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Nepotism/Cronyism Watch

Hip Priest
Ten Bobsworth
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81Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 5 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Tue Nov 10 2020, 23:35



T.R.O.Y. wrote:Swallowed it? As in, feel it should be looked into to confirm whether there’s anything in it? Yes - hence the if - can’t believe you’ve taken to now to understand the point.

If you don’t it’s worth looking into then that’s your prerogative and you’re free to think what you want.

But I won’t be told I’m poorly educated and gullible when you’ve missed the entire point of the thread and offer nothing to substantiate labelling me as such.


Who gives a fuck???

You admitted yourself you are poorly educated in what is the core of the issue 'contracts' ffs -

T.R.O.Y. wrote:You say I've got a complete ignorance on contract law, no argument from me...

...and you've taken innuendo at face value until I challenged you about it and spelt it out to you!

If that's caused you to get your knickers in a twist then tough titty!

The entire point of the thread in your eyes seems to be wanting the innuendo to be true until it can be proved otherwise - Christ I even had to change the thread tittle from 'Corruption' for God's sake - whereas I view the start point as innocent until proven guilty.

If there is corruption lock them up and get every penny back, I don't have a problem with that but they've been painted as guilty already and clearly loads believe that to be the case - that's lynch mob mentality, string them up they're a tory!!!

I thought you had a bit more about you than dancing to someone else's tune without a thought.

Clearly I was wrong.

And what's this supposed to mean???

"If you don’t it’s worth looking into then that’s your prerogative and you’re free to think what you want".

I'm the one who was telling you back as far as March that the order things will be done is to deal with the pandemic first and undertake an inquiry into what's gone on and why further down the line when we are more on top of the virus.

I've never said I didn't believe things shouldn't be looked into - I've no idea where you've got that impression of me from - the whole basis of my professional career was to ensure everything's been done right in accordance with the law.

I'd be amongst the first to want to know if there's been any sort of corruption but I certainly wouldn't start off by believing it had without any proof other than conjecture and innuendo.

If Maugham or anyone else has got hard proof then take it to the police, give it to the PAC inquiry, let than prove what they imply - actions have always spoken louder than words!

82Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 5 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Wed Nov 11 2020, 08:13


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:

And Norpig.
I find it hard enough having one account never mind another  Very Happy

83Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 5 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Wed Nov 11 2020, 19:17



Sluffy - all well and good selectively quoting me. But you haven’t corrected what I’ve said on contract law so I assume it’s correct. If the tests were faulty they get replaced or refunded presumably? If that’s right, then you calling me an idiot is clearly a load of rubbish.

I’ve got the impression that you don’t agree with me that it should be looked into, from the fact you’ve spent 3 days arguing with me!

So if you agree; just give it a rest man and stop wasting time.

84Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 5 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Wed Nov 11 2020, 21:26



T.R.O.Y. wrote:Sluffy - all well and good selectively quoting me. But you haven’t corrected what I’ve said on contract law so I assume it’s correct. If the tests were faulty they get replaced or refunded presumably? If that’s right, then you calling me an idiot is clearly a load of rubbish.

I’ve got the impression that you don’t agree with me that it should be looked into, from the fact you’ve spent 3 days arguing with me!

So if you agree; just give it a rest man and stop wasting time.

Hahaha, you're getting like Wanderlust now desperately trying to avoid admitting you were in someway wrong - not that that even matters on here - no one cares after all - apart from you.

If I was arsed, and I'm not, I could scroll back to March time when all this blew up with Maugham and you posting copiously about it on here as to what a scandal it all was, that they should be held to account and basically 'off with their heads' type hysteria.

If you recall, which I doubt very much you will care to remember, I patiently explained that we didn't know the story, did not know where the 'errors' lay, was it a client mistake on specification or contractor on manufacturing etc, and what remedies have been taken to rectify the issues to everybody's mutual satisfaction.

As always with you, prolonging the argument ad nauseum seem to be more important than dealing with the actual point of the debate - and so we simply went round and round in circles - just like we have again been doing over the last few days.

