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Is there going to be a war?

Ten Bobsworth
Bolton Nuts
Angry Dad
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381Is there going to be a war? - Page 20 Empty Re: Is there going to be a war? Mon Jun 26 2023, 13:47



It no rumour - it's official.

It is all part of damage limitation for Putin and his image...


Operation 'Restore Putin's Reputation'

Sarah Rainsford

Eastern Europe Correspondent

Operation ‘Restore Putin’s Reputation’ is now in full swing after a mutiny that has badly damaged the president’s authority, his strongman image.

First, video footage of the Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu was posted this morning - supposedly at a forward command post for the war on Ukraine. We don’t know when it was filmed, but we can read the message it’s meant to send: that Vladimir Putin is protecting Shoigu for now, not sacking him as Yevgeny Prigozhin demanded when he launched his mutiny over the weekend.

Then state news agencies dropped the news that the criminal case against Prigozhin was still open. That suggests the man Putin had publicly declared a traitor might not get off scot-free, as the Kremlin had said on Saturday in a move that had shocked many, as a sign of weakness.

And now, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has come out, calling on his team to unite behind their president. He claimed Russia was at war "for the right to choose our own path". There was no mention that this crisis was caused by an internal mutiny led by a one-time close ally of Putin.

Not that you listen to me at all but you really should pack in watching Solovyov's and the other daily Russian propaganda shows as they are totally Kremlin controlled and aimed at brainwashing the Russian public, the vast majority of whom simply have no access to news from elsewhere and so believe (and become zombified) by what they are spoon-fed each and every day.

It bears little to no resemblance to actual reality and is simply all false narrative to keep their public pacified and under control.

382Is there going to be a war? - Page 20 Empty Re: Is there going to be a war? Mon Jun 26 2023, 16:24



Prighozin's statement just now...

Summary of Prigozhin's 26 June address to clarify the situation: it was to demonstrate protest against the "destruction of PMC Wagner, not toppling the Russian authorities":

What were the prerequisites for the March for Justice?
- PMC Wagner carries out tasks around the world. It was meant to stop existing on 1 July 2023. “Employees” all refused to sign the contract with MoD, only 1-2% decided to join the Russian army.

- The original plan was to go to Rostov on 30 July and transfer all vehicles to MoD, which were ready for transport.

- Despite any aggression, Wagner suffered a missile attack, followed by helicopter attack. Around 30 PMC Wagner fighters died. This triggered an immediate decision to move out early and respond militarily.

- Throughout the 24-hour march, one column went to Moscow, another to Rostov. They made 780 km of progress in one day. They regret being forced to attack the army aircraft but the bombs were dropped which caused the response. During the march, all military objects on the way were blocked and disarmed. None of the military have died on the ground.

- The objective was to not allow destruction of Wagner and take to responsibility those who with their unprofessional actions made a huge number of mistakes during the SMO. All the military met along the way supported this.

- Wagner stopped when the advanced storm unit deployed artillery, conducted reconnaissance and realised a lot of blood will be shed in an upcoming battle. They decided that demonstration of the protest was enough, and turned around.

- Factors that made Wagner turn around: first, they didn’t want to shed Russian blood. Secondly, they wanted to demonstrate their portent, not overtake the authority in Russia.

- Lukashenko offered to find solutions for further legal operation of Wagner legally. Columns turned around and went back to field camps.

- The march showed many things demonstrated before. Serious secruity concerns around the country. All military bases and airfields were blocked.

- If actions on 24 Feb 2022 were done by forces as trained as Wagner, the special operation could have ended in 1 day. This shows the level of organisation that the Russian army should be following.

383Is there going to be a war? - Page 20 Empty Re: Is there going to be a war? Mon Jun 26 2023, 20:43



Putin's speech just now -

As always, anticlimactic from Putin:

- Any attempts to start a mutiny will fail.

- An armed mutiny would have been suppressed anyway. Perpetrators must've known about this.

- By betraying their country, they also lied and forced others to kill their own soldiers.

- All the enemies abroad and national traitors wanted us to fight each other. They failed.

- The majority of Wagner commanders and fighters are patriots. They were used covertly against their brothers-in-arms.

- I made steps to avoid large bloodshed. This needed time including letting those who made a mistake change their mind and see the consequences this will lead to.

- Stability was possible thanks to the enormous support of civil society who united during the difficult time.

