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Donald Trump for President of the USA

Ten Bobsworth
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Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Donald Trump for President of the USA - Page 15 Y94Flik


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

The funny papers are saying Trump and Melania have tested positive for Covid.

What a great comment in one of them -

The DOB and the DOD inscripted on the headstones in the cemetery proves more years have been spend 6 feet under than living on planet earth.
This is why its best to live in this life as a wayfarer and not be filled with anxiety to what could have been.
We came into this world empty handed and will leave in the same manner.
Shrouds do not have pockets.
O son of Adam.
You are nothing but a number of days
When a day has passed then a part of you has gone.


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

I mean, I am not suggesting he does this, but am going off his previous comments on Covid. Is he going to get the very best bleach to inject? Also he can take some Malaria pills and that will cure it too? He said he refuses to wear a mask, and that Covid will go away soon.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

A cynic may think it sounds like he's been told not to do any more TV debates and go for the sympathy vote - maybe even find a reason to delay the election? If he genuinely has it there's no way they'll let him die, and then he'll come out claiming covid isn't that serious but this being Trump and the polls being what they are it wouldn't surprise me if it's fictional.


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

wanderlust wrote:A cynic may think it sounds like he's been told not to do any more TV debates and go for the sympathy vote - maybe even find a reason to delay the election? If he genuinely has it there's no way they'll let him die, and then he'll come out claiming covid isn't that serious but this being Trump and the polls being what they are it wouldn't surprise me if it's fictional.

Trump once said that he broke the Worlds record for land speed on a push bike. He said he managed to get up to 160 mph on his new bike one christmas, and that his uncle saw him do it, but that he is dead now.


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Remember when Trump mocked Hilary Clinton's pneumonia four years ago? Karma.....but I bet Biden won't mock him.....


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

When Trump was meeting the Queen during his stay at Buckingham Palace he told the Queen that " You did a superb job on Bohemian Rhapsody, its just a great, great song ".


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Trump now in hospital.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:Trump now in hospital.
It's precautionary.
The Health Service probably just want to make sure he dies.



wanderlust wrote:
boltonbonce wrote:Trump now in hospital.
It's precautionary.
The Health Service probably just want to make sure he dies.

Totally unacceptable.

You don't wish death on anyone not on here at least.

It's not a joke it's not funny to normal decent people.

You posted similar shit only a few weeks back about wishing death on the pensioners who voted for Brexit - which obviously you didn't give much thought to in your anger when posting considering you are one of them yourself!!!

Go and join Bread and the other mentalist haters on Twitter and post your utter shite on there along with those nutjobs and pisshead ranting alcoholics because you aren't going to be doing it again on Nuts if you want to carry on posting on here.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Donald Trump has been given two experimental drugs after testing positive for COVID-19.
White House doctor Sean Conley said the president was given a dose of an antibody drug being developed by Regeneron on Friday before he was taken to a military hospital where he has started remdesivir therapy.
The president appeared upbeat as he landed at the Walter Reed Military Hospital in Maryland on Friday evening despite developing fatigue symptoms and having trouble breathing, according to an adviser.
Sky News looks at what remdesivir and Regeneron's drug do, and how effective they have been in trials.

What is remdesivir?
A drug that once offered hope in the treatment of Ebola, remdesivir is an antiviral medicine that has not been approved anywhere in the world for any use.
It is injected into the vein in the hope it will prevent SARS CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) from multiplying in the body, with some patients recovering faster after using it.
Gilead Sciences Inc began research on remdesivir in 2009 as part of studies into hepatitis C and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a common and highly contagious respiratory virus that most children get before they turn two.
After scientists in China determined the new pneumonia-like illness was caused by a coronavirus, Gilead provided remdesivir to China to test the drug against the virus.
Remdesivir is thought to interfere with the mechanism that certain viruses use to make copies of themselves, but scientists are still determining how that occurs.
Several clinical trials and laboratory studies have taken place since January, with some promising signs.
However, a report published in The Lancet medical journal on 3 October looking at several studies has found remdesivir "did not appear to affect rates of SARS CoV-2 viral load decline and mortality".

It said using remdesivir early "substantially decreased" viral loads but this effect was "completely lost" when the drug was given just eight hours after infection.
The report concluded that remdesivir "might require initiation before the peak viral replication" but that is "not feasible" in humans as they display symptoms after the virus multiplies.
It added that there is no clinical reason why remdesivir could not be administered before someone shows symptoms.
What is the experimental Regeneron treatment?
Drug maker Regeneron provided a dose of its experimental antibody treatment to the president on Friday before the decision to take him to Walter Reed was made.
Still in large-scale clinical trials, the new antiviral antibody "cocktail" works by binding to a protein on the surface of the virus.
This is meant to stop the virus from attaching to cells and replicating, while allowing the immune system to attack the virus.
Mr Trump was given a single 8g dose, which should "last for quite a long time", Regeneron chief executive Dr Leonard Schleifer told CNN.
Last weekend, the drug started being used in "about three hospitals in the north" of England as part of Oxford University's national recovery trial, Professor Peter Horby told the BBC.
The specialist in emerging infectious diseases at the University of Oxford said the drug is "very promising" and "very potent".
This class of drugs is "pretty safe and well understood" so is something he has "confidence in", he said.
He added that about four or five hundred patients have been given it so far and there have been "no worrying safety signals", with the plan to roll it out to another 30 to 40 UK hospitals next week.

Prof Horby said a single dose of the treatment provides "prolonged protection" for "a month to six weeks".
Dr Jeremy Faust, an emergency doctor at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, said he would not give it to his patients because he could not say what the benefit is, or the risks.
He added that giving an unproven treatment to the president "sends a message that they're scrambling".


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Talking of Gammon.

Donald Trump for President of the USA - Page 15 W756Zpj



I thought this was interesting -

Posted at 17:10

'72 hours' reference raises questions at medical briefing

Starting the briefing, Mr Trump's personal doctor said they had decided to move the president to the hospital out of caution.

"Just 72 hours into the diagnosis now, the first week of Covid - in particular days seven to 10 - are the most critical in determining the likely course of this illness," Dr Sean Conley said.

But as BBC North American editor Jon Sopel pointed out on Twitter, Mr Trump only confirmed his positive test early on Friday morning - roughly 36 hours ago.

And since this...

Also previously this too...


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Donald Trump for President of the USA - Page 15 VfSk920


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

He is a selfish self-centered idiot.

It is likely that he past on the virus to some of his security people when he went on his crazy thoughtless trip in a SUV , just to wave to his moronic admirers.



Cajunboy wrote:He is a selfish self-centered idiot.

It is likely that he past on the virus to some of his security people when he went on his crazy thoughtless trip in a SUV , just to wave to his moronic admirers.

Agreed, all about his optics never mind if he passes a potentially deadly disease to his staff. 

The man’s got a personality defect, this isn’t normal behaviour.


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Donald Trump for President of the USA - Page 15 EFtYKiv


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

sunlight wrote:Donald Trump for President of the USA - Page 15 VfSk920
At least he finally tweeted something that is positive.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

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