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Russell Brand - the latest sex pest?

Ten Bobsworth
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Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

He was brilliant on Big brothers Big Mouth back in the day. “You Swines!”


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

He's never been brilliant, but he has always been an  obnoxious arrogant twat!



Posted at 15:51
Met Police confirms report of alleged sexual assault from 2003
We've just received an update from London's Metropolitan Police.

A spokesperson for the Met said: “We are aware of reporting by The Sunday Times and Channel 4's Dispatches about allegations of sexual offences.

“On Sunday, 17 September, the Met received a report of a sexual assault which was alleged to have taken place in Soho in central London in 2003. Officers are in contact with the woman and will be providing her with support.

“We first spoke with The Sunday Times on Saturday, 16 September and have since made further approaches to The Sunday Times and Channel 4 to ensure that anyone who believes they have been the victim of a sexual offence is aware of how to report this to the police.

“We continue to encourage anyone who believes they may have been a victim of a sexual offence, no matter how long ago it was, to contact us.”

Met Police refers to 2003 allegation, a different year from those so far reported
The new Met Police statement appears to refer to a fresh allegation, not previously reported.

The allegations reported by Channel 4, the Times and the Sunday Times against Russell Brand were based on accounts from several women relating to incidents that were said to have taken place between 2006 and 2013.

The new police statement refers to an alleged sexual assault in 2003.

The Met statement does not identify the accused person, but says the report was made directly to them following the Sunday Times report and Channel 4 documentary about Russell Brand.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Mad Dog

Nicky Hunt
Nicky Hunt

That was awkward. I don’t like the guy either but it’s so obviously a witch hunt either by those who he outed for making billions in profit over the vaccine or by the woke liberal activists who he criticised for censoring free speech and cancelling if they oppose woke ideology. And that’s why I don’t support this witch hunt. 
You’ve got people like Farrage having their bank accounts closed and non stop abuse by these people tying to intimidate him to go away. 
You have Trump who they are trying to send to jail for doing far less than Hilary Clinton who got away without any sort of trial. 
You have JK Rowling being targeted and trying to be cancelled for her views on trans people. 
You have the BBC who say they will report people to the police if they criticise the trans weight lifter in the Olympics. 
You have Benjamin Mendy spend two years in jail only to be found not guilty of anything. 
You have the Spanish FA guy cancelled for kissing that woman, who was laughing and showing the pic to her team mates on the bus. 
If you jump on this bandwagon of wanting to see Brand cancelled you’re supporting these awful people trying to censor and cancel anyone if you aren’t a woke liberal loon.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I like the fact he came out and said he had a go on Meghan Markle.

There’s been no response from the super slapper yet! Very Happy


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Sluffy wrote:

There's a big difference between a 30 odd year old having sex with willing partners and having sex with women who say no and a 16 year old school girl.

I doubt the Times and C4 have gone public with all this unless they are 100% sure of their facts - particularly after that recent shambles by The Sun in respect of a similar story about Huw Edwards.
So you know all the facts do you? A 16 year old schoolgirl is legally able to have sex last time I looked and frankly some 16 year olds look and act much older anyway. I’m not saying it’s right but it’s not illegal. As for being raped, how do you know it wasn’t consensual? This is what a court will have to decide not you and I and the other usual jumpers on to things like this. He might well be guilty and a despicable character but in this country you’re innocent until proved guilty so let’s at least give the guy a chance to defend himself.



Whitesince63 wrote:
Sluffy wrote:

There's a big difference between a 30 odd year old having sex with willing partners and having sex with women who say no and a 16 year old school girl.

I doubt the Times and C4 have gone public with all this unless they are 100% sure of their facts - particularly after that recent shambles by The Sun in respect of a similar story about Huw Edwards.
So you know all the facts do you? A 16 year old schoolgirl is legally able to have sex last time I looked and frankly some 16 year olds look and act much older anyway. I’m not saying it’s right but it’s not illegal. As for being raped, how do you know it wasn’t consensual? This is what a court will have to decide not you and I and the other usual jumpers on to things like this. He might well be guilty and a despicable character but in this country you’re innocent until proved guilty so let’s at least give the guy a chance to defend himself.


Try reading what I wrote NOT what you think I wrote.

I never said sex with a consensual 16 year old was illegal - her claim is that a 30 odd year old bloke had groomed her!

I don't know if the rape claims were consensual or not - I said the women claimed they said NO.  Some even went to rape crises centres the following day and reported that they HAD been raped.

I've never said he was guilty.

For that matter Prince Andrew hasn't been found guilty either...

Nor Mason Greenwood...

Nor Tim Westwood...

Now I'll repeat again what I said originally...

