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How is the Tory Government Doing?

Ten Bobsworth
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1How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Nov 17 2023, 10:13


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Shame so many Labour MPs didn’t listen to their constituents following the Brexit vote then isn’t it? It should be obvious to everybody now, especially after last nights fiasco where Palestinian protestors mobbed a Labour MPs office because she didn’t back the cease fire vote that things are going to worsen for labour. It seems that MPs and not just Labour ones, can listen to their constituents only when it suits them. It’s just another example of our immigrant friends and myopic youth flagrantly defying the democratic process. That’s understandable with those from the Middle East who never lived under a democratic system but it shouldn’t be tolerated if this country is to stay governable. Starmer can not afford to give in to those who defied the whip because doing so will only diminish both his own standing and that of Parliament generally.

It’s sad to see impressionable young Brits joining these protests yet refusing to condemn the atrocities perpetrated by Hamas or accept the fact that Hamas are intentionally using schools, hospitals and other public buildings to hide their command centres and tunnel entrances, which is the cause of so many civilian casualties for them to then use as propaganda. Yesterday a group of young Muslim school children were allowed to leave early in Bethnal Green to attend a protest march filmed singing antisemitic songs of from the river to the sea. This has only one meaning and I’m sure this is only the first of many such actions filling young Muslim children with the hatred of their elders. We stand back and use freedom of speech to allow this when every sane person knows this is unacceptable. As for Labour, how long before the growing Muslim communities elect their own MPs, which they are clearly doing more and more, who will stand as Independents before eventually forming their own party and what price Labour then?

2How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Nov 17 2023, 12:09



You do realise you are ranting at a news article and not me - my contribution was merely the introducing opening sentence?

It isn't that unusual for people to protest outside MP's office who didn't vote the way they wanted in Parliament nor kids to skip school - I myself had been known to be found queueing for tickets at Burnden in my school uniform along with hundreds of other kids from many other schools - its what kids do - didn't you?

I'm not sure why you think Starmer should 'give' in to those who defied the whip as the analysis above strongly suggests he wanted rid of them anyway (did you even read the article?)

As yet I don't believe the Israeli Defence Force has proved conclusively that Hamas has used schools and hospitals to hide their command centres, isn't that what they are trying to do at the moment unsuccessfully so far?

As for allowing freedom of speech, you do realise that if you stop that right to it for one group, then the  same power can (and will) then be used sooner or later against any group the political party in power at the time may not like - this was basically the reason why Braverman had to be sacked as it is a red line that no politician can cross in a true democracy.

Finally if you have a majority Muslim community, it seems reasonable that they want a Muslim MP to represent them - it isn't that much difference in blue collar areas electing Labour MP's or rich and well to do constituencies electing Conservative MP's, is it?

I don't believe the country is so radicalised yet as to elect a Taliban, ISIS, Hamas MP so I believe your fears to be unfounded.

I'm not being funny here with you 63 but can't you see that posts you make like this one reflects how extreme you political beliefs have come?

You aren't a political centralist holding the views you have, you aren't even a centre right Tory as you clearly are right of the Cameron's and Rishi's of the party, you are (whether you understand it or not - clearly not!) aligned with the hard right camp with the Libertarian looneys like Truss, Braverman, Patel, Raab and their disciples such as Rees-Mogg, Deloris, Anderson, etc.

Not the best company to wish to be in I suggest...

3How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Nov 18 2023, 20:52


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

4How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Nov 22 2023, 11:38


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Sluffy wrote:You do realise you are ranting at a news article and not me - my contribution was merely the introducing opening sentence?

It isn't that unusual for people to protest outside MP's office who didn't vote the way they wanted in Parliament nor kids to skip school - I myself had been known to be found queueing for tickets at Burnden in my school uniform along with hundreds of other kids from many other schools - its what kids do - didn't you?

I'm not sure why you think Starmer should 'give' in to those who defied the whip as the analysis above strongly suggests he wanted rid of them anyway (did you even read the article?)

As yet I don't believe the Israeli Defence Force has proved conclusively that Hamas has used schools and hospitals to hide their command centres, isn't that what they are trying to do at the moment unsuccessfully so far?

