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A heartfelt plea!

Hip Priest
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1A heartfelt plea! Empty A heartfelt plea! Tue May 31 2022, 22:33


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Just seen that Karly has said he is stopping modding this site and possibly leaving altogether, this can't happen as if he does you may as well shut the site now.

Lusty and Sluffy i'm appealing to both of you to stop all this shit between you, it's ruining the site and driving away posters we can't afford to lose.

You are both so obsessed with each other and trying to get one over the other but you are killing the site. I don't know either of you personally but i can't believe you would carry on like this in real life. 

Time to stop it now before the site goes tits up for ever!

2A heartfelt plea! Empty Re: A heartfelt plea! Wed Jun 01 2022, 01:24


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I'm not obsessed mate - I just don't like wankers. But I also understand that other folk don't like it when I respond to the constant onslaught of personal bile.

I have asked several times if I can put him on "ignore" but have been denied because he has mod rights.

Despite this, I have to consider everyone else and there are some good folk on here. I don't necessarily agree with all of them but this is supposed to be a forum where people can express their opinions without being subjected to personal abuse and trolling. And I've always hoped that we can get a wide range of opinions anyway so that I can get a better understanding of what folk think and why.

Simply put, I am completely happy with the idea of not responding to personal attacks - but obviously the perpetrator has to stop making them in the first place.

So if you can stop him being a wanker,  I promise I'll not respond.

I'm gutted about KP because he's been fair, honest and committed - and not just to dubious sexual practices behind the offie. Hopefully he'll reconsider and you know who will stop being a wanker so we can all express our opinions freely like grown ups.

3A heartfelt plea! Empty Re: A heartfelt plea! Wed Jun 01 2022, 10:40


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

I think your reply just highlights the problem Lusty, you just can’t help yourself responding in an aggressive way. It seems both yourself and Sluffy are people who feel it necessary to have the last word and that will obviously just continue the problem. Sadly the site generally is deteriorating, as I can attest to after my own recent issue, supporting pathetic, over sensitive, snowflakes like Nat who consider a totally innocently used and widely accepted colloquialism for the French as a racist slur and supported by a mod. For goodness sake, are we to meekly accept childish actions like that as normal because the sites gone mad if that’s the case and so if KP feels he can no longer support such a site then I don’t blame him. We’re all adults on here, we’re all respectful of others so when posts are taken totally out of context it begs the question is it time to give up. I personally wouldn’t care if the site does close if we’re going to join the virtue signalling, cancel culture infesting life generally at the moment. I hope it doesn’t and that common sense returns but if that can’t happen then so be it.

4A heartfelt plea! Empty Re: A heartfelt plea! Wed Jun 01 2022, 11:26


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

This site can't close down, i'd have to do a full days work then which is completely unacceptable  Very Happy

I'm praying KP comes back and Sluffy and Lusty can see sense and pack in all their shit.

5A heartfelt plea! Empty Re: A heartfelt plea! Wed Jun 01 2022, 12:30


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:I think your reply just highlights the problem Lusty, you just can’t help yourself responding in an aggressive way. It seems both yourself and Sluffy are people who feel it necessary to have the last word and that will obviously just continue the problem.
I understand where you're coming from White, but I am not the aggressor in this situation and if you look back over the threads you'll see the personal stuff is rarely initiated by me although I admit there have been a few times - that said,  they usually reference an earlier attack on me.
If you feel that he should have free reign to have a dig at every opportunity without a response from me, then fine but if the problems that are plaguing the site are every going to be resolved properly it needs to be rooted out at the source.

6A heartfelt plea! Empty Re: A heartfelt plea! Wed Jun 01 2022, 14:16



wanderlust wrote:
Whitesince63 wrote:I think your reply just highlights the problem Lusty, you just can’t help yourself responding in an aggressive way. It seems both yourself and Sluffy are people who feel it necessary to have the last word and that will obviously just continue the problem.
I understand where you're coming from White, but I am not the aggressor in this situation and if you look back over the threads you'll see the personal stuff is rarely initiated by me although I admit there have been a few times - that said,  they usually reference an earlier attack on me.
If you feel that he should have free reign to have a dig at every opportunity without a response from me, then fine but if the problems that are plaguing the site are every going to be resolved properly it needs to be rooted out at the source.

