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How is the Tory Government Doing?

Ten Bobsworth
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121How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 7 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Aug 03 2024, 09:42


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Sluffy wrote:

Sorry for the late reply, I saw your post at the time but had things to do and forgot about it until I clicked on the thread to post to video clip about Liz Truss below - quite funny and apt I thought.

Anyway, you are sort of right and wrong at the same time.

Yes Labour and Liberals won all those seats (many which are now marginals as you say) because the Conservative vote was split due to many Tory voters voting Reform.

However what sort of a deal (if any?) will the next Conservative leader make with Farage?

And if a deal is done would (moderate) tory voters, vote for extreme right wing polices?

I asked you not so long ago if you would vote Reform (after all, you are blindly following their polices albeit unknowingly) but you stated you would never vote for Reform!

Whether we like it or not the world is moving towards nationalism (eg MAGA), dismantling of government, anti-immigration and climate change denial polices on the one hand (Trumpism, Le Pen, Putin, etc, etc) or rejection of it and the fight to retain democracy, anti-authoritarianism, human rights and a civil, liberal, secular and free society.

Ukraine is fighting a war to save theirs right now, France/Macron gambled everything, called an election and won, to keep theirs, the country overwhelmingly rejected the Conservatives (blame Farage for that - he didn't have to have Reform candidates in every constituency - he did that in order to DEFEAT the Conservatives and gain power for himself - in order to tell them if you want a deal with me then you dance to my tune in future).

Even Biden went under the bus in an attempt to stop Trump.

Anyway a week is a long time in politics.  Five years ago I believed Boris majority of 80 seats would keep him in power for two terms - I never dreamt he could piss it all away due to his behaviour.  So who knows what the world will be like in 2029 and the next General Election.

One thing I will guarantee though, the climate will be that much more fucked five years and you can deny it as much as you want but the science proves beyond any doubt that the damage has already been done and won't be going back to how we've known it during our lifetimes.

Sluffy, the climate may well be hotter in 5 years but you need to tell that to the Chinese and Indians because according to your “experts” they’re the ones to blame and if they’re right the damage has already been done so why should they bother? As far as we’re concerned now we’ve got Super Ed fooking the economy with his mad cap net zero plans I think I’d rather worry about how we pay our ever increasing bills. 

I still believe that under Labour we are heading for such a cataclysmic crunch for this country with public unrest over immigration, law and order, energy prices and union strike activity that the current government will implode and that’s assuming we have no headwinds like Covid and Ukraine.

Whether the Tory’s can regroup and recover sufficiently and quickly enough I don’t know but it seems certain that they have to at least agree a way forward with Reform before any future election. Of course it will be difficult and I do see Farage back into the party as a part of any solution and I don’t see it as the stumbling block you do. For a start the Tory’s can forget about London because they’re so far behind there that major repair work needs to be done first.

They need to concentrate on a centre right position and resist calls for a move to the centre itself. They need to return to true Conservative values of honesty, the family, a work ethic, low taxation and good working public services. They need to be strong on limiting immigration and also on wiping out the ridiculous mantra of EDI which has infested both our private and public businesses and institutions. Cull the number of public employees and especially the civil service and NHS back rooms so responsible for the huge waste. Strengthen our defence and armed forces and most importantly lay out a clear path to move sensibly to net zero when physically, financially and efficiently capable of doing so.

Most importantly they need to understand that whilst immigration, the rise of woke and breakdown of the economy were important reasons people lost faith it was mainly down to dishonesty, lack of trust and a complete refusal to listen to what voters were telling them. I so far haven’t heard one Tory candidate accept that and until they do, apologise for it and mean it I don’t think it matters what else they do.

122How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 7 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Aug 03 2024, 14:51



You are totally indoctrinated - obviously you haven't a clue that you are - but you are.

There's not much point talking about global warming because you believe the right wing ideology over universal proven scientific fact.  They aren't 'my' experts stating global warming is 100% caused by burning fossil fuels - it is EVERY expert who is saying that apart from those 'owned' by the fossil fuel industries to say otherwise - they've been 'bought' in other words.

And fwiw China is actually in advance of it targets to go green.

As for this bit...

I still believe that under Labour we are heading for such a cataclysmic crunch for this country with public unrest over immigration, law and order, energy prices and union strike activity that the current government will implode and that’s assuming we have no headwinds like Covid and Ukraine.

...correct me if I'm wrong but didn't ALL of that was created under the Conservative government!

I think it did you know.

So how could you possibly hold Labour accountable for it all - they inherited it from Boris, Liz and Rishi!

Farage is in the same company as Trump and Putin with his ideology - sadly you believe in it to.

This ideology is not what you say your core beliefs are...

