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Donald Trump for President of the USA

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Whitesince63 wrote:See what I mean 🤐

No I don't and I expect most people who read these threads wouldn't either.

I posted up a link to a true story where people believed a lie on social media.

People believed the lie and spread it further online.

ONE of those who spread it further online received nearly 2,000,000 views in just a few hours!!!!

That's how people (like you) become brainwashed, they believe the lie without checking (because they want the lie to be true) and talk about it with others who believe the lie to be true, so when someone (like me for instance) turns up and says 'you do realise this is all a LIE don't you?', then you close your ears to them because - you want it to be true to begin with, you haven't heard of anyone else who calls it a LIE simply because you only listen to the ones like you who want it to be true, and follow the people and media's that tells you it's true (even when they KNOW it is a LIE themselves!).

That's how it works.

All you have to do is fact check stuff but you (and millions of others) are either to lazy or stupid to even bother.

Instead (and just like you) they believe all the shit they are fed.


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Zzzzzzzz 🥱



Whitesince63 wrote:Zzzzzzzz 🥱

Sluffy wrote:All you have to do is fact check stuff but you (and millions of others) are either to lazy or stupid to even bother.

Instead (and just like you) they believe all the shit they are fed.

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El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Thank goodness you finally agreed you are. Long may it last? 🙂



Whitesince63 wrote:Thank goodness you finally agreed you are. Long may it last? 🙂

I don't believe the fake news and lies like you do.

So I can't be the one being brainwashed can I?



El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Sluffy wrote:

I don't believe the fake news and lies like you do.

So I can't be the one being brainwashed can I?

Net zero, immigration, MSM, woke agenda, no not much you’re not. Anyway, no point in discussing it you’re too far gone.



Whitesince63 wrote:
Sluffy wrote:

I don't believe the fake news and lies like you do.

So I can't be the one being brainwashed can I?

Net zero, immigration, MSM, woke agenda, no not much you’re not. Anyway, no point in discussing it you’re too far gone.

Climate change denier, racist views, alternative (posh word for FAKE) news media viewer, would vote for Trump if he could - and you really think I'm the one who is somehow bonkers???

And fwiw as far as I'm aware I've never supported anything woke ever (I was against taking the knee, against BLM protests, against Just Stop Oil disruptions, against defunding the police, against throwing statues in the river, etc, etc) - yet you are SO BRAINWASHED that you automatically are programmed to accuse me and everyone else who shows you the facts that disprove your fake news belief's, to be somehow woke???

That's how indoctrinated you really are.

You've been totally zombified, you can't think or reason for yourself anymore, someone else now controls how you think.  You might be living but your brain is completely dead to you now.

Donald Trump for President of the USA - Page 33 Sddefault


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Ahh just love it, you’re so, so easy to wind up Sluffy. 😁



Whitesince63 wrote:Ahh just love it, you’re so, so easy to wind up Sluffy. 😁

I assumed that was what you might be doing but it isn't really a wind up (or trolling) when you actually believe in the stuff you say - it then becomes a conversation, a debate.

You ARE a climate change denier, you do believe and say stuff that IS racist, you certainly believe ALL of the right wing propaganda - much of it based on lies or half truths, you don't fact check anything - even when I make it easy for you by putting the links to the truth right under your nose to see for yourself!

You are in effect being controlled - you let others lead you by the nose - you believe what you are fed.

You seem to be proud of yourself for being so???

You even say you would vote for Trump if you could...

All that isn't winding me up, you know?

All that is just showing how plain ignorant you are of the truth and the facts.


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Oh dear Sluffy,just stop digging mate you’re sinking fast.



Sluffy wrote:Anyway who are you going to vote for the next Tory leader - Badenoch (who - just for starters - wants to get rid of maternity benefit), Jenrick (who was mired in sleaze (and corruption?)) over his extremely dodgy approval for Planning Permission over the Westferry site), Cleverly - who lied about the remarks he made in Parliament about Stockton on Tess (and also jokes about spiking women's drinks!).

Tugendhat - the best of the candidates - will almost certainly be the next to be kicked out of the race, unfortunately.

Well as predicted it is now down to the raving loony (Badenoch), the corrupt (Jenrick) and the liar (Cleverly), so who are you backing W63?

I assume the right wing mentalist will now reckon Cleverly has got the beating of Jenrick, so will now swing behind supporting Badenoch.

Cleverly is the most sane of the three that are left so no doubt you'll be backing the raving loony!

Expect the Conservatives to be merging with Farage's Reform party for the next general election if she wins.


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Not sure it really matters Sluffy because I don’t expect either to still be in charge by the next election. There will have to be a coming together with Reform for either to stand a chance so it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if BoJo made a return and did a deal with Farage’s lot.



Whitesince63 wrote:Not sure it really matters Sluffy because I don’t expect either to still be in charge by the next election. There will have to be a coming together with Reform for either to stand a chance so it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if BoJo made a return and did a deal with Farage’s lot.

Nobody in their right mind would vote for Johnson - clearly you would.

He basically tried to usurp Parliament with his lies and his actions, which is not that dissimilar to how Trump encouraged the lunatics to storm the Capitol (America's version of Parliament) and overturn the 2020 Presidential Election result.