Before you start to rewrite history in my absence let us look at YOU not being the "aggressor".

Quite frankly you posted a stupid statement basically saying that the Chancellor of the Exchequer was abusing his office and manipulating the governments fiscal policies for the country solely for his own means to make himself look good in the eyes of the public.

That was and is an utterly ridiculous thing to have said and shows your mind set on everything Tory.

My reply was to state you were utterly bonkers if you believed what you wrote and went on to take the piss out of your obvious TYPING error - noting that it wasn't the first time you've been millions out on what you've told us.

How was what I said in any way aggressive?

You are 'bonkers' believing EVERYTHING Tory is bad and you have been millions out on at least one previous occasion.

What was you reply back?

You once again resorted to attempt to shame me over a disability I have, namely being dyslexic.

You don't think dyslexia is a disability and recognised as such under legislation - well think again.,not%20suffer%20from%20the%20condition.

Ok moving on you followed that up by posting a picture of the result of someone who clearly had had a temper tantrum and stated I never missed a chance to 'have a go'!

My reply to your two posts was extremely reserved I thought in that I laughed at your behaviour - it was childish after all, I pointed out that you again could not admit to making any error EVER - you never do, that the Chancellor and his government office is not there to be popular (it is the Tax Office when all said and done), and that your hatred was (and is) clouding your judgement - as you demonstrate on here on a daily basis for years now.

I pointed out again your ongoing attempt to shame me over my dyslexia, which you have continue with for a number of months now.

It seems pretty obvious to me that you resort to such behaviour because you can't refute what I say - after all it is there for everyone to see what you post and why your clear hatred of all things Tory have warped your reasoning over them - and instead try to distract completely away from the issue by making things personal towards me.

I finished off my post by pointing out to you your absurdity of claiming to KNOW how the government works based on your knowledge and experience in a NON GOVERNMENT organisation!

How mad and bizarre of you is that???

Since then you have posted that I should see a therapist.

(fwiw I never claimed you could spell, I simply pointed out your TYPING error)

And in a separate post referred to me as a 'wanker' twice, and the 'perpetrator' of the 'personal' attacks!

Even Whitesince 63 sees this post to be personally aggressive towards me.

You've never taken any ownership of your behaviour on here over the years. You certainly haven't been on here to express your 'opinions' you have been here to use the forum as your personal platform to express your bias and hatred of all things Tory.

Daily, constantly, ceaselessly.

I've tried to have dialogue with you to explain your many misconceptions (the last one about Rishi using his position as Chancellor to create policy costing millions and effecting most of us, simply to enhance his personal popularity in opinion polls!!!) being a fine example, to absolutely no avail - your mind is locked shut for ever on the matter.

Your behaviour and frankly ridiculous statements make me laugh (they are the rantings of someone who certainly doesn't hold a balanced view) and I'm more than happy to remind you of some of the monumentally wrong things you've claimed in the past to put into some perspective what you continue to say in the present.

I'm not and never have been 'obsessed' with you, I just laugh at your obsession and hatred of all things Tory and that in turn triggers your abuse to me.

I know I waste my breath in saying all this and you can go on to rewrite history as much as you want from now on but for my part I apologise to those on here for simply trying my best to keep this hatred and lies off the forum - as that was my sole aim always.

It seems that is not what those of you who are left on here want and I don't wish to remain posting on a site that prefers obsessive hatred to truth and honesty.

7A heartfelt plea! Empty Re: A heartfelt plea! Wed Jun 01 2022, 14:29


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I give up, you two are determined to run this site in to the ground, the two of you are as bad as each other and have now potentially wrecked a forum that i've grown to love over the years.

