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Bonce's own personal thread. Volume X

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Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I've now been asked to rate them on the app. Razz


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Question Of Sport has been binned by the BBC.

Thank god it's been put out of its misery.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Horrible. Humanity so disappointingly ignorant.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Well, that's the end of another kitchen roll.
I take the cardboard tube off the stand.........and blow down it.
I bet you lot do it. I've always done it. Can't help it.
Just once I'd like to just chuck it in the bin, without first butchering the finale of Mahler's seventh symphony.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Had to get up at 1.30am this morning to find the wheelie bins.I could hear them blowing about in the gale so ventured out in my jammies and a pair of wellingtons.
Winds are gathering speed again as I type.
Bonce's own personal thread. Volume X - Page 45 Screen-Shot-2014-07-08-at-181158


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

ssuing Authority has been declared to run in the following race:

Saturday 23 December
12.20 Haydock (Racing TV) Beginners' Chase (Class 3) 2m+

There are three runners and James Bowen is booked to ride. 

Nicky Henderson says that Issuing Authority has come on from his first run of the season at Exeter. He says that James Bowen was keen to drop him back in trip and whilst he's slightly concerned about the expected heavy ground, he hopes for a good run. 

Three horse race, so not a betting proposition.

I guess Haydock could well be called off if the weather is really foul again.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Cajunboy wrote:ssuing Authority has been declared to run in the following race:

Saturday 23 December
12.20 Haydock (Racing TV) Beginners' Chase (Class 3) 2m+

There are three runners and James Bowen is booked to ride. 

Nicky Henderson says that Issuing Authority has come on from his first run of the season at Exeter. He says that James Bowen was keen to drop him back in trip and whilst he's slightly concerned about the expected heavy ground, he hopes for a good run. 

Three horse race, so not a betting proposition.

I guess Haydock could well be called off if the weather is really foul again.
Three horse races are never much value, but I'll sometimes throw a fiver on the complete outsider.
I rarely make any money of the Christmas and new year.
Mind you, I rarely make any money the rest of the year either. Crying or Very sad


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

What?  scratch


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Thank god we're not at home today.

Bonce's own personal thread. Volume X - Page 45 Ea588a17ddd209d05ad2d8d514361272_400x400


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sad to learn that 'The Wanderer' podcast is no more. Crying or Very sad


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:Sad to learn that 'The Wanderer' podcast is no more. Crying or Very sad

Yes me too, I did enjoy the weekly podcast. Guess I’ll have to try one of she others see what they are like.



BoltonTillIDie wrote:
boltonbonce wrote:Sad to learn that 'The Wanderer' podcast is no more. Crying or Very sad

Yes me too, I did enjoy the weekly podcast.  Guess I’ll have to try one of she others see what they are like.

Each to their own and all that but I thought it was absolutely dreadful, or at least the podcasts that I suffered through were.

For balance I think the same of Iles 'The Buff' podcast too.

(To give credit to Iles though I assume he does his for free whilst equally assume Dearden, Tetlow and the other bloke get some payment from BBC Radio Manchester?).

Not sure (or bothered) why they are packing in The Wanderer but you would think (well I would!) that they would not stop doing it halfway through the season???

If it is BBC Manchester cutting the budget, then I would have thought Dearden and the other radio journalist, would have enough knowledge and contacts to carry it on themselves as a podcast and continue it on (with Tetlow) away from BBC Manchester and put it 'out there' on social media as Iles does with his podcast.

I'm no expert but I doubt they need to all turn up at a recording studio to do this sort of thing, presumably they could all link up from their homes online and video chat (or whatever is the correct terminology).

If it was because of Dearden's age or health then I'm sure they could have got plenty of replacements in to take his place - I would have gone for Wanderlust myself (stop it, I am being serious!) he's opinionated, talks bollocks a lot, believes in what he says and tells whoppers at times - all of which would get a reaction from an audience - which after all is what people want to hear (and join in with!).

