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Labour MP shot and stabbed

Reebok Trotter
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1Labour MP shot and stabbed Empty Labour MP shot and stabbed Thu Jun 16 2016, 14:06


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Labour MP Jo Cox has been shot and stabbed in west Yorkshire. No updates as to her condition as yet.

2Labour MP shot and stabbed Empty Re: Labour MP shot and stabbed Thu Jun 16 2016, 17:21



Bloody hell, she's died.

Terrible news.

3Labour MP shot and stabbed Empty Re: Labour MP shot and stabbed Thu Jun 16 2016, 17:25

Reebok Trotter

Reebok Trotter
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Shocking... is there a religious bent to the news?

4Labour MP shot and stabbed Empty Re: Labour MP shot and stabbed Thu Jun 16 2016, 17:28


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Why's this happened?

5Labour MP shot and stabbed Empty Re: Labour MP shot and stabbed Thu Jun 16 2016, 17:30


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Eye witness account implies it was a loonie.

6Labour MP shot and stabbed Empty Re: Labour MP shot and stabbed Thu Jun 16 2016, 17:37


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Bloody shocking

7Labour MP shot and stabbed Empty Re: Labour MP shot and stabbed Thu Jun 16 2016, 17:51


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Twisted behaviour of the highest order, absolute fucking moron.

8Labour MP shot and stabbed Empty Re: Labour MP shot and stabbed Thu Jun 16 2016, 17:55


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

One witness said the killer shouted "Britain first" during the attack.

9Labour MP shot and stabbed Empty Re: Labour MP shot and stabbed Thu Jun 16 2016, 19:28


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Horrible. I can't find the words to express my disgust with this terrible act.

10Labour MP shot and stabbed Empty Re: Labour MP shot and stabbed Thu Jun 16 2016, 19:54


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Completely shocked to the core, and some who are putting a slant on it on Twitter predominantly to push their own agenda are sick beyond belief. By all accounts she was a great mp, a great human being, and a devoted wife and mother. For those of a stronger than mine constitution, read her husbands statement, and don't be ashamed of your tears.

11Labour MP shot and stabbed Empty Re: Labour MP shot and stabbed Thu Jun 16 2016, 20:05


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

I've never been advocate of the death penalty, quite the opposite. But the number of people getting killed at the moment by utter loonies makes me wish we could pile the lot of them on a ship with a hole in the bottom.

RIP to this poor lady. So so tragic.

12Labour MP shot and stabbed Empty Re: Labour MP shot and stabbed Thu Jun 16 2016, 20:07


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Cajunboy wrote:Horrible. I can't find the words to express my disgust with this terrible act.

13Labour MP shot and stabbed Empty Re: Labour MP shot and stabbed Thu Jun 16 2016, 21:12


Tinned Toms - You know it makes sense!

Can only echo what has already been said. Absolutely shocking. A family is now without a wife and mother because of another nutcase. Tragic. RIP.

14Labour MP shot and stabbed Empty Re: Labour MP shot and stabbed Thu Jun 16 2016, 21:20



Tragic and unnecessary - a waste of a life RIP.

As far as I understand it, it was a nutcase that killed her?

What the fuck can wind up anybody enough to kill their MP?

Many years ago I worked at a Town Hall that had a field next to it.  Some bloke got completely wound up over some refused planning permission or similar and made something of a nuisance of himself over it, so much so that although I never met him or had any dealings with him his 'reputation' became quite well spread amongst all the staff.

One day someone spotted him driving his van on to the field setting light to it and jumping back into.

Some of my colleagues rushed to the burning van and pulled him out but he later died due to inhaling the hot gasses.

What an utterly stupid way to end your life over nothing.

Yes he might have lost all his money and maybe his family too - I don't even know if that was the case - but you can always earn money and people split up from each other all the time but they don't go topping themselves.

No doubt he had some sort of mental issues maybe even depression but why in Gods name set yourself alight in front of the Town Hall to make your point  - and to whom - the planning officers would only have been doing their jobs - nothing personal or anything about it.

My thoughts were that he was doing some sort of publicity stunt to get his cause in the paper but it went badly wrong - but even if I was right about that he clearly wasn't thinking straight.

At least he didn't take anybody with him but he could have with a van full of petrol in it with people trying to get him out of it.

RIP Jo Cox.

15Labour MP shot and stabbed Empty Re: Labour MP shot and stabbed Fri Jun 17 2016, 10:34


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:Tragic and unnecessary - a waste of a life RIP.

As far as I understand it, it was a nutcase that killed her?

What the fuck can wind up anybody enough to kill their MP?
I believe it was her opposition to Brexit which has brought all the (foreign-owned) nationalist media propaganda zombie slaves out of the woodwork.

I blame the Australian Murdoch for controlling the minds of the weak and ignorant.

16Labour MP shot and stabbed Empty Re: Labour MP shot and stabbed Fri Jun 17 2016, 11:30


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

It's no excuse for what is a horrific incident and pointless loss of life but I believe people are being wound tighter and tighter from the pressures of everyday life.
I don't have the stats but from speaking to someone who is in HR the amount of work time being lost from people being off sick with depression, anxiety and stress is going through the roof. I've no doubt that many use that as an excuse for time off and in a previous job is was the card many played when they were on the final stages of performance reviews to prolong their time there, but you can't escape the fact that it is a growing epidemic and that will push people who are closer to the edge to start with over it.
Condolences to all connected to her.

17Labour MP shot and stabbed Empty Re: Labour MP shot and stabbed Fri Jun 17 2016, 16:51


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

There is a right wing party called "Britain First" although they have come out and denied knowing the guy. They say it's a a left wing plot to frame them.

There are some old links between the guy and the extreme right wing in the US and South Africa though and he did get info on "how to make a gun" apparently.

18Labour MP shot and stabbed Empty Re: Labour MP shot and stabbed Fri Jun 17 2016, 19:24


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

This has obviously been used by the far left pretty shamelessly to try and suggest that the "poisonous" brexit campaign has stoked up violence. 

can't really complain as the right do the same with islamist terror attacks. 

I read somewhere that the only person who claimed the man shouted Britain First is a paid up BNP member.

You can put the referendum in the books now for remain, a vote with the heart "for Jo!" will sway many many people more than any actual fact or figure ever will.

this guy is a once in a generation fuckwit.

19Labour MP shot and stabbed Empty Re: Labour MP shot and stabbed Fri Jun 17 2016, 22:48


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

Hipster_Nebula wrote:

I read somewhere that the only person who claimed the man shouted Britain First is a paid up BNP member.

WTF? If he were a BNP member why would he say that? I thought the far right were claiming this was some left wing conspiracy to discredit them and presumably the other loonies in the Brexit camp.

20Labour MP shot and stabbed Empty Re: Labour MP shot and stabbed Sat Jun 18 2016, 10:17


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

The most fitting tribute to her would be for people, especially MPs, to start treating others with respect and civility, as she did. 
Newspaper owners/editors:- please note!

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