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1BRING BACK LUSTY Empty BRING BACK LUSTY Sun Nov 06 2022, 14:49


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Sluffy, please reinstate Lusty from his ban, assuming he wants to come back and also reconsider your posting on here. The sites lacking enough without two of its brightest members. I often disagree with both of you on certain points but come on, cancel culture surely can’t raise its head on here? You both make valid and intelligent contributions, arguably not as intelligent and valid as mine obviously 😉 but sincerely meant. I don’t have a problem with you butting heads but I do have one with you both not being here so come on, for the sake of the thread, get back on here both of you.

2BRING BACK LUSTY Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun Nov 06 2022, 15:21


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Well said, WS63. I agree with you. Sluffy has got this so wrong. 

Lusty's views, whether on BW or the world about us, are perfectly valid, intelligent and interesting.... and a site like this should welcome the chance to debate them.

Like most people, he will respond if abused. I don't find him any more abusive than the next man. It's been tit for tat imo.

3BRING BACK LUSTY Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun Nov 06 2022, 16:18


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

I don't understand why Sluffy has to be so nasty to people who have different opinions than himself.

He seems to  believe that he is the fount ( or font, not sure which ) of all wisdom on every subject.

Then he goes into robotic mode and berates people for having opinions that don't match his own beliefs.

He was particularly nasty to Wessy recently which made my blood boil.

Sluffy seems incapable of letting things just roll off him.

4BRING BACK LUSTY Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun Nov 06 2022, 17:07


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Cajunboy wrote:I don't understand why Sluffy has to be so nasty to people who have different opinions than himself.

He seems to  believe that he is the fount ( or font, not sure which ) of all wisdom on every subject.

Then he goes into robotic mode and berates people for having opinions that don't match his own beliefs.

He was particularly nasty to Wessy recently which made my blood boil.

Sluffy seems incapable of letting things just roll off him.
 Thanks Cajun don't worry about me, i can't believe he thinks banning Lusty is a solution, He may take 400 words to say one sentence but he just can't see the wood for the trees.

5BRING BACK LUSTY Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun Nov 06 2022, 17:13


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

wessy wrote:
 Thanks Cajun don't worry about me, i can't believe he thinks banning Lusty is a solution, He may take 400 words to say one sentence but he just can't see the wood for the trees.
Cheers Wessy, have a nice day!!!

6BRING BACK LUSTY Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun Nov 06 2022, 18:01


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Cajunboy wrote:
Cheers Wessy, have a nice day!!!
You to mate.

7BRING BACK LUSTY Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun Nov 06 2022, 19:20


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

What's going on? I take time off with a cold and I miss all the drama.
Why was Lusty banned? (no, let me guess). Why has Sluffy gone off in a huff? Where's KP?
Does no one want to hear about my new silk pyjamas?
It really is the thin end of the wedge when I can't take a little sick leave without all hell breaking loose.
My own personal thread is in a shocking state. No one's popped in to hoover, and there's an odd smell emanating from under the sink.
So, for what it's worth, I'm off to suck another Covonia cough drop, and you can be sure I'll be checking up on you tomorrow. 
If Lusty's on WW I'll be having words.

8BRING BACK LUSTY Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun Nov 06 2022, 21:20

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

This site used to be about Bolton Wanderers. In recent years it's been turned into a political site where bellends trumpet their particular party, and slag off anyone who doesn't agree. And without a hint of humour.

I bet some of you have never made a single post on the match day thread.

If you want to talk politics I'm guessing there are hundreds of forums where you can post all day about Boris, Liz & Kier with like-minded plonkers. Stop doing it on here.

I hope the wanderlust ban is permanent because all he posts is misery. This used to be a fun place where you were guaranteed a bundle of laughs, and even the arguments were always full of tongue-in-cheek humour.

It's a sad say when I'm pining for a Brucie or slippers thread.

9BRING BACK LUSTY Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun Nov 06 2022, 22:04


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I didn't know Lusty had been banned! Whats happened with Sluffy as well? I haven't had time to be on here recently and it does seem very quiet.

10BRING BACK LUSTY Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun Nov 06 2022, 22:12

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:I didn't know Lusty had been banned! Whats happened with Sluffy as well? I haven't had time to be on here recently and it does seem very quiet.

Not had time? We're your best (and only) friends.

11BRING BACK LUSTY Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun Nov 06 2022, 22:25


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:

Not had time? We're your best (and only) friends.
That's not far off the truth to be honest  Crying or Very sad

12BRING BACK LUSTY Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun Nov 06 2022, 22:48


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:
That's not far off the truth to be honest  Crying or Very sad
While you're on Norpig, could you kindly refrain from having your records on full blast. It's causing havoc at the airfield.

