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How is the Tory Government Doing?

Natasha Whittam
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1How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty How is the Tory Government Doing? Mon Sep 12 2022, 03:24



Apologies to all.

I had made a post on this thread and made a bit of a mess in what I was trying to say, so thought I'd delete my post and do it again - unfortunately I pressed the delete 'thread' rather than delete 'post' option.

I don't know if Karly or BTID can somehow retrieve it - fingers crossed they can.

This is what I had intended to have posted (less the tweets which I had somehow made a mess of posting up!).

You do realise that the quotes you made were just from Twitter don't you???

And fwiw she isn't touring anyway!!!

Liz Truss will not accompany King Charles on UK tour, says No 10

On Sunday, Downing Street moved to underline that Truss would only be attending services of reflection in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.

“The king is leading national mourning across the UK and the prime minister will join and attend the services,” a No 10 source said. “The PM is not ‘accompanying’ the king and it is not a ‘tour’. She is merely attending the services.”

First ministers of Scotland and Wales, Nicola Sturgeon and Mark Drakeford, as well Northern Ireland’s first minister designate, Michelle O’Neill, will attend the memorial events in their respective capitals.

Sorry to all once again.

2How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Mon Sep 12 2022, 05:43


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Don't worry about it, Sluffy, we've all pressed the wrong button in our time. As a kid I pressed every button I saw, much to my dad's consternation.
I also pushed all the books to the back of the library shelves. It gave me an odd feeling of pleasure. But that's another story.
And don't get any ideas about 'accidentally' deleting my own personal thread. Laughing

3How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Mon Sep 12 2022, 08:31


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

4How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Mon Sep 12 2022, 11:32


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

I think we all know what’s already been posted Sluffy so deleting it was no problem. In fact deleting certain contributors posts could be a blessing!! 😉 Only joking folks!

Since most of it was related to BoJo and his ills anyway and he’s now gone it’s actually probably a good thing to start a new government thread to see how the new “management” get on?

5How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Mon Sep 12 2022, 11:52



Whitesince63 wrote:I think we all know what’s already been posted Sluffy so deleting it was no problem. In fact deleting certain contributors posts could be a blessing!! 😉 Only joking folks!

Since most of it was related to BoJo and his ills anyway and he’s now gone it’s actually probably a good thing to start a new government thread to see how the new “management” get on?

Thanks everyone.

Just to make clear the 'whole' thread has NOT been lost - just the last few months of it.

What happens on this site is that 'long' threads are automatically 'edited' after something like 1000 posts and a new thread is started for the next 1,000 posts or so.

The previous 'segment' of this thread can be seen here with the last post being on the 2nd May 2022 -

6How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Mon Sep 12 2022, 14:12


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:I think we all know what’s already been posted Sluffy so deleting it was no problem. In fact deleting certain contributors posts could be a blessing!! 😉 Only joking folks!

Since most of it was related to BoJo and his ills anyway and he’s now gone it’s actually probably a good thing to start a new government thread to see how the new “management” get on?
Here's to the new "management"....Smile

How is the Tory Government Doing? 300485520_10229215491871383_6072394135487127628_n.jpg?stp=cp6_dst-jpg&_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5cd70e&_nc_ohc=19bInizPTRIAX9-nQe4&_nc_ht=scontent-man2-1
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7How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Mon Sep 12 2022, 14:17


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

How is the Tory Government Doing? 305566434_814571386639914_3703950681357208074_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p526x296&_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5cd70e&_nc_ohc=Pz4AbaXlxFcAX9vGUx1&_nc_ht=scontent-man2-1

8How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Mon Sep 12 2022, 19:06


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

wanderlust wrote:
Here's to the new "management"....Smile

How is the Tory Government Doing? 300485520_10229215491871383_6072394135487127628_n.jpg?stp=cp6_dst-jpg&_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5cd70e&_nc_ohc=19bInizPTRIAX9-nQe4&_nc_ht=scontent-man2-1
How is the Tory Government Doing? 305642458_10159196828889480_7902951973240916689_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s720x720&_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5cd70e&_nc_ohc=XYKLi5sh09UAX-39wKX&_nc_ht=scontent-man2-1
Top marks for the vino Lusty. Bordeaux very definitely my favourite and 2010 was a stellar year. Salut 😉

9How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Tue Sep 13 2022, 11:03


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

ONS has released some interesting figures on employment which reflect the aging population, the lack of incentive to find low paid work and the overall decline in productivity.

In the 3 months from May to July, the number of people who are "economically inactive" rose by a quarter of a million to over 9 million which is 21.7% of the working population.
Simultaneously, the number of job vacancies fell by 34 thousand AND the number of employed rose by an amount well below the forecast.

This unusual scenario suggests a combination of several factors including
* businesses closing down
* an increase in the number of people retiring but not being replaced i.e. the job ceases to exist
* a rise in students
* a rise in people classified as long-term sick
* a rise in young people giving up work and going to live off their parents

Set this against a slight reduction in the unemployment figures and it points to a further contraction in the economy.

In effect, at a time where we desperately need to increase GDP to meet the figures required to keep the country running and pay the rising interest on the massive debt accrued by the government, less people are working but rather than signing on and seeking another job they are taking early retirement, getting sick or becoming students etc. - which massages the unemployment percentage figures, but not the total number of people actually in work.

