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New Year Honours Bullshit

Reebok Trotter
Natasha Whittam
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1New Year Honours Bullshit Empty New Year Honours Bullshit Thu Dec 31 2015, 11:10

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Fook me, every year these bullshit awards make me angry.

I've no problem with the "ordinary" people getting MBEs, CBEs etc but every December the famous faces that pick up these awards show just what an outdated and backward system it is.

People should be awarded for things they do that benefit others or show incredible bravery in the face of personal adversity. They shouldn't be picking up awards for being on TV or friends of the powerful.

Fook me, where to start....

Barbara fooking Windsor. Made a career out of getting her tits out and now makes millions backing bingo! Very deserving!

Fooking Idris Elba for services to acting for fooks sake! He gets an OBE for getting paid silly amounts of money for doing his job! Where is my OBE for services to Business, where is Boggers OBE for services to bullshit, and where is Wanderlust's OBE for services to the armchair industry?

This is a good one....Jacqui Oatley, the first female commentator on Match Of The Day, is made an MBE. What an achievement! People in generations to come will talk about Jacqui whatever-her-name-was in the same breath as other female pioneers like Marie Curie, Benazir Bhutto and Maggie Thatcher. Utter bullshit.

And in more feminist bullshit, two women's footballers - England captain Steph Houghton and team-mate Fara Williams - both receive MBEs. For what? Being female? Where's my MBE?

And AP McCoy gets a knighthood for simply doing his job well. Let's forget the fact he is a multi-millionaire coining it in from the sport!! Surely Simon Cowell should be due a knighthood, he's earned fooking billions just doing his job.

Lynton Crosby, the slimy Tory twat, gets a knighthood for being the general election strategist that won the Tory's the election.

And probably the most ridiculous of all...snooker ponce Ronnie O'Sullivan receives an OBE for, well, being a twat! Seriously, what has that gobshite ever given to society except a few headbutts?

These awards make us a laughing stock. Twats!!!

2New Year Honours Bullshit Empty Re: New Year Honours Bullshit Thu Dec 31 2015, 11:16


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

have a lie down Nat, think you may have just blown your top  Very Happy

I do agree in general especially the obvious political favours handed out by pig head abuser Cameron

3New Year Honours Bullshit Empty Re: New Year Honours Bullshit Thu Dec 31 2015, 11:34


Tinned Toms - You know it makes sense!

Norpig wrote:

I do agree in general especially the obvious political favours handed out by pig head abuser Cameron
This is the side of it that I hate, getting knighted for being a tory cash donor or Cameron arse licker. It just undermines the integrity of the whole thing.

4New Year Honours Bullshit Empty Re: New Year Honours Bullshit Thu Dec 31 2015, 11:37



Natasha Whittam wrote:

Lynton Crosby, the slimy Tory twat, gets a knighthood for being the general election strategist that won the Tory's the election.

Hang on.......

I thought you were an avid Tory voter?

Strange language to employ if that's the case.

I don't particularly like Ed Balls but I wouldn't refer to him as a "slimy Labour twat".

"Slimy twat" yes, but I wouldn't stick the "Labour" in there.


5New Year Honours Bullshit Empty Re: New Year Honours Bullshit Thu Dec 31 2015, 11:44

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I've said many times that all politicians are slimy twats. Just ask 1874.

I wouldn't trust any of them.

You still have to vote for them though.

6New Year Honours Bullshit Empty Re: New Year Honours Bullshit Thu Dec 31 2015, 11:57


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

Natasha Whittam wrote:Fook me, every year these bullshit awards make me angry.

I've no problem with the "ordinary" people getting MBEs, CBEs etc but every December the famous faces that pick up these awards show just what an outdated and backward system it is.

People should be awarded for things they do that benefit others or show incredible bravery in the face of personal adversity. They shouldn't be picking up awards for being on TV or friends of the powerful.

Fook me, where to start....

Barbara fooking Windsor. Made a career out of getting her tits out and now makes millions backing bingo! Very deserving!

Fooking Idris Elba for services to acting for fooks sake! He gets an OBE for getting paid silly amounts of money for doing his job! Where is my OBE for services to Business, where is Boggers OBE for services to bullshit, and where is Wanderlust's OBE for services to the armchair industry?

This is a good one....Jacqui Oatley, the first female commentator on Match Of The Day, is made an MBE. What an achievement! People in generations to come will talk about Jacqui whatever-her-name-was in the same breath as other female pioneers like Marie Curie, Benazir Bhutto and Maggie Thatcher. Utter bullshit.

And in more feminist bullshit, two women's footballers - England captain Steph Houghton and team-mate Fara Williams - both receive MBEs. For what? Being female? Where's my MBE?

And AP McCoy gets a knighthood for simply doing his job well. Let's forget the fact he is a multi-millionaire coining it in from the sport!! Surely Simon Cowell should be due a knighthood, he's earned fooking billions just doing his job.