- Putin will keep his word regarding PMC employees (possibly regarding no prosecution?). Some can go to Belarus, rest can sign contracts with MoD. The choice is theirs.

384Is there going to be a war? - Page 20 Empty Re: Is there going to be a war? Mon Jun 26 2023, 20:49



385Is there going to be a war? - Page 20 Empty Re: Is there going to be a war? Tue Jun 27 2023, 02:15


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

After his first post-mutiny comments on Solovyov's show, Andrey Gurulyov apparently received a talking to. Now he's praising Putin for his wisdom and denying that Shoigu and Gerasimov might be replaced.

Duma member choking on his words here.

386Is there going to be a war? - Page 20 Empty Re: Is there going to be a war? Tue Jun 27 2023, 10:46



wanderlust wrote:After his first post-mutiny comments on Solovyov's show, Andrey Gurulyov apparently received a talking to. Now he's praising Putin for his wisdom and denying that Shoigu and Gerasimov might be replaced.

Duma member choking on his words here.

Told you so...

Sluffy wrote:Not that you listen to me at all but you really should pack in watching Solovyov's and the other daily Russian propaganda shows as they are totally Kremlin controlled and aimed at brainwashing the Russian public, the vast majority of whom simply have no access to news from elsewhere and so believe (and become zombified) by what they are spoon-fed each and every day.

It bears little to no resemblance to actual reality and is simply all false narrative to keep their public pacified and under control.

In fact I told you well over a year ago when I first introduced you to Julia Davis tweets, on here.

She does what she does to show how the Kremlin controls the narrative to the Russian people and how most of the country live in a false reality.

The shows have to have some fall guys to put up some sort of a counter argument to start some sort of a debate going - and to be slapped down by the rest of them.

Sometimes I guess they go a little bit too far, or go off script somewhat - but no doubt it just makes better TV to the zombified nation watching the shows when they are slapped down and grovel the next day.

It doesn't surprise me in the least that you ignored what I told you (you always do!) or that you always believe what you see on social media as gospel, in this instance state-wide Russian propaganda!!!

387Is there going to be a war? - Page 20 Empty Re: Is there going to be a war? Tue Jun 27 2023, 11:15



Posted at 9:17

Plane linked to Wagner boss lands in Belarus

A plane linked to Yevgeny Prigozhin - the boss of the Wagner mercenary group which staged Saturday's mutiny - has landed in Minsk, the capital of Belarus.

BBC Verify has been monitoring a flight-tracking website which shows that a private jet, an Embraer Legacy 600, landed at the Machulishchy airbase near Minsk at 04:37 GMT.

We can't confirm from this information whether Prigozhin was on board.

The aircraft has been registered to a company called Autolex Transport LTD.

The US Department of the Treasury has linked this firm to Progozhin and it is currently included in the US list of sanctioned companies.

Posted at 9:21

Criminal case closed against those who launched mutiny - FSB

All three main Russian news agencies, quoting the FSB security service, say the criminal case against Wagner mutineers has been closed.

The Reuters news agency, quotes Russian outlet RIA as saying, the case was dropped because "the participants had ceased actions directly aimed at committing the crime".

Posted at 10:23

Disbandment of Wagner group could be under way

Sarah Rainsford
BBC Eastern Europe Correspondent

The terms of the deal done to end the Wagner mutiny are now emerging and it looks the mercenary group is being disbanded.

Russia’s defence ministry says preparations are under way for Wagner heavy weapons and hardware to be handed over.

Vladimir Putin says the group’s fighters can either join the regular army, go home or head for Belarus, where a private jet, linked to Wagner’s leader Yegeny Prigozhin landed this morning. It’s not clear yet whether he was on board.

Meanwhile, Russia’s Security Service, the FSB, has said that those who were part of the insurrection will not face prosecution. The case has been closed.

That is staggering, in a country where opposition activists are serving long prison sentences just for speaking out against the war on Ukraine.

Yevgeny Prigozhin and the armed men who took over a Russian city, marched on Moscow and shot down military helicopters and a plane on their way are to be allowed to go free.

388Is there going to be a war? - Page 20 Empty Re: Is there going to be a war? Tue Jun 27 2023, 13:41


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Well our government are clearly not convinced this is over judging by their comments on the possibility, or should I say lack of possibility, of getting Brits out if this does flare up into something more. I just can’t fathom why Wagner, a private group, would just give over all their weaponry, including heavy weapons to the Russians? I know Prigozhin is technically the head of Wagner but many consider him to have been more of a PR figure head than an active soldier these days so surely their must be serious generals or the like below him? I can’t see this just being sorted just like that so feel sure there’s more to come yet?