As for allowing freedom of speech, you do realise that if you stop that right to it for one group, then the  same power can (and will) then be used sooner or later against any group the political party in power at the time may not like - this was basically the reason why Braverman had to be sacked as it is a red line that no politician can cross in a true democracy.

Finally if you have a majority Muslim community, it seems reasonable that they want a Muslim MP to represent them - it isn't that much difference in blue collar areas electing Labour MP's or rich and well to do constituencies electing Conservative MP's, is it?

I don't believe the country is so radicalised yet as to elect a Taliban, ISIS, Hamas MP so I believe your fears to be unfounded.

I'm not being funny here with you 63 but can't you see that posts you make like this one reflects how extreme you political beliefs have come?

You aren't a political centralist holding the views you have, you aren't even a centre right Tory as you clearly are right of the Cameron's and Rishi's of the party, you are (whether you understand it or not - clearly not!) aligned with the hard right camp with the Libertarian looneys like Truss, Braverman, Patel, Raab and their disciples such as Rees-Mogg, Deloris, Anderson, etc.

Not the best company to wish to be in I suggest...
Firstly Sluffy I’m happy to be in the same camp as all those CENTRE RIGHT politicians you’ve named because they at least fight to retain our British values. You on the other hand have been so brainwashed by the likes of the BBC, Sky and Chanel 4 in MSM that you simply don’t understand how far left you’ve been dragged.

As for most of the rest I’m not sure you even read my post properly but if you did completely failed to understand it. If you also fail to understand the growing threat of Islam in this country then there isn’t a discussion to be had. You presumably consider it fine that teachers have to live in hiding for fear of their lives or that in a recent survey 50% of teachers also fear physical harm if they discuss sensitive subjects with Muslim pupils.

My own Daughter in Law along with other teachers had to hide in a cupboard at her school in Darnell in Sheffield when it was attacked by knife wielding Muslim male parents after a child, totally without foundation, lied to his parents that he’d been propositioned by a male teacher. This is sadly not an isolated incidence by the way and yet you don’t see a threat? Get real you myopic. This is not far right, this is not racism, it’s the reality of our country today and unless people wake up to it, God knows what kind of a country our grandkids will inherit and all created by the likes of you.

5How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Nov 22 2023, 11:43


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:
Firstly Sluffy I’m happy to be in the same camp as all those CENTRE RIGHT politicians you’ve named because they at least fight to retain our British values. You on the other hand have been so brainwashed by the likes of the BBC, Sky and Chanel 4 in MSM that you simply don’t understand how far left you’ve been dragged.

As for most of the rest I’m not sure you even read my post properly but if you did completely failed to understand it. If you also fail to understand the growing threat of Islam in this country then there isn’t a discussion to be had. You presumably consider it fine that teachers have to live in hiding for fear of their lives or that in a recent survey 50% of teachers also fear physical harm if they discuss sensitive subjects with Muslim pupils.

My own Daughter in Law along with other teachers had to hide in a cupboard at her school in Darnell in Sheffield when it was attacked by knife wielding Muslim male parents after a child, totally without foundation, lied to his parents that he’d been propositioned by a male teacher. This is sadly not an isolated incidence by the way and yet you don’t see a threat? Get real you myopic. This is not far right, this is not racism, it’s the reality of our country today and unless people wake up to it, God knows what kind of a country our grandkids will inherit and all created by the likes of you.How is the Tory Government Doing? Oakhamnew2

6How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Nov 22 2023, 23:04



Whitesince63 wrote:Firstly Sluffy I’m happy to be in the same camp as all those CENTRE RIGHT politicians you’ve named because they at least fight to retain our British values. You on the other hand have been so brainwashed by the likes of the BBC, Sky and Chanel 4 in MSM that you simply don’t understand how far left you’ve been dragged.

As for most of the rest I’m not sure you even read my post properly but if you did completely failed to understand it. If you also fail to understand the growing threat of Islam in this country then there isn’t a discussion to be had. You presumably consider it fine that teachers have to live in hiding for fear of their lives or that in a recent survey 50% of teachers also fear physical harm if they discuss sensitive subjects with Muslim pupils.

