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How private are your private views?

Reebok Trotter
Angry Dad
Soul Kitchen
Natasha Whittam
12 posters

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21How private are your private views? - Page 2 Empty Re: How private are your private views? Wed Apr 30 2014, 16:17

Angry Dad

Angry Dad
Youri Djorkaeff
Youri Djorkaeff

Natasha Whittam wrote:
Angry Dad wrote:If they can ever point something at you and read your mind i will never get out!!!

Don't worry, you'll never get put away for made up stuff.
Dont know what you mean natasha? but if i made all my views known it would certainly cause a shit storm.

22How private are your private views? - Page 2 Empty Re: How private are your private views? Wed Apr 30 2014, 16:17



It brings a whole new meaning to the term Chocolate Brazils........

23How private are your private views? - Page 2 Empty Re: How private are your private views? Wed Apr 30 2014, 16:20


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Bread,I'd just opened some chocolate raisins! Bastard!

24How private are your private views? - Page 2 Empty Re: How private are your private views? Wed Apr 30 2014, 16:22



It's not me who shoves 'em up prozzies.

Take it up with Aberdeen / Coventry's very own Peter Sutcliffe..........

25How private are your private views? - Page 2 Empty Re: How private are your private views? Wed Apr 30 2014, 16:25


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I assume the mods will have something to say about the above insinuation?

I'm at a loss as to why I'm a target tbh?

26How private are your private views? - Page 2 Empty Re: How private are your private views? Wed Apr 30 2014, 16:33

Angry Dad

Angry Dad
Youri Djorkaeff
Youri Djorkaeff

Were you bullied at school neb? genuine question.

27How private are your private views? - Page 2 Empty Re: How private are your private views? Wed Apr 30 2014, 16:34



It's really quite simple.

Whittam posed a theoretical scenario on another thread involving you, some prostitutes and a bag of brazil nuts.

You responded by saying that you risked being banned if you commented on such things, inferring that something similar had come up before and whatever you'd said at the time nearly resulted in you being banned by the mods.

Which created the potential for a gag about you and what you get up to with a prostitute and a pile of brazil nuts.

If you are offended, I apologise.


28How private are your private views? - Page 2 Empty Re: How private are your private views? Wed Apr 30 2014, 16:42


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Don't know much about US privacy law, but I would have thought that if he was recorded without having given permission to do so, he could sue the broadcasters for every penny he loses, future earnings, reputational damage and a whole raft of other things. In theory the guy could make a decent profit out of it.

29How private are your private views? - Page 2 Empty Re: How private are your private views? Wed Apr 30 2014, 18:30


Guðni Bergsson
Guðni Bergsson

I think its all very unsavoury. As somebody said earlier, thought police next. It will happen, because it wasn't too long ago when we all said hate crimes (usually regardless of what the actual crime was), were a step too far, but we have now accepted them without a second thought. I would like to see the person, and the media he used to transmit this conversation, hammered for as much as possible, with a complete forfeit of any money made, (and then locked up)

30How private are your private views? - Page 2 Empty Re: How private are your private views? Wed Apr 30 2014, 19:53



The thing that sort of bothers me in all of this is that he's not actually done anything (as far as I know anyway) he's merely said something, in private.

What I mean is that if he had DONE something, say not signed someone, or promoted someone, or sacked someone, etc, because of their colour - then yes, I could see why action needed to be taken to stamp this out - but he merely expressed an opinion, between two adults, which was said in private.

How then does this make him a racist?

Let me give you an example of what I mean.

If say a bloke posts on a closed (private) forum and says she is a woman (let's say from Preston), then that doesn't make the person a woman, a cross dresser, transexual or 'confused' BUT if, what is after all just a bit of fun, actually got out and was brought to the attention of that persons employer, or childs head teacher, or parole officer, etc - clearly it then takes on a more serious meaning that it was ever intended to be, and any 'punishment' that might result from such a disclosure would be completely out of context with the 'crime' of simply having a harmless laugh.

Clearly my example is totally made up and is not based on anybody alive or dead.

Yes, I know racism is not a 'laugh' but as far as I can tell he's not done anything than just express an opinion in private.  