389Is there going to be a war? - Page 20 Empty Re: Is there going to be a war? Tue Jun 27 2023, 14:08



The government gave that advise when it was all kicking off - and has simply not rescinded it yet.

It certainly doesn't look as though anything bad effecting UK citizens will be happening in the immediate or short term - Putin was just giving out medals to 2,500 troops at the Red Square this morning - so no signs of another coup attempt anytime soon.

Fwiw the talk is that he will be told not to stand in Russia's next years elections and 'retire' thereafter.

As for Wagner - they are simply too small (maximum 25,000 in Russia as claimed by Prigozhin - more likely much less) to do much if the other major Russian army/security forces don't switch to their side - and clearly they didn't - hence why the march to Moscow was abandoned.

Wagner also depends on the Russian Army for ordnance/munitions - and perhaps they could have mounted one last stand but only until their shells and bullets ran out and then certain death for them.

No doubt most of the convicts will end up at the front again, whilst to the core trained 'mercenaries' will either reenlist again to the Russian army, retire/gulag, or go and follow Prigozhin elsewhere in the world.

So better to surrender their weapons and live to fight another day - than die a glorious death right now!

'Dulce et Decorum Est, Pro patria mori.'

390Is there going to be a war? - Page 20 Empty Re: Is there going to be a war? Wed Jun 28 2023, 17:20



I'm finding it fascinating trying to work out what is happening following Prigozhin's march on Moscow.

We all know he called if off and all assume is life is in danger - but is it?

The official line is that Prigozhin and Wagner leaders would go and live in Belarus - which is basically controlled by Russia - ie Putin - with it's leader, Aleksandr Lukashenko being its puppet head.

I obviously thought Prigozhin won't be going there if he values his life and speculated that he would go to either his power bases in Africa or to a country that would protect him such as Saudi or the UEA.

Seems though he really is going to Belarus, according to Aleksandr Lukashenko, he's already there.

What seems to have happened is that after Prigozhin called off his march to Moscow his private jet was flown from St Petersburg (This is where his HQ is in Russia) to where he was in Rostov and returned - presumably with him on board.

A second private plane was flown from his power base in Syria to Rostov.

Yesterday his private jet flew from St Petersburg to Minsk (the capital of Belarus).

The same day Lukashenko told a televised meeting that Prigozhin was in Belarus.

Today it is reported that his private jet flew from Minsk to Moscow last night and the other jet from Rostov to Moscow - and this apparently is the gossip as to why...

Fwiw - the bloke Igor Girkin referred to is an highly well informed Russian nationalist who tends to know what really is going on.

(He's also wanted for war crimes for shooting down the Malaysian plane over Ukraine a few years back)

Lots of if's and but's in all that above - but clearly there is much more to all this than we know about.

The ISW (Institute for the Study of War) USA's Washington think-tank has written a very long and detailed summary that also now believes Prigozhin is in Belarus and that Lukashenko is more involved in all this than was first thought - by means of trying to leverage himself away from Putin through some sort of involvement with Wagner.

IF and it is a big IF, Prigozhin really has flown to Moscow, to meet up with his lieutenants from Wagner to hold discussions with Putin or his lackies - then it would strongly suggest that Putin really is much more seriously damaged than I at least thought.

The New York Times is even suggesting that General Surovikin and others in the Russian hierarchy knew in advance of the coup attempt.

Now Surovikin is a major player in the Russian Army AND a very big mate with Prigozhin.

He was at one time seemed to be the commander of the Russian army in Ukraine, then Putin sacked him, so he went to work for Wagner as Prigozhin's number two.

Then out of the blue Putin brought him back to be Shoigu's number two in Russia's army in Ukraine.

Then to top it all off Surovikin was the man who went on Twitter (or whatever it was) to publicly tell Prigozhin to turn Wagner back from Moscow - and if that isn't enough he is strongly tipped to replace Gerasimov as the head of Russia's armed forces.

I can't read the NYT article because it is behind a paywall.

So IF Prigozhin is wandering about Moscow safely then it doesn't say much for Putin's power?

Maybe all this is just total bollocks and I guess we won't know until Prigozhin surfaces and tells us his story - if he ever does...