They need to concentrate on a centre right position and resist calls for a move to the centre itself. They need to return to true Conservative values of honesty, the family, a work ethic, low taxation and good working public services. They need to be strong on limiting immigration

...unfortunately then the Trump, Truss, Libertarian right-wing extremism  ideology has infiltrated your beliefs...

and also on wiping out the ridiculous mantra of EDI which has infested both our private and public businesses and institutions. Cull the number of public employees and especially the civil service and NHS back rooms so responsible for the huge waste.

...if I may oversimplify basically that means removing individual rights and privatising and politicising all government functions - the aim is to push down workers wages and terms and conditions and enrich the already rich by stripping away all forms of curbs on commerce and industry - Health and Safety, safe working practices, etc will go out of the window, minimum wages scrapped, and corruption bribery and cronyism will become the norm - see the definition of oligarchy.

plural noun: oligarchs

A very rich business leader with a great deal of political influence (particularly with reference to individuals who benefited from the privatization of state-run industries after the collapse of the Soviet Union).

Throughout history, power structures considered to be oligarchies have often been viewed as coercive, relying on public obedience or oppression to exist. Aristotle pioneered the use of the term as meaning rule by the rich, contrasting it with aristocracy, arguing that oligarchy was the perverted form of aristocracy.

And finally no politician who still has ambitions is never going to admit that they were ever wrong (unless they see an advantage for themselves in doing so!).

123How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 7 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Aug 03 2024, 16:12


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

You must be a politician then Sluffy because like them you never admit when you’re wrong. If your point about China wasn’t so obviously stupid it might actually be funny. They will use renewables only as much as it suits them and if gullible fools like you can’t see that whilst they burn more and more coal, oil and gas then there’s no hope for you. You’ve been so completely brainwashed you just can’t see the reality of what you’re saying. A bit sad really and arguably why we’re in the mess we are because that excuse for a Tory government was exactly the same which hopefully the next one won’t be? it’s pointless discussing this with you though because you’ve become so indoctrinated you’re incapable of seeing it.

124How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 7 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sun Aug 04 2024, 00:26



Whitesince63 wrote:You must be a politician then Sluffy because like them you never admit when you’re wrong. If your point about China wasn’t so obviously stupid it might actually be funny. They will use renewables only as much as it suits them and if gullible fools like you can’t see that whilst they burn more and more coal, oil and gas then there’s no hope for you. You’ve been so completely brainwashed you just can’t see the reality of what you’re saying. A bit sad really and arguably why we’re in the mess we are because that excuse for a Tory government was exactly the same which hopefully the next one won’t be? it’s pointless discussing this with you though because you’ve become so indoctrinated you’re incapable of seeing it.


Best laugh I've had in ages on here!

YOU calling ME indoctrinated!!!

Such irony!


125How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 7 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sun Aug 04 2024, 18:53


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Sluffy wrote:


Best laugh I've had in ages on here!

YOU calling ME indoctrinated!!!

Such irony!

The irony is Sluffy that you just can’t see it. Nobody’s arguing about climate change and nobody’s arguing about the need to move to renewable energy, nobody’s arguing that the world in general is changing and we have to adapt to it but what you just seem incapable of seeing is that all these changes, whether renewables or immigration have to be managed and done over time when both the capability, technology and finance is in place. The pace of implementation on both in the West is too fast whilst the likes of China and India refuse to speed up their switch meaning whatever we do is completely irrelevant. I feel sad for you Sluffy because you just can’t see you’re being taken for a ride on it all.

126How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 7 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sun Aug 04 2024, 19:26


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Tories making the same mistakes over and over as much as they seem incapable of identifying and recruiting anyone who is a worthwhile human being. 

Their words and attitudes reveal a nastiness or ineptitude that make them totally unappealing to most civilized members of society....hence the mockery they have to suffer in the media.

So out of touch with what is required of a modern political party. In most cases, their background and education do them no favours at all and they become easy targets for derision.

127How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 7 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Thu Aug 15 2024, 01:31



A bit childish but I thought this was funny - it looked like a poor amateur dramatics stage farce...

Old man - What's that?

Fat bloke with hands in pocket - I don't know where that's come from?

Liz the Lettuce (in her lettuce green dress) - THAT'S NOT FUNNY - (storms off stage)

128How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 7 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sat Sep 07 2024, 19:26


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

How anyone can defend horrendous self serving career politicians like Yvette Cooper is beyond me. She really is vile. 

Labour have settled in nicely to government standard practice. Never answer any questions. Break every manifesto promise and blame the last lot. Didn’t we just have 14 years of that.

129How is the Tory Government Doing? - Page 7 Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sun Sep 08 2024, 13:55



I'm not political but in seems fair comment from Labour, as they've had no say in running the country for the last 14 years, to say that the situation they have inherited from the Conservatives are indeed fault of the Tory government - whose else could they be?


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