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Transfer rumours !

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41Transfer rumours ! - Page 3 Empty Re: Transfer rumours ! Thu Jun 16 2022, 14:28



wanderlust wrote:
Sluffy wrote:

Yes, we already know...

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

How on earth did you already know my opinion about it?  You must be psychotic Smile

Psychotic am I...

Psychosis is where you see or hear things that are not there (hallucinations) or believe things that are not true (delusions).

Don't start again.

I didn't mention anything about your opinion - and you know that - I merely pointed out that Karly had posted up the FULL article that you had linked to, some three hours earlier.

Instead of some how pretending you had seen that thread - which clearly you hadn't bothered to view the forum first before posting on here - you've tried to make out that you had but your reply to it would be better on here???

You aren't fooling anyone and have tried to twist things as though I'm the issue once again.

I'm not.

Hasn't the penny dropped with you yet the the whole forum is absolutely sick to death of the dance you and I have had for the last few years.

I've stuck to my side of the fence as I've said I would and it is about time you man up and hold your hand up when you get things wrong instead of trying to divert attention away from your mistakes and making it personal by throwing your abuse at me yet again.

For what it is worth it would be good to see a few others also telling Wanderlust to pack this sort of shit in - maybe he would hear the message a great deal louder if he realised that we ALL want an end to this.


42Transfer rumours ! - Page 3 Empty Re: Transfer rumours ! Thu Jun 16 2022, 15:02


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

From what I can see, tell me if I'm wrong, but Lusty simply posted an opinion on KP's post.

43Transfer rumours ! - Page 3 Empty Re: Transfer rumours ! Thu Jun 16 2022, 15:31



boltonbonce wrote:From what I can see, tell me if I'm wrong, but Lusty simply posted an opinion on KP's post.

No that isn't right.

KP's post is on an entirely different thread posted elsewhere on this forum.

What Wanderlust has done is that he's not seen KP's thread at all and posted the link to Iles article on here.

I simply posted a link to KP's thread and told him that we already knew about the article.

For my trouble he posted his abuse of me instead of say something like 'oh I missed KP's post - my bad'.

Do I really need to be called a psychotic for simply referring him to the earlier thread?

Does he really need to make out that he had seen KP's THREAD on this but thought his comments better placed elsewhere instead?

Come on Bonce, it's clear he didn't see KP's thread on this story and he's had a pop at me just to divert from him admitting so.

It's what he does all the time.

About time you and others open your eyes to it.

We don't want this shit continuing again.

Or do we?

44Transfer rumours ! - Page 3 Empty Re: Transfer rumours ! Thu Jun 16 2022, 15:47


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Come on Lusty. Let's hear your side of it. Pronto.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

45Transfer rumours ! - Page 3 Empty Re: Transfer rumours ! Thu Jun 16 2022, 16:11


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I'm watching you two, just pack it in

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46Transfer rumours ! - Page 3 Empty Re: Transfer rumours ! Thu Jun 16 2022, 16:21


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:Come on Lusty. Let's hear your side of it. Pronto.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
I've said all I'm going to say about this elsewhere other than to point out that given that the context was another person already knowing my opinions, I obviously meant something else but my keyboard accidentally threw "ot" into the equation. I'll have to get my keyboard fixed. Just ignore the pontificating self-righteous wanotker like everybody else does.

47Transfer rumours ! - Page 3 Empty Re: Transfer rumours ! Thu Jun 16 2022, 16:46



So he's called me psychotic, told us I was trying to read his mind and now calling me a wanker and a pontificator and all because of this tweet...

Sluffy wrote:
wanderlust wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] is in interesting alternative to Fossey if we can get him - only 18 but has already played at the highest level.

Yes, we already know...

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Do I deserve that?

If I don't then when will someone finally step up and call him out about it?

48Transfer rumours ! - Page 3 Empty Re: Transfer rumours ! Thu Jun 16 2022, 17:13


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Sluffy wrote:

No that isn't right.

KP's post is on an entirely different thread posted elsewhere on this forum.

What Wanderlust has done is that he's not seen KP's thread at all and posted the link to Iles article on here.

I simply posted a link to KP's thread and told him that we already knew about the article.

