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The mystery of Nicola Bulley

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41The mystery of Nicola Bulley - Page 3 Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Sun Feb 19 2023, 16:23



karlypants wrote:The police still didn’t find the body apparently as the general public came across it around a mile away.

The police really are a bunch of tits!

That expert they called in was much better then!

Unless someone put her body in after the river was searched....

Joking apart, how sad for her and her family and her young children.

It's sounding now as though she'd had enough and this tragically was the way she thought was the best.  

Gary Speed comes to mind.

I can't understand it myself but they and many others are ill and somehow it shouldn't have needed to end how it did.

RIP Nichola

42The mystery of Nicola Bulley - Page 3 Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Sun Feb 19 2023, 17:38


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

It’s very sad all round.

Hopefully the family will get some closure it is actually her.

43The mystery of Nicola Bulley - Page 3 Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Mon Feb 20 2023, 16:51


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Does anybody else find the fact that most of the pictures of her look like selfies, even with the dog and her partner somewhat spooky? Maybe it says something about her or is it the normal thing to do now and I’m just out of touch?

44The mystery of Nicola Bulley - Page 3 Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Mon Feb 20 2023, 17:27

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:Does anybody else find the fact that most of the pictures of her look like selfies, even with the dog and her partner somewhat spooky? Maybe it says something about her or is it the normal thing to do now and I’m just out of touch?

Give it a rest you bellend.

45The mystery of Nicola Bulley - Page 3 Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Mon Feb 20 2023, 17:38


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Body found in river is confirmed as mother-of-two Nicola Bulley

46The mystery of Nicola Bulley - Page 3 Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Mon Feb 20 2023, 22:44



Powerful stuff said about Sky and ITV by the family...

47The mystery of Nicola Bulley - Page 3 Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Tue Feb 21 2023, 10:10


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Natasha Whittam wrote:

Give it a rest you bellend.
I’ll take that as a no then? 🤗

48The mystery of Nicola Bulley - Page 3 Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Tue Feb 21 2023, 11:23


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Very Happy

49The mystery of Nicola Bulley - Page 3 Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Tue Feb 21 2023, 13:42

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I'm not sure what's funny about people making up ridiculous conspiracy stories.

50The mystery of Nicola Bulley - Page 3 Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Tue Feb 21 2023, 14:04



Natasha Whittam wrote:I'm not sure what's funny about people making up ridiculous conspiracy stories.

Making them up is one thing, believing them and publicly calling out her partner as a killer, is entirely another.

On reflection it now seems the police were right to believe all along that she went into the water.  From what has come out since she first disappeared it does seem that she was suffering mental health issues.  I wonder if the earlier instance of police and 'care' staff (I don't think it ever mention ambulance or a doctor) may have had something to do with a suicide attempt by her?

If so, then it does surprise me that the family felt so strongly that she hadn't gone in the water?  

Maybe there wasn't an earlier suicide attempt then at all - but why had the police and care staff been called out then?

I wonder why they were apparently so convinced she hadn't?

On the face of it, her disappearance did seem to be a mystery and not finding her body, despite all the efforts in nearly two weeks, which was just one mile down stream, did indeed lead to room to think she wasn't in there at all.

At the end of the day the poor woman was found dead and her two young daughters have to grow up without their mum and live with this awful trauma they have had to live through for the rest of their lives.

As always it is the innocents that suffer the most.

The behaviour of Sky and ITV at their moment of greatest grieve is simply disgusting.

51The mystery of Nicola Bulley - Page 3 Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Tue Feb 21 2023, 16:14


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Well said Sluffy, it’s certainly a case with many questions. It seems that where she was eventually found is a bit of an area where things in the water flow back and forth into it so it’s possible to have searched it and missed the body but then you’d think if they knew that they’d check constantly? Of course they may have been unlucky and just missed her? As for Sky and ITV I’ve no time for either of them as far as news is concerned. That horrible woman of Sky I can’t bear to watch and she should never have been allowed back after so flagrantly breaking lockdown rules. As you say, hearts must go out to those two kiddies and her partner who will have to live with the consequences and having their lives turned upside down so publicly. I’m sure friends and relatives will rally round them and give them the support they need just now and hopefully so will the disgusting keyboard warriors.

52The mystery of Nicola Bulley - Page 3 Empty Re: The mystery of Nicola Bulley Tue Feb 21 2023, 17:11



An interesting article on why it isn't always easy to find bodies in the water and (to be fair) a decent explanation as to what the 'expert' didn't and why his method wouldn't have been able to find her and that the responsibility to do so from where she was found was really down to the police or other land based rescue method teams.

Nicola Bulley: Why can it take so long to find bodies?

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