Well done to the pair of you, hope you are happy now.

A heartfelt plea! 48990764

8A heartfelt plea! Empty Re: A heartfelt plea! Wed Jun 01 2022, 14:45



Norpig wrote:I give up, you two are determined to run this site in to the ground, the two of you are as bad as each other and have now potentially wrecked a forum that i've grown to love over the years.

Well done to the pair of you, hope you are happy now.

A heartfelt plea! 48990764

What is your problem with me???

I've just said that I'm stopping posting on here and you still have a go at me!!!

Wanderlust can post whatever he wants from now on - not that I ever stopped him doing so before (although no one ever seems to take that into account).

He's never going to change, you and everyone else have got sick of me trying to keep his lies and hatred off here so there's only one sensible option left and that's for me to stop posting.

Isn't that what you want, Christ you've called for my head on a plate plenty times before!

Well if it is, then your wish has come true.

Have a nice day.

9A heartfelt plea! Empty Re: A heartfelt plea! Wed Jun 01 2022, 15:24


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy, no one wants you to stop posting. Perhaps though, you should let some things just pass over your head.
It's hard sometimes. If 63 started posting comments praising Barry Knight, I'd feel duty bound to offer an alternative view with regard to that corrupt, flyblown, heap of excrement, and rightly so.
I'd also have a go at Barry Knight. Razz 
Sorry 63, you know I don't mean it.
Some people will never agree. But we could give classier insults.

George Bernard Shaw, to Winston Churchill, 'I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend, if you have one'.

Churchill replied, 'Cannot possibly attend the first night. Will attend the second. If there is one'.

We can't all be that witty. But we can have a go.

10A heartfelt plea! Empty Re: A heartfelt plea! Wed Jun 01 2022, 15:30


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:

What is your problem with me???

I've just said that I'm stopping posting on here and you still have a go at me!!!

Wanderlust can post whatever he wants from now on - not that I ever stopped him doing so before (although no one ever seems to take that into account).

He's never going to change, you and everyone else have got sick of me trying to keep his lies and hatred off here so there's only one sensible option left and that's for me to stop posting.

Isn't that what you want, Christ you've called for my head on a plate plenty times before!

Well if it is, then your wish has come true.

Have a nice day.
Can you read? i have an issue with BOTH of you!

To be honest if you stopping posting brings back KP then i'm all for it.

11A heartfelt plea! Empty Re: A heartfelt plea! Wed Jun 01 2022, 17:28


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

boltonbonce wrote:Sluffy, no one wants you to stop posting. Perhaps though, you should let some things just pass over your head.
It's hard sometimes. If 63 started posting comments praising Barry Knight, I'd feel duty bound to offer an alternative view with regard to that corrupt, flyblown, heap of excrement, and rightly so.
I'd also have a go at Barry Knight. Razz 
Sorry 63, you know I don't mean it.
Some people will never agree. But we could give classier insults.

George Bernard Shaw, to Winston Churchill, 'I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend, if you have one'.

Churchill replied, 'Cannot possibly attend the first night. Will attend the second. If there is one'.

We can't all be that witty. But we can have a go.
Brilliant post Bonce, if only we could all be like that and a little more lighthearted. Like you I certainly don’t want Sluffy to stop posting, or anyone else for that matter. I think in the end this is a top class site where reasoned and grown up posters discuss in an adult way, highly controversial topics. I have no problem with anyone holding strong views and expressing them as long as it’s done in a polite and respectful way. 

