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British Broadcorping Castration

Natasha Whittam
Angry Dad
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81British Broadcorping Castration - Page 5 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sat Sep 19 2020, 10:40


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Obsession is not healthy

82British Broadcorping Castration - Page 5 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sat Sep 19 2020, 13:08

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

okocha wrote:Obsession is not healthy
Problem for you is it? Rather not know how the Beeb is liberally dishing out licence fee payers money to sanctimonious slebs dodging taxes that pay for public services? Prefer posturing presenters smothered in smarmite, oozing piety from every pore and lecturing us on what we ought to think?

It takes all sorts, doesn't it?

83British Broadcorping Castration - Page 5 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sat Sep 19 2020, 14:12


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Get a life ten bob you really are a nasty little man aren't you? Jealous of everyone who's actually done something with their lives, so you just keep muck raking you troll.

84British Broadcorping Castration - Page 5 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sat Sep 19 2020, 14:14


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Ten Bobsworth wrote:
 oozing piety from every pore and lecturing us on what we ought to think?

Just described yourself Bob. Very Happy

85British Broadcorping Castration - Page 5 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sat Sep 19 2020, 14:41


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:Get a life ten bob you really are a nasty little man aren't you? Jealous of everyone who's actually done something with their lives, so you just keep muck raking you troll.

I'm not sure it's got anything to do with people who have done well in their lives. It's more about the BBC in how it is well past it's sell by date.

86British Broadcorping Castration - Page 5 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sat Sep 19 2020, 14:45


Guðni Bergsson
Guðni Bergsson

Angry Dad wrote:Who the fuck is Alex Scott.
I thought Alex Scott was the guy who advertised Cillit Bang !

87British Broadcorping Castration - Page 5 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sat Sep 19 2020, 14:46


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I just don't see how the Beeb is past it's sell by date though KP. They still make some of the best telly in the world for me. The campaign to trash the BBC is being orchestrated by the right wing media like Murdoch and the Tories.

88British Broadcorping Castration - Page 5 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sat Sep 19 2020, 14:49


Guðni Bergsson
Guðni Bergsson

They are good in some things, but not all by any means. Were you aware that the BBC manages Acension Island. At least they were when I was there a few years ago. Why? and who pays for it ?

89British Broadcorping Castration - Page 5 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sat Sep 19 2020, 14:50


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

karlypants wrote:

I'm not sure it's got anything to do with people who have done well in their lives. It's more about the BBC in how it is well past it's sell by date.
Bob seems to have it in for tax dodgers, but I can't see his problem. I'm sure Ken and Dale Vince are well clued in to every dodge on the books. It's not a criminal offence like tax evasion, is it?
I'd do it, given the chance.
W.C. Fields, to the amazement of a friend, was found on his death bed thumbing through the Bible. When questioned about why, he said, 'I'm looking for a loophole'.

90British Broadcorping Castration - Page 5 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sat Sep 19 2020, 14:53


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

gloswhite wrote:They are good in some things, but not all by any means. Were you aware that the BBC manages Acension Island. At least they were when I was there a few years ago. Why? and who pays for it ?

It must be their tax haven Glos. Very Happy

91British Broadcorping Castration - Page 5 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sat Sep 19 2020, 14:56


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Norpig wrote:I just don't see how the Beeb is past it's sell by date though KP. They still make some of the best telly in the world for me. The campaign to trash the BBC is being orchestrated by the right wing media like Murdoch and the Tories.


92British Broadcorping Castration - Page 5 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sat Sep 19 2020, 14:57


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

gloswhite wrote:They are good in some things, but not all by any means. Were you aware that the BBC manages Acension Island. At least they were when I was there a few years ago. Why? and who pays for it ?

Do they actually manage it? They are on Ascension Island because that is where the Atlantic Relay Station serving most of Africa and South America for the BBC's World Service is located. British governments used to think (and maybe still do) that the BBC World Service served a useful purpose.

93British Broadcorping Castration - Page 5 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sat Sep 19 2020, 15:02


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

They do have an agenda..... to promote equality....laudable.

Their drama is world-class...... and reporting is largely neutral. Wish we could say the same about ITV's Piers Morgan....or The Daily Express

94British Broadcorping Castration - Page 5 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sat Sep 19 2020, 15:20



Norpig wrote:Get a life ten bob you really are a nasty little man aren't you? Jealous of everyone who's actually done something with their lives, so you just keep muck raking you troll.


Is there any need for this?

What's Lineker ever done with his life apart from being born with a wonderful talent to kick a ball - not as though he's had to do things the hard way like the rest of us, is it?

Is it wrong to avoid tax, no, but evasion is and unless I've missed Bob's point Lineker's been found to be in the wrong three times already for doing this?