391Is there going to be a war? - Page 20 Empty Re: Is there going to be a war? Wed Jun 28 2023, 19:06


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Sluffy wrote:I'm finding it fascinating trying to work out what is happening following Prigozhin's march on Moscow.

We all know he called if off and all assume is life is in danger - but is it?

The official line is that Prigozhin and Wagner leaders would go and live in Belarus - which is basically controlled by Russia - ie Putin - with it's leader, Aleksandr Lukashenko being its puppet head.

I obviously thought Prigozhin won't be going there if he values his life and speculated that he would go to either his power bases in Africa or to a country that would protect him such as Saudi or the UEA.

Seems though he really is going to Belarus, according to Aleksandr Lukashenko, he's already there.

What seems to have happened is that after Prigozhin called off his march to Moscow his private jet was flown from St Petersburg (This is where his HQ is in Russia) to where he was in Rostov and returned - presumably with him on board.

A second private plane was flown from his power base in Syria to Rostov.

Yesterday his private jet flew from St Petersburg to Minsk (the capital of Belarus).

The same day Lukashenko told a televised meeting that Prigozhin was in Belarus.

Today it is reported that his private jet flew from Minsk to Moscow last night and the other jet from Rostov to Moscow - and this apparently is the gossip as to why...

Fwiw - the bloke Igor Girkin referred to is an highly well informed Russian nationalist who tends to know what really is going on.

(He's also wanted for war crimes for shooting down the Malaysian plane over Ukraine a few years back)

Lots of if's and but's in all that above - but clearly there is much more to all this than we know about.

The ISW (Institute for the Study of War) USA's Washington think-tank has written a very long and detailed summary that also now believes Prigozhin is in Belarus and that Lukashenko is more involved in all this than was first thought - by means of trying to leverage himself away from Putin through some sort of involvement with Wagner.

IF and it is a big IF, Prigozhin really has flown to Moscow, to meet up with his lieutenants from Wagner to hold discussions with Putin or his lackies - then it would strongly suggest that Putin really is much more seriously damaged than I at least thought.

The New York Times is even suggesting that General Surovikin and others in the Russian hierarchy knew in advance of the coup attempt.

Now Surovikin is a major player in the Russian Army AND a very big mate with Prigozhin.

He was at one time seemed to be the commander of the Russian army in Ukraine, then Putin sacked him, so he went to work for Wagner as Prigozhin's number two.

Then out of the blue Putin brought him back to be Shoigu's number two in Russia's army in Ukraine.

Then to top it all off Surovikin was the man who went on Twitter (or whatever it was) to publicly tell Prigozhin to turn Wagner back from Moscow - and if that isn't enough he is strongly tipped to replace Gerasimov as the head of Russia's armed forces.

I can't read the NYT article because it is behind a paywall.

So IF Prigozhin is wandering about Moscow safely then it doesn't say much for Putin's power?

Maybe all this is just total bollocks and I guess we won't know until Prigozhin surfaces and tells us his story - if he ever does...

If I were Prigozhin, I would stay barricaded
 in my room on any rainy day.

392Is there going to be a war? - Page 20 Empty Re: Is there going to be a war? Wed Jun 28 2023, 20:27



I guess that like us all Prigozhin is a product of what he's born with and how he's been shaped throughout his life - nature and nurture.

I think it is fair to say none of us on here are anything like Prigozhin or can imagine how he would behave.

He (and Girkin) have been very high profile in their public criticisms of the Russian leadership - including Putin - during this war - and have been left alone.

I don't think we need to be Einstein to work out that they must both be protected by very powerful people indeed - otherwise Putin would already have them dead.

There must be some sort of power game being played by people behind the scenes which suggest that Putin is not all powerful as we may have thought?

Below are a series of tweets (with English sub-titles) from Prigozhin just before he launched Wagner on Moscow, in which he tells the real reason why Putin started the war on Ukraine - and it had nothing to do with NATO expansion or anything else that Putin has claimed.

Just to set the scene a bit, there is a lot in the videos that most won't understand unless they've got some sort of deeper knowledge of names and events but I'm sure anyone wanting to watch these videos will certainly get the overall gist of what Prigozhin is saying.

Clearly if Putin was all powerful he would have had Prigozhin silenced long before  Wagner's march on Moscow.

