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Nepotism/Cronyism Watch

Hip Priest
Ten Bobsworth
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41Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 3 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Mon Nov 09 2020, 16:18


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Just add an L.

42Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 3 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Mon Nov 09 2020, 16:32


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:Just add an L.
Didol? Only a drug addict would name their kid after a synthetic opiate.

43Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 3 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Mon Nov 09 2020, 16:37


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

wanderlust wrote:
Didol? Only a drug addict would name their kid after a synthetic opiate.
Very Happy

44Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 3 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Mon Nov 09 2020, 16:48



Sluffy wrote:

1 - Your argument seems to be based on the government making poor decisions does it not?  If so I refer you to the impartial Head of the Civil Service at the time where he states that  he is adamant that the government coped fairly well during a once in a generation crisis.

Given a choice between your 'opinion' of what 'might' have happened and his 'knowledge' of what 'did', then I obviously believe him to actually know what actually happened!

You seem to be in denial about this presumably because it doesn't fit with your desired politically biased narrative?

2 - Some random points raised by Labour several months ago and occasional newspaper reporting of a campaign on social media from a lawyer with a massive axe to grind with this government does not constitute that this is all being continually driven from social media - particularly at this moment in time when Labour and the more reputable newspapers are well aware of a PAC inquiry scheduled for next month.

3 - Yes a substantial part of my professional qualification involved being taught contract law - and your flippant remark of "but what's to know?" clearly demonstrates your vast ignorance on the subject.

If you don't understand even the basics about contract law - and you clearly don't - then its pointless even discussing it any further with you as you clearly don't know what you are saying on the subject and how ridiculous some of the things you have said are.

Not your finest moment on Nut's I'm afraid.

4 - If you say so!

In the real world however the PAC inquiry was born out of the National Audit Office, Overview of the UK government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic
that was published on the 21st May, 2020

The National Audit Office started this process last month by reporting this -

In our previous report, Overview of the UK government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we signalled our intention to report on how government has managed risks created by its response to the crisis. This report will set out the scale of COVID-19-related procurement, how procurement rules have changed and how the government is managing the risks associated with these changes.

This just goes to prove that the social media campaign has never had any bearing or relevance on the inquiry of the many billions of pounds spent on Government procurement during the pandemic and fwiw is they are undertaking exactly what I said they would be doing when you and others were in hysterics and the beginning of the pandemic and screaming that the government wasn't being held to account.

Amazingly I do actually know what I'm talking about occasionally although it does feel a massive waste of my breath at the time.

Onwards and upwards though.

1. Again, you take a general comment and try and apply it to a specific point. You've no idea if Sedwill was referencing government procurement.

2. Shadow Cabinet Office minister Rachel Reeves, who analysed the contracts, told the Mirror: “It is outrageous that so much public money is being siphoned to Tory friends and donors. We need to know who agreed these contracts, when and why.” You clearly didn't read Xmiles post.

3. The products are faulty so need to be replaced or refunded is as far as I've gone on contract law. If that's inaccurate please do explain otherwise ill just discard that as more posturing.

4. Don't know what point you're trying to make, please try again.

45Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 3 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Mon Nov 09 2020, 21:49



T.R.O.Y. wrote:1. Again, you take a general comment and try and apply it to a specific point. You've no idea if Sedwill was referencing government procurement.

2. Shadow Cabinet Office minister Rachel Reeves, who analysed the contracts, told the Mirror: “It is outrageous that so much public money is being siphoned to Tory friends and donors. We need to know who agreed these contracts, when and why.” You clearly didn't read Xmiles post.

3. The products are faulty so need to be replaced or refunded is as far as I've gone on contract law. If that's inaccurate please do explain otherwise ill just discard that as more posturing.

4. Don't know what point you're trying to make, please try again.

1 - Sedwill was talking about how the government had dealt with Covid.  If you want to believe that excludes the key component of procurement which has been essential in sourcing safety equipment for all frontline staff and what has cost at least £11 billion pounds to acquire then that's up to you but clearly it is an essential component in dealing with Covid and as such is obviously included in Sedwill's stated opinion as to how the government has done during his term in office.