How do you judge a man - on what he says or what he does?

It's not uncommon to find that many of our hero's we put on a pedestal turn out to have feet of clay.

I'm a massive fan of the BBC but mainly for the news and the factual programmes, I can't say I watch MOTD or QOS frequently if at all and a change of presenter wouldn't draw me back to watching them either.

Is Bob a troll?  He certainly get's a bee in his bonnet now and then but a troll, no. I don't believe so.

Does he warrant the abuse given by you - not at all.

Don't agree with him is one thing but saying what you did seems a great overreaction to me and makes me wonder if you are having a bad day or something as it is not in character from you?

If so I hope things soon turn out better but please no more abuse like this.

95British Broadcorping Castration - Page 5 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sat Sep 19 2020, 19:00


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sorry Sluffy but he comes across on here as nasty and spiteful and looks down on us mere mortals. It was a bit strong but that's how i feel about him.

96British Broadcorping Castration - Page 5 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sat Sep 19 2020, 20:03


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

I was listening to a couple of Gammons who were sat on a bench earlier. They were slandering Alex Scott. One of them beacme puce. Its funny how all the Gammons hate her. I cant understand why that is.

97British Broadcorping Castration - Page 5 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sat Sep 19 2020, 20:08



Bob’s a bit different, I’ve no issue with him but (like Karly) anyone who can’t handle having their opinions questioned is weak and needs to do some growing up. I don’t understand the culture war against the BBC at the moment, all a bit depressing really if I’m honest.

98British Broadcorping Castration - Page 5 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sat Sep 19 2020, 21:28



Norpig wrote:Sorry Sluffy but he comes across on here as nasty and spiteful and looks down on us mere mortals. It was a bit strong but that's how i feel about him.

It's ok mate.

We are all a bit different from one another and some of us no doubt rub others up the wrong way - but I believe in Bob's case, unintentionally.

I don't think his aim for a moment is to piss you or anyone else off on here but to vent against people who seem on the surface 'good' people but when you look a bit deeper seem to be playing the system you and I pay into, millions!

He can't square how they are seen to be presented as people to look up to and when you think about it, he's right.

Nowt he or anyone else can do about it so I guess he's just getting it out of his system on here - and possibly also the fact he's no longer his free TV licence for being 75 or over and is now having contribute to Lineker's hefty wages knowing full well 'jug ears' has been putting that money into schemes to 'evade' paying tax on it!

Perhaps you might cut him a bit of slack as he does indeed have a point but maybe doesn't present it in the best way for young millenniums like you are used to.

99British Broadcorping Castration - Page 5 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sat Sep 19 2020, 22:22


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

T.R.O.Y. wrote:Bob’s a bit different, I’ve no issue with him but (like Karly) anyone who can’t handle having their opinions questioned is weak and needs to do some growing up. I don’t understand the culture war against the BBC at the moment, all a bit depressing really if I’m honest.

I think it is fairly clear why the BBC is being attacked by right wing zealots. They are trying to suppress any criticism of Boris and his cronies.

100British Broadcorping Castration - Page 5 Empty Re: British Broadcorping Castration Sat Sep 19 2020, 23:18

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Sluffy wrote:

It's ok mate.

We are all a bit different from one another and some of us no doubt rub others up the wrong way - but I believe in Bob's case, unintentionally.

I don't think his aim for a moment is to piss you or anyone else off on here but to vent against people who seem on the surface 'good' people but when you look a bit deeper seem to be playing the system you and I pay into, millions!

He can't square how they are seen to be presented as people to look up to and when you think about it, he's right.

Nowt he or anyone else can do about it so I guess he's just getting it out of his system on here - and possibly also the fact he's no longer his free TV licence for being 75 or over and is now having contribute to Lineker's hefty wages knowing full well 'jug ears' has been putting that money into schemes to 'evade' paying tax on it!

Perhaps you might cut him a bit of slack as he does indeed have a point but maybe doesn't present it in the best way for young millenniums like you are used to.

You really are indulgent, Sluffy. I could easily afford the TV licence if it was ten or a hundred times more than it is but that wouldn't really make it right for a public service broadcaster to facilitate the kind of tax dodges that are inherent in the system or justify the withdrawal of a relief that are appreciated and valued by those who have contributed to the system throughout their lives without ever indulging in any of the kind of tax dodges that now seem to abound amongst the Beeb's slebs.

We live in an era where half-truth, spin and falsehood are the norm in almost all walks of life  and I just happen to have gained enough knowledge and experience to see through a lot of it and expose it for the sham it really is. 

There's no shortage of folk who prefer the truth hidden or buried. It suits them and serves their interest but, for better or for worse, its never quite suited me.

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