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Briton Sentenced To Death For Drug Smuggling

Bernard Dennis Park
Sgt. Bash
Reebok Trotter
Natasha Whittam
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Reebok Trotter

Reebok Trotter
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Cannabis can and does harm people. Legalising it would be a bad move imo.


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

I agree with RT - I saw it weekend in and weekend out where weekenders were coming over for the schmoke and mixing it with alcohol and the after effects are all over the city, to be seen, on a Sunday daytime.

Reebok Trotter

Reebok Trotter
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Cannabis, coke and crack are far more addictive than alcohol and tobacco. Most smokers don't go off their trolley after a woodbine. Drugs tend to cause hallucinations whereas tabs don't.


Tony Kelly
Tony Kelly

I can fully see the point made by Hipster. He is not disputing the effect drugs can have on the human body. It is a difficult concept to say this and that can be grown, it's natural, but you can't grow it. It's not allowed.


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

Reebok Trotter wrote:Cannabis, coke and crack are far more addictive than alcohol and tobacco. Most smokers don't go off their trolley after a woodbine. Drugs tend to cause hallucinations whereas tabs don't.

Cannabis is far less addictive than tobacco and far less dangerous both to users and others than alcohol. Tobacco has to be the most stupid drug to take. There is no high, it is addictive and it damages your health and the health of others.

Just to be clear, I am not recommending taking crack or heroin but at least you get a high off them so I have been told.

Reebok Trotter

Reebok Trotter
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

xmiles wrote:

Cannabis is far less addictive than tobacco and far less dangerous.

Not strictly true. According to medical opinion, cannabis is addictive whereas tobacco smoking is habit forming. The long term effects of smoking cigarettes are well documented but short term smoking of cannabis can lead to hallucinations and brain damage.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Cannabis isn't addictive it doesn't have any addictive substance in it, it's habitual.

It's actually less addictive than Coffee.

Most of the things people say about weed are complete myths.

If you're arguing against Cannabis being in the public domain then surely you feel the same way about booze and fags.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Reebok Trotter wrote:
xmiles wrote:

Cannabis is far less addictive than tobacco and far less dangerous.

Not strictly true. According to medical opinion, cannabis is addictive whereas tobacco smoking is habit forming. The long term effects of smoking cigarettes are well documented but short term smoking of cannabis can lead to hallucinations and brain damage.

It doesn't cause brain damage thats complete and utter rubbish.


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

Hipster_Nebula wrote:Cannabis isn't addictive it doesn't have any addictive substance in it, it's habitual.

It's actually less addictive than Coffee.

Most of the things people say about weed are complete myths.

If you're arguing against Cannabis being in the public domain then surely you feel the same way about booze and fags.

But it does lead to bad paranoia and other mental issues, which then leads onto violence, suicide etc etc etc, if constantly used unlike fags and alcohol


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

You've got to be joking with that statement.

Reebok Trotter

Reebok Trotter
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Hipster, I can tell by you sticking up for cannabis that you have had a few spliffs in your time. The problem with cannabis is that it is hallucinogenic and affects people in different ways. Fags don't.


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

The psychoactive effects of Cannabis are known to have a biphasic nature. Primary psychoactive effects include a state of relaxation, and to a lesser degree, euphoria from its main psychoactive compound, tetrahydrocannabinol. Secondary psychoactive effects, such as a facility for philosophical thinking, introspection and metacognition have been reported amongst cases of anxiety and paranoia. Finally, the tertiary psychoactive effects of the drug cannabis, can include an increase in heart rate and hunger, believed to be caused by 11-OH-THC, a psychoactive metabolite of THC produced in the liver.

Normal cognition is restored after approximately three hours for larger doses via a smoking pipe, bong or vaporizer. However, if a large amount is taken orally the effects may last much longer. After 24 hours to a few days, minuscule psychoactive effects may be felt, depending on dosage, frequency and tolerance to the drug.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

depending on what strain you happen you to be smoking.

all fags cause cancer, fact. No one has ever died from smoking weed.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

You better have a good argument if you're trying to tell me mild paranoia is worse than Cancer and liver cirrhosis.


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

1. Cancer can be got from not even smoking or inhaling secondary smoke. But any form of smoking can lead to cancer due to the fact the body is inhaling a foreign material which could trigger it. There are people in this world who are in their 80's 90's and centuries who have smoked most of their adult lives and done them no harm. So basically that is a weak excuse to try to argue.

2. Liver cirrhosis again is linked to drinking too much alcohol, but again there are people living to grand ripe age who have drank most of their lives, and again one can gain the diseasi from not even drinking.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

You smoke weed with tobacco. I know several people who can't go a day without weed, if they do they get ancious and tend to be stressed. They leave themselves skint so they can feed their habit, often chosing weed over a weeks shopping.

I smoked weed every day for a few years and felt at the time I couldn't go a day without it. Finally, when I decided I needed to give it up it was a lot easier than anticipated - It's psycological. just a few nights of not being able to go to sleep, then I was fine.



bwfc71 wrote:

But it does lead to bad paranoia and other mental issues, which then leads onto violence, suicide etc etc etc, if constantly used unlike fags and alcohol

You say that in a definite way, as if everyone who smokes will end up with mental issues.

It's simply not the case, those side effects are more likely to occur in somebody who already has mental problems, depression, on medication or a similar thing.

If your a healthy person a bit of weed probably won't hurt. It was upgraded to a Class B against the advice of the governments own scientific experts in 2008.

Like anything it's all about knowing your limits and not going over the top. You start smoking half an ounce a day you'll probably get into difficulties, similarly you drink a crate a day you're probably a twat.

But to smoke and relax as a substitue for the pub some weekends is good IMO, if we took a more relaxed view to cannabis in this country we'd be better off I reckon. America seem to be relaxing on it now, I hope we do in future.

Alcohol causes far more carnage and violence than cannabis ever will bwfc71, you don't get many stoners smashing the streets up on a friday night, people don't tend to get aggressive.



Everything in moderation basically!


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

bwfc1874 wrote:Alcohol causes far more carnage and violence than cannabis ever will bwfc71, you don't get many stoners smashing the streets up on a friday night, people don't tend to get aggressive.

But that is relatively a recennt occurance. Also it is inline with teh rise of cannabis use in rcent years. Is it not a case that people are smoking weed, whilst drinking a bottle of vodka, before going out, and then getting smashed up on even more alcohol whilst out. Thats what seems to happen in Amsterdam. Weed and alcohol do not mix and does cause problems - its one of the reasons why the government wanted to restrict the sale of weed to visitors.

Reebok Trotter

Reebok Trotter
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Many years ago I used to smoke roll ups. Golden Virginia was my choice. I used to work shifts and had a tin with half a dozen roll ups pre prepared for work. One Christmas when we were on nights some of my workmates decided to have a little joke. They substituted one of my roll ups for a roll up with some skunk weed.

As luck would have it, I missed it during work but when I got home at 7am I had a cig and cup of tea before hitting the sack. My wife and kids were staying at her parents who only lived in the next street. While I was having my last cig before before bed I became aware of an awful smell in the kitchen which I couldn't identify. I wasn't allowed to smoke in the house but while the cat is away etc etc...

Within a short period of time I started having hallucinations and severe feelings of paranoia. I ended up somehow walking round to my in-laws house in my dressing gown and my father in law took me to hospital.

I wouldn't wish a joke like that on anybody.

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