If I had a bad day and said in private that I wished my boss/ wife /nextdoor neighbour / the mods on here - were dead (not that I ever had or would), it would not mean that I was a potential serial killer - simply that I'd said something that on reflection wasn't the wisest thing to say.  I would expect to be locked up for it though!

I tend to think the racist 'card' is played far to much in the west and that Political correctness is now out of control.

If you are say fat, short, ginger, wear specs or a wig, etc, you can be abused until the cows come home but woe betide anyone saying a misplaced word about a black or a muslim these days - and now you even have to be careful about what you say in public too.

31How private are your private views? - Page 2 Empty Re: How private are your private views? Wed Apr 30 2014, 20:09

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:

If say a bloke posts on a closed (private) forum and says she is a woman (let's say from Preston), then that doesn't make the person a woman, a cross dresser, transexual or 'confused' BUT if, what is after all just a bit of fun, actually got out and was brought to the attention of that persons employer, or childs head teacher, or parole officer, etc - clearly it then takes on a more serious meaning that it was ever intended to be, and any 'punishment' that might result from such a disclosure would be completely out of context with the 'crime' of simply having a harmless laugh.

For a minute I thought this might be aimed at me, but then I remembered I employ myself, don't have any kids and have never been caught committing a crime.

32How private are your private views? - Page 2 Empty Re: How private are your private views? Wed Apr 30 2014, 20:13



Fully agree, Sluff.

And also remember that in "the land of the free", it's now perfectly permissible to detain someone indefinitely, without trial, under the terms of the ironically named Patriot Act. 

And yet they bang on constantly about how fantastic their constitution is and spend billions of dollars trying to spread and then enforce their particular brand of "democracy" on other sovereign nations.

It's crazy......but it's happening.

33How private are your private views? - Page 2 Empty Re: How private are your private views? Wed Apr 30 2014, 20:14



Natasha Whittam wrote:
Sluffy wrote:

If say a bloke posts on a closed (private) forum and says she is a woman (let's say from Preston), then that doesn't make the person a woman, a cross dresser, transexual or 'confused' BUT if, what is after all just a bit of fun, actually got out and was brought to the attention of that persons employer, or childs head teacher, or parole officer, etc - clearly it then takes on a more serious meaning that it was ever intended to be, and any 'punishment' that might result from such a disclosure would be completely out of context with the 'crime' of simply having a harmless laugh.

For a minute I thought this might be aimed at me, but then I remembered I employ myself, don't have any kids and have never been caught committing a crime.

Sluffy wrote:Clearly my example is totally made up and is not based on anybody alive or dead.

34How private are your private views? - Page 2 Empty Re: How private are your private views? Wed Apr 30 2014, 22:25



wanderlust wrote:Don't know much about US privacy law, but I would have thought that if he was recorded without having given permission to do so, he could sue the broadcasters for every penny he loses, future earnings, reputational damage and a whole raft of other things. In theory the guy could make a decent profit out of it.

Apparently he asked to have his conversations recorded. He tends to forget things he says. Neutral

35How private are your private views? - Page 2 Empty Re: How private are your private views? Thu May 01 2014, 18:24


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

Its just a case of being careful on what one says on "open" forums and social media - even if personally not being used - as someone will be using it!!!

Basically it is always a case of think before you speak/type!

36How private are your private views? - Page 2 Empty Re: How private are your private views? Thu May 01 2014, 18:33


Guðni Bergsson
Guðni Bergsson

Keegan wrote:
wanderlust wrote:Don't know much about US privacy law, but I would have thought that if he was recorded without having given permission to do so, he could sue the broadcasters for every penny he loses, future earnings, reputational damage and a whole raft of other things. In theory the guy could make a decent profit out of it.

Apparently he asked to have his conversations recorded. He tends to forget things he says. Neutral 

He wont forget this, and lets remember he probably asked for it to be recorded, but not broadcast

37How private are your private views? - Page 2 Empty Re: How private are your private views? Fri May 02 2014, 01:01



She is a slimeball - shagging that ugly pile of shite must only be for the money. Not that she is particularly hot either.

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