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Where is Nat? Will she ever return? Why are forums so much quieter these days?

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Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Mad Dog wrote:Sluffy, that is comedy gold, I remember howling with laughter at that back in the day turning up for a fight and posting evidence that he was there. That’s when you know you’ve done a great job winding someone up on an internet forum. 
Hipster, no it wasn’t me who arranged to meet Nat for a date, I’ve never lived in Lancashire. 
I remember one of the best posts that really wound people up was one suggesting that there should be two match posts, one for those who went to the game and one for those who watched on tv. It did get very lively that one.

I think it might have been someone called Bullet.


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

I can't speak for Nat or the others who, like me disappeared from here so I'll simply stick to explaining my own absence.

First in the last three years I have had a stroke then two heart attacks. Since I was ordered to avoid stress and Wendy felt the football was way too risky for me to watch I had to sneak peeks at the internet just to know if we were playing. Smile 

Joking aside things have been difficult to say the least since I had the stroke and I spent much of my time in therapy and rehab (physical not addiction therapy and rehab). 

On the bright side I also became a granddad and especially since the 2nd heart attack which happened on New Years Eve (31/12/23) I have spent every possible moment with my family and closest friends. I love posting on here but frankly I was determined to reach out to as many of the people I had lost touch with such as old school mates as possible. 

Lastly I genuinely didn't realise how much time had gone by since my last post until the play off final and was shocked when I saw how big the gap was. I am glad to be back and even happier that things on the personal front at least have improved to the point of me having both the time and ability to relax and enjoy life a bit more. Since our youngest daughter is now married it's just Wendy and me at home and we've moved into a much smaller, easier to manage house. 

Sorry to ramble on a bit but I guess the short version is a lot of stuff happened in real life that sent football way down my list of priorities at the time and it's only recently that I've been both healthy enough and had enough time to really pay attention to it again.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Jesus! Having a stroke is enough but two heart attacks aswell! Shocked Shocked

Well it looks like you have joined myself and Cajun with having a stroke.

I have come to realise how precious life is and sounds like you have realised this also with spending more time with your family and reaching out to long lost friends.

Money isn't important as chasing it brings lots of stress.

Glad you are ok and on the mend Peter.

Anyway welcome to the survivors club! :drinks:


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

Hi karl, cheesy joke alert!!! 

Defibrilation? Truly a shocking experience.  affraid

Getting my coat now ...  :bow:


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

luckyPeterpiper wrote:Hi karl, cheesy joke alert!!! 

Defibrilation? Truly a shocking experience.  affraid

Getting my coat now ...  :bow:

It's bloody frightening when it comes to this.

I was going to say shocking but didn't think it was appropriate. What a Face


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Welcome back,Peter. You've had quite an adventure on the health front for sure.
Delighted that you're well enough to be back posting, and hope you go from strength to strength.
Sadly, I'm still here. I can only apologise for that. Since Brucie died I've been bereft, but I wander harmlessly about. Feel free to ignore me. Very Happy


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

boltonbonce wrote:Welcome back,Peter. You've had quite an adventure on the health front for sure.
Delighted that you're well enough to be back posting, and hope you go from strength to strength.
Sadly, I'm still here. I can only apologise for that. Since Brucie died I've been bereft, but I wander harmlessly about. Feel free to ignore me. Very Happy
Never mate. 

Nice to see you. To see you ...


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Very Happy



Wow, sorry to hear about all your health problems.

I knew from what you told me before that you had other health issues and I thought maybe you had drifted away from here to sort them out and lost interest in the forum thereafter - it's fair to say it hasn't been pleasant to be on here at times.

Saying that though it seems to have settled down a great deal over the last several months.

Hope you are fully recovered from your health scares and fantastic to see you back posting once more.

Congratulations to you and Wendy on becoming grandparents - I'm sure you are both absolutely thrilled!


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

luckyPeterpiper wrote:
Never mate. 

Nice to see you. To see you ...
Never takes long,does it. Razz


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

We are sluffy and my granddaughter is an angel. Eight months old and absolutely has granddad wrapped around her finger. 

I keep wondering how in hell I got to be a granddad, I mean I blinked in 1988 and suddenly there's a lot less hair, way more waist and all music made after 1988 is rubbish! Very Happy 

Most of all though I'm glad to still be here at all and even more happy that Wendy and I are now able to spend some genuine time together. I had to retire after the 2nd heart attack (Wendy said she'd finish me off herself if I didn't Smile ) but it means I get to spend more time with my granddaughter than I otherwise would have and more time with our children who all seem to think I must be visited at least 3 times a week. It's a rare day the house if empty and I love that.

Mad Dog

Nicky Hunt
Nicky Hunt

Does anyone remember the poster who had a photo of Roland from Grange Hill as his profile pic. I remember when Gary Mugson (did you see what I did there?) was manager he was organising a finger buffet to discuss a protest march to force Mugson out of the club ☺



I think he was holding it at the Cafe Rouge - like you would in Bolton of course!

Wasn't he the one called Bullet that didn't have the fight that Amos videoed?

It really was so funny back them.

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