My own Daughter in Law along with other teachers had to hide in a cupboard at her school in Darnell in Sheffield when it was attacked by knife wielding Muslim male parents after a child, totally without foundation, lied to his parents that he’d been propositioned by a male teacher. This is sadly not an isolated incidence by the way and yet you don’t see a threat? Get real you myopic. This is not far right, this is not racism, it’s the reality of our country today and unless people wake up to it, God knows what kind of a country our grandkids will inherit and all created by the likes of you.

My God!

And you truly believe you hold 'centre right' political beliefs and have just spouted all of that???


Look it is simple, you either respect how others live their life's or you force people to live their life's in a way that is acceptable to you.

You either allow them to have 'rights' to how they choose to live or you deprive them of those rights altogether.

If you want to to be part of the world then we have to allow the world and how people live in it, to be free to do so here, if you want to be isolated and alone and stay stuck in our past, then pull up the drawbridge and shut the world off from us.

Of course we need order and laws and there are plenty bad white folks as well as bad Asians and blacks.

Most folk though are alright some however are extreme and do want to bring in Shira Law and some simply write the stuff you have then claim they are moderates and centre rights.

W63 - you aren't, you aren't moderate right wing at all, not when you believe in the stuff you write about and how you think the likes of me are raving left wingers.

If you lived in America you'd be the one voting for Trump, storming the Capitol and wearing a MAGA hat!

7How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Thu Nov 23 2023, 12:34


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Crikey Sluffy, if you seriously believe all that crap you’re in more trouble than I thought. I could write a book of responses like you do, or post a legion of instances to support my view but it’s pointless because you’ve lost it pal. I’d encourage you to actually open your eyes to what’s happening because you are the one who’s stuck whilst the country around you is sinking under the weight of immigration. 

Look at what happened politically in Holland yesterday, in Italy recently, increasingly in France and even in Germany where people are finally waking up to the damage that mass immigration from Islamic countries is causing. Sadly most of our politicians and Media are like you stuck in myopia or refusal to accept the facts. In our own country the reform Party are now polling as high as 12% so I suppose they’re all extreme right wingers as well? You need to wake up pal instead of ignoring the growing problem.

8How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Thu Nov 23 2023, 14:28


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

9How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Nov 24 2023, 00:10



Whitesince63 wrote:Crikey Sluffy, if you seriously believe all that crap you’re in more trouble than I thought. I could write a book of responses like you do, or post a legion of instances to support my view but it’s pointless because you’ve lost it pal. I’d encourage you to actually open your eyes to what’s happening because you are the one who’s stuck whilst the country around you is sinking under the weight of immigration. 

Look at what happened politically in Holland yesterday, in Italy recently, increasingly in France and even in Germany where people are finally waking up to the damage that mass immigration from Islamic countries is causing. Sadly most of our politicians and Media are like you stuck in myopia or refusal to accept the facts. In our own country the reform Party are now polling as high as 12% so I suppose they’re all extreme right wingers as well? You need to wake up pal instead of ignoring the growing problem.

One of us is clearly bonkers 63.

You are of an age to remember Enoch Powell and his rivers of blood speech - basically about immigration - that was FIFTY FIVE YEARS ago - and black, whites and everybody else have lived in peace and harmony every day since haven't we?

If the Islamic threat is SO bad then why hasn't it become the predominant force in the world?

It's lived side by side for century's with India, the Muslim's have even had wars with the Hindu's but they only live on the fringes of that vast sub continent.

China has basically made slaves of the Muslim Uyghurs...

Uyghur genocide

...but the Islamic world has not called a Jihad against them have they - I wonder why...?

Yes there are plenty racists like you in the world - for that is what you are - who believe in white supremacy...

White supremacy

White supremacy is the belief that white people are superior to those of other races and thus should dominate them.[1] The belief favors the maintenance and defense of any power and privilege held by white people. White supremacy has roots in the now-discredited doctrine of scientific racism and was a key justification for European colonialism.