Lynton Crosby, the slimy Tory twat, gets a knighthood for being the general election strategist that won the Tory's the election.

And probably the most ridiculous of all...snooker ponce Ronnie O'Sullivan receives an OBE for, well, being a twat! Seriously, what has that gobshite ever given to society except a few headbutts?

These awards make us a laughing stock. Twats!!!


7New Year Honours Bullshit Empty Re: New Year Honours Bullshit Thu Dec 31 2015, 12:07


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Although I have no problem with the Knighthood for McCoy,I honestly believe the whole system should be scrapped.
That Nat Lofthouse was never added to the list of footballing Knights,still rankles.

8New Year Honours Bullshit Empty Re: New Year Honours Bullshit Thu Dec 31 2015, 13:08

Reebok Trotter

Reebok Trotter
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:Although I have no problem with the Knighthood for McCoy,I honestly believe the whole system should be scrapped.
That Nat Lofthouse was never added to the list of footballing Knights,still rankles.


9New Year Honours Bullshit Empty Re: New Year Honours Bullshit Thu Dec 31 2015, 14:31


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Natasha Whittam wrote:I've said many times that all politicians are slimy twats. Just ask 1874.

I wouldn't trust any of them.

You still have to vote for them though.
No they aren't, they really aren't. The percentage of self seekers may be higher than in the general population, but there are loads of politicians I know, of all persuasions, who genuinely care, and work beyond anything which could be expected of them to make things better for society as a whole. Your generalisation is unworthy of you.

Ref honours system, it should be scrapped imo

10New Year Honours Bullshit Empty Re: New Year Honours Bullshit Thu Dec 31 2015, 16:49


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

There all twats.

11New Year Honours Bullshit Empty Re: New Year Honours Bullshit Thu Dec 31 2015, 17:38


Guðni Bergsson
Guðni Bergsson

I agree with Nat on the honours thing. Its all a load of crap the way it is currently worked. In principle, its a good thing, unfortunately its applied by politicians and civil servants eager to please.

Regards politicians, I see your point Amanda, and agree in general. However, politics is now taught in school, from a fairly early age. To me, this means that it is less of a 'calling', and just another career, where the ultimate aim is the attainment of ones personal ambitions and aims, rather than that of the country. If they coincide, then its a bonus.

12New Year Honours Bullshit Empty Re: New Year Honours Bullshit Thu Dec 31 2015, 18:03



The problem with organised politics (in the organised religion sense) is that by its very nature, the people most likely to put themselves forward for office are generally the last people you'd actually want in charge.

I attended a couple of Council meetings in Bolton years ago (early 90's when I was studying Politics) and it was obvious that pretty much everybody in the chamber with a vote was largely in it for what they personally could get out of it.

Obviously there will be exceptions like Manda, but by and large, I still wouldn't trust the majority of them.

But we've got to elect somebody because the alternative's chaos, so that's why we have to try and make it as uncomfortable as possible when they are obviously furthering their own personal agendas.

And I agree with Glos - Being a politician is now just as much a defined career option as working in Boots.

You used to have to have some life experience behind you and a bit of wherewithal and, most important of all, been successful at something else before entering the political arena.

Nowadays, you just get your Desmond, work as an intern for a bit, stroke the right ego, get noticed and you're on the path to becoming a prospective MP.

With little or no practical life experience.

Like Cameron - the "life-long" West Ham, er sorry, got confused because they both play in Claret & Blue .....Aston Villa fan.

13New Year Honours Bullshit Empty Re: New Year Honours Bullshit Thu Dec 31 2015, 19:19


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Breadman wrote:The problem with organised politics (in the organised religion sense) is that by its very nature, the people most likely to put themselves forward for office are generally the last people you'd actually want in charge.

I attended a couple of Council meetings in Bolton years ago (early 90's when I was studying Politics) and it was obvious that pretty much everybody in the chamber with a vote was largely in it for what they personally could get out of it.

Obviously there will be exceptions like Manda, but by and large, I still wouldn't trust the majority of them.

But we've got to elect somebody because the alternative's chaos, so that's why we have to try and make it as uncomfortable as possible when they are obviously furthering their own personal agendas.

And I agree with Glos - Being a politician is now just as much a defined career option as working in Boots.

You used to have to have some life experience behind you and a bit of wherewithal and, most important of all, been successful at something else before entering the political arena.

Nowadays, you just get your Desmond, work as an intern for a bit, stroke the right ego, get noticed and you're on the path to becoming a prospective MP.

With little or no practical life experience.

Like Cameron - the "life-long" West Ham, er sorry, got confused because they both play in Claret & Blue .....Aston Villa fan. year it'll be Burnley!

