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Donald Trump for President of the USA

Ten Bobsworth
Hip Priest
Natasha Whittam
Angry Dad
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Andy Walker
Andy Walker

wanderlust wrote:
About 240 years too late for that thanks to mad King George, increased taxes and a Tory government hell bent on war when the colonies refused to be bullied - at a time when the Whigs were pressing for peace, fair taxes and mutually-beneficial co-operation.
As to the various countries approached to help Trump win thing, we're no better off anyway as Boris is continuing to suppress the report into Russian involvement in the EU referendum - for no logical reason.
They are two birds of a feather.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

observer wrote:
They are two birds of a feather.

Blonde, dumpy, thick, obnoxious, untrustworthy con artists with bad hair?


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

wanderlust wrote:

Blonde, dumpy, thick, obnoxious, untrustworthy con artists with bad hair?
I believe that's a good start.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

observer wrote:
I believe that's a good start.

They are both German by ancestry and they were both born in America.

...although Trump and his dad both initially denied being German (Trump claimed his grandad was Swedish in his book) whereas Boris just hopes nobody will notice.

And they are both cheating philanderers (although Trump has 5 children with 3 different women whereas Johnson has 7 children with 5 different women - and counting)


Guðni Bergsson
Guðni Bergsson

Were our royalty not German, or Greek, or, really, any combination you can think of, depending on how far back you need to go to make your point, I suppose.



We are all Germanic ffs!

Anglo Saxons are we not?

The Saxons came over from Saxony, Germany along with the Angles of which our country is named after - you know Angle land (Eng-el-land = Eng-er-land (as they sing at Wembley) = England)

And yes the Queen is a German descendent from the Hanoverians (Georgians) and Saxe-Coburg and Gotha line.  They only changed their family name to Windsor at the time of WW1 because they were fighting their first cousin - the Kaiser!

So as they sing, Deutschland, Deutschland über alles...



Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:We are all Germanic ffs!

Anglo Saxons are we not?
Well about a third of the English population has Anglo-Saxon DNA - 36.94% to be exact. 
21.59% are Celtic (Irish mainly) and 19.91% are western european including Norman and Scandinavian 9.5%, Then there's the Italian and Greek approx 3% and Iberian 3% and a fair few from Africa, Asia and Russia.



wanderlust wrote:
Sluffy wrote:We are all Germanic ffs!

Anglo Saxons are we not?
Well about a third of the English population has Anglo-Saxon DNA - 36.94% to be exact. 
21.59% are Celtic (Irish mainly) and 19.91% are western european including Norman and Scandinavian 9.5%, Then there's the Italian and Greek approx 3% and Iberian 3% and a fair few from Africa, Asia and Russia.

If you want to be pedantic then we are all descended from Africa originally.

I think it's generally accepted that the further away you are from Africa (by foot mainly) then the later our species inhabited those place, so even the Celts originally came from central mainland Europe prior to the Anglo Saxons but to all intents and purposes the last major population migration to our shores were the Angles and Saxons and they established the country (England) into how it's grown into today - and they came over from what we now call Germany.

If you go back in history pre-Germany that part of the world was part of what was called the Holy Roman Empire which included Austria/Switzerland where it is believed the Celts originated from too.

So I think it fair to say that a great deal of England's DNA has it's roots to what we now called Germany and Austria.

We are from German/Austrian ancestry in the main whether we like it or not.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Bolton claims Trump didn't sanction China over treatment of ethnic minorities as he was making a trade deal. 
Over a million people taken from their homes and put into work and re-education camps.


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

wanderlust wrote:Bolton claims Trump didn't sanction China over treatment of ethnic minorities as he was making a trade deal. 
Over a million people taken from their homes and put into work and re-education camps.
Quid pro quo has become Quid pro Trump in our country!


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

observer wrote:
Quid pro quo has become Quid pro Trump in our country!
He had a deal to do and anyway the people being persecuted are mainly Muslims so why would he care?

What's interesting is Trump's subsequent anti China rhetoric - presumably when Trump was doing the deal he told Xi Jinping that he was going to have a dig at him in the media to appeal to his own fanbase, but not to take it seriously buddy and we'll work out a sweet deal for both of us.


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

wanderlust wrote:
He had a deal to do and anyway the people being persecuted are mainly Muslims so why would he care?

What's interesting is Trump's subsequent anti China rhetoric - presumably when Trump was doing the deal he told Xi Jinping that he was going to have a dig at him in the media to appeal to his own fanbase, but not to take it seriously buddy and we'll work out a sweet deal for both of us.
And surprisingly (not), his daughter's company was exempted:                             Despite her father’s rallying cry to “buy American and hire American,” 100% of Ivanka Trump’s fashion products were made overseas—at least until early 2017. And now her goods are avoiding the sweeping tariffs enacted by President Trump in his trade war with China. On Friday morning, Trump implemented $34 billion in tariffs on Chinese goods ranging from auto parts to medical devices, according to the Huffington Post.  (Fortune Magazine)


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:
Wonderful perspective.


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

Donald Trump for President of the USA - Page 7 Mnm5vf10


Guðni Bergsson
Guðni Bergsson

isa this the same Doffers of years ago. ?   If so, good to see you back, or have you been back a while and I've just not noticed  Very Happy



Sharing videos of supporters shouting ‘White power’ today, he’s either a racist moron or it’s a deliberate attempt to rile up his base.


Guðni Bergsson
Guðni Bergsson

He's degenerating in all areas very quickly. By all accounts his own 'stalwart' supports are also jumping ship. He's rapidly becoming a lost cause, and at just the right time.


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

I am actually worried that when he loses the election he is going to say it was rigged and refuse to go.


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

T.R.O.Y. wrote:Sharing videos of supporters shouting ‘White power’ today, he’s either a racist moron or it’s a deliberate attempt to rile up his base.
Both, I think....

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