And yes there are some right nutters who are Islam extremists - such as IS and Hamas attack on the Israeli settlements...

BOTH sides are WRONG - we are all born equally (or should be).

As it happens I live near London and in a place with a high Muslim population and tonight I went out for some exercise to a nearby park and by chance there was a Pro-Palatine rally going on - was there a big turnout...?

There were about 30 maximum, although the 'brothers' were driving 'loops' around them along the road around the park (in their rented BMW's) to beep their horns in support every time they passed them.

It was quite funny and sad at the same time.

Funny because it was all contrived on the night, sad because of all the needless killings by both sides - why the need to hurt the innocents in all of this?

My point if you don't catch my drift 63 - and I'm sure you don't - is that most of us, the vast majority in fact, get along just fine with each other - it is only the nutjobs on each side that causes the problems.

The Reform Party is up to 12% of the voters now is it - wow!

But doesn't that also mean 88% of the voters wouldn't touch them with a bargepole?

I think it does you know...

And yes Geert Wilders did win most seats in the Dutch election but the next three largest political group winners have all said they won't go into coalition with him!

Thing is though you and the rest of your right-wing racist mates really are a 'loud' minority now and immigration is a hot topic across Europe (and America - build the wall - if you remember!) - and is pushing normal and sensible governments more towards the extreme right in order to stay in power.

The following is a fair analysis of the way the wind is blowing unnecessarily and unfortunately for the world we live in.

Geert Wilders says he wants to put the Netherlands first; to "give the Netherlands back to the Dutch". A similar refrain to Donald Trump's Make America Great Again or Italian PM Giorgia Meloni's cry of "Italy and the Italians first!"

He would join a chorus of voices at the leaders table, including Ms Meloni, taking a hard line on EU migration and asylum policies. Mr Wilders talks of a "migration tsunami".

But it would be too simplistic, I believe, to conclude Geert Wilders' election success shows far-right, hard-right, nostalgic nationalist, populist parties - there are so many labels, and this is not a one-size-fits-all debate - are "taking over Europe", as some commentators suggest.

Poland's Law and Justice Party just lost a general election. Spain's Vox Party failed to perform nearly as well as predicted in Spain's summer election. In the Netherlands, a joint ticket between Labour and the Greens performed well.

But migration, migration, migration, plus cost of living - pretty much wherever you look across Europe - are top priorities for voters.

In France, Marine Le Pen's National Rally party performed powerfully in parliamentary elections. Germany's far-right AfD is consistently in second and sometimes in first place in opinion polls. Austria's People's Party is buoyant once more too.

These parties are making their anti-immigration stance heard loud and clear. Even if they do not make it into government, they create political pressure and are pushing those seen as more mainstream parties (like Germany's Social Democrats in government, or Emmanuel Macron's Renaissance Party) further to the right on immigration and security issues.

This is a pattern you see across Europe.

10How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Nov 24 2023, 10:58


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Sluffy, I scanned briefly through your latest laborious post and picked out the usual guff about right wing, racist, rivers of blood and your ridiculous assertion that Muslims are happy to live harmoniously besides other religions, when most people know that all over the world many Muslims can’t even live in peace with other Muslims of different persuasions. It really is absolutely pointless discussing any of this with you because like the majority of the other brainwashed liberals like you, you just can’t accept the changes that are taking place around you. It’s a shame that previously intelligent individuals can continue to be so fooled by the media so please don’t bother responding again to my posts because you are so far away from the real facts that attempting to debate any points sensibly with you only results in you labelling me something that suits your demented attitude. Typical of todays MSM indoctrinated myopics.

11How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Nov 24 2023, 11:05


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

How is the Tory Government Doing? Oakhamnew2

12How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Nov 24 2023, 11:21


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Boncey, that's twice you posted that coat hook and i still don't understand? (Granted i am a stupid tugboat)

13How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Nov 24 2023, 11:23


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:Boncey, that's twice you posted that coat hook and i still don't understand? (Granted i am a stupid tugboat)
Everyone needs a hook to hang something on. However small the hook.