2 - The article you refer to also includes this line as well -

"There is no suggestion of any wrongdoing. But the Good Law Project is challenging the Government’s decision to award contracts to a few firms run by “allies” without a competitive tender".

Note - Jo Maugham QC, director of the Good Law Project, is the very same nutcase running his twitter war against the government just like he did against them unsuccessfully in respect of Brexit and clearly roped one of his left-wing Labour mates for a comment to get into (surprise, surprise) The Daily Mirror!

Funny how no other other national picked up the story and ran with it that day!

As an aside it reminds me very much of the funny story of the tale told about an old American politician called George Smathers who told a number of 'facts' to an ill educated audience about his rival he was running against to devastating effect - below is his speech - certainly worth a read!

Part of American political lore is the Smathers "redneck speech," which Smathers reportedly delivered to a poorly-educated audience. The comments were recorded in a small magazine, picked up in Time and elsewhere, and etched into the public's memories. Time Magazine, during the campaign, claimed that Smathers said this: "Are you aware that Claude Pepper is known all over Washington as a shameless extrovert? Not only that, but this man is reliably reported to practice nepotism with his sister-in-law, he has a brother who is a known homo sapiens, and he has a sister who was once a thespian in wicked New York. Worst of all, it is an established fact that Mr. Pepper, before his marriage, habitually practiced celibacy."

The story is fake and never actually happened but the parallels are certainly there in that Maugham has painted a picture using true facts but has presented them to a poorly educated audience (read that as a Tory hating audience) gullible enough to believe things that aren't actually there!

Crucially included in the article but somewhat 'hidden' is the legal rebuttal to protect himself that...

"There is no suggestion of any wrongdoing"

You and countless others (including Shadow Cabinet Office minister Rachel Reeves) have taken from this that the government has been up to all sorts of cronyism when in fact it all just smoke and mirrors with nothing - six months on already from these contracts remember - found to be wrong or untoward!

3 - Very good, you've now accepted that there is means of legal remedy within the contracts which you hadn't acknowledged up to now.

As I've been saying all the time, only half a story has been presented so far, it doesn't stop at the point the contractor delivers goods not fit for purpose and walks off with all the money in their back pocket as you and many others seemed to think they did.

4 - If you can't understand understand the concept of public scrutiny of the government by Parliament which has been going on now for 150 years or so then that's your problem not mine.

Suffice to say this had nothing to do with placating Maugham's social media campaign he carries on against the government which he clearly detests.

46Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 3 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Mon Nov 09 2020, 22:15

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

boltonbonce wrote:Just add an L.
I don't think she could grasp it, Boncey

48Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 3 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Mon Nov 09 2020, 23:11



No, you've missed my point entirely.

Sluffy wrote:Funny how no other other national picked up the story and ran with it that day!

The article TROY refers to was run on the 21st October - no other national seemed to run it that day.

Your links are for

The Times - 9th August (subscription required to read the article)

The Independent - 16th July

A quote from the article -

Penny Mordaunt, a Cabinet Office minister, did not deny that PPE had not been delivered, but insisted every MP knew a senior employee at Public First – who was a “former much-loved deputy speaker” of the Commons.

“If the honourable lady (Helen Hayes (Lab)) has serious concerns about these contracts, other than insinuations, there are very clear processes to go through, and I would urge her to do so,” she said.

The row comes as the government faces a court case over the awarding of emergency contracts, outside of normal rules, alleging breaches of procurement law and apparent bias to longstanding associates.

It has been launched by the Good Law Project, which instigated important legal challenges, and is crowdfunding for resources.

The Metro - 28th October

I have now taken legal action, together with two other MPs and the Good Law Project, over this failure, launching a judicial review in the High Court to force ministers to reveal who is getting these contracts. We want to know why these people have been given such lucrative deals, and who some of them are.

