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Donald Trump for President of the USA

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Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Trump's move to repatriate hundreds of thousands of "dreamer" generation immigrants ruled illegal by US Supreme Court.

The interesting thing about this is that the Supreme Court has a right wing majority since Trump made 3 new appointments to tip the balance in his favour. But they ruled against him here so he will not be a happy bunny - doubly so seeing as he rigged the game and still lost.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

10 allegations about Trump in John Bolton's book

No doubt Bolton will be demonised and attacked from every angle but the cat is already out of the bag. I think Bolton is a cock, but sad to say he is more believable than the most powerful man in the world - IMO.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

wanderlust wrote:Trump's move to repatriate hundreds of thousands of "dreamer" generation immigrants ruled illegal by US Supreme Court.

The interesting thing about this is that the Supreme Court has a right wing majority since Trump made 3 new appointments to tip the balance in his favour. But they ruled against him here so he will not be a happy bunny - doubly so seeing as he rigged the game and still lost.
I think he prays every night for the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She's come close recently, but battles on. She'll outstay Trump.


Guðni Bergsson
Guðni Bergsson

Anyone who looks like Mr Pastry can't be taken seriously.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

gloswhite wrote:Anyone who looks like Mr Pastry can't be taken seriously.
I hope all the Carrs pasty lovers are taking note! Very Happy


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

gloswhite wrote:Anyone who looks like Mr Pastry can't be taken seriously.
I used to love Mr Pastry. I took him very seriously. Very Happy 


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

wanderlust wrote:Trump's move to repatriate hundreds of thousands of "dreamer" generation immigrants ruled illegal by US Supreme Court.

The interesting thing about this is that the Supreme Court has a right wing majority since Trump made 3 new appointments to tip the balance in his favour. But they ruled against him here so he will not be a happy bunny - doubly so seeing as he rigged the game and still lost.
Welcome back Lusty... It was a 5-4 decision, with two of his appointees backing him.  The Chief Justice, was appointed by another Republican, George Bush, and he was the deciding vote.  This by no means is a finite ruling, rather one that sent it back for clarity to make it legal.  Gorusch was one of two appointments, and he and the Chief Justice went against Trump in the LGBTQ case this week, backing the rights of all.  The alleged rapist and alcoholic Kavanaugh was Trump's other pick for the high court and he voted with Trump in both of these cases.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

observer wrote:
Welcome back Lusty... It was a 5-4 decision, with two of his appointees backing him.  The Chief Justice, was appointed by another Republican, George Bush, and he was the deciding vote.  This by no means is a finite ruling, rather one that sent it back for clarity to make it legal.  Gorusch was one of two appointments, and he and the Chief Justice went against Trump in the LGBTQ case this week, backing the rights of all.  The alleged rapist and alcoholic Kavanaugh was Trump's other pick for the high court and he voted with Trump in both of these cases.
Howdy Obs! 
Trump must be hurting over this. I wonder if anyone has analysed the turnover of Trump appointees? Can he sack SC members until he gets the yes men he wants like he does with every other position or is he stuck with these guys now?
I seem to remember SC appointees are for life, not just for Christmas, but I might be wrong.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:
I used to love Mr Pastry. I took him very seriously. Very Happy 
It's uncanny. Always wondered what happened to Mr Pastry and have to admit that National Security Adviser for the USA was not what I expected at all. 
Which leaves me wondering if Charlie Drake and Harry Worth will hold on to their senior roles in the Trump administration?


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

wanderlust wrote:
Howdy Obs! 
Trump must be hurting over this. I wonder if anyone has analysed the turnover of Trump appointees? Can he sack SC members until he gets the yes men he wants like he does with every other position or is he stuck with these guys now?
I seem to remember SC appointees are for life, not just for Christmas, but I might be wrong.
Unfortunately you are not wrong.  SC appointees are for life... unless impeached.  Now Kavanaugh (his latest appointee and alleged rapist and drunk) lied to Congress during his hearing, but there are not enough votes in the Senate to convict him.  Trump just spins everything, lies about anything and everything, and has shredded the U.S. Constitution in the process... having enablers in the Justice Department and in the Republican controlled Senate.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

observer wrote:
Unfortunately you are not wrong.  SC appointees are for life... unless impeached.  Now Kavanaugh (his latest appointee and alleged rapist and drunk) lied to Congress during his hearing, but there are not enough votes in the Senate to convict him.  Trump just spins everything, lies about anything and everything, and has shredded the U.S. Constitution in the process... having enablers in the Justice Department and in the Republican controlled Senate.
It genuinely is scary even for us outside observers, especially as Boris is touting the US as a future major trading partner (subject to the former doing personal favours for the latter in order to swing a deal that won't get him strung up on the nearest lamppost)  Very Happy