I did at the time back in March state that the priority of the government was to fight the virus first and deal with the questions about accountability of their performance by public inquiry (not remember toys being thrown out of pram when I corrected a certain posters account when they incorrectly referred to it as an 'enquiry'!) when the virus was more under control.

I've always been consistent about anyone breaking the law should be punished - even applied that to Anderson too - so you are clearly talking out of your arse (quite deliberately obviously) with this feeble attempt to somehow make out I wanted no audit/investigation into what had happened being undertaken by the proper authorities including if need be the police

It somehow seems important to you are 'seen' to know something about contract law, even though you've stated yourself you have "complete ignorance" of it!!!

Which you clearly demonstrate here -

T.R.O.Y. wrote:I agree, you'd like to think the contract included terms to ensure the tax payer wasn't hit by product recalls - no word on that though and neither Hancock nor any other gov minister has mentioned that key piece of information.

Sluffy wrote:You show a staggering lack of knowledge about Contract Law if I may say so, implicit in any contract for sale of goods is that they have to be fit for purpose and any breech of that is enforceable by law - you certainly don't need any government minister having to say that, its already fundamental to any contract throughout the world.

T.R.O.Y. wrote:A staggering lack of knowledge on contact law - can't claim i have much knowledge on it (no doubt you do), but what's to know?

There's actually a great deal to know as it fundamental to world commerce.

Anyway I'm not here to put you down or score points off you but pass my lockdown time gently away by attempting to enlighten anyone who cares to read what I write (and even I doubt there are many of those!) as to how these things actually work rather than 'scare story's' people read (and choose to believe because frankly they know no better in terms of not being educated on the subject) on social media (and in this case driven by an individual with an axe to grind against the government - in my opinion - I need to add that bit because I'm not looking to be sued by him or anyone else!).

It simply passes my time away.

If you want to believe me and what I say then fine, if you believe I'm a senile old cunt, then that's fine too.

I'm not attempting to change the world simply share a bit of my knowledge with anyone who might find it of interest.

Nobody needs to accept it if they don't want too and I certainly won't lose any sleep over it if they don't.

But for what it has been worth I have had a good laugh at your clear ignorance of contract law and your desperate attempts at damage limitation once you realised what you've done!

It's given me a right good chuckle if nothing else!

Very Happy

85Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 5 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Wed Nov 11 2020, 21:57



Impossible to believe you don’t care when you are making things up like this, even completely inventing what I said about these contracts back in March.

Now you’ve properly paid attention to the thread, it turns out you actually agree it should be investigated.

No more from me on this Sluffy, the fact you’re inventing comments and attributing them to me is just odd to be honest. Suggest you move on and stop digging.

86Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 5 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Wed Nov 11 2020, 23:13



T.R.O.Y. wrote:Impossible to believe you don’t care when you are making things up like this, even completely inventing what I said about these contracts back in March.

Now you’ve properly paid attention to the thread, it turns out you actually agree it should be investigated.

No more from me on this Sluffy, the fact you’re inventing comments and attributing them to me is just odd to be honest. Suggest you move on and stop digging.

I've made nothing up - it's all there if anybody wants to go and look.

As for "properly paid attention to the thread" who the fuck do you think you are?

I post as I am in real life, I've never seen any point in pretending to be who I'm not, and I've always been been straight and honest - I've always put legality first - even you go on about how I'm always talking about the law and don't focus on the morals instead.

I'm the one who has been saying if there's any proof of wrong doing then take it to the police - I been saying it about Anderson to - about anyone up to no good!

So don't come the bullshit.

You've had a right mare on this thread over the last few days, clearly you don't like that hence the crap you've posted above.

Yet another one who clearly thinks the internet is somehow an important place not to lose face on - just like Wanderlust - but it isn't, it means absolutely nothing.

That says more about the person than anything else.