BBC - 10th July

Campaigners are seeking a judicial review...

No prizes for guessing who the campaigners are!

My point if you can't seem to grasp it is that it is just one pressure group behind all of these 'individual' and 'singular' articles and that is Maugham who tried to stop Brexit by this government by using judicial reviews - and failed!

It's clearly one man's vendetta against the Tory government who every so often manages to get a piece in a paper but never making it relevant enough for the story to be picked up by all of the press at the same time - ie it isn't an issue as such - no doubt many editors having had previous dealings with Maugham.

It's almost like what happened with Ken Anderson, namely many didn't like him to start with (many don't like the Tory government) and if they threw enough shit at him (if Maugham gets his story in the media often enough) then people will begin to believe it is true (then people will begin to believe it is true) but the truth is he didn't do anything actually wrong (the truth is that six months and more from Maugham raising all this nobody has actual found anything actually wrong - and hence the need to even include this...

"There is no suggestion of any wrongdoing" the latest reincarnation of the story in the Mirror!

And they haven't included that just by chance - I would suspect some of those alleged to be up to no good have started to take legal action to protect themselves from such continual insinuations!

Don't you think if there was really something in this that the police would be involved by now and that there would be bigger 'hitters' on the case rather than Rachel Reeves, Helen Hayes and Caroline Lucas???

49Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 3 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Tue Nov 10 2020, 07:36



‘Maugham has painted a picture using true facts but has presented them to a poorly educated audience (read that as a Tory hating audience) gullible enough to believe things that aren't actually there!’

How do you know there’s nothing there? For the tenth time, I’m not claiming anything illegal has happened so drop the spin. It’s about poor decision making, what do you know about the process that was undertaken that makes you feel confident enough to completely dismiss any other view on it?

Stop wasting everyone’s time with never ending posts which say nothing new. And bear in mind this is just one example. Why don’t you also give your view on Bingham or Harding?

This is tax payers money; we are all allowed an opinion on it. You don’t know any more than any of us, yet as always you think you’re okay to dismiss any other view as gullible and poorly educated. And you wonder why so many posters fall out with you?

50Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 3 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Tue Nov 10 2020, 08:55

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

You do realise, Sluffy, that Maugham is a close associate of Dale Interest-Free and all that 'betta ways to do stuff'?

But it is 'taxpayers money' after all. Do you know any ways of gettin' round it?

Last edited by Ten Bobsworth on Tue Nov 10 2020, 10:27; edited 1 time in total

51Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 3 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Tue Nov 10 2020, 09:41



I couldn't care less if people fall out with me on an internet forum, do you real think that would bother me???

Anyone can have an opinion - doesn't mean they are right though does it.

Society is based ultimately on a framework of laws which we act in accordance with, it would appear no laws have been broken in the awarding of the contracts under emergency powers - even the Daily Mirror has gone to pains to say as much in it's article which lets be frank, is exactly the same story that has been rehashed for the umpteenth time since March.

It is simply one mans crusade about a government he doesn't like - in football terms a fan who wants to see the manager sacked.

And fwiw I do know a little bit more about some things than you or others from time to time because I've been professionally trained in them and you haven't.

If you want to believe a twitter nutjob who has a personal dislike and on a mission against the government, initially over Brexit and now this, then you believe him.  I on the other hand know how these things actually work, told you from the very beginning how things really are and why but you decided that I clearly didn't know my arse from my elbow and gone all in on backing Maugham (because he his saying what you want to hear which fits with your political and social beliefs).

Christ for the last six months you've gone on about the procedure of the awarding of contracts and you now reveal your complete ignorance on contract law!!!

Laughable really!

Poorly educated on the subject - clearly you are... eager to believe something that fits in with your preconceived agenda - certainly is... so yes I would class you as poorly educated and gullible on this matter and completely enraptured by a twitter activist with a personal agenda that you want to believe to be true.

And to put the cherry on the top of all this you are even wanting to be in denial that the Head of the Civil Service at the time somehow turned a blind eye to a high profile alleged billion pound fiddle during his watch!!!

