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Lee WON'T be back soon - Coyle

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1Lee WON'T be back soon - Coyle Empty Lee WON'T be back soon - Coyle Sat Mar 10 2012, 19:33



OWEN Coyle has vowed not to gamble with Chung-Yong Lee’s fitness, even though he is desperate to play a part in Wanderers fight against the drop.

The South Korea international has stepped up his training this week, working on the grass at Euxton with medical staff for the first time since his double leg break last August in a pre-season friendly at Newport County.

After spending eight months on the sidelines, Chung-Yong is now tantalisingly close to returning full time – but Coyle is reticent to push him too hard and risk losing the winger for the whole season.

“There is an element of frustration because he has continued to improve,” the manager said.

“Chungy, like me, would like that improvement to continue at a faster rate.

“But with the nature of his injury we have got to allow it to come along under its own steam.

“I am led to believe everything is healing as it should but within that there is always going to be some discomfort as he continues to push forward.”

Although Chung-Yong’s recovery is slow going, Coyle admits he has made progress since returning from Korea at the start of the year and rejoining his team-mates.

“He did some work the other day that was better than it had been last week,” he said.

“It shows he is getting better but it’s not as though he’s just a week away from training with my group.

“He continues to improve so we need to keep monitoring him and get him back when the time is right.”

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2Lee WON'T be back soon - Coyle Empty Re: Lee WON'T be back soon - Coyle Sat Mar 10 2012, 20:37



Good news, I think a few fans were trying to kid them selves (myself included when it first happened) by thinking we would see him again this season to be honest.

3Lee WON'T be back soon - Coyle Empty Re: Lee WON'T be back soon - Coyle Sun Mar 11 2012, 10:40


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

With 10 games left I wouldn't be surprised to see him before the season is out. I think OC is just managing expectations.

4Lee WON'T be back soon - Coyle Empty Re: Lee WON'T be back soon - Coyle Sun Mar 11 2012, 10:46


Guðni Bergsson
Guðni Bergsson

Even if he does come back, he'll take a while to get back to form, and after such an injury he may well be over-cautious in a tackle, understandably, which will also affect his performance. The best thing for him will probably be next season, rather than the madhouse we are currently embroiled in.

5Lee WON'T be back soon - Coyle Empty Re: Lee WON'T be back soon - Coyle Sun Mar 11 2012, 21:00

Reebok Trotter

Reebok Trotter
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Thank god we have Ryo and Petrov to cover the flanks. What's the betting that Ryo turns out to be the find of the season and he will be a regular at Arsenal next season ?

6Lee WON'T be back soon - Coyle Empty Re: Lee WON'T be back soon - Coyle Sun Mar 11 2012, 21:35



Yep - replacing Rosicky.

7Lee WON'T be back soon - Coyle Empty Re: Lee WON'T be back soon - Coyle Sun Mar 11 2012, 21:41



From what I have seen of Ryo so far he won't be near the Arsenal 1st team next season.

Wouldn't surprise me to see him back here as unless I am watching a different player he doesn't look a world beater just yet.

8Lee WON'T be back soon - Coyle Empty Re: Lee WON'T be back soon - Coyle Sun Mar 11 2012, 22:11



Neither is Rosicky.

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