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Energy price cap announced

Bolton Nuts
Ten Bobsworth
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1Energy price cap announced Empty Energy price cap announced Fri Aug 26 2022, 08:40


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Its gone up to £3549, which works out around £300 a month! Can you afford to pay it? What are you planning to do to keep your bills as low as possible?

This is going to lead to mass poverty and deaths when winter kicks in and where are our Government?

2Energy price cap announced Empty Re: Energy price cap announced Fri Aug 26 2022, 09:13

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Norpig wrote:Its gone up to £3549, which works out around £300 a month! Can you afford to pay it? What are you planning to do to keep your bills as low as possible?

This is going to lead to mass poverty and deaths when winter kicks in and where are our Government?

Flipping eck, Norpig, aren't you a whizz with a calculator? You make Spreadsheet Phil look like a beginner.

You could try emigrating to Russia. I believe they've got quite a lot of gas there.

We are stocking up on Damart long johns and Fisherman's Friend at Bobsworth Towers.

3Energy price cap announced Empty Re: Energy price cap announced Fri Aug 26 2022, 10:22

Bolton Nuts


I bought a dressing gown and a bigger duvet. Job done.

4Energy price cap announced Empty Re: Energy price cap announced Fri Aug 26 2022, 10:57


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Biggie wrote:I bought a dressing gown and a bigger duvet. Job done.
I've bought a nightcap.
Energy price cap announced Img_2813

5Energy price cap announced Empty Re: Energy price cap announced Fri Aug 26 2022, 11:12


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

All joking aside, this is a major issue for millions of people who will have to choose between heating their home or eating. We as a household are not wealthy but do ok but it will still be a struggle so how are people on lower incomes going to manage? And what happens in January when it goes over 5K?

The Government, when they can get their arse in gear, need to sort this as number 1 priority when dizzy Lizzy or mini Margaret (choose your own description) is foisted on us.

6Energy price cap announced Empty Re: Energy price cap announced Fri Aug 26 2022, 11:55

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Norpig wrote:All joking aside, this is a major issue for millions of people who will have to choose between heating their home or eating. We as a household are not wealthy but do ok but it will still be a struggle so how are people on lower incomes going to manage? And what happens in January when it goes over 5K?

The Government, when they can get their arse in gear, need to sort this as number 1 priority when dizzy Lizzy or mini Margaret (choose your own description) is foisted on us.
Don’t worry, Norpig, there’s always Lineker G to take in a pensioner and don’t rule out Saint Marcus.

I expect he’s got a few insulated abodes to help out in a crisis.

7Energy price cap announced Empty Re: Energy price cap announced Fri Aug 26 2022, 12:16


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:All joking aside, this is a major issue for millions of people who will have to choose between heating their home or eating. We as a household are not wealthy but do ok but it will still be a struggle so how are people on lower incomes going to manage? And what happens in January when it goes over 5K?

The Government, when they can get their arse in gear, need to sort this as number 1 priority when dizzy Lizzy or mini Margaret (choose your own description) is foisted on us.
This is getting way, way out of hand.

When it gets like this, the government has failed the nation.

People will be loosing their homes due to a frigging gas and electric bill and the government will be doing fuck all to stop it.

They are all a bunch of assholes. 

It’s about time people got together and started fighting back!

8Energy price cap announced Empty Re: Energy price cap announced Fri Aug 26 2022, 13:34


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

My niece is a single mum of two, and is already at her wits end. We can help her out, but many will have to get through this alone, and it's a scary place to be.

9Energy price cap announced Empty Re: Energy price cap announced Fri Aug 26 2022, 13:53


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:Its gone up to £3549, which works out around £300 a month! Can you afford to pay it? What are you planning to do to keep your bills as low as possible?

This is going to lead to mass poverty and deaths when winter kicks in and where are our Government?
When winter kicks in, it is likely to go up again as the government recently changed the price cap review period to every 3 months so there will be another review for the period end Dec to end Mar.
Martin Lewis suggesting it could be over £5k when winter kicks in.
And anyway the actual bill isn't capped so if you need extra electricity and heating due to e.g. illness the sky is the limit.

10Energy price cap announced Empty Re: Energy price cap announced Fri Aug 26 2022, 15:25


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

wanderlust wrote:
When winter kicks in, it is likely to go up again as the government recently changed the price cap review period to every 3 months so there will be another review for the period end Dec to end Mar.
Martin Lewis suggesting it could be over £5k when winter kicks in.
And anyway the actual bill isn't capped so if you need extra electricity and heating due to e.g. illness the sky is the limit.
Martin Lewis has much more to say here:

Last edited by okocha on Fri Aug 26 2022, 15:29; edited 1 time in total

11Energy price cap announced Empty Re: Energy price cap announced Fri Aug 26 2022, 15:26



When I was a youngster we didn't have any hot running water in our house, the cold water had to run through a small water heater that basically could only heat a washing up bowl of water at a time.

When I was a bit older we moved to a house with an emersion heater and had to switch it on if we ever wanted to have a bath.