And with wage growth trailing inflation by a substantial margin, there is little incentive to get the country working again.
It sort of looks like a huge chunk of the British workforce is heading for the bunkers and hoping the deepening economic crisis will simply blow over - without their contribution.

10How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Wed Sep 14 2022, 22:25


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Seventy-five years since it obtained independence from the British Empire, India has overtaken Britain as the world’s fifth largest economy.
According to the International Monetary Fund, India’s economy in the closing days of Q1 2022 numbered $150bn bigger than the UK’s. In actual terms, India’s GDP is $3.53 trillion, compared to the UK’s $3.38 trillion.
IMF forecasts project this gap to widen in the years to come, with the gap between India and Britain to rise from $150bn to almost one trillion dollars by 2027.

On January 1st 2010 - the year the Tories came into government, the UK's GDP was $0.78 trillion ahead of India's. Just saying....

11How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Thu Sep 15 2022, 18:52


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

New management same old Tories, The new chancellors priority it would seem is to lift the cap on bankers bonuses, Whilst ringing there hands if god forbid someone asks for a cost of living rise. Not at all out of touch.

12How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Thu Sep 15 2022, 19:19


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

wessy wrote:New management same old Tories, The new chancellors priority it would seem is to lift the cap on bankers bonuses, Whilst ringing there hands if god forbid someone asks for a cost of living rise. Not at all out of touch.
Out of touch and out of the EU - who have unveiled plans for a 120 billion windfall tax on energy companies.
In addition, the French government who themselves own an energy company, have announced an energy bill cap that ensures nobody's bills will go up by more than 15% and are offering a direct payment to those struggling to pay.

Finally our government is free to make the rich richer and f*** over the workers and the poor without those meddling do-gooders in Europe getting in the way Smile

13How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Thu Sep 15 2022, 20:09



Whatever views you hold the simple fact is that the country voted THREE times for Brexit.

The first at the referendum.

The second at the following EU Elections - where the Brexit Party with Farage won the most seats, 29 (they held zero before the election) with Labour winning only 10 (they had a total of 20 seats entering the election)

The third was the 2019 General Election where the Conservatives won 365 seats a gain of 48 on the day and Labour won 202 seats a LOSS of 60 seats on the day.

No matter how much you want to continue to bitch about Brexit there is no doubt whatsoever that the great British public made their voice heard and voted again, and again, and again for a third time to leave the EU.

Get over it and move on, there is no going back, no matter how much you (or I) may want to.

14How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Sep 16 2022, 09:57


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Why on earth would anyone want to go back into the EU when they’re in worse trouble than we are? There has been nothing but one problem after another since Brexit and neither of the 3 most important and costly, Covid, Ukraine and energy supply were within the capability of any government to resist, so instead of moaning and complaining just accept reality.

15How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Sep 16 2022, 10:44


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:Why on earth would anyone want to go back into the EU when they’re in worse trouble than we are?
No they're not.

What on earth do you base that nonsense on White?

16How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Sep 16 2022, 12:42


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

wanderlust wrote:
No they're not.

What on earth do you base that nonsense on White?
Lusty, I can understand your total contempt for anything Tory and your feelings about Brexit but you need to cut your complete bias and everything wonderful EU, everything terrible UK mindset and open your bloody eyes for once. The current issues may have taken the eye off the ball for now of just how much trouble the EU is in but it will bite soon. I’m not going to bother listing them for you because if you can’t see them yourself then there’s no point. The EU is in serious serious Dodoo and we’re so lucky to be out of it.

17How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Sep 16 2022, 13:07


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:
Lusty, I can understand your total contempt for anything Tory and your feelings about Brexit but you need to cut your complete bias and everything wonderful EU, everything terrible UK mindset and open your bloody eyes for once. The current issues may have taken the eye off the ball for now of just how much trouble the EU is in but it will bite soon. I’m not going to bother listing them for you because if you can’t see them yourself then there’s no point. The EU is in serious serious Dodoo and we’re so lucky to be out of it.
There's no contempt for anything in my question other than for the statement you made White.
You're avoiding answering the question so I can only conclude that there is no factual basis whatsoever in your ridiculous claim.

Why is the UK economy suffering more than other countries?

18How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Fri Sep 16 2022, 18:54


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

wanderlust wrote:
There's no contempt for anything in my question other than for the statement you made White.
You're avoiding answering the question so I can only conclude that there is no factual basis whatsoever in your ridiculous claim.

Why is the UK economy suffering more than other countries?
As I said Lusty, absolutely no point entering into dialogue with you. 🙁

19How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sun Sep 18 2022, 06:46


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

20How is the Tory Government Doing? Empty Re: How is the Tory Government Doing? Sun Sep 18 2022, 10:26


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Biden cancelled his  meeting with Liz Truss and although government officials are refusing to comment on the reason for the cancellation, it is perhaps more than coincidence that her newly appointed CoS/most senior advisor Mark Fullbrook is the subject of an FBI investigation re bribing US officials and attempting to subvert democracy in Puerto Rico which is administered by the USA.

How is the Tory Government Doing? Liz-truss

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