13BRING BACK LUSTY Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun Nov 06 2022, 22:57

Mad Dog

Nicky Hunt
Nicky Hunt

I came on to the forum this evening to see what has been said about being dumped out of the FA cup in the first round, what a shame, it’s become predictable about how rubbish Bolton are playing. But anyway I saw this thread that Wanderlust has been banned and people want him back and I felt I needed to contribute. 
Look, I’ve had a run in or two with wanderlust, but as people say - banning him really? Can the forum afford to lose a prolific poster when as Nat says the forum is on its arse? He may not be to everyone’s taste but we all need different opinions right? Different opinions provoke debate. Surely the ban must be lifted? Well no, wrong, Wanderlust is a class A complete and utter wazzock, it’s a sad day when people want a complete bellend back on the site in order to help add some meat to the bones of posts. The guy has a massive chip on his shoulder, he belittles other people’s views and shows a total lack of respect for people. Sluffy was absolutely right to ban him. Well done Sluffy, I applaud your decision.

14BRING BACK LUSTY Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun Nov 06 2022, 23:10


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Mad Dog wrote:I came on to the forum this evening to see what has been said about being dumped out of the FA cup in the first round, what a shame, it’s become predictable about how rubbish Bolton are playing. But anyway I saw this thread that Wanderlust has been banned and people want him back and I felt I needed to contribute. 
Look, I’ve had a run in or two with wanderlust, but as people say - banning him really? Can the forum afford to lose a prolific poster when as Nat says the forum is on its arse? He may not be to everyone’s taste but we all need different opinions right? Different opinions provoke debate. Surely the ban must be lifted? Well no, wrong, Wanderlust is a class A complete and utter wazzock, it’s a sad day when people want a complete bellend back on the site in order to help add some meat to the bones of posts. The guy has a massive chip on his shoulder, he belittles other people’s views and shows a total lack of respect for people. Sluffy was absolutely right to ban him. Well done Sluffy, I applaud your decision.
That description rings a bell.

15BRING BACK LUSTY Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun Nov 06 2022, 23:18


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Jesus i don't come on here for a few days and the site implodes yet again!

16BRING BACK LUSTY Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun Nov 06 2022, 23:25


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:Jesus i don't come on here for a few days and the site implodes yet again!
Just the usual Bash Street antics.


17BRING BACK LUSTY Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Mon Nov 07 2022, 00:19



Whitesince63 wrote:Sluffy, please reinstate Lusty from his ban, assuming he wants to come back and also reconsider your posting on here. The sites lacking enough without two of its brightest members. I often disagree with both of you on certain points but come on, cancel culture surely can’t raise its head on here? You both make valid and intelligent contributions, arguably not as intelligent and valid as mine obviously 😉 but sincerely meant. I don’t have a problem with you butting heads but I do have one with you both not being here so come on, for the sake of the thread, get back on here both of you.

Cancel Culture?

What are you on about?

Wanderlust wasn't banned for his opinions, he was banned because too many people were sick to death of coming on to this site to read his constant diatribes about everything the Tory Party has ever done and my rebuttal of the often fake news he posted about them from what he read (and believed!) from social media, and his lack of giving them zero credit for anything at all

It totally dominated the site.

So much so that Karly (who really runs the site) had had enough and wanted it to end.

Well Wanderlust was never going to stop posting his bitterness and I was never going to stop calling him out for it - so simply one or both of us had to leave the site.

I knew if I banned Wanderlust and remained posting I'd get shit from the usual suspects accusing me of all sorts of stuff, so I thought it best to fade into the background (at least until the site found its way forward again) and give the site a chance to become fun again without Wanderlust or myself getting in its way.

People don't want to read the bitterness that Wanderlust loves to wallow in and also clearly doesn't want to read me pulling him up and posting the facts that completely blows what he says out of the water.

They certainly don't want to read what Wanderlust posts thereafter attempting to wriggle out of accepting in any way that he had been wrong!

That how the site was and has been for a long time now unfortunately.

It was never going to change....

...until I took the decision to change it permanently by removing both Wanderlust and myself.

People have now got their wish.

The 'problem' has now been removed.

As Natasha says...

Natasha Whittam wrote:I hope the wanderlust ban is permanent because all he posts is misery. This used to be a fun place where you were guaranteed a bundle of laughs, and even the arguments were always full of tongue-in-cheek humour.

Wanderlust IS a massive misery and we have lost all the fun from the site from Brexit onwards.

By removing Wanderlust and myself - who let's face it seems to be public enemy number 1 on here simply for standing up and telling most of you the facts of the matter, when most of you had already made your minds and were completely going in the wrong direction!

For example I may have made your blood boil Cajun but I correctly stated to Wessy that the 45% tax cut was merely a sideshow and the issue was the other unfunded £42 billion of expenditure which brought down first the Chancellor then the Prime Minister of the country!

So yes, I often do actually know what I'm talking about.

Anyway as I've said, I will withdraw too and give the rest of you a clean slate to build the site back up again, if you want to.

Wanderlust can spout his warped views and bitterness someplace else, and I certainly don't need any form of validation as to who I am from people off social media (or anywhere else for that matter).

So there you have it.  The problem with the forum was perceived to be Wanderlust and I.

The problem has now been removed in its entirety.

People have finally got what they wished for.

Hopefully now the fun will flow back into the site.

I hope so anyway.

