on (the first Clark Advice).

It builds slowly until about the 53:00 mark and then he starts to rip her apart, brilliantly and humorously too!

Proper lampooning Bob, not the childish shit that you pretend to be doing.

And at 55:30 he finally sets her up for the coup de grace - that she was a gatekeeper withholding critical information to the Board...


180The Post Office Scandal - Page 9 Empty Re: The Post Office Scandal Fri May 24 2024, 07:20

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Poor Sluffy. Sad Sad Sad

'Was a member of the government seeking legal advice from the Post Office’s top lawyer on whether or not the High (?) Court could “protect” the Post Office from journalists “overstating” evidence?

What was he hoping might happen? And how? It really does beggar belief.'

Nick Read is still in place but Tom Cooper isn't.

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