Yeah right.

Even QAnon is more believable than that!

52Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 3 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Tue Nov 10 2020, 10:22


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:Just add an L.

Very Happy

53Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 3 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Tue Nov 10 2020, 10:42



Sluffy wrote:I couldn't care less if people fall out with me on an internet forum, do you real think that would bother me???

Anyone can have an opinion - doesn't mean they are right though does it.

Society is based ultimately on a framework of laws which we act in accordance with, it would appear no laws have been broken in the awarding of the contracts under emergency powers - even the Daily Mirror has gone to pains to say as much in it's article which lets be frank, is exactly the same story that has been rehashed for the umpteenth time since March.

It is simply one mans crusade about a government he doesn't like - in football terms a fan who wants to see the manager sacked.

And fwiw I do know a little bit more about some things than you or others from time to time because I've been professionally trained in them and you haven't.

If you want to believe a twitter nutjob who has a personal dislike and on a mission against the government, initially over Brexit and now this, then you believe him.  I on the other hand know how these things actually work, told you from the very beginning how things really are and why but you decided that I clearly didn't know my arse from my elbow and gone all in on backing Maugham (because he his saying what you want to hear which fits with your political and social beliefs).

Christ for the last six months you've gone on about the procedure of the awarding of contracts and you now reveal your complete ignorance on contract law!!!

Laughable really!

Poorly educated on the subject - clearly you are... eager to believe something that fits in with your preconceived agenda - certainly is... so yes I would class you as poorly educated and gullible on this matter and completely enraptured by a twitter activist with a personal agenda that you want to believe to be true.

And to put the cherry on the top of all this you are even wanting to be in denial that the Head of the Civil Service at the time somehow turned a blind eye to a high profile alleged billion pound fiddle during his watch!!!

Yeah right.

Even QAnon is more believable than that!

Finding it a bit frustrating that you've chosen to pretend I've said things on Sedwill and this being a fiddle of some sort - simply not true.

You say I've got a complete ignorance on contract law, no argument from me, does this mean what I've said (three times now) isn't true? 

'The products are faulty so need to be replaced or refunded is as far as I've gone on contract law. If that's inaccurate please do explain otherwise i'll just discard that as more posturing.'

Yet to read you disprove that, so either stop making me out to be an idiot or tell me where im going wrong there.

Happy to agree to disagree with you, but you don't seem to have any grasp on what my position is. I'll repeat it once again for you:

Strength of personal relationship should have no bearing over a decision making process.

All that's being asked is whether or not there has been, the sheer number of examples suggest there has. Yet to read anything from you that disputes that.

54Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 3 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Tue Nov 10 2020, 12:19



T.R.O.Y. wrote:
Sluffy wrote:I couldn't care less if people fall out with me on an internet forum, do you real think that would bother me???

Anyone can have an opinion - doesn't mean they are right though does it.

Society is based ultimately on a framework of laws which we act in accordance with, it would appear no laws have been broken in the awarding of the contracts under emergency powers - even the Daily Mirror has gone to pains to say as much in it's article which lets be frank, is exactly the same story that has been rehashed for the umpteenth time since March.

It is simply one mans crusade about a government he doesn't like - in football terms a fan who wants to see the manager sacked.

And fwiw I do know a little bit more about some things than you or others from time to time because I've been professionally trained in them and you haven't.

If you want to believe a twitter nutjob who has a personal dislike and on a mission against the government, initially over Brexit and now this, then you believe him.  I on the other hand know how these things actually work, told you from the very beginning how things really are and why but you decided that I clearly didn't know my arse from my elbow and gone all in on backing Maugham (because he his saying what you want to hear which fits with your political and social beliefs).

Christ for the last six months you've gone on about the procedure of the awarding of contracts and you now reveal your complete ignorance on contract law!!!

Laughable really!