I couldn't give a fuck if people believe me or not but I certainly wouldn't attempt to wriggle and deceive in an attempt not to look wrong - why would anyone even do that???

What about your self-esteem?

I'd rather lose the argument than ever lose mine.

87Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 5 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Wed Nov 11 2020, 23:41


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:

Hahaha, you're getting like Wanderlust now 
Stop trying to drag me back into your sad life

88Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 5 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Wed Nov 11 2020, 23:54



wanderlust wrote:
Sluffy wrote:

Hahaha, you're getting like Wanderlust now 
Stop trying to drag me back into your sad life

You've never been in my life thankfully.

89Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 5 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Thu Nov 12 2020, 01:54


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:

You've never been in my life thankfully.

Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 5 Images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQNIsqDe9W2uem0AyVSOPEesH_6RM79bfBHMw&usqp=CAU

90Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 5 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Thu Nov 12 2020, 02:27



wanderlust wrote:
Sluffy wrote:

You've never been in my life thankfully.

Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 5 Images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQNIsqDe9W2uem0AyVSOPEesH_6RM79bfBHMw&usqp=CAU

Sorry wrong number caller, I think you've mistaken me for someone who has a thing for a know it all, unable to believe they are ever wrong, nutjob, alcoholic, who voted for Brexit but tell lies to claim they didn't.

Thank you for your interest but you're most certainly not my type at all.

Please don't bother calling again.

91Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 5 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Thu Nov 12 2020, 07:27



Sluffy wrote:

I've made nothing up - it's all there if anybody wants to go and look.

As for "properly paid attention to the thread" who the fuck do you think you are?

I post as I am in real life, I've never seen any point in pretending to be who I'm not, and I've always been been straight and honest - I've always put legality first - even you go on about how I'm always talking about the law and don't focus on the morals instead.

I'm the one who has been saying if there's any proof of wrong doing then take it to the police - I been saying it about Anderson to - about anyone up to no good!

So don't come the bullshit.

You've had a right mare on this thread over the last few days, clearly you don't like that hence the crap you've posted above.

Yet another one who clearly thinks the internet is somehow an important place not to lose face on - just like Wanderlust - but it isn't, it means absolutely nothing.

That says more about the person than anything else.

I couldn't give a fuck if people believe me or not but I certainly wouldn't attempt to wriggle and deceive in an attempt not to look wrong - why would anyone even do that???

What about your self-esteem?

I'd rather lose the argument than ever lose mine.

Sluffy, you keep going on about me having a mare or embarrassing myself, yet you admit what I said is correct. I’m no expert on contract law, I promise you that doesn’t embarrass me, but clearly I knew enough to get by on this topic.

And what argument is there to lose? You agree with me.

If you want to play games to keep yourself entertained that’s fine and I can ignore that. But I come on here to debate things I find interesting not have insults thrown at me. Nice to see you’ve wound your neck in, but don’t try that with me again please.

92Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 5 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Thu Nov 12 2020, 08:24


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

Sluffy wrote:

I post as I am in real life, I've never seen any point in pretending to be who I'm not

Yet another trolling dig!

Karly asked me and okocha to let it drop and we said we would but you can't stop can you. Every time you bring it up I am entitled to repeat that this is not a fake account and you have never provided any evidence that it is or even named who the "real" account holder is supposed to be. Rolling Eyes

93Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 5 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Thu Nov 12 2020, 09:15



T.R.O.Y. wrote:
Sluffy wrote:

I've made nothing up - it's all there if anybody wants to go and look.

As for "properly paid attention to the thread" who the fuck do you think you are?

I post as I am in real life, I've never seen any point in pretending to be who I'm not, and I've always been been straight and honest - I've always put legality first - even you go on about how I'm always talking about the law and don't focus on the morals instead.

I'm the one who has been saying if there's any proof of wrong doing then take it to the police - I been saying it about Anderson to - about anyone up to no good!

So don't come the bullshit.

You've had a right mare on this thread over the last few days, clearly you don't like that hence the crap you've posted above.