But he didn't - there must have been reasons why he didn't act and equally reasons why Prigozhin ran off so much with his mouth and obviously knew he wouldn't be touched???

Anyway what Prigozhin said the day before the march on Moscow.

Last edited by Sluffy on Wed Jun 28 2023, 20:46; edited 1 time in total

393Is there going to be a war? - Page 20 Empty Re: Is there going to be a war? Wed Jun 28 2023, 20:35



Whilst I was looking for the videos above I found Surovikin's (the man who was in control of Russia's army in Ukraine, sacked by Putin and became number two to Prigozhin at Wagner, then promoted again by Putin to be number two Shoigu) video telling Prigozhin to call off his march on Moscow.

General "Armageddon" Surovikin published a video calling Wagner to "obey the Supreme Commander".

"I have just returned by the order of the Ministry of Defence from the zero line, where our forces, our commanders, our soldiers, volunteers carry out the objective, fighting the superior enemy forces to death, take casualties, but stand on their positions.

I appeal to the leadership, commanders and fighters of PMC Wagner: Together with you, we walked a difficult path. Together with you, we fought, we took risks, we took losses, but overcome together. We are of the same blood. We are warriors.

I call on you to stop. The enemy is waiting for our internal political situation to aggravate. We shouldn’t play into the enemy’s hand in this difficult time for the country."

It needs to be done before it’s too late: to obey the will and order of the people-elected President of the Russian Federation. Stop the columns, and return them to their permanent positions and places of concentration.

To solve all problems with civil means only under the leadership of the Supreme Commander of the Russian Armed Forces.

He is being slowly joined by other high-ranking commanders of the Russian army in similar videos.

394Is there going to be a war? - Page 20 Empty Re: Is there going to be a war? Wed Jun 28 2023, 20:45



The reason why I posted about Surovikin is that rumours are now coming out that he was imprisoned on the day after being forced to send the message shown above - the real message to Prigozhin being we know who is behind you and they are now in our hands!

I haven't a clue what is fact and what is fiction - make your own minds up as what is actually happening!

395Is there going to be a war? - Page 20 Empty Re: Is there going to be a war? Thu Jun 29 2023, 00:05



Seems that the news on Surovikin is being reported by the Moscow Times (an independent paper based outside Russia)

Russian General Arrested Following Wagner Mutiny – MT Russian

Russian General Sergei Surovikin has been arrested, The Moscow Times' Russian service reported Wednesday, citing two sources close to the Defense Ministry who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The Defense Ministry has yet to comment on the alleged arrest of Surovikin, who has not been seen in public since Saturday, when Wagner Group chief Yevgeny Prigozhin launched an armed rebellion against Russia's military leadership.

"The situation with him was not 'OK.' For the authorities. I can't say anything more," one of the sources said.

According to the second source, the arrest was carried out "in the context of Prigozhin."

"Apparently, he [Surovikin] chose Prigozhin's side during the uprising, and they've gotten him by the balls," the source said.

When asked about the general's current whereabouts, the source replied: "We are not even commenting on this information through our internal channels."

Earlier Wednesday, pro-war military blogger Vladimir Romanov said Surovikin was detained Sunday, the day after Prigozhin's aborted mutiny.

Romanov claimed that Surovikin is now being held in Moscow's Lefortovo detention center.

Alexei Venediktov, editor-in-chief of the shuttered Ekho Moskvy radio station, wrote on Telegram that Surovikin has not been in contact with his family for three days and that his guards are not responsive.

The New York Times reported Tuesday, citing unnamed U.S. officials, that Surovikin had prior knowledge of Prigozhin's plan to instigate a rebellion against Russia's military leadership.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Wednesday dismissed the report as “speculation” and “gossip,” suggesting that Putin had not given in to Prigozhin’s demands for an imminent reshuffle of the Russian military's top brass.

Wagner’s uprising set off Russia's most serious security crisis in decades before Prigozhin agreed to stand down Saturday night in exchange for immunity in exile, as part of a deal brokered by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.

Surovikin commanded Russia’s forces in Ukraine for three months between October 2022 and January 2023 until he was replaced by Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov.

Fwiw Surovikin won't be the biggest fish in all this, there most be others higher up on the inside of Putin's clique who wanted Putin overthrown.

396Is there going to be a war? - Page 20 Empty Re: Is there going to be a war? Thu Jun 29 2023, 13:05


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:Surovikin won't be the biggest fish in all this, there most be others higher up on the inside of Putin's clique who wanted Putin overthrown.