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I feel terrible for saying it but when I first saw the video I thought the protester went down like a referee who'd been tickled by Paulo di Canio. Then I realised he was just a doddery old bloke.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

wanderlust wrote:
I feel terrible for saying it but when I first saw the video I thought the protester went down like a referee who'd been tickled by Paulo di Canio. Then I realised he was just a doddery old bloke.
Doesn't take much for us oldies to overbalance and fall. I, as is well known on here, do it more than most, and I've noticed that my falling skills are diminishing, in that I find it harder these days to break my own falls. I go down like a sack of spuds and hope for the best.
Luckily I'm usually in shrubbery or near water so I have a relatively soft landing, but the time will inevitably come when I hit the cobbles.
What concerned me about that clip, was the lack of concern from the officers.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:
Doesn't take much for us oldies to overbalance and fall. I, as is well known on here, do it more than most, and I've noticed that my falling skills are diminishing, in that I find it harder these days to break my own falls. I go down like a sack of spuds and hope for the best.
Luckily I'm usually in shrubbery or near water so I have a relatively soft landing, but the time will inevitably come when I hit the cobbles.
What concerned me about that clip, was the lack of concern from the officers.
If he'd used a cane or a zimmer frame they'd have kicked the crap out of him for carrying a weapon.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

wanderlust wrote:Not getting any better for Trumpy as judge rules there is no reason to stop the publication of John Bolton's book.
Actually Lusty, the judge ruled that it was too late to stop the publication since it was out already... and he lambasted John Bolton who will most likely face criminal charges.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

observer wrote:
Actually Lusty, the judge ruled that it was too late to stop the publication since it was out already... and he lambasted John Bolton who will most likely face criminal charges.
I still don't see how the judgement and lambasting of Bolton will do anything other than further stimulate interest in his book. Folk will read it just on the prospect of reading a state secret. Folk will read it so they can rate the judge's performance etc etc. More folk reading it. Is that good or bad for El Presidente? I thought generally bad, but you never know. What is for sure is that I don't think anyone will be overly surprised by it's contents especially his behaviour. I imagine people will be disappointed if Trump being a twat is considered a state secret.


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

wanderlust wrote:
I still don't see how the judgement and lambasting of Bolton will do anything other than further stimulate interest in his book. Folk will read it just on the prospect of reading a state secret. Folk will read it so they can rate the judge's performance etc etc. More folk reading it. Is that good or bad for El Presidente? I thought generally bad, but you never know. What is for sure is that I don't think anyone will be overly surprised by it's contents especially his behaviour. I imagine people will be disappointed if Trump being a twat is considered a state secret.
Lusty - you are correct.  It is a best seller before publication.  Nothing seems to stick on the teflon Don... so I don't expect this to either.  Even when you read how he went to various countries to help him win, his enablers protect his sorry ass.  Are you sure the Queen would not like to have us back in the fold?


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

He claims there were a million tickets requested for his rally in Tulsa yet the 19,000 seat auditorium had lots of gaps. His supporters are so dumb they will literally believe anything he tells them.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

observer wrote:
Lusty - you are correct.  It is a best seller before publication.  Nothing seems to stick on the teflon Don... so I don't expect this to either.  Even when you read how he went to various countries to help him win, his enablers protect his sorry ass.  Are you sure the Queen would not like to have us back in the fold?
About 240 years too late for that thanks to mad King George, increased taxes and a Tory government hell bent on war when the colonies refused to be bullied - at a time when the Whigs were pressing for peace, fair taxes and mutually-beneficial co-operation.
As to the various countries approached to help Trump win thing, we're no better off anyway as Boris is continuing to suppress the report into Russian involvement in the EU referendum - for no logical reason.

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