Obviously Lusty hates the Tories and I’m sure he’s not alone in that but failing to ever accept anything they’ve done well does weaken any argument. As far as the Sluffy v Lusty situation goes, I don’t know either personally but respect them hugely for their contributions on here and it’s just a shame they can’t find a way to resolve their differences. I hope they can and that you don’t leave us Sluffy, you’re one of the main reasons I came over here in the first place, although that may be something you regret now?? 🥴

Keep posting everyone and let’s just try to be a little nicer to each other. 😎

12A heartfelt plea! Empty Re: A heartfelt plea! Wed Jun 01 2022, 17:45


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:let’s just try to be a little nicer to each other. 😎

A heartfelt plea! 200.gif?cid=a87a70e6qghz8eou2lxi6oxk8j5ng631jz46ri4o5s7tbpfo&rid=200

13A heartfelt plea! Empty Re: A heartfelt plea! Wed Jun 01 2022, 19:09


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:
Brilliant post Bonce, if only we could all be like that and a little more lighthearted. Like you I certainly don’t want Sluffy to stop posting, or anyone else for that matter. I think in the end this is a top class site where reasoned and grown up posters discuss in an adult way, highly controversial topics. I have no problem with anyone holding strong views and expressing them as long as it’s done in a polite and respectful way. 

Obviously Lusty hates the Tories and I’m sure he’s not alone in that but failing to ever accept anything they’ve done well does weaken any argument. As far as the Sluffy v Lusty situation goes, I don’t know either personally but respect them hugely for their contributions on here and it’s just a shame they can’t find a way to resolve their differences. I hope they can and that you don’t leave us Sluffy, you’re one of the main reasons I came over here in the first place, although that may be something you regret now?? 🥴

Keep posting everyone and let’s just try to be a little nicer to each other. 😎
Cheers mate. As far as I know, we only get one go at life. I've got friends of all politcal hues, and we manage to get by with a bit of humour.

There are good ships and wood ships,
Ships that sail the sea,
But the best ships, are friendships,
And may they always be.

14A heartfelt plea! Empty Re: A heartfelt plea! Wed Jun 01 2022, 22:12


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:
Cheers mate. As far as I know, we only get one go at life. I've got friends of all politcal hues, and we manage to get by with a bit of humour.

There are good ships and wood ships,
Ships that sail the sea,
But the best ships, are friendships,
And may they always be.
A heartfelt plea! 200.gif?cid=a87a70e6igwfjmhdj2wsu1e8mokrs4m83bsdgmy7bpwekklh&rid=200

15A heartfelt plea! Empty Re: A heartfelt plea! Wed Jun 01 2022, 22:38


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:
A heartfelt plea! 200.gif?cid=a87a70e6igwfjmhdj2wsu1e8mokrs4m83bsdgmy7bpwekklh&rid=200
I'm pushing for the lead in a remake of Highway To Heaven. Michael Landon was way too gritty. Cool

16A heartfelt plea! Empty Re: A heartfelt plea! Thu Jun 02 2022, 02:13


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:

Obviously Lusty hates the Tories and I’m sure he’s not alone in that but failing to ever accept anything they’ve done well does weaken any argument.
I don't "hate the Tories" as such though.

What I do hate is corruption, cold-heartedness, incompetence, misleading propaganda, totalitarian style government, protecting the rich at the expense of the poor, putting self-aggrandisement ahead of the needs of the country and downright lying to the people.

Not all Tories are like the current government. Some have values, moral standards and are prepared to put the country ahead of their careers.

You wrote that you felt that the current government isn't representative of "Tory values" and if the grass roots Tory media - which I have referenced on these very pages - is anything to go by, you're not alone in thinking that.

It's a lazy slur to suggest I hate the Tories and you need to differentiate between my justifiable criticism of this government and ALL Tories.

I would also question your assertion that I don't accept anything they've done well - Tories have done constructive things in the past:

Disraeli's Reform Act, The Enfranchisement of Women, The Industrial Charter and taking the country into Europe all helped build a more stable and fair society - but they are exceptions TBH - most of the policies through history have been around the themes of maintaining the privilege of the few at the expense of the many and promoting xenophobia and isolation neither of which I subscribe to.

But that doesn't mean I hate all Tories nor does it mean that I don't recognise some achievements.

17A heartfelt plea! Empty Re: A heartfelt plea! Thu Jun 02 2022, 09:08


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

wanderlust wrote:
I don't "hate the Tories" as such though.