Poorly educated on the subject - clearly you are... eager to believe something that fits in with your preconceived agenda - certainly is... so yes I would class you as poorly educated and gullible on this matter and completely enraptured by a twitter activist with a personal agenda that you want to believe to be true.

And to put the cherry on the top of all this you are even wanting to be in denial that the Head of the Civil Service at the time somehow turned a blind eye to a high profile alleged billion pound fiddle during his watch!!!

Yeah right.

Even QAnon is more believable than that!

Finding it a bit frustrating that you've chosen to pretend I've said things on Sedwill and this being a fiddle of some sort - simply not true.

You say I've got a complete ignorance on contract law, no argument from me, does this mean what I've said (three times now) isn't true? 

'The products are faulty so need to be replaced or refunded is as far as I've gone on contract law. If that's inaccurate please do explain otherwise i'll just discard that as more posturing.'

Yet to read you disprove that, so either stop making me out to be an idiot or tell me where im going wrong there.

Happy to agree to disagree with you, but you don't seem to have any grasp on what my position is. I'll repeat it once again for you:

Strength of personal relationship should have no bearing over a decision making process.

All that's being asked is whether or not there has been, the sheer number of examples suggest there has. Yet to read anything from you that disputes that.

That's twice you've made out that I'm 'posturing' - clearly wanting me to bite.

Look I said from the very start that all contracts are subject to law and that one fascist of that is that of remedy - to put something right.   The story you have shown so far from Maugham only presented the situation up to contracts being 'breached' - goods not for for purpose - seemingly money pocketed for not providing a service...

T.R.O.Y. wrote:Owen Paterson, MP for North Shropshire, earns £100k a year as an adviser to little known health firm Randox - they’ve won half a billion pounds in uncontested contracts to supply COVID testing kits. The latest contract is worth £347 million and was won in spite of them having to recall 750,000 testing kits earlier in the year when spot checks revealed some of their kits weren’t even sterile.

...makes it look really bad doesn't it but that's only half the tale!

You now seem to reluctantly accept that it doesn't end there, that some form of remedy must have happened - so the story is now firm wins half a billion pound contract - not much of a story now is it?

Oh, I know I've forgot a bit haven't I namely that the company won half a million pound uncontested contract - wow, what a fiddle - but you now grudgingly accept the contract was awarded LEGALLY - so the story has now changed to firm wins half a billion pound contract legally - not a riveting story to most is it, big contract but awarded legally.

Oh yes, I forgotten the cronyism angle haven't I - random MP just happens to be loosely associated with company that wins legal contract - definitely corruption there then surely - tasty story still isn't it - but both MP and company declare such an interest and MP not involved in the awarding of the contract - so the story now is that some MP loosely connected with company awarded a half billion pound contract legally declares an interested and is excluded from the process of the award for the contract that he was never involved in with in the first place.

There is NO story just innuendo cleverly concocted by someone on a mission against the government who has fought them on Brexit - and LOST, and is trying again over Covid.

Christ almighty if there really was a billion pounds of patronage going on by the government to their mates don't you think that honourable men like the Head of the Civil Service would have resigned and got out of it as quickly as he could and not be publicly giving a decent amount of  praise on the governments handing of Covid (which would definitely involve the awarding of these 'iffy' contracts)???

No, you and many other rather go with conspiracy theory's.

And if your position is that 'Strength of personal relationship should have no bearing over a decision making process', then you've not got anything to worry about because those awarding the contracts are the government procurement offices in accordance with this and NOT the MP's, government advisors or the sister of the Prime Minister who went to school with someone who was awarded a contract ffs!

People like my good self would be the ones working to policy, the ones who would care about what they've been professionally trained to do and spent many years climbing up the ladder to the top of the tree and wouldn't throw it all away because some random MP said, 'Sluffy, you don't know me but do me a favour and award this half billion pound contract to my mate who actually doesn't know anything about PPE but we'll make sure you get a very nice Christmas bonus, nudge, nudge, wink, wink!!!'

Do you REALLY believe that actually happened???

Poorly educated and gullible on this matter truly would sum you up if you did.

