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Film and TV review.

Ten Bobsworth
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Natasha Whittam
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1Film and TV review. Empty Film and TV review. Fri Jul 31 2020, 00:02


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Finished "Killer by the Lake" (or "of the lake" IMO) Great murder story line set in the Annecy cop shop. Quality.

2Film and TV review. Empty Re: Film and TV review. Sat Aug 01 2020, 16:31


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Just watched When You See Us on Netflix and it was very good, It's about 5 young black and latino boys being fitted up for a rape in Central Park. The first episode is a hard watch and wound me up no end but its a story that needed telling.

3Film and TV review. Empty Re: Film and TV review. Sun Aug 02 2020, 14:59


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Been a bit under the weather the past few days, so took to my bed and binge watched Upstart Crow. Very enjoyable. Perked me up no end.

4Film and TV review. Empty Re: Film and TV review. Sun Aug 02 2020, 15:32



boltonbonce wrote:Been a bit under the weather the past few days, so took to my bed and binge watched Upstart Crow. Very enjoyable. Perked me up no end.

Get well soon.

5Film and TV review. Empty Re: Film and TV review. Sun Aug 02 2020, 15:52

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:Been a bit under the weather the past few days, so took to my bed and binge watched Upstart Crow. Very enjoyable. Perked me up no end.

I thought you'd been quiet. I just presumed the Google police had finally caught up with you.

6Film and TV review. Empty Re: Film and TV review. Sun Aug 02 2020, 16:36


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:

Get well soon.
Thanks Sluffy. Any excuse to ponce about in my slippers. Very Happy

7Film and TV review. Empty Re: Film and TV review. Sun Aug 02 2020, 16:39


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:

I thought you'd been quiet. I just presumed the Google police had finally caught up with you.
I'm far too clever for those plods. They've got it in for me though.

Like the time they tried to get me on porcine bestiality when I googled Roger Bacon.

Relentless bastards.

8Film and TV review. Empty Re: Film and TV review. Sun Aug 02 2020, 16:51



boltonbonce wrote:
Sluffy wrote:

Get well soon.
Thanks Sluffy. Any excuse to ponce about in my slippers. Very Happy

Hope you are wearing far more than just them!


9Film and TV review. Empty Re: Film and TV review. Sun Aug 02 2020, 16:56


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:

Hope you are wearing far more than just them!

The milkman's in therapy I'm afraid.

10Film and TV review. Empty Re: Film and TV review. Mon Aug 10 2020, 23:39


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Just watched "American Dharma" on Sky Documentaries
Absolutely essential viewing and jaw-dropping up close and personal with Steve Bannon from Harvard Business School via Breitbart and Trump's campaign to the White House and beyond.

11Film and TV review. Empty Re: Film and TV review. Mon Aug 17 2020, 16:21


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

WATCH this,  on SKY, NOW TV etc.
I can't find the words to describe it adequately.

Just watch it!

12Film and TV review. Empty Re: Film and TV review. Mon Aug 17 2020, 16:28


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

Haven't tried that one yet cajun. Just finished watching Mrs America which was a lot better than I expected. Really enjoyed it. Cate Blanchett puts in a great performance.

Talking of great performances Joker is as good as the critics said it was.

13Film and TV review. Empty Re: Film and TV review. Mon Aug 17 2020, 17:25



Just finished Once Upon a Time in Iraq. Brilliant documentary, uncomfortable viewing at times but a must watch in my opinion.

14Film and TV review. Empty Re: Film and TV review. Wed Aug 19 2020, 20:17


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Currently watching The Fall on Netflix. About a serial killer, enjoying it.

15Film and TV review. Empty Re: Film and TV review. Thu Aug 20 2020, 13:21


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Finally got round to watching Making a Murderer (yes Nat i know i'm miles behind) and i enjoyed it and it enraged me at the same time.

16Film and TV review. Empty Re: Film and TV review. Fri Aug 21 2020, 14:51

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

BoltonTillIDie wrote:Currently watching The Fall on Netflix.  About a serial killer, enjoying it.

You massive bellend. I wasted an hour of my life watching this last night on your recommendation.

Absolutely nothing of note happened, unless you count Scully cleaning her bathroom.

17Film and TV review. Empty Re: Film and TV review. Fri Aug 21 2020, 14:53

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:Finally got round to watching Making a Murderer (yes Nat i know i'm miles behind) and i enjoyed it and it enraged me at the same time.

It enraged me too. I have no idea whether Avery did it, but I have my doubts about Brendan being involved. If you were going to kill someone I'm pretty sure you'd remember how you did it.

18Film and TV review. Empty Re: Film and TV review. Fri Aug 21 2020, 14:54

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Semi-Detached on BBC2 with Lee Mack. Laugh out loud funny. Pretty sure it's based on the life of Bonce.

19Film and TV review. Empty Re: Film and TV review. Fri Aug 21 2020, 15:02


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:

It enraged me too. I have no idea whether Avery did it, but I have my doubts about Brendan being involved. If you were going to kill someone I'm pretty sure you'd remember how you did it.
 I think the pair of them have been fitted up good and proper.

Brendan has the IQ of a typical Wigan fan and his "confession" should have been thrown out as he just told them what they wanted him to say, its shocking!

Don't believe Avery is guilty either, the car key being found on the 7th visit to his trailer and only being found by the 2 Manitowoc cops is so planted its laughable.

20Film and TV review. Empty Re: Film and TV review. Fri Aug 21 2020, 15:10

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:Brendan has the IQ of a typical Wigan fan and his "confession" should have been thrown out as he just told them what they wanted him to say, its shocking!

Totally agree, how he is still in prison I will never know - the only evidence seems to be his confession which was clearly bogus as he couldn't even remember how he was supposed to have killed her.

It just goes to show, find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time and your life can be turned on its head.

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