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Donald Trump for President of the USA

Ten Bobsworth
Hip Priest
Natasha Whittam
Angry Dad
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Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

48 hours and 100 pardons to go... and the earth can start rotating normally again... and we can establish friendly relations with our allies.  No one in charge who would push the President of Montenegro out of the way at a meeting of NATO leaders.  By the way, there may be a "happy hour" special with your donation to Trump and get 3 pardons for the price of 2.    Now to rid the world of covid.


Guðni Bergsson
Guðni Bergsson

There's bound to be a sting in the tail. He's that sort of person.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Still claiming he won bigly and whingeing to his aides that Biden has got bigger celebs lined up for his inauguration.
I'm amused that C & W leg end Garth Crooks refused to perform at Trump's do but is in for Biden's. Just goes to show that not all rednecks are Trumpers.


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

A good synopsis of the Trump years:   So many lies! So much gaslighting! So much 
bullshit! We were told that Trump’s campaign was self-funded; it wasn’t. We were told that he would drain the swamp; he didn’t even try. We were told that he would bring his successful businessman’s experience to Washington; few bothered to report that Trump’s actual business involves laundering money for the Russian mob. We were told Jared and Ivanka would be a moderating influence; they are more ghoulish and evil than Donald. We were told Trump would release his taxes; the alleged audit has outlasted his presidency. We were told he would release Melania’s immigration paperwork; we’re still waiting. We were told that the caravan of immigrant gangs approaching the border was a threat to our safety; crickets. We were promised a better healthcare plan than Obamacare; the promised-in-two-weeks details are yet to be revealed.
We were told Trump was the healthiest president of all time ever; he isn’t. We were told he was 6’ 3” / 239; he’s well shorter than that, and far heftier. We were told the midnight run to Walter Reed last November was the first part of a physical, which cover story even the press seemed to realize was bunk; we still don’t know why he was rushed there (panic attack? stents? exorcism?). Even when white powder flew out of his nose, even when he appeared impaired, his eyes dilated, not a single member of the media told us about his drug use—despite Noel Casler, a talent handler on Celebrity Apprentice and an eyewitness, repeatedly insisting Trump was an addict.
We were told there was no communication between anyone associated with Trump or his campaign and Russia; turns out, Donald Trump, Jr., Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Michael Cohen, Jeff Sessions, Mike Flynn, Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, and Erik Prince, at a minimum, all communicated with Putin’s representatives. We were told there was no foreign money coming into the Trump coffers; Egypt gave $10 million. We were told the Mueller investigation was a witch hunt; it was actually a hunt for traitors, and it found plenty. We were told Trump would be tough on Putin; he capitulated to him like a BDSM bottom in the world’s least sexy bondage club.
We were told the novel coronavirus was like the flu. We were told it was a hoax. We were told it was under control. We were told it would be gone by last Easter. We were told that one day, it would just go away, like a miracle. We were told the Democratic governors were to blame. We were told Fauci was not to be trusted. We were told the CDC was not to be trusted; instead, we should put our faith in Michael Caputo, a GOP dirty trickster who once worked for Vladimir Putin, and whom Trump installed as a spokesman at Health & Human Services. We were told Mike Pence, who as governor of Indiana presided over the worst HIV outbreak in the last 20 years, would be the best man to manage the pandemic response. We were told that he did a fantastic job. We were told masks didn’t work, that wearing them was government overreach, an assault on our freedoms. We were told it was safe to reopen. We were told herd immunity was a smart strategy. We were told that certain already-available drugs treated covid-19 just fine. We were told the infection rate would be lower if we did less testing. We were told the virus wasn’t especially contagious, even as it spread like wildfire through the West Wing. (When Trump announced that he had tested positive for covid-19, the universal first response was to call bullshit.) We were told the effects were not that bad, even as Chris Christie spent a week in the ICU, even as Herman Cain died. We were told the Trump Administration’s handling of the pandemic was top rate, even as Acting President Jared Kushner authorized a Blue State Genocide. We were told that the pandemic was over, even as the death toll hit 400,000—that Biden will shut down the country on January 21 because he’s a pawn of China who will use the virus as an excuse to establish a communist government in Washington. 
- Greg Olear


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Trump has granted 73 pardons and commuted 70 prison sentences 
Amongst them is Bannon who hasn’t been convicted yet.


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Wow!! Stick with the first few moments, because when he gets going, it's breathless stuff!


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

wanderlust wrote:Trump has granted 73 pardons and commuted 70 prison sentences 
Amongst them is Bannon who hasn’t been convicted yet.
Bannon knows too much...  and Trump doesn't want him to flip and rat him out.  Bannon had allegedly defrauded Trump's donors who supported the border wall.  He also once trashed the Donald's children, which put him on the skids with Trump.  But Bannon also fueled the election conspiracy theory and that wisely got him a pardon.  Bannon also voiced his support of the takeover of the capitol.   Trump has now pardoned many of his felon friends, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort.  Trump has now made Nixon seem like a Boy Scout.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

observer wrote:
Bannon knows too much...  and Trump doesn't want him to flip and rat him out.  Bannon had allegedly defrauded Trump's donors who supported the border wall.  He also once trashed the Donald's children, which put him on the skids with Trump.  But Bannon also fueled the election conspiracy theory and that wisely got him a pardon.  Bannon also voiced his support of the takeover of the capitol.   Trump has now pardoned many of his felon friends, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort.  Trump has now made Nixon seem like a Boy Scout.
Bannon has his dirty fingers on Brexit too - but how can he be pardoned if he's not yet been convicted?
What is he actually being pardoned for? Being a lying slimy toerag?


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

This is so good! You need to have seen Le Mis for best effect.....


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Joe managed to make it through the inauguration so I guess Trump is gone at last. Great speech by the way.

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

wanderlust wrote:Joe managed to make it through the inauguration so I guess Trump is gone at last. Great speech by the way.
Watched a bit of this early doors but wasn't it a bit boring without you know skulking around? A bit like watching Scum v Scouse to'other day. Ten minutes was more than enough.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Poor old Fox News. They're like a hermit crab that's lost its shell. They're on the lookout for another arse to climb into.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

The Patriot Party is going to be interesting if it takes off.


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Donald who?


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Donald Trump for President of the USA - Page 23 2Ql7BpK


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Donald Trump for President of the USA - Page 23 Iky6The


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

Probably should start a new thread but this woman is a typical Trump supporter and completely vile.

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