The more I type my thoughts the more I'm convinced that Dearden and the other two probably were in it for the weekly fees they probably got for doing it, otherwise why not carry the podcast on at least until the end of the season, especially that we have a whole month of transfer news to talk about then a weekly count down to a season that probably will see us promoted or at the very least in the playoffs again!

Wouldn't genuine podcasters not want to do that, it's not like there isn't loads of positive things to talk about and we aren't playing boring football or getting battered every week - so people won't drift away as the season builds to a climax.

Anyway and fwiw if you really need the views and opinions of Dearden, Iles, etc to guide and enlighten your thinking of what's going on at the club on and off the pitch, then God help you!!!


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Not sure (or bothered) why they are packing in The Wanderer but you would think (well I would!) that they would not stop doing it halfway through the season???

I have found this rather odd as well.

The podcast obviously didn’t have the following they hoped at all?


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I believe it’s been scrapped by the BBC they have mentioned that they may come back in another form. Put a sponsor on there and use Acast and they could easily resurrect it. Sounds like they were surprised as much as we were, especially with it being mid-season.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

BoltonTillIDie wrote:I believe it’s been scrapped by the BBC they have mentioned that they may come back in another form.  Put a sponsor on there and use Acast and they could easily resurrect it.  Sounds like they were surprised as much as we were, especially with it being mid-season.
I know it wasn't the greatest podcast out there, but with talkSport and the BBC and Sky obsessed by the Prem, any Wanderers content was music to my ears.
Not a big fan of the Buff podcast, but it'll fill a spot.



BoltonTillIDie wrote:I believe it’s been scrapped by the BBC they have mentioned that they may come back in another form.  Put a sponsor on there and use Acast and they could easily resurrect it.  Sounds like they were surprised as much as we were, especially with it being mid-season.

Why would they need a sponsor?

Surely they can do these things for free, or at least for little cost?

It's not like Dearden, Tetlow and the other bloke aren't short of a penny or two if they really wanted to continue with it.

I'm getting the impression that BBC Manchester were paying them something for doing the podcasts (I'm not talking a fortune let's say £40 each per podcast) and the BBC funding has been cut back and this podcast has been cut accordingly.

You'd think (or I would) that if their hearts were truly in it, then they would just carry on doing the podcast for free and stick it on Apple or wherever it is they send them to, and carry on doing it for the love of it.

I'd even say to BBC Manchester that I would work for free until the end of the season doing the podcasts, if it was the money that was the issue to them?

I mean it isn't like they are good at it, it's not as though people would want to pay to hear them (God help them if they do!), they are just three people with their own views and opinions - not as though they have skills, expertise, inside knowledge or anything else that people would want to pay to learn something from.

Similar to Iles and his mate and they don't charge for their podcast (at least I don't think they do?) as far as I know Iles just does it for fun and his own enjoyment - fair play to him if that is so.

I just see it as a bit like Nuts is to me, we started this for a bit of fun, paid for it for years from our own pockets and never looked to make anything from it and if it got to the point of shutting Nuts down then I'd like to think I would keep it going the best I could until the end of that season and not just walk away from it in the middle of one - especially a season with more than a fair chance of being promoted at the end of it!

I just don't get why Dearden and Tetlow and the other bloke would simply walkaway midway through the season from the podcast if they weren't true fans who have simply been doing the podcast for the love of it?

Dearden and the other bloke are radio presenters, so must know people who have the knowledge to set them up doing the podcast from home for next to nothing and they simply carry on with doing it and stick it on Facebook or YouTube or wherever these things are uploaded to for people to see and/or hear.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Every man and his dog seems to have a podcast since the pandemic, so I'm sure Dearden and his chums could put something together.
They did say, as they ended the final show to 'watch this space', so maybe there's something in the pipeline.



boltonbonce wrote:Every man and his dog seems to have a podcast since the pandemic, so I'm sure Dearden and his chums could put something together.
They did say, as they ended the final show to 'watch this space', so maybe there's something in the pipeline.

I guess it is all about what their motives for doing the podcasts are and how motivated they are in continue doing them.