18BRING BACK LUSTY Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Mon Nov 07 2022, 09:25


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Crikey Sluffy, we didn’t need a book mate! 🤗

I didn’t just ask for Lusty to be returned, I want both of you back posting and I personally don’t have a problem with your head to heads, it’s entertaining. I think Lusty does post some shite and his constant fixation with demonising the Tory’s is tiresome but surely if that’s his view he’s entitled to it. You seem to take issue with the “cancel culture” tag but surely that’s what it is? It’s not like either of you abuse other posters verbally however combative the comments get so removing someone for their views is trying to stop them having their say, I.E. cancel culture. Come on,for the sake of the site, reinstate Lusty because I’m missing my main adversary and your correcting of him. Surely that in itself is fun but I do agree with you and even Nat, somewhat unbelievably, that we do need a bit more lightheartedness on here so both of you come back so we can make it happen. Let’s face it, it’s nearly the season of goodwill so show some. 😂🎉🎄

19BRING BACK LUSTY Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Mon Nov 07 2022, 09:30


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:

So much so that Karly (who really runs the site) had had enough and wanted it to end.

Jesus Sluffy! Don't put this spin on me.

I only wanted you to  stop berating him as it had gone way past boring.  Very Happy

20BRING BACK LUSTY Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Mon Nov 07 2022, 11:33



karlypants wrote:
Sluffy wrote:

So much so that Karly (who really runs the site) had had enough and wanted it to end.

Jesus Sluffy! Don't put this spin on me.

I only wanted you to  stop berating him as it had  gone way past boring.  Very Happy

Let us all face up to the reality of this.

I for my part am an honest and easy going person in real life - and I post as such on here.

I don't like lies and deceit and my professional career has basically encompassed just that as a Company Secretary - now more commonly known as a company Compliance Manager.

Here is a random Google link to a job profile for such a job if anyone is interested albeit I worked in the public sector.

I'm not stupid nor am I emotional, I fully understand people do tell lies and have their own agendas but basically, I'll inform people as to what things are in the areas to which I have many years specialist knowledge and let them go their own way after that.

I'm not here to change the world, if people don't want to check for themselves that something I have told them is true, then that's up to them and their own stupidity.

It is abundantly clear to all by now that Wanderlust has long standing personal issues which he is obsessive about.  It is also abundantly clear that he can't face up to being seen to be wrong.

We all know he is obsessive in his dislike to everything Tory so much so that it is pathological and not rational in nature.

The site is not a platform for his personal issues.

I've never censored anything he has ever said over the years, but I have repeatedly pointed out the flaws in his opinions either by providing links to facts that completely contradict him or shown him how his bias and prejudice has warped his reasoning on the things he posts.

This in turn has led him to be obsessed with me which leads him to abuse and troll me.

This doesn't bother me in the least, it makes me laugh at how sad he must be to do so in fact, but these obsessions of his - his hatred of everything Tory, his belief of anything on social media that supports his views (which is almost always fake news which he never bothers to verify the truth of first before posting) and his pathological obsessiveness not to be seen to be wrong/ wum/troll me - and simply not move on with his life have now come to detrimentally dominate the forum and have done for ages.

I have for long while asked him to 'get over' Brexit as we can't turn the clock back no matter how bad it will be for the country.

Failing his desire to move on, I have pleaded with posters on here who may be 'friends' of Wanderlust to have a quiet word with him and ask him for the good of the site to move on with his life, which again has not happened.

I then asked the other mods to intercede and basically do their job to put an end to this issue but that never materialised either.

I therefore took it on myself to start a rolling ban that ratcheted up by a day for every time it became clear and obvious that Wanderlust was deliberately trolling me - with the intent that he would sooner or later get the message into that head of his not to keep doing so.

However even that did not work, and the blindingly obvious conclusion was that this was never going to end until one or both of us left the site.

That point came with Karly's post a few days back asking Wanderlust and I to simply ignore each other.

That was never ever going to happen, would it?

Did anyone seriously think it could?

So that left me with no other choice other than to do what I did.

Clearly I would just have had most of you on my back if I continued posting after banning Wanderlust, so I've stepped away for a period in order to allow those that wish to post in peace on here without the ongoing issue that has dominated the site for months and years now.

What other solution could there have been?

I've asked you all to help bring this to an end and for Wanderlust to move on with his life but none of you did as such and Wanderlust has no desire to admit to himself that he's wasted years of his life being bitter and angry over something he has absolutely no control over and which has moved on without him and left him behind anyway!

What is the point of bringing Wanderlust back because he won't change and if he returns I will call out his bitterness and fake news as always - so nothing would have changed at all.

Of course you can bring back Wanderlust and ban me if you want but do you really want to read his misery, hatred and obsessions multiple times a day?

Maybe you do but seeing how only 63 responds to him anymore I doubt very much you actually do want to.

Anyway, it is up to you all to decide what you want to do but if you all want Wanderlust and I to return and believe things would now be different then I refer you to something Einstein once was supposed to have said.

'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results'.

Have a nice day everyone, even you too Wanderlust.

Nothing personal on my part.

(And you really do need to move on with your life).

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