What I do hate is corruption, cold-heartedness, incompetence, misleading propaganda, totalitarian style government, protecting the rich at the expense of the poor, putting self-aggrandisement ahead of the needs of the country and downright lying to the people.

Not all Tories are like the current government. Some have values, moral standards and are prepared to put the country ahead of their careers.

You wrote that you felt that the current government isn't representative of "Tory values" and if the grass roots Tory media - which I have referenced on these very pages - is anything to go by, you're not alone in thinking that.

It's a lazy slur to suggest I hate the Tories and you need to differentiate between my justifiable criticism of this government and ALL Tories.

I would also question your assertion that I don't accept anything they've done well - Tories have done constructive things in the past:

Disraeli's Reform Act, The Enfranchisement of Women, The Industrial Charter and taking the country into Europe all helped build a more stable and fair society - but they are exceptions TBH - most of the policies through history have been around the themes of maintaining the privilege of the few at the expense of the many and promoting xenophobia and isolation neither of which I subscribe to.

But that doesn't mean I hate all Tories nor does it mean that I don't recognise some achievements.
But you make it sound like you hate all Tories Lusty. In fact the word hate is one I never personally use, I prefer dislike or similar. Can you not accept that Boris has done good things, Maggie certainly did brilliant things to drag our country out of the mire. Of course it was tough and some really hard decisions had to be taken but you can’t seriously think running a country like the UK can be anything but hard. 

I never try to pretend the Tories get it right all the time, especially Boris but I can appreciate the good things he’s done, even if few they may be. I’ve personally lost respect for Boris, not specifically over Partygate, which obviously I’m disgusted with but more blame the Civil Service for. I never agreed with Lockdown anyway and it’s been proved now to have been totally unnecessary and damaging. That’s not just with hindsight, I made that point all along. 

Boris just isn’t a Tory if you look at what he’s done on net zero, reneging on manifesto promises on tax and triple lock and the stupid and unnecessary windfall tax on our major energy companies. Those things and his complete failure to follow through on Brexit I do blame him for but despite all that, until an obvious replacement emerges I just can’t see the party voting him out. A liar and a cheat he may be but people still rush to see him. Clearly the opposition parties want him out but I think they’ll fail and I still believe he’ll take the party into the next election and win it.

18A heartfelt plea! Empty Re: A heartfelt plea! Thu Jun 02 2022, 18:17


Tinned Toms - You know it makes sense!

First time I've logged in on as long as I can remember. This is the first thread I had a look at.

I'll be honest, it made me smile. It has always been this way. Remember Bread, Scott, Boggers, AD et al?

The only thing that will kill a site is no traffic. I don't mind it, its just arguing over the Internet. Sticks and stones and all that.

If that's what people want to do then leave them to it. I mean come on kp, you've seen far worse than this on a Friday night behind bargain booze with your pants round your ankles than to be running into the shadows because people are using bad words against each other on the Internet. Let's face it Norpig, if these two were wearing ALF masks while having this argument you'd be knocking one out in the hospital toilets.  Razz

In summary, lighten the fuck up and crack on. There's far worse going in the world right now than a couple of senior citizens arguing about politics on a forum. It's basically what forums are for.

Anyway, nice to see you all again you miserable turds.  Very Happy

19A heartfelt plea! Empty Re: A heartfelt plea! Thu Jun 02 2022, 18:33


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Hi 58, great to hear from you. This is all nothing to do with me. I'm a good boy I am. Stick around, I'll open some tinned toms.

20A heartfelt plea! Empty Re: A heartfelt plea! Thu Jun 02 2022, 18:41


Tinned Toms - You know it makes sense!

boltonbonce wrote:Hi 58, great to hear from you. This is all nothing to do with me. I'm a good boy I am. Stick around, I'll open some tinned toms.
Thanks mate. I only popped in to drop off some new slippers but if you're opening a tin, who am I to refuse such an offering?

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