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plans for the day

Banks of the Croal
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381plans for the day - Page 20 Empty Re: plans for the day Fri Aug 07 2015, 15:45



Sorry to hear that, Mand.

Hope you're doing ok.

My Dad's got severe Tinnitus so I know how debilitating it can be.

You're obviously a fighter, so I know you'll cope well with this.

Keep your chin up.

382plans for the day - Page 20 Empty Re: plans for the day Fri Aug 07 2015, 15:48



karlypants wrote:So ended up in B&Q to find out that the Venetian blinds that have 50mm slats cannot be cut so will now have to have one made which is probably the best way to save on faffing with it,  the blinds looked good quality to be fair.

Johnny, now sat in McDonald's feeling guilty at the shite I have forced my body to eat, Big Mac set & 2 cheese burgers. 

Pure filth.
bloody hell kp, even i'm not that bad!

383plans for the day - Page 20 Empty Re: plans for the day Fri Aug 07 2015, 15:49


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

As Breadders says, hope you are doing ok Manda.

Hopefully there is some medication available that can help to make your life easier. Smile

384plans for the day - Page 20 Empty Re: plans for the day Fri Aug 07 2015, 15:52



Get well soon Manda.

with your spare time why not write a gently heartwarming anecdote.

385plans for the day - Page 20 Empty Re: plans for the day Fri Aug 07 2015, 15:57


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Hope you're feeling better soon Manda, a win tomorrow will help  Very Happy

386plans for the day - Page 20 Empty Re: plans for the day Fri Aug 07 2015, 15:58


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Chairmanda wrote:you back already breaders? i didn't have chance to place my bet...

My plans for the day are the same as plans for all days atm, most including docs or hospital visit. I haven't been well for weeks and now got my diagnosis (meunieres disease). Completely housebound, so have spent a lot of time watching rubbish telly, and on this forum and others. Feeling completely rubbish and look like some kind of addict given number of blood tests. Tell you what, the NHS has been beyond amazing, individuals have helped above any expectations, my friends are the best in the world, and have even wore me down into accepting help. And having a bit of banter with you guys stops me from watching too much property porn on telly (since when did "ridiculous" become an adjective meaning "brilliant"?)
All the best Mand, hope you're better soon.

387plans for the day - Page 20 Empty Re: plans for the day Fri Aug 07 2015, 16:14


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Chairmanda wrote:you back already breaders? i didn't have chance to place my bet...

My plans for the day are the same as plans for all days atm, most including docs or hospital visit. I haven't been well for weeks and now got my diagnosis (meunieres disease). Completely housebound, so have spent a lot of time watching rubbish telly, and on this forum and others. Feeling completely rubbish and look like some kind of addict given number of blood tests. Tell you what, the NHS has been beyond amazing, individuals have helped above any expectations, my friends are the best in the world, and have even wore me down into accepting help. And having a bit of banter with you guys stops me from watching too much property porn on telly (since when did "ridiculous" become an adjective meaning "brilliant"?)
Keep going Mand.
I've suffered from tinnitus for 20 years. Only a mild form,so I've just about got used to it,but it could explain my tendency to fall off bicycles and into ponds.
Keep well and keep laughing.

388plans for the day - Page 20 Empty Re: plans for the day Fri Aug 07 2015, 16:17



That's not Tinnitus, it's just how he sounds when he's crooning.

You know who I mean........

389plans for the day - Page 20 Empty Re: plans for the day Fri Aug 07 2015, 16:20


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Very Happy

390plans for the day - Page 20 Empty Re: plans for the day Fri Aug 07 2015, 16:20


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Breadman wrote:That's not Tinnitus, it's just how he sounds when he's crooning.

You know who I mean........
plans for the day - Page 20 Giphy Razz

391plans for the day - Page 20 Empty Re: plans for the day Fri Aug 07 2015, 16:22


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Bonce, do you always shove your nuts up there? Very Happy

392plans for the day - Page 20 Empty Re: plans for the day Fri Aug 07 2015, 16:30


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

If chickens can keep eggs up there................. Very Happy

393plans for the day - Page 20 Empty Re: plans for the day Fri Aug 07 2015, 16:32


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

thanks chaps. i have been given new tablets today, so hope they make me better...its the dizziness wot gets me! promise i wont be a self obsessed health bore, but felt like sharing a bit. I'm pre planning for tomorrow, its not quite hit yet, just one more sleep to go...I'm feeling a bit conflicted about the season, not hugely optimistic for promotion, or worried about relegation, could make an argument for all end of season position, normally I'm more definitive (though often wrong!) about the forthcoming it just me?

394plans for the day - Page 20 Empty Re: plans for the day Fri Aug 07 2015, 16:37


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I usually start the season thinking we'll storm to the title.
Reality normally sets in around Christmas.
But,it's a new season,and I'm all for a bit of unrealistic bluster,so COYWM.

395plans for the day - Page 20 Empty Re: plans for the day Fri Aug 07 2015, 18:02

Mr Magoo

Mr Magoo
Youri Djorkaeff
Youri Djorkaeff

396plans for the day - Page 20 Empty Re: plans for the day Fri Aug 07 2015, 19:31


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Chairmanda wrote:thanks chaps. i have been given new tablets today, so hope they make me better...its the dizziness wot gets me! promise i wont be a self obsessed health bore, but felt like sharing a bit. I'm pre planning for tomorrow, its not quite hit yet, just one more sleep to go...I'm feeling a bit conflicted about the season, not hugely optimistic for promotion, or worried about relegation, could make an argument for all end of season position, normally I'm more definitive (though often wrong!) about the forthcoming it just me?

397plans for the day - Page 20 Empty Re: plans for the day Fri Aug 07 2015, 19:43


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

nope, they didnt touch it! How you feeling about season norpig?

398plans for the day - Page 20 Empty Re: plans for the day Fri Aug 07 2015, 20:25



Plans for tomorrow. Busy as hell.

Swimming first, then a rugby tournament in cadishead, then a birthday party then the bolton game with you lot on here.

Think i will need an early night tonight.

399plans for the day - Page 20 Empty Re: plans for the day Fri Aug 07 2015, 20:32


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Having a lie in tomorrow morning then maybe a bit of bacon and egg (that's not a euphemism!) tidy up then it's Radio Nuts! cheers

400plans for the day - Page 20 Empty Re: plans for the day Fri Aug 07 2015, 20:33



Cant wait for radio nuts (still prefer bummer fm but we will go with radio nuts.......for now)

Whats one of them things you call a lie in Smile

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