14New Year Honours Bullshit Empty Re: New Year Honours Bullshit Thu Dec 31 2015, 19:45


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

Breadman wrote:The problem with organised politics (in the organised religion sense) is that by its very nature, the people most likely to put themselves forward for office are generally the last people you'd actually want in charge.

I attended a couple of Council meetings in Bolton years ago (early 90's when I was studying Politics) and it was obvious that pretty much everybody in the chamber with a vote was largely in it for what they personally could get out of it.

Obviously there will be exceptions like Manda, but by and large, I still wouldn't trust the majority of them.

But we've got to elect somebody because the alternative's chaos, so that's why we have to try and make it as uncomfortable as possible when they are obviously furthering their own personal agendas.

And I agree with Glos - Being a politician is now just as much a defined career option as working in Boots.

You used to have to have some life experience behind you and a bit of wherewithal and, most important of all, been successful at something else before entering the political arena.

Nowadays, you just get your Desmond, work as an intern for a bit, stroke the right ego, get noticed and you're on the path to becoming a prospective MP.

With little or no practical life experience.

Like Cameron - the "life-long" West Ham, er sorry, got confused because they both play in Claret & Blue .....Aston Villa fan.

I agree. We are also seeing being an MP becoming increasingly something people inherit from their parents/family.

15New Year Honours Bullshit Empty Re: New Year Honours Bullshit Thu Dec 31 2015, 19:55


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

I remember seeing a documentary about Tony Blair when he talked about how he'd planned his career as an MP while he was still in college. I was gobsmacked because it shouldn't be possible to do that. Quite aside from the obvious necessity of being elected how the hell can going straight into politics give you any meaningful understanding of the problems faced by the people you're supposed to serve unless you've been where they are? I don't mean an MP should spend time living on the dole or working in some crappy job for minimum wage but they should have to spend at least a few years in the real world so they know what it's like to have to pay the mortgage, keep the lights on and put food on the table from a fixed income like most of us do instead of drawing a six figure wage and getting a mountainous expense allowance on top. 

But we as electors also failed and continue to do so by not asking enough questions of those who stand for office. Most of us vote on party lines either because our parents did or some other equally simplistic reason. I've done it myself, voting Tory in '87 at my very first General Election because I lived in the Ribble Valley in an affluent area, my parents were members of the Conservative Party and pretty much everyone I knew was a blue. When I left home in 88 to go to Uni I realised for the first time how lucky I was compared to some of my classmates and wondered why anyone could think they were better than anyone else just because of how much money they or their parents had. When I told my dad I was voting for Michael Carr when David Waddington was sent to the Lords (proof the honours system was a joke right there imo) the howls of protest from him echoed off the moon. Sadly Nigel Evans won the seat back at the next General but he did it without my vote because by 92 you could not have paid me to vote tory. 

Ever since I left the Ribble Valley I've voted Labour except in 2001 when I didn't vote at all because I was in hospital. However, with Jeremy Corbyn in charge I fear we'll lurch back to the far left as we did in the early 80's and that slimeball Cameron will win again by default as Middle England will never vote for a man the Mail compares to Michael Foot. I know our MP Lindsay Hoyle quite well and think he's one of those exceptions Breadman spoke about so as long as he remains the candidate for Chorley I'll vote Labour for his sake but if he goes (which may well happen with the way candidates are now being selected by local parties) I'll vote Liberal Democrat because for me Corbyn's a nightmare that is only beaten in the horror stakes by Cameron.

16New Year Honours Bullshit Empty Re: New Year Honours Bullshit Fri Jan 01 2016, 00:48


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

Unfortunately the right/Tories/rich seem to be tightening their grip on this country. The right wing bias in most media coupled with a BBC frightened of upsetting the Tories makes it difficult to get across any alternative.

Sadly too many people think only of themselves and don't realise just how manipulated they are. It is a fact that the rich only pay tax if they want to. Avoiding tax is easy if you are rich and HMRC do very little to challenge it. Yet how many Sun and Daily Mail readers actually realise or believe this? As one infamous rich American remarked "tax is for little people".

17New Year Honours Bullshit Empty Re: New Year Honours Bullshit Mon Aug 01 2016, 13:31



Latest honours list features Cameron's wife's stylist.. one last piss take from the worst Prime Minister in a generation.

18New Year Honours Bullshit Empty Re: New Year Honours Bullshit Mon Aug 01 2016, 13:41


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

The promise of an honorary title is and has always been used by successive prime ministers to buy support and get favours. Some use it to line up their next job or earn a few million bob or six.

19New Year Honours Bullshit Empty Re: New Year Honours Bullshit Mon Aug 01 2016, 13:54



Well aware of that, doesn't change the fact it's a pisstake.

20New Year Honours Bullshit Empty Re: New Year Honours Bullshit Mon Aug 01 2016, 16:27

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Agree with you for once, but I'm more disappointed in May for not shutting it down.

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