Yet another one who clearly thinks the internet is somehow an important place not to lose face on - just like Wanderlust - but it isn't, it means absolutely nothing.

That says more about the person than anything else.

I couldn't give a fuck if people believe me or not but I certainly wouldn't attempt to wriggle and deceive in an attempt not to look wrong - why would anyone even do that???

What about your self-esteem?

I'd rather lose the argument than ever lose mine.

Sluffy, you keep going on about me having a mare or embarrassing myself, yet you admit what I said is correct. I’m no expert on contract law, I promise you that doesn’t embarrass me, but clearly I knew enough to get by on this topic.

And what argument is there to lose? You agree with me.

If you want to play games to keep yourself entertained that’s fine and I can ignore that. But I come on here to debate things I find interesting not have insults thrown at me. Nice to see you’ve wound your neck in, but don’t try that with me again please.



I really must have missed the bit that you now accept that right from the start in MARCH I've been telling YOU that there would be a inquiry by the proper authority in to issues like this once the virus was more under control, that the issue is being driven by one person on social media with a previously existing grudge against the government over Brexit.  That people such as YOU should not believe such story's without fact checking them first .  That once you deconstruct these story's there is nothing actually there other than innuendo.  That if there were any proof of corruption that it should immediately be taken to the police for them to act upon.  

I similarly missed the bit where you knew enough about contract law to get by on where you were waiting on Hancock to tell the world if the contracts included terms for goods being fit for purpose for Christ sake!!!

And certainly missed the bit that you weren't embarrassed about this ignorance of basic knowledge with your many demands for me to confirm and state publicly on here that you were right and that I was somehow posturing about it to make you look bad!!!

Of course you looked bad!

Showing ones ignorance is never a good thing, even on here.

I definitely missed the part that there was no argument because what have we both been doing for the best part of a year if we both agreed with each other???

And if 'winding my neck in' is questioning why people have to " wriggle and deceive in an attempt not to look wrong" and to question their self-esteem in doing so, then I should 'wind my neck in' more often!

I'm pleased we both are on the same page now!


94Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 5 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Thu Nov 12 2020, 09:56

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

As Oscar Wilde might have put it, Sluffy, there's only one thing worse than a cove who knows nothing; a cove who knows something.

95Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 5 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Thu Nov 12 2020, 10:32



Not sure how you managed to miss all of that Sluffy, dead clear really. Hope it’s entertained you for a few days though!

96Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 5 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Thu Nov 12 2020, 10:53



T.R.O.Y. wrote:Not sure how you managed to miss all of that Sluffy, dead clear really. Hope it’s entertained you for a few days though!

Certainly given me a few laughs, the one about Hancock not telling us and the world if our nations procurement contracts had remedies in them for faulty goods I found particularly jaw droopingly hilarious!!!

One of those 'what the fuck' moments!!!

Yes it certainly has kept me amused - thank you.

All meaningless good fun to me - no more than that really.

97Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 5 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Thu Nov 12 2020, 11:12



Ha ye if you say so Sluffy!

98Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 5 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Thu Nov 12 2020, 11:20



T.R.O.Y. wrote:Ha ye if you say so Sluffy!

I do say so.

Up to you what you want to believe after that, I'll lose no sleep about it either way.

99Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 5 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Thu Nov 12 2020, 11:38

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Its a lot more fun following the money, Sluffy.

Here's another interesting one.

These balance sheets are not all that tricky to follow but too tricky for the Guardian's award-winning journo, or so it seems. Maybe they should put Marvellous Marvin Sordell on the case.

Last edited by Ten Bobsworth on Fri Nov 13 2020, 09:28; edited 1 time in total

100Nepotism/Cronyism Watch - Page 5 Empty Re: Nepotism/Cronyism Watch Thu Nov 12 2020, 12:29



Nice visualisation of the flow of large government contracts connected to Tory MPs.

Put together by a Political Science PHD student at Harvard.

Or what Sluffy would call 'just another poorly educated, gullible idiot' no doubt.


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