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Film and TV review.

Ten Bobsworth
Hip Priest
Natasha Whittam
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101Film and TV review. - Page 6 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Mon Dec 21 2020, 23:15


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Big fan of Upstart Crow, but tonight's lockdown version was dreadful. They should have left well alone.

102Film and TV review. - Page 6 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Tue Dec 22 2020, 09:14


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

A couple of recommendations:

Umbrella Academy (Netflix) - a rather different take on super heroes

Crossing Swords (ITV) - amusing animation

103Film and TV review. - Page 6 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Wed Dec 23 2020, 22:47

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

boltonbonce wrote:Big fan of Upstart Crow, but tonight's lockdown version was dreadful. They should have left well alone.
The Bobsworths are big fans of Ben Elton's writing.  Pity he couldn't find room for the Marquis of Burberry in the script but it was quite funny without it.

104Film and TV review. - Page 6 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Thu Jan 07 2021, 11:28


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Finished a few recently. The Serpent was OK when it got going - mass murderer drama based on a true story. Spiral is better although it's in French with subtitles which won't please some, but whilst it's another police drama it's amped up quite a bit and definitely not for the squeamish. Very well written and acted.

105Film and TV review. - Page 6 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Fri Jan 08 2021, 21:10


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

The Serpent really made me feel chills because (albeit with some dramatic licence) actually happened more or less as shown. What I especially couldn't get over was Jenna Coleman's performance. For me it was outstanding especially given her prior 'wholesome' roles in Dr Who and where she played Queen Victoria. I haven't watched Spiral as yet but I'll check it out lusty. I like a good drama that makes you think and frankly the Europeans are often better at that sort of thing than the British and Americans.

106Film and TV review. - Page 6 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Sun Jan 17 2021, 21:50


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I notice The X-Files are all free to watch on Prime Video, so I might give them a go. Not seen an episode for many years now.

107Film and TV review. - Page 6 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Sun Jan 17 2021, 21:57


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Used to enjoy watching the X files

108Film and TV review. - Page 6 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Sun Jan 17 2021, 22:04


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

BoltonTillIDie wrote:Used to enjoy watching the X files
Yes, I had a bit of a thing about agent Scully.

109Film and TV review. - Page 6 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Sun Jan 17 2021, 22:13


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Haven't a clue why...

Film and TV review. - Page 6 Gillian-anderson-too-sexy

110Film and TV review. - Page 6 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Sun Jan 17 2021, 22:19


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Then something bad happened. pale
Film and TV review. - Page 6 Cred-des-willie---netflix_wide-84205b20336165ade1b267ca302f6323981c71f1

111Film and TV review. - Page 6 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Sun Jan 24 2021, 20:13

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I've used the current lockdown productively and watched loads of TV.

Those of you on the chatbox will remember I threw my iPad out of my window after another crushing defeat, so I was forced to buy a new one. With it came a 1 year subscription to Apple TV.

There's not the choice of Netflix or Amazon Prime Video but what I've watched so far has been brilliant.

Top of the list is 'Tehran' an Israeli thriller similar to 'Homeland' but so much better. Rather than the usual USA/UK v Russia, this is Israel v Iran and it looks and feels great. I can't recommend this enough.

Next is 'Defending Jacob' with Captain America's Chris Evans. A twisty courtroom drama with Evans proving he can act. Top stuff.

And I've just finished watching the first season of 'For All Mankind' which is a twist on the race to the moon, where Russia beats the US to land a man (and woman) on the moon. Excellent 60s/70s feel and look. I watched all 10 hours in two days. And Joel Kinnaman is ace in it.

You can get a 1 month Apple TV free trial so you can watch all this without paying a penny.

112Film and TV review. - Page 6 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Sat Jan 30 2021, 22:27


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

I thought Tehran was great too, Nat.

Recently watched The Night Of on HBO which is the best show I’ve seen in a long while. Also just about to finish up the second season of El Jardin de Bronce which I’ve really enjoyed too although not as good as the first season.

113Film and TV review. - Page 6 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Wed Feb 03 2021, 14:49

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

finlaymcdanger wrote:I thought Tehran was great too, Nat.

Recently watched The Night Of on HBO which is the best show I’ve seen in a long while. Also just about to finish up the second season of El Jardin de Bronce which I’ve really enjoyed too although not as good as the first season.

You bloody tease, recommending a programme I can't watch in the UK.

I asked Alexa to play 'El Jardin de Bronce' and she took me to the website for a cleaning firm in Barcelona.

114Film and TV review. - Page 6 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Thu Feb 04 2021, 16:47


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Just started the french thriller starring Eric Cantona. First episode very promising.

115Film and TV review. - Page 6 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Thu Feb 04 2021, 16:49


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Dead wind on Netflix was surprisingly good - proper thriller with a twist.

116Film and TV review. - Page 6 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Fri Feb 05 2021, 11:47


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

wanderlust wrote:Just started the french thriller starring Eric Cantona. First episode very promising.
Finished it last night and it turned out to be a really good watch. It’s called Inhuman Resources and it’s an excellent story about an angry unemployed guy (Cantona) who loses the plot and sets out to get revenge on a corrupt aerospace company in spectacular style.
Well worth watching but I won’t spoil it for you by giving away the twists.


117Film and TV review. - Page 6 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Fri Feb 05 2021, 18:52


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

BoltonTillIDie wrote:Haven't a clue why...

Film and TV review. - Page 6 Gillian-anderson-too-sexy
Are you a heterosexual male with working eyesight? Then yes you do fancy Gillian Anderson. In fact my lovely wife says that Ms Anderson was and is so hot it makes her consider 'batting for the other team'. Hannah was much more direct and said "I want to taste every inch of that." I had the good sense not to comment on this because Wendy was nearby and I like my head where it is thank you. Very Happy

118Film and TV review. - Page 6 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Fri Feb 05 2021, 18:53



Spiral - French detective series on iplayer, superb.

New Adam Curtis series is due on iplayer 11 Feb i think as well.

119Film and TV review. - Page 6 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Sat Feb 06 2021, 20:46


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Watched Greenland yesterday. A disaster film about meteorites hitting earth.  Was quite good, on Amazon Prime at the moment

120Film and TV review. - Page 6 Empty Re: Film and TV review. Wed Feb 10 2021, 17:05


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

T.R.O.Y. wrote:Spiral - French detective series on iplayer, superb.

New Adam Curtis series is due on iplayer 11 Feb i think as well.
See post 104 TROY.
You'll probably like the Cantona thing and Deadwind and I'm watching The Spy starring Ali G - who does a decent job of actual acting to my amazement. It's about Mossad's operations in Syria in the 60's - pretty good so far. Netflix.

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