Oh, nearly forgot the 'sheer number of examples' which most make it true...

Have you ever played the game 'Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon' where you link him  to any other random actor/person in six or less links to others?

The game is actually based on 'six degrees of separation where the concept is that anyone is linked to everyone else by six social connections or fewer!

It's inevitable then that there WILL be numerous occasions where some MP/councillor/party donor/whatever WILL be linked to firms awarded contracts - that doesn't mean there's anything dodgy about it or anything underhanded going on!!!

There's probably many other contracts that have been awarded that can be linked to somebody in authority in the Conservative party if you looked hard enough to find a connect - I'm probably linked to a few - maybe even you are to - it doesn't mean anything in itself really does it???

You've WANTED to believe Maugham's spin, it matches your expectations, you've gone with the crowds on social media, you've not questioned it, not challenged it, not held it up to scrutiny.

What was those words again...poorly educated...gullible... certainly seem to fit in this instance.

55Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 3 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Tue Nov 10 2020, 12:31



Look, i've made my point and you're just going in circles now. If you can't debate them without the insults that's your problem but for all your moaning about others toeing the line i'm surprised to see you at it.

56Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 3 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Tue Nov 10 2020, 12:40



To be honest with you Sluffy, I thought you had a rough time of it the other week being called a wanker and a cunt left right and centre. But this sort of attitude from you speaks volumes as to why you get the abuse you do.

You are no better than anybody else, and you certainly don’t have any inside information that would allow you to know these things with such certainty. And even if you did there’s no place to dismiss other people as gullible and poorly educated.

Grow up and learn how to have a conversation with people who don’t always share your view.

57Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 3 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Tue Nov 10 2020, 12:48


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

Sluffy wrote:

Oh yes, I forgotten the cronyism angle haven't I

Yes apparently you have.

If the appointment of Kate Bingham (married to a Tory minister who was at Eton with Boris, went to school with Boris' sister and was at Oxford with Boris but has no knowledge of vaccines) and Dido Harding (married to Tory MP and at Oxford with Cameron but no health background) isn't blatant cronyism what is it?

58Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 3 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Tue Nov 10 2020, 12:52



T.R.O.Y. wrote:Look, i've made my point and you're just going in circles now. If you can't debate them without the insults that's your problem but for all your moaning about others toeing the line i'm surprised to see you at it.

You state yourself you are ignorant of contract law and you clearly believe the narrative from Maugham on social media without fact checking it - so how is that by me simply mirroring that back to you to reflect upon somehow an insult???

Clearly it isn't.

Last edited by Sluffy on Tue Nov 10 2020, 13:04; edited 1 time in total

59Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 3 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Tue Nov 10 2020, 12:54



T.R.O.Y. wrote:To be honest with you Sluffy, I thought you had a rough time of it the other week being called a wanker and a cunt left right and centre. But this sort of attitude from you speaks volumes as to why you get the abuse you do.

You are no better than anybody else, and you certainly don’t have any inside information that would allow you to know these things with such certainty. And even if you did there’s no place to dismiss other people as gullible and poorly educated.

Grow up and learn how to have a conversation with people who don’t always share your view.

My reply to this is as per my post above.

60Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 3 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Tue Nov 10 2020, 13:02



xmiles wrote:
Sluffy wrote:

Oh yes, I forgotten the cronyism angle haven't I

Yes apparently you have.

If the appointment of Kate Bingham (married to a Tory minister who was at Eton with Boris, went to school with Boris' sister and was at Oxford with Boris but has no knowledge of vaccines) and Dido Harding (married to Tory MP and at Oxford with Cameron but no health background) isn't blatant cronyism what is it?

It's not exactly panto season yet but - oh no I've not!

My remarks have been solely in relation to the governments procurement of contracts (under Emergency procurement procedures) which I have some knowledge and expertise on.

As I have no knowledge as to the recruitment of Bingham or Harding to their positions I have not commented on the matter, nor intend to do so as I would not know what I was talking about on the matter would I.

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