It's one thing to have consensual sex but something else entirely if they say NO or if someone now believes they were groomed by someone twice their age when they were still at school and just 16 years old.

Now do you agree with what I've said - which seems like obviously fair and reasonable comment to me - instead of ranting to something that I clearly hadn't?



Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I have to say that I was a little confused at the same post you have pulled up 63 on.

It would have helped if you had made it a bit clearer for people on the 16 year old schoolgirl. Smile



karlypants wrote:I have to say that I was a little confused at the same post you have pulled up 63 on.

It would have helped if you had made it a bit clearer for people on the 16 year old schoolgirl. Smile


But I had done so already - the very first post on the thread!!! -

Sluffy wrote:A second woman alleges that Brand assaulted her when he was in his early 30s and she was 16 and still at school. She alleges he referred to her as "the child" during an emotionally abusive and controlling relationship.

The woman who said she was 16 when she first came into contact with Brand told the Times: "Russell engaged in the behaviours of a groomer, looking back, but I didn't even know what that was then, or what that looked like."

The woman who said she was 16 at the time she met Brand told the Times she took her allegations to his literary agent Angharad Wood, the co-founder of Tavistock Wood, owned by Curtis Brown, in 2020.

Tavistock Wood told the BBC: "Russell Brand categorically and vehemently denied the allegation made in 2020, but we now believe we were horribly misled by him. Tavistock Wood has terminated all professional ties to Brand."

Tavistock Wood obviously believed her...!!!


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:
karlypants wrote:I have to say that I was a little confused at the same post you have pulled up 63 on.

It would have helped if you had made it a bit clearer for people on the 16 year old schoolgirl. Smile


But I had done so already - the very first post on the thread!!! -

Sluffy wrote:A second woman alleges that Brand assaulted her when he was in his early 30s and she was 16 and still at school. She alleges he referred to her as "the child" during an emotionally abusive and controlling relationship.

The woman who said she was 16 when she first came into contact with Brand told the Times: "Russell engaged in the behaviours of a groomer, looking back, but I didn't even know what that was then, or what that looked like."

The woman who said she was 16 at the time she met Brand told the Times she took her allegations to his literary agent Angharad Wood, the co-founder of Tavistock Wood, owned by Curtis Brown, in 2020.

Tavistock Wood told the BBC: "Russell Brand categorically and vehemently denied the allegation made in 2020, but we now believe we were horribly misled by him. Tavistock Wood has terminated all professional ties to Brand."

Tavistock Wood obviously believed her...!!!

Fair enough! Very Happy


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse



I thought the following was a very interesting article and although it relates directly to Brand it actually gives a wider picture to what actual happens on social media in general - how it works and why the likes of Brand doesn't necessarily says his real views but the ones the earns him the most money!

It's a long article but briefly it explains how Brand's initial social media following was in social media terms, relatively puny - around 100,000 followers.

It all changed when he mentioned in passing a conspiracy theory story, the effect was instantaneous - that video received a million followers.

He noticed that and in his next video mention the conspiracy theory again but deliberately so this time - he got three million viewers this time!

From then on he's deliberately talked about all sorts of wacko stuff and his viewing figures are now well over six million a view.

Why has he done this, it's simple, he gets paid on viewing figures, which in turn beings advertisers flocking to sponsor him - kerching, kerching!!!

He's earning more for an hours video than what he gets from his 'comedy' tours if viewed on a hourly basis!

That is what social media is about and how it really works.

You go on to social media, your mates tell you about what someone tweeted or put out on youtube and you watch it and follow it because that's the sort of stuff you like and believe in.

Your social media company sees what you follow and flags up similar stuff that you may like, you go and watch that too.

After a while that is all you watch and follow, you don't look or believe in anything to the contrary, you may even start to pay folks like Brand for additional exclusive videos that non subscribers can see.

You become 'Confirmation Biased', you believe what you are fed because everyone else you know or follow, believes the same stuff too!

Honestly the article is well worth a read, well worth a few minutes of your time.

Russell Brand: How the comedian built his YouTube audience on half-truths


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

karlypants wrote:

Fair enough! Very Happy
No Karly it’s not fair enough. This is typical Sluffy and he was out of order with his first post and even more misguided with his last. Who the f—k are Tavistock Wood to make judgement. They’ve dropped him purely based on the bad publicity it will bring and nothing else. If it gets there only a judge and jury will have the decision to make on whether it was rape or not and as far as “grooming” is concerned it’s just a modern way to describe someone complimenting you. These girls may have been young and they may have been misled but they were stupid enough to get involved with a known, self confessed promiscuous older man. Where we’re the parents in all this and why has it taken 20 years for them to claim all this. Look, I have absolutely no time for this slimeball but like everybody else he has a right to a fair trial before he’s castigated.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

He should have been dropped by everyone after his appalling treatment of Andrew Sachs.