...and those outside his clique including oligarchs in exile who may well have been involved in the planning. There will be a frantic witch hunt in the background but Prigozhin's (naive?) honesty and Lukashenko's incredible statement (in which he boasts that he was the one who saved Russia and Putin) released yesterday by Julia Davis are definitely having an impact on Telegram.
RT propagandists are naturally going flat out to dismiss Lukashenko as incidental (it was Putin who saved Russia from civil war) and continue to condemn Prigozhin as a traitor....but increasingly many on Telegram aren't buying it. Those that recognise the failings that Prigozhin's observations are accurate are stopping short of blaming Putin though - they're sticking with the "he was badly advised" line. I'm wondering if the state media will waver at any point? I doubt it as it would necessitate a discussion about corruption and military losses in the war - neither of which they've never fully accepted.

397Is there going to be a war? - Page 20 Empty Re: Is there going to be a war? Thu Jun 29 2023, 13:07


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

398Is there going to be a war? - Page 20 Empty Re: Is there going to be a war? Thu Jun 29 2023, 13:50



wanderlust wrote:Talk of mutiny...

Rolling Eyes

You really need to stop believing everything you see on social media!

The person who posted this tweet is an American former Super G driver (or so he claims) he's simply just a random bloke in the US giving his own personal opinion!!!

Fwiw videos of pissed off Russian fighters appear weekly complaining about the same things and have done for nearly a year now - this one is certainly nothing new or infers any sort of general mutiny taking place.

399Is there going to be a war? - Page 20 Empty Re: Is there going to be a war? Thu Jun 29 2023, 14:09


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:

Rolling Eyes

You really need to stop believing everything you see on social media!
I really enjoyed your recent Twitter posts even though I'd already seen them. Cheers

The person who posted this tweet is an American former Super G driver (or so he claims) he's simply just a random bloke in the US giving his own personal opinion!!!
Ah - you're confusing the re-Tweeter with the content. Twitter doesn't work like that. You'll be surprised to learn that it isn't actually him giving the statement in the video.
Just to be clear...if I tweet a video of a kitten playing the piano I'm neither the kitten or the piano in that scenario. Hope that helps.

Fwiw videos of pissed off Russian fighters appear weekly complaining about the same things and have done for nearly a year now - this one is certainly nothing new or infers any sort of general mutiny taking place.
It was clearly dated yesterday.
These guys on the video (not the Ukranian/American guy BTW) said they won't be fighting again. No generals involved as far as I could see.

400Is there going to be a war? - Page 20 Empty Re: Is there going to be a war? Thu Jun 29 2023, 14:28



wanderlust wrote:
Sluffy wrote:

Rolling Eyes

You really need to stop believing everything you see on social media!
I really enjoyed your recent Twitter posts even though I'd already seen them. Cheers

The person who posted this tweet is an American former Super G driver (or so he claims) he's simply just a random bloke in the US giving his own personal opinion!!!
Ah - you're confusing the re-Tweeter with the content. Twitter doesn't work like that. You'll be surprised to learn that it isn't actually him giving the statement in the video.
Just to be clear...if I tweet a video of a kitten playing the piano I'm neither the kitten or the piano in that scenario. Hope that helps.

Fwiw videos of pissed off Russian fighters appear weekly complaining about the same things and have done for nearly a year now - this one is certainly nothing new or infers any sort of general mutiny taking place.
It was clearly dated yesterday.
These guys on the video (not the Ukranian/American guy BTW) said they won't be fighting again. No generals involved as far as I could see.

So on we go with the Wanderlust and Sluffy show...

You've seen something on twitter and believed it to be gospel - as you do.

It's gone viral and yes it seems to be 20 or so Russian soldiers from a Storm Z unit saying they won't fight.

Storm Z are the penal battalions used to storm Ukrainian positions and are highly expendable - they are the 'meat' that are fed into the 'meatgrinder'

Wagner used to have these prisoners until Putin put a stop to Wagner recruitment of them from prisons some months back and now they simply are now recruited and used by the Russian army instead, in just the same way as before.

Life expectancy for these people is short.

There's plenty of examples of people making similar videos and saying they won't fight, in just the same way, going back for well over a year.

It's nothing at all new.

Your comments above are utterly childish and clearly looking for a response - that's called trolling.

Let's not go down this path again...

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