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Mad Dog
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Ten Bobsworth
Natasha Whittam
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181BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 10 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Fri 10 Feb - 7:15


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Good to see you back Wander Smile

182BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 10 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Fri 10 Feb - 10:06


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

karlypants wrote:Good to see you back Wander Smile
I'm not mate, especially whilst I continue to see "Sorry, but the administrator has prevented you from sending private messages."

I guess "the administrator" has been reading the "private" messages Smile

183BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 10 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Fri 10 Feb - 11:36


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

wanderlust wrote:
I'm not mate, especially whilst I continue to see "Sorry, but the administrator has prevented you from sending private messages."

I guess "the administrator" has been reading the "private" messages Smile
Lusty, just let bygones be bygones, unanimously on here everybody asked Sluffy to allow you back and he has (cheers Sluffy) and I’m sure private messages will follow. No reason we can’t both visit WW as well although let’s face it attempting to have a rational and half intelligent discussion on any subject on there is nigh on impossible with “the cabal” only interested in insults and abuse rather than reasoned arguments. How is the Tory government doing?? 🥴😉

184BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 10 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Fri 10 Feb - 13:25

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:unanimously on here everybody asked Sluffy to allow you back

A big fat lie.

185BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 10 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Fri 10 Feb - 16:33


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Is that Lusty The Lion ?

186BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 10 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sat 11 Feb - 14:06


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Natasha Whittam wrote:

A big fat lie.
Obviously I meant everybody that matters. 🤔

187BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 10 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sat 11 Feb - 14:28


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha will you please change your avi. You are looking like a sex doll that’s waiting for cock!

188BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 10 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sat 29 Apr - 21:04


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Wanderlust and sluffys hatred for each other got boring years ago. But the site went to the dogs long before that. It was around the time boring old wokies like okocha, wessy and Finlay turned up, they absolutely killed the banter the likes of myself, Scott, norpig, bonce, bread man, Nat, angry dad, Magoo and many others partook in. All good things come to an end I suppose. 

The powers that be should make me sole owner of the site, I’ll bring back the big dogs and eliminate the pests. Michael Bolton is already on board should my plan go through

189BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 10 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun 30 Apr - 11:25


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Boggersbelief wrote:Wanderlust and sluffys hatred for each other got boring years ago. But the site went to the dogs long before that. It was around the time boring old wokies like okocha, wessy and Finlay turned up, they absolutely killed the banter the likes of myself, Scott, norpig, bonce, bread man, Nat, angry dad, Magoo and many others partook in. All good things come to an end I suppose. 

The powers that be should make me sole owner of the site, I’ll bring back the big dogs and eliminate the pests. Michael Bolton is already on board should my plan go through
Welcome back Boggers, hope Michael Bolton brings his big suitcase with him if he comes back  Very Happy

190BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 10 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun 30 Apr - 11:52

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Good to hear from you Boggers.

Sadly the people running the site have decided to simply copy & paste the Bolton News. Absolutely bonkers in my opinion, it's killed the site.

Enjoy the site while you can.

BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 10 Ssh-copy-paste

191BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 10 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun 30 Apr - 13:21


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Perhaps we should all put more effort into posting more threads?

192BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 10 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun 30 Apr - 14:13

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:Perhaps we should all put more effort into posting more threads?

What's the point?

You get a thread going and then KP comes along and posts 12 videos from BWFC social media informing us the team are "going to give their all" and "will learn from their mistakes" followed by 33 bits of "news" from the BN site telling us about Kyle Dempsey's favourite pair of socks.

I go on a lot of football forums and I've never seen this level of "news" anywhere.

The "news" needs to be ditched completely, it's sucking the life out of the site.

Mods posting one original thread a day would be far more beneficial to the site than 40 copied threads.

193BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 10 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun 30 Apr - 14:49


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:
Norpig wrote:Perhaps we should all put more effort into posting more threads?

What's the point?

You get a thread going and then KP comes along and posts 12 videos from BWFC social media informing us the team are "going to give their all" and "will learn from their mistakes" followed by 33 bits of "news" from the BN site telling us about Kyle Dempsey's favourite pair of socks.

I go on a lot of football forums and I've never seen this level of "news" anywhere.