I also remember during those years my dad going around switching all the lights off he could all the time (happy memories).

I thought those days were long gone but I guess maybe the days are returning to having to think and manage stuff like this again.

Who would ever have thought things would ever have come around to these sorts of things again in the twenty first century?

12Energy price cap announced Empty Re: Energy price cap announced Fri Aug 26 2022, 15:47


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:When I was a youngster we didn't have any hot running water in our house, the cold water had to run through a small water heater that basically could only heat a washing up bowl of water at a time.

When I was a bit older we moved to a house with an emersion heater and had to switch it on if we ever wanted to have a bath.

I also remember during those years my dad going around switching all the lights off he could all the time (happy memories).

I thought those days were long gone but I guess maybe the days are returning to having to think and manage stuff like this again.

Who would ever have thought things would ever have come around to these sorts of things again in the twenty first century?
I remember those days. Queueing up for the Sunday night bath.
Energy price cap announced 630x630_1369408950_hot-water-tank

13Energy price cap announced Empty Re: Energy price cap announced Fri Aug 26 2022, 16:14


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

I've never signed up for a smart meter, content to read my own meters every month and switch from provider to provider without the problems of the early so called Smart Meters.

I was with AVRO Energy when they crashed and was transfered luckily to Octopus Energy.

Octopus Energy are twisting my arm to sign up for new Smart meters with the temptation of cheaper rates during some hours of the day as we progress through the cold winter months.

Does it make sense?  I guess so, although I don't want to lie in bed at night listening to the washing machine and dishwasher.

I can see the offer of advantageous energy rates at certain times of the day being a possible benefit of having  Smart meters installed.

14Energy price cap announced Empty Re: Energy price cap announced Fri Aug 26 2022, 16:24


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

boltonbonce wrote:My niece is a single mum of two, and is already at her wits end. We can help her out, but many will have to get through this alone, and it's a scary place to be.
My daughters also a single mum Bonce but with one child and to help out I have always paid her gas and electricity but there’s no way me and Mrs White can continue to subsidise her so she’s going to have to contribute. We’ll continue to help out as much as we can but there’s a limit to what we can do. 

As pensioners there’s nothing we can do to increase income other than go back to work but since we have to look after our granddaughter for 3 days a week whilst our nurse daughter works 3 night shifts, that’s not possible. We can probably manage as it is now but if it gets higher still who knows. 

I don’t think it’s helpful criticising governments because on energy there’s been little or no difference in their policies for years so the best way out of this is to work together and not try to score points and grandstanding. The situation is serious because no matter how many cuts people make they’ll never save enough so the only way through this is for the new government to bail people out.

15Energy price cap announced Empty Re: Energy price cap announced Fri Aug 26 2022, 16:25


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

And the advantage to the energy company will be that they can cut you off remotely if you haven’t paid your bill.

16Energy price cap announced Empty Re: Energy price cap announced Fri Aug 26 2022, 16:34


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Food for thought or Daily Mirror looking for a scary story?

Last edited by Cajunboy on Fri Aug 26 2022, 16:39; edited 1 time in total

17Energy price cap announced Empty Re: Energy price cap announced Fri Aug 26 2022, 16:37


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Cajunboy wrote:I've never signed up for a smart meter, content to read my own meters every month and switch from provider to provider without the problems of the early so called Smart Meters.

I was with AVRO Energy when they crashed and was transfered luckily to Octopus Energy.

Octopus Energy are twisting my arm to sign up for new Smart meters with the temptation of cheaper rates during some hours of the day as we progress through the cold winter months.

Does it make sense?  I guess so, although I don't want to lie in bed at night listening to the washing machine and dishwasher.

I can see the offer of advantageous energy rates at certain times of the day being a possible benefit of having  Smart meters installed.
We're with Octopus, and have a 'smart' meter, that I have to read myself because they're having signal issues. The Electric meter connects on and off, but the gas has never connected.
So I'm down on my knees looking under the sink at the gas meter, and in a dark cupboard with a torch reading the electric meter.
Very smart.

18Energy price cap announced Empty Re: Energy price cap announced Fri Aug 26 2022, 16:41


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Thanks Bonce, I think I might leave well alone.

19Energy price cap announced Empty Re: Energy price cap announced Fri Aug 26 2022, 16:48


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Cajunboy wrote:Thanks Bonce, I think I might leave well alone.
Probably a wise move. Sounds great in theory, but, like DAB radio, doesn't quite live up to the hype.

20Energy price cap announced Empty Re: Energy price cap announced Fri Sep 16 2022, 08:08


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Submitted my meter readings a couple of days ago and since March hardly used any gas and not even a massive amount of electricity and EDF tell me that even after paying £161 per month all year i'm still in debit of £171!

Direct debit has gone up to £295 as well  pale

I know we will get the £66/£67 per month off the bill for 5 months but still this is a massive rise. Me and Mrs Pig do ok compared to most salary wise but it's still a lot extra to find each month.

What's happening with the proposed cap being put down to £2500?

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