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British Broadcorping Castration

Natasha Whittam
Angry Dad
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21British Broadcorping Castration - Page 2 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Fri Sep 11 2020, 07:57


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Winkleman the top earning female at the BBC, and I dont know why as she does relatively nothing and is utterly talentless, has adverts on telly on commercial television stations regularly and for years while working at the BBC and not a sausage is said.
This isnt on that she is allowed to do it, yet others get into trouble and are stopped.
You have to wonder why she is allowed and whom she knows at the top.

22British Broadcorping Castration - Page 2 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Fri Sep 11 2020, 08:51

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

sunlight wrote:Winkleman the top earning female at the BBC, and I dont know why as she does relatively nothing and is utterly talentless, has adverts on telly on commercial television stations regularly and for years while working at the BBC and not a sausage is said.
This isnt on that she is allowed to do it, yet others get into trouble and are stopped.
You have to wonder why she is allowed and whom she knows at the top.
Can't say I'm a fan of Winkleman either. She's also got her own little company. Its called Little Owl Productions and it too has a million quid in the bank.
Still, at least we can see it. Can't say the same for Linekerman any longer. Curious that!

23British Broadcorping Castration - Page 2 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Fri Sep 11 2020, 08:59


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Well they have been telling the Lady morning presenter Nunchety or whats-she-called off for doing adverts, yet Winkleman .... CARTE BLANCHE.

24British Broadcorping Castration - Page 2 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Fri Sep 11 2020, 09:00


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

sunlight wrote:Winkleman the top earning female at the BBC, and I dont know why as she does relatively nothing and is utterly talentless, has adverts on telly on commercial television stations regularly and for years while working at the BBC and not a sausage is said.
This isnt on that she is allowed to do it, yet others get into trouble and are stopped.
You have to wonder why she is allowed and whom she knows at the top.
There’s a difference between an organisation making questionable decisions in eg the staff they employ and an organisation doing stuff that’s immoral or illegal. Arsenal fans contribute to their club’s income but signing Ozil- which has had a very poor ROI wasn’t either immoral or illegal- just a poor decision in hindsight.
As for these conspiracy theories about the BBC, Linaker etc - they have no substance whatsoever. It’s just an agenda being pumped for Rupert Murdoch’s benefit.

25British Broadcorping Castration - Page 2 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Fri Sep 11 2020, 09:05



Ten Bobsworth wrote:
I did notice Evergreen Eco-Capital, Sluffy, but how is it that we can find this stuff when the Beeb and the rest of the media can't? Could it possibly be that the media are only interested in half-truths that suit their political agendas and that suckers will fall for? 

What is the truth of the situation that’s been missed though? The story is about Bellerin investing in FGR.

26British Broadcorping Castration - Page 2 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Fri Sep 11 2020, 09:29


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

T.R.O.Y. wrote:

What is the truth of the situation that’s been missed though? The story is about Bellerin investing in FGR.
Stop trying to spoil a good old right wing conspiracy theory with facts!

27British Broadcorping Castration - Page 2 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sat Sep 12 2020, 09:30

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

The Beeb seems to be coy about how much it pays its 'stars'. The last figures are more  than a year out of date and appeared to be forced out into the open then only because of disquiet over unequal pay gaining adverse publicity. But here they are:

Can anyone  tell me which of 'the stars' have been avoiding income tax to help make up for their fully-deserved yet modest 'earnings'?

28British Broadcorping Castration - Page 2 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sun Sep 13 2020, 07:44

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Had another look at Hebemo, Sluffy. Really just confirms my initial opinion that its main purpose is the accumulation of cash by the avoidance of income tax and national insurance. Plainly there are other folk at the Beeb doing much the same and I'm in no doubt that there are many more in footie and other walks of life. Accumulated quite a lot in a relatively short time, though, has young Master Bellerin. 

The Beeb's article has all the appearance of an attempt to promote the images of Dale Vince and Hector Bellerin. Whether its author is also a vegan is unclear but there's a distinct absence of meat on the bones of Alistair Magowan's article.

No, not the well-known impressionist, just another left-leaning BBC journo trying to give the impression, in his own words, of 'a rigorous journalist and thorough analyst who enjoys covering original and in-depth stories'. 

Pull the other leg, Sunshine, its got bells on!

29British Broadcorping Castration - Page 2 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Mon Sep 14 2020, 09:39

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Poor old Linekerman. Hounded by the taxman, pursued by the media (or certain sections of it) and his modest pay questioned and resented by grumpy old geezers who think he'd do well to keep his opinions to himself.

He ought to write  a book about it. Oh sorry, I think he might have done it already.