For my trouble he posted his abuse of me instead of say something like 'oh I missed KP's post - my bad'.

Do I really need to be called a psychotic for simply referring him to the earlier thread?

Does he really need to make out that he had seen KP's THREAD on this but thought his comments better placed elsewhere instead?

Come on Bonce, it's clear he didn't see KP's thread on this story and he's had a pop at me just to divert from him admitting so.

It's what he does all the time.

About time you and others open your eyes to it.

We don't want this shit continuing again.

Or do we?
Sluffy can you please take a chill pill.

It's a lovely warm summers day, go and sit in your garden and think beautiful thoughts!

49Transfer rumours ! - Page 3 Empty Re: Transfer rumours ! Thu Jun 16 2022, 17:23



Cajunboy wrote:Sluffy can you please take a chill pill.

It's a lovely warm summers day, go and sit in your garden and think beautiful thoughts!

I am chilled, thank you very much.

The reason I'm making a stand here is because we need to sort the problem out otherwise it is never going to go away.

I simply posted this...

Sluffy wrote:
wanderlust wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] is in interesting alternative to Fossey if we can get him - only 18 but has already played at the highest level.

Yes, we already know...

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

...and because of it I've been called by Wanderlust, psychotic, accused me of attempting to read his mind, a wanker and a pontificator all because I pointed out that there was a previous thread on the topic he posted which he clearly had missed.

Bearing this in mind do you really still believe I'm the one in need of a chill pill or Wanderlust?

I honestly don't think that it is me!

50Transfer rumours ! - Page 3 Empty Re: Transfer rumours ! Thu Jun 16 2022, 18:34


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

I don't normally get involved but seeing you asked.

If your comment was innocent ie you were just pointing out that a thread allready exists, then that's fine.

However history suggests that you did it purely to put down lusty, my frst reaction was here we go again, he just can't resist. Now if i am truly wrong i apologise but that's how i saw it. You asked and it really never ever comes across that your the innocent party. Not saying Lusty doesn't rise to the occosion but you just can't seem to let it go.

51Transfer rumours ! - Page 3 Empty Re: Transfer rumours ! Thu Jun 16 2022, 19:03



wessy wrote:I don't normally get involved but seeing you asked.

If your comment was innocent ie you were just pointing out that a thread allready exists, then that's fine.

However history suggests that you did it purely to put down lusty, my frst reaction was here we go again, he just can't resist. Now if i am truly wrong i apologise but that's how i saw it. You asked and it really never ever comes across that your the innocent party. Not saying Lusty doesn't rise to the occosion but you just can't seem to let it go.

Well for what it is worth my comment WAS completely innocuous and innocent, therefore I do accept your apology.  You often see people on forums pointing out that something or other has been posted earlier.

I've stated this previously...

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] which I gave my word that if he didn't post anything of hatred or blind stupidity then I would keep to my side of the fence - and I have.

I'm not sure why you seem to believe I'm never the innocent party - even Norpig, my most vocal critic, who has more than once demanded I leave the site, now accepts that he sees things more 50/50 between the two of us!

There was no reason at all for Wanderlust to react the way he did and he needs to be called out for it.

The longer people turn a blind eye to his behaviour (or believe like you do that I'm constantly in the wrong no matter what), the longer things will continue to fester and ruin the site.

It's not rocket science really is it?

It needs to end and Wanderlust must take ownership of his own behaviour as I have for mine, in order for it to do so.

Wouldn't you consider that to be fair and reasonable?

52Transfer rumours ! - Page 3 Empty Re: Transfer rumours ! Thu Jun 16 2022, 19:48


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Yes it does need to end. You both proclaim to be old enough to be dinosaurs so you really should know better. 

I can’t even remember how this started (nor do I want a reminder!) but this has gone on far, far too long.

How about stopping antagonising each other? Whilst Wnderluat may have instigated it in the first instant far back, you have carried it on.

How about simply ignoring each other or having a chat over PM and sorting it out that way? 

People are sick to death of reading this shite.

53Transfer rumours ! - Page 3 Empty Re: Transfer rumours ! Thu Jun 16 2022, 20:09


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

If it was anyone else sluffy would have banned them months ago.