I assume one of them had the idea, BBC Manchester backed it and everything was laid on for them and they got a bit of pocket money for their troubles.

I don't listen to Radio Manchester and always thought it was odd to have a show on Bolton whilst there are a number of other clubs too in their broadcasting area.

Why would say Wigan or Stockport fans want to tune in to listen to it, let alone United and City supporters?

I can't imagine the viewing figures have ever been high for the show.

So if everything is not laid on for them would they still be bothered to arrange things and sort stuff out themselves - Dearden and Tetlow don't seem to me to be that sort, they are more used to others doing all the hard work behind the scenes than doing it themselves, I suspect.

Maybe if the other bloke is prepared to do all that stuff, if so then perhaps they would reform and carry on again, but then you get the question of how much they still want to do it.

It's one thing having a show on BBC Radio, it's another if it's on 'Acast' - I for one have never heard of Acast before BTID post above and have absolutely no idea how to listen to the podcast if it was put on there - I suspect Dearden and Tetlow may be the same and more importantly those who listen to the podcast on Radio Manchester are probably more likely to be older and more traditional listeners like me than younger 'and more with it' Acast listeners.

So the question then becomes are they doing the podcasts simply for the love of doing so or are they after something in terms of recognition (and praise and appreciation) from others?

I suspect Dearden and Tetlow like being the centre of attention and being talked about - maybe my impression of them is wrong though?

Who knows?

I don't really care if they return or not - I won't be listening either way, I suspect they probably won't be though because when we've had troubles with Nuts in the past (and we have) we've immediately got together and talked about solutions and ways around the problems and I would have expected them to have done the same and talked about what they are going to do to make next weeks podcast and not be talking about looking for sponsors and 'watch this space' comments.

The show must go on as they say but it seems from what's been said there doesn't seem to be any immediate thoughts or plans from them on how to make next weeks podcast, does there?


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:

I guess it is all about what their motives for doing the podcasts are and how motivated they are in continue doing them.

I assume one of them had the idea, BBC Manchester backed it and everything was laid on for them and they got a bit of pocket money for their troubles.

I don't listen to Radio Manchester and always thought it was odd to have a show on Bolton whilst there are a number of other clubs too in their broadcasting area.

Why would say Wigan or Stockport fans want to tune in to listen to it, let alone United and City supporters?

I can't imagine the viewing figures have ever been high for the show.

So if everything is not laid on for them would they still be bothered to arrange things and sort stuff out themselves - Dearden and Tetlow don't seem to me to be that sort, they are more used to others doing all the hard work behind the scenes than doing it themselves, I suspect.

Maybe if the other bloke is prepared to do all that stuff, if so then perhaps they would reform and carry on again, but then you get the question of how much they still want to do it.

It's one thing having a show on BBC Radio, it's another if it's on 'Acast' - I for one have never heard of Acast before BTID post above and have absolutely no idea how to listen to the podcast if it was put on there - I suspect Dearden and Tetlow may be the same and more importantly those who listen to the podcast on Radio Manchester are probably more likely to be older and more traditional listeners like me than younger 'and more with it' Acast listeners.

So the question then becomes are they doing the podcasts simply for the love of doing so or are they after something in terms of recognition (and praise and appreciation) from others?

I suspect Dearden and Tetlow like being the centre of attention and being talked about - maybe my impression of them is wrong though?

Who knows?

I don't really care if they return or not - I won't be listening either way, I suspect they probably won't be though because when we've had troubles with Nuts in the past (and we have) we've immediately got together and talked about solutions and ways around the problems and I would have expected them to have done the same and talked about what they are going to do to make next weeks podcast and not be talking about looking for sponsors and 'watch this space' comments.

The show must go on as they say but it seems from what's been said there doesn't seem to be any immediate thoughts or plans from them on how to make next weeks podcast, does there?
Probably a limited audience at best, for The Wanderer. A few old farts like myself might listen in, but it was never gonna storm the charts.
I really miss the old football papers. I'd get The Buff, and dad got The Football Pink. Happy days.

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