The "news" needs to be ditched completely, it's sucking the life out of the site.

Mods posting one original thread a day would be far more beneficial to the site than 40 copied threads.

Time for other mods or someone completely new to step up then as I’m out!

194BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 10 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun 30 Apr - 18:15



karlypants wrote:
Natasha Whittam wrote:
Norpig wrote:Perhaps we should all put more effort into posting more threads?

What's the point?

You get a thread going and then KP comes along and posts 12 videos from BWFC social media informing us the team are "going to give their all" and "will learn from their mistakes" followed by 33 bits of "news" from the BN site telling us about Kyle Dempsey's favourite pair of socks.

I go on a lot of football forums and I've never seen this level of "news" anywhere.

The "news" needs to be ditched completely, it's sucking the life out of the site.

Mods posting one original thread a day would be far more beneficial to the site than 40 copied threads.

Time for other mods or someone completely new to step up then as I’m out!

Well that is the end of the site if you do Karly because people only come to here for three reasons and those are they which I rank in the order I believe are most popular.

The first is to read what little there is posted on here - and that is mainly the everyday threads from the Bolton News, which most people (including myself) wouldn't see otherwise because we live away from Bolton.

Yes of course we could subscribe to the Bolton News to view it ourselves and although it may be a couple of pounds per month to do so, it isn't worth it to us - in my case I left Bolton 40 years ago and the only interest I still have is of the clubs news - and frankly Iles articles aren't even worth that to me.

I'll read them for free if they are posted up though.

The second is for Radio Nuts.

And lastly for the thoughts and views of the few who are left who still bother to post on here.

There's simply no longer enough people left posting to make that the foremost reason for viewing here as it once use to be.

Frankly we destroyed the site ourselves with all the fake accounts, hated (Brexit, Anderson, Tory Party...) and deliberate winding up, trolling and pointless arguments that others didn't want to read on here.

No one else will step up to fill your shoes Karly as no one else cares as much about the site as you do.

If you really feel as though you come to the end of the road then it is a big thank you and a debt of gratitude that you are owed by me and everyone else who as enjoyed Nuts and your massive and outstanding contribution to it since you joined us on here.

To Natasha all I can say is to remind you of the saying 'be careful what you wish for lest it come true'.

It seems your wish may well be granted soon...

...but it also may well be the final nail in the coffin for the site when it does...

Who the hell will be bothered coming to Nuts when there is only about three new posts a day to read?

195BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 10 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun 30 Apr - 18:28


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:
karlypants wrote:
Natasha Whittam wrote:
Norpig wrote:Perhaps we should all put more effort into posting more threads?

What's the point?

You get a thread going and then KP comes along and posts 12 videos from BWFC social media informing us the team are "going to give their all" and "will learn from their mistakes" followed by 33 bits of "news" from the BN site telling us about Kyle Dempsey's favourite pair of socks.

I go on a lot of football forums and I've never seen this level of "news" anywhere.

The "news" needs to be ditched completely, it's sucking the life out of the site.

Mods posting one original thread a day would be far more beneficial to the site than 40 copied threads.

Time for other mods or someone completely new to step up then as I’m out!

Well that is the end of the site if you do Karly because people only come to here for three reasons and those are they which I rank in the order I believe are most popular.

The first is to read what little there is posted on here - and that is mainly the everyday threads from the Bolton News, which most people (including myself) wouldn't see otherwise because we live away from Bolton.

Yes of course we could subscribe to the Bolton News to view it ourselves and although it may be a couple of pounds per month to do so, it isn't worth it to us - in my case I left Bolton 40 years ago and the only interest I still have is of the clubs news - and frankly Iles articles aren't even worth that to me.

I'll read them for free if they are posted up though.

The second is for Radio Nuts.

And lastly for the thoughts and views of the few who are left who still bother to post on here.

There's simply no longer enough people left posting to make that the foremost reason for viewing here as it once use to be.

Frankly we destroyed the site ourselves with all the fake accounts, hated (Brexit, Anderson, Tory Party...) and deliberate winding up, trolling and pointless arguments that others didn't want to read on here.

No one else will step up to fill your shoes Karly as no one else cares as much about the site as you do.