54Transfer rumours ! - Page 3 Empty Re: Transfer rumours ! Thu Jun 16 2022, 20:11


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Just heard some news that Fossey has made a U-Turn and is in Bolton tomorrow for scarf photos etc..

55Transfer rumours ! - Page 3 Empty Re: Transfer rumours ! Thu Jun 16 2022, 20:13

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Boggersbelief wrote:Just heard some news that Fossey has made a U-Turn and is in Bolton tomorrow for scarf photos etc..

Is this 100% Boggers?

56Transfer rumours ! - Page 3 Empty Re: Transfer rumours ! Thu Jun 16 2022, 20:21


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:

Is this 100% Boggers?
As if he'd sell us a bum steer. (I heard that phrase on the telly)

57Transfer rumours ! - Page 3 Empty Re: Transfer rumours ! Thu Jun 16 2022, 20:22



karlypants wrote:Yes it does need to end. You both proclaim to be old enough to be dinosaurs so you really should know better. 

I can’t even remember how this started (nor do I want a reminder!) but this has gone on far, far too long.

How about stopping antagonising each other? Whilst Wnderluat may have instigated it in the first instant far back, you have carried it on.

How about simply ignoring each other or having a chat over PM and sorting it out that way? 

People are sick to death of reading this shite.

I'm the one trying to stop it ffs!!!

There was fuck all in the post I made - read it again if you need to - I think EVERYONE would agree with that.

Sluffy wrote:
wanderlust wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] is in interesting alternative to Fossey if we can get him - only 18 but has already played at the highest level.

Yes, we already know...

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

This was the reply I got...

wanderlust wrote:
Sluffy wrote:

Yes, we already know...

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

How on earth did you already know my opinion about it?  You must be psychotic Smile

Where did I say anything about knowing his opinion?

Why the need to call me psychotic???

Psychosis is where you see or hear things that are not there (hallucinations) or believe things that are not true (delusions).

There wasn't and I didn't.

I've held up to my part of the bargain and someone - you ideally - needs to lay down the law to Wanderlust about his behaviour.

Otherwise this simply won't end.

I've done absolutely nothing wrong here yet you (and others) have made your minds up that I'm half of the problem once again.

I'm not.

I'm completely blameless for all to see.

Or at least those who are bothered enough to even look.

58Transfer rumours ! - Page 3 Empty Re: Transfer rumours ! Thu Jun 16 2022, 20:45


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:

Is this 100% Boggers?

When have I ever let you down?

59Transfer rumours ! - Page 3 Empty Re: Transfer rumours ! Thu Jun 16 2022, 20:47


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:

Is this 100% Boggers?

£450k plus a promotion add on so I’m hearing

60Transfer rumours ! - Page 3 Empty Re: Transfer rumours ! Thu Jun 16 2022, 20:49



Boggersbelief wrote:If it was anyone else sluffy would have banned them months ago.

Yes I would have done, you are quite correct.

The reason I haven't is because everyone would be up in arms if I did.

I'm the one who seems to get the blame for everything - fair enough, it's only the internet when all said and done - but just because people want to be on my back about it doesn't mean they are right.

It's blatantly clear I've done absolutely nothing at all wrong here - and Wanderlust has accused me of having a mental health illness, being a wanker and a couple of other things thrown in too - and still people are on my back about ME being the big part of the problem yet again!!!

How the fuck do they come to that conclusion?

It needs to stop.

People can call things how they want to but I'm buggered if I can work out how they see me being half the problem this time - Christ I only posted that Karly had already posted that link!

I will add this though...

AFTER I posted what I did (post 1030 at 1:56pm) Wanderlust returned to his original post (post 1029) and ADDED another sentence giving his 'opinion' of his playing style - You can clearly see the EDITED date stamp mark at the bottom of that post, timed at 2:00pm.

His next post - the one in reply to my simple notification of there already being a thread started by Karly - which he posted at 2:02pm - accused me of being a mind reader and thus being psychotic!

Or in simple terms he doctored his original post to stitch me up AFTER he read my post and forgot that the site has a facility that date stamps any amendments after another post has been made to STOP such shitty tricks as this taking place.

Go back and look at the posts yourselves if you don't believe me.

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