Just trying to help 63 out. Very Happy

14How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Nov 24 2023, 17:28


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

boltonbonce wrote:
Everyone needs a hook to hang something on. However small the hook.

Just trying to help 63 out. Very Happy
The only thing I need helping out on Bonce is how otherwise sensible people can’t accept the damage that increasing and unregulated immigration is doing to this country and especially by those whose religion and culture is totally incompatible with our own.

15How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Nov 24 2023, 18:18


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:
The only thing I need helping out on Bonce is how otherwise sensible people can’t accept the damage that increasing and unregulated immigration is doing to this country and especially by those whose religion and culture is totally incompatible with our own.
Yes, I hate Sundays. You can hardly move for Brits going to church.

16How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Nov 24 2023, 21:07


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

boltonbonce wrote:
Yes, I hate Sundays. You can hardly move for Brits going to church.
Ok I give up, it’s become impossible to engage in any kind of sensible dialogue on here. No wonder the sites dying.

17How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Nov 24 2023, 21:12


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:
Ok I give up, it’s become impossible to engage in any kind of sensible dialogue on here. No wonder the sites dying.
I'm amazed you expect sensible dialogue on here. We're not the Algonquin round table. Very Happy

18How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Nov 24 2023, 23:09

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Whitesince63 wrote:
The only thing I need helping out on Bonce is how otherwise sensible people can’t accept the damage that increasing and unregulated immigration is doing to this country and especially by those whose religion and culture is totally incompatible with our own.
'Otherwise sensible?' You cannot be serious.

19How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Nov 24 2023, 23:14



Whitesince63 wrote:Sluffy, I scanned briefly through your latest laborious post and picked out the usual guff about right wing, racist, rivers of blood and your ridiculous assertion that Muslims are happy to live harmoniously besides other religions, when most people know that all over the world many Muslims can’t even live in peace with other Muslims of different persuasions. It really is absolutely pointless discussing any of this with you because like the majority of the other brainwashed liberals like you, you just can’t accept the changes that are taking place around you. It’s a shame that previously intelligent individuals can continue to be so fooled by the media so please don’t bother responding again to my posts because you are so far away from the real facts that attempting to debate any points sensibly with you only results in you labelling me something that suits your demented attitude. Typical of todays MSM indoctrinated myopics.

So I'm wrong, the main stream media is wrong and the other 88% of the population who don't support the Reform Party is wrong also.

Don't you realise that puts you in a minority and on the fringes of society - the right  wing of the society actually, in other words the extreme right wing of it with the views you hold?

Yet in your world you believe yourself the be "centre right"?!?

They are the views of the racists, the hooligans, ultra nationalists - the people who vote Trump and stormed the Capitol, the thugs who rioted in Dublin the other day, the Putin's of this world.

Is that how you wish the world to be?

Clearly you do.

Fwiw I never claimed Muslims live in harmony with other religions - my point which yet again you miss, was the Islam has been around for centuries yet still hasn't been able to subsume other peoples or religions - even those on its own doorstep - and it was largely the Muslim nations and forces that defeated ISIS just a few years back - or had you forgotten?

My other point was that it is the minority extremes of both sides that cause the problems in the world NOT the majority - the majority of us live in peace with our neighbours and they with us.

So what are these 'real' facts you talk about - and if in your world there are 'real' facts then there must exist 'unreal' facts also - which can only mean by definition lies.

What lies have I been fed that you haven't, I suggest (without any disrespect intended) that my experiences and views of life and reality is more cosmopolitan than yours, having lived in London inner city environments for the last 40 years or so.

I've seen the good and the bad in people of all colours, creeds and religions, whilst you have clearly drawn up your drawbridge and preferred to stay in your 'little Britain' bubble that exists in myth only.

You remind me more and more of a modern day Alf Garnet with your rants.

Storm off and go post somewhere else then because you don't like to hear what the like of Bonce and I say on here...

Not much point you being on a forum at all if you don't intend to listen to other folks views that may disagree with yours, is there...?

20How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Nov 25 2023, 00:38


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I’m saying nothing …

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