If you really feel as though you come to the end of the road then it is a big thank you and a debt of gratitude that you are owed by me and everyone else who as enjoyed Nuts and your massive and outstanding contribution to it since you joined us on here.

To Natasha all I can say is to remind you of the saying 'be careful what you wish for lest it come true'.

It seems your wish may well be granted soon...

...but it also may well be the final nail in the coffin for the site when it does...

Who the hell will be bothered coming to Nuts when there is only about three new posts a day to read?

Thanks Sluffy although I'm not going anywhere yet. It was a flippant reply to Natasha moaning about things here. Smile

Perhaps Natasha should stop moaning and create some content here for people to enjoy?

196BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 10 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun 30 Apr - 18:42

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

KP, don't take it personally, I love you, but the "news" dilutes the site. There are so many articles lifted from the BN that it's hard to see the few original threads that get started.

I can only speak for myself, but I can't be arsed starting a new thread because I know in a few hours it'll be halfway down the page and lost amid the "news".

Plus, are you 100% sure it's legal to post paid content for free without permission?

197BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 10 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun 30 Apr - 18:50


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:KP, don't take it personally, I love you, but the "news" dilutes the site. There are so many articles lifted from the BN that it's hard to see the few original threads that get started.

I can only speak for myself, but I can't be arsed starting a new thread because I know in a few hours it'll be halfway down the page and lost amid the "news".

That's why most content I post goes in the News section. The odd articles every week get posted in the Banter section to try and provoke debate.

I would love the forum to be back how it was with members chatting and larking about but I just have no idea how to get this back.

Plus, are you 100% sure it's legal to post paid content for free without permission?

I haven't been sued yet and the site hasn't had a cease and desist aknowledgement yet but on the flip side I am providing them with free advertisement by way of my source link so it works both ways IMO. Smile

198BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 10 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun 30 Apr - 19:30

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

karlypants wrote:That's why most content I post goes in the News section. The odd articles every week get posted in the Banter section to try and provoke debate.

Fair enough, but surely a better way to provoke debate would be to tell the story in your own words and ask a question.

Dempsey prefers 100% woollen socks in black, what is your preferred sock?

Bonce would be all over that.

199BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 10 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun 30 Apr - 19:53



Natasha Whittam wrote:Plus, are you 100% sure it's legal to post paid content for free without permission?

My understanding is that it is legal to do so IF the intention is that its use is for debate AND that the source is ALWAYS quoted.

(That's why I've always insisted on here that anything we use as copy and paste on to here is ALWAYS linked to and shown - and we have always done this as standard right from the very start of the forum).

Exceptions to copyright

Criticism, review and reporting current events

Fair dealing for criticism, review or quotation is allowed for any type of copyright work. Fair dealing with a work for the purpose of reporting current events is allowed for any type of copyright work other than a photograph. In each of these cases, a sufficient acknowledgement will be required.

As stated, a photograph cannot be reproduced for the purpose of reporting current events. The intention of the law is to prevent newspapers or magazines reproducing photographs for reporting current events which have appeared in competitor’s publications.

In respect of pictures we are not a competitor of the Bolton News and we are not a commercial site.

If anything we are simply extending the BN reach and wish to encourage anyone to follow the links to the BN provided to view BN and read about everything else in the paper as we only sample the football articles and occasionally nostalgia ones of bygone Bolton.

Last edited by Sluffy on Sun 30 Apr - 19:55; edited 1 time in total

200BRING BACK LUSTY - Page 10 Empty Re: BRING BACK LUSTY Sun 30 Apr - 19:55


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

The place needs a massive shake up. Someone with a pair of bollocks to step in and bring back the glory days. This forum is in the days of Megson, Sammy Lee and Ken Anderson and we all know how that was panning out until Sharon Brittan stepped in. 

I believe I am that person to steady the ship, turn the tables and show season on season improvement. I am the Ian Evatt of Bolton Nuts. As I have said I have some big name signings already on board. A complete revamp of the forum in mind. We’ve already got Harvesters booked for the Christmas do, there are even talks to set up charity boxing fights with me and Norpig headlining the card.

I’ll let this idea slowly simmer away and build momentum.

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