30British Broadcorping Castration - Page 2 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Mon Sep 14 2020, 10:08


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Ten Bobsworth wrote:Poor old Linekerman. Hounded by the taxman, pursued by the media (or certain sections of it) and his modest pay questioned and resented by grumpy old geezers who think he'd do well to keep his opinions to himself.

He ought to write  a book about it. Oh sorry, I think he might have done it already.

He's one big reason why I don't bother watching Match of the Day anymore.

Let's hope jug ears book gets pulped like the one Alan Partridge did!

31British Broadcorping Castration - Page 2 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Mon Sep 14 2020, 11:11

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

karlypants wrote:

He's one big reason why I don't bother watching Match of the Day anymore.

Let's hope jug ears book gets pulped like the one  Alan Partridge did!
 'Anodyne smarminess personified' commands a pretty penny on the Beeb. 

I've still to decide on how to respond to the Beeb's insistence on taking money out of my bank account every month. I'd sooner spend the money on planting trees or give it to the Woodland Trust.

I can't remember where  I read that Linekerman was 'off-payroll' at the Beeb. In other words not paying PAYE and national insurance like a few of them. If it is the case, where's the money going to?

32British Broadcorping Castration - Page 2 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Mon Sep 14 2020, 15:05

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Sue Barker, Tuffers and Matt Dawson all axed. Too popular or the pursuit of yoof? Tuffers and Dawson are younger than Lineker and Barker's  more entertaining and personable any day of the week. Hard not to be, wouldn't it?

33British Broadcorping Castration - Page 2 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Mon Sep 14 2020, 15:52

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

karlypants wrote:He's one big reason why I don't bother watching Match of the Day anymore.

Let's hope jug ears book gets pulped like the one  Alan Partridge did!

Gary Lineker is a brilliant host on MOTD, and on BT's live football.

I pay no attention to the rest of the shite.

34British Broadcorping Castration - Page 2 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Mon Sep 14 2020, 15:53


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

sunlight wrote:Winkleman the top earning female at the BBC, and I dont know why as she does relatively nothing and is utterly talentless, has adverts on telly on commercial television stations regularly and for years while working at the BBC and not a sausage is said.
This isnt on that she is allowed to do it, yet others get into trouble and are stopped.
You have to wonder why she is allowed and whom she knows at the top.
I totally agree, I have never understood why Winkleman is the top earning female at the BBC.  I think it must be because of her shiny hair and the fact that she  knows where the bodies are buried.

35British Broadcorping Castration - Page 2 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Mon Sep 14 2020, 16:15



Ten Bobsworth wrote:Sue Barker, Tuffers and Matt Dawson all axed. Too popular or the pursuit of yoof? Tuffers and Dawson are younger than Lineker and Barker's  more entertaining and personable any day of the week. Hard not to be, wouldn't it?

Too popular LaughingLaughing

36British Broadcorping Castration - Page 2 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Mon Sep 14 2020, 16:32



Natasha Whittam wrote:

Gary Lineker is a brilliant host on MOTD, and on BT's live football.

I pay no attention to the rest of the shite.

Agreed, very good host and seems a decent bloke too.

37British Broadcorping Castration - Page 2 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Mon Sep 14 2020, 21:46

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Natasha Whittam wrote:

Gary Lineker is a brilliant host on MOTD, and on BT's live football.

I pay no attention to the rest of the shite.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.

Mr Lineker is in want of his third and is rather fond of  shite and shitloads of money, Miss Whittam, and much admired by all those who provide it.  

38British Broadcorping Castration - Page 2 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Wed Sep 16 2020, 08:09

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Gary Lineker - No thanks

Zoe Ball - No thanks

Graham Norton - No thanks

But they are such 'incredible value' according to the Beeb's latest Director General.

Not incredible value to me, Sunshine. I don't spend any of my time watching or listening to this lot.

And then we have the extortionate fees that 'are not included in the figures'.

39British Broadcorping Castration - Page 2 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Wed Sep 16 2020, 08:15


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Lineker has taken a 23% pay cut and is willing to put up an asylum seeker from what i've heard. He could just have easily left the BBC and Sky or BT would have paid him much more.

He does seem to be the right wing punch bag just because he voted remain and has a brain unlike most of the gammons out there.

40British Broadcorping Castration - Page 2 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Wed Sep 16 2020, 08:18


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Ball and Norton are extremely good at interviewing people and getting the very best out of all types, so that a wonderful atmosphere is created in a way that very, very few others could emulate. Those who produce great entertainment for the masses will always get paid more, though I totally agree that, despite that, the wages are ridiculously high.

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