And the way the world is going, there's no reason why a far right political party here in the UK such as Reform should not go from strength to strength without the need to merge with the Conservative Party - recent reginal and national elections in France, Germany, Italy, Austria, et al, have all return far right parties as the ones winning most seats (although not frequently an outright majorities).

That's the way the world is going and yes you are indeed within and very much part of the majority populist political view of the world, which is one of nationalism, racism, an end to democracy and autocratic leaders.

Not a world I would particularly want to live in myself.

My advise to you and all the other morons out there is to be careful what you wish for because one day it may well come true.


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

You see I try to have a sensible dialogue with you Sluffy but yet again you have to resort to insults, labels, insinuations and attempts to know my mind and everybody else’s come think of it. Don’t say I didn’t make an effort but be sure I won’t bother again. 😤


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:You see I try to have a sensible dialogue with you Sluffy but yet again you have to resort to insults, labels, insinuations and attempts to know my mind and everybody else’s come think of it. Don’t say I didn’t make an effort but be sure I won’t bother again. 😤
I've read Sluffy's post, and, quite frankly, I heartily concur with everything he said.
If you seriously think there is a way back for Johnson, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Do you all remember when Bojo went hiding in that fridge? Very Happy



boltonbonce wrote:
Whitesince63 wrote:You see I try to have a sensible dialogue with you Sluffy but yet again you have to resort to insults, labels, insinuations and attempts to know my mind and everybody else’s come think of it. Don’t say I didn’t make an effort but be sure I won’t bother again. 😤
I've read Sluffy's post, and, quite frankly, I heartily concur with everything he said.
If you seriously think there is a way back for Johnson, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.

Thanks Bonce.

As you know, and W63 is clearly in denial of, is that I am simply speaking the truth.

W63, I don't claim to read your mind, you've already told us what you think and who you've voted for in the past - Liz Truss - who is just another far right Libertarian believer.

The same stuff Trump propagates - nationalism, racism, an end to democracy and the rise of autocracy - and you've told us you would vote for Trump if you could.

Johnson has knowingly lied repeatedly to Parliament and has attempted to usurp it for his own ends.  In the end even his own party turned on him and threw him out.

Yes, he might rise politically again but only a moron would want him back and vote for him, knowing what a threat he has been to democracy in this country.


A stupid person.

Yes I've termed you as a moron, the definition of which simply means 'stupid person' - seeing as you have stated previously your admiration for Trump and Johnson, both of whom want to become autocrats by ending the democratic law making process of the Capitol and Parliament, in just the same way as Putin, Xi and every other dictator there has ever been have done it their country's!

By your own words you have proclaimed yourself to be a 'stupid person', without any help whatsoever from me!

You may even get your wish of a Trump win and a Johnson return to politics - there's certainly millions who would vote for that - but be very careful what you wish for - the phrase turkeys voting for Christmas immediately springs to mind...

Donald Trump for President of the USA - Page 33 Tumblr_nmjx19ATHP1tib9s5o1_1280

Turkeys voting for Christmas is an English idiom used as a metaphor for a situation in which a choice made is clearly against one's self-interest. In the United Kingdom, turkeys are commonly eaten as part of the English Christmas dinner.



boltonbonce wrote:If you seriously think there is a way back for Johnson, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.

Lest we forget...

Boris Looks Completely Broken As He Is Laughed Out Of Parliament


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Sluffy, please explain to me which part of “It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if BoJo made a comeback and did a deal with Farage’s lot,” says I either want him to our would vote for him if he did?

Yet again you make things up to suit your argument which once again shows just how pathetic you are.

Bonce, I think you’re safe with your Brooklyn Bridge but I’m disappointed in you if you agree with Sluffy in considering I’m a moron, a racist, a climate denier and all the other insults he throws out.  Actually thought better of you than that. 

As far as BoJo is concerned, morons or not there are still a significant number of people from all parties (I’m not one of them) who would vote for him. Whether you like him or not you just can’t deny that he is still one of the most charismatic of politicians and definitely one of the most entertaining. Like you I wouldn’t want to see him back as PM but there’s no doubt the Tory party would be more electable with him than without him and allied with Farage I could see them being a formidable force.

As far as Trump is concerned, if it’s a choice between a loudmouth and an inconsequential I’d have to go for the loudmouth. Just as over here and as we’re quickly finding out again, any Conservative government is preferable to a Socialist one.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:Sluffy, please explain to me which part of “It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if BoJo made a comeback and did a deal with Farage’s lot,” says I either want him to our would vote for him if he did?

Yet again you make things up to suit your argument which once again shows just how pathetic you are.

Bonce, I think you’re safe with your Brooklyn Bridge but I’m disappointed in you if you agree with Sluffy in considering I’m a moron, a racist, a climate denier and all the other insults he throws out.  Actually thought better of you than that. 

As far as BoJo is concerned, morons or not there are still a significant number of people from all parties (I’m not one of them) who would vote for him. Whether you like him or not you just can’t deny that he is still one of the most charismatic of politicians and definitely one of the most entertaining. Like you I wouldn’t want to see him back as PM but there’s no doubt the Tory party would be more electable with him than without him and allied with Farage I could see them being a formidable force.

As far as Trump is concerned, if it’s a choice between a loudmouth and an inconsequential I’d have to go for the loudmouth. Just as over here and as we’re quickly finding out again, any Conservative government is preferable to a Socialist one.
Walks like a I need to go on?

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