The chance was missed.

In passing, can someone explain to me his attraction? He looks like a scrotum with dentures.


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Sluffy wrote:I thought the following was a very interesting article and although it relates directly to Brand it actually gives a wider picture to what actual happens on social media in general - how it works and why the likes of Brand doesn't necessarily says his real views but the ones the earns him the most money!

It's a long article but briefly it explains how Brand's initial social media following was in social media terms, relatively puny - around 100,000 followers.

It all changed when he mentioned in passing a conspiracy theory story, the effect was instantaneous - that video received a million followers.

He noticed that and in his next video mention the conspiracy theory again but deliberately so this time - he got three million viewers this time!

From then on he's deliberately talked about all sorts of wacko stuff and his viewing figures are now well over six million a view.

Why has he done this, it's simple, he gets paid on viewing figures, which in turn beings advertisers flocking to sponsor him - kerching, kerching!!!

He's earning more for an hours video than what he gets from his 'comedy' tours if viewed on a hourly basis!

That is what social media is about and how it really works.

You go on to social media, your mates tell you about what someone tweeted or put out on youtube and you watch it and follow it because that's the sort of stuff you like and believe in.

Your social media company sees what you follow and flags up similar stuff that you may like, you go and watch that too.

After a while that is all you watch and follow, you don't look or believe in anything to the contrary, you may even start to pay folks like Brand for additional exclusive videos that non subscribers can see.

You become 'Confirmation Biased', you believe what you are fed because everyone else you know or follow, believes the same stuff too!

Honestly the article is well worth a read, well worth a few minutes of your time.

Russell Brand: How the comedian built his YouTube audience on half-truths
Sounds a bit like net zero Sluffy. Tell the lie big enough, for long enough  and bingo, confirmation bias and the mugs believe it. 😉


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:
Sounds a bit like net zero Sluffy. Tell the lie big enough, for long enough  and bingo, confirmation bias and the mugs believe it. 😉
You've just described Donald Trump. Razz


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:He should have been dropped by everyone after his appalling treatment of Andrew Sachs.

I Forgot about the shitbag doing this at him and quite agree. Shocked

The chance was missed.

In passing, can someone explain to me his attraction? He looks like a scrotum with dentures.


Last edited by karlypants on Thu Sep 21 2023, 20:10; edited 2 times in total



Whitesince63 wrote:Sounds a bit like net zero Sluffy. Tell the lie big enough, for long enough  and bingo, confirmation bias and the mugs believe it. 😉

It is how it works 63.

I bet you've not troubled you to have read the article have you?

I'll take a few quotes from it to show you what happens...

This is him from BEFORE

The first time Russell Brand really dipped his toe into the water of conspiracy theories, in early 2021, the effect was swift - a YouTube channel whose videos normally received about 100,000 views was suddenly visited by more than a million people. It won him a new income stream and a fresh army of fans.

At the time, Brand did not seem to be promoting that view [The Great Reset conspiracy theory].

"There are some people out there that believe in shady global cabals running things from behind the scenes. Now I don't believe that - I believe that there are plain visible economic interests that dominate the direction of international policy," he said.

This is what happened...

Nevertheless, the very mention earned his video more than a million views, compared with the average 100,000 to 200,000 his videos were getting at that time. His next video on the Great Reset was watched almost three million times.

This is him NOW

Subsequent video titles shouted: "The Great Reset is HAPPENING" and is "NOT a conspiracy!", each again racking up between one and three million views.

Words like "lie", "hid" and "exposed" began to appear more often in headlines.

His following on YouTube now stands at 6.6 million, alongside multimillion-strong followings on X, formerly known as Twitter, Instagram and TikTok.

Brand's coverage of wider politics, celebrity and relationships started to take a back seat.

A recent interview with Bear Grylls about surviving in the wild, more similar to Brand's old style, saw his viewing figures back down to 167,000 views.


The money comes rolling in from 6.6m people watching hyped up conspiracy claims...

"BOMBSHELL lab leak report," his YouTube grid now screams. "You've Been LIED To About Why Ukraine War Began". Scroll a little and, "Bill Gates Has Been HIDING This And It's ALL About To Come Out". The channel serves as a time capsule of Brand's latest persona, honed since the Covid pandemic.

The money does not come from the things he was doing for a decade before he started to manipulate mugs like you and millions of others, who simply want the stuff they read to be true and don't seek out real facts, opinions and analysis as evidenced by this...

6.6m viewers of conspiracy bollocks or 167,000 people watching an interview with a real bloke talking about things that he'd done in his life.

That is how the world is.

I can't change it, I can't even open your eyes to it but that is how it works.

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