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Donald Trump for President of the USA

Ten Bobsworth
Hip Priest
Natasha Whittam
Angry Dad
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Andy Walker
Andy Walker

boltonbonce wrote:Can you imagine the reaction of the Republicans and Fox News, had Obama made that speech?
Lindsay (two-faced FLIP FLOP MAN) Graham, now wants to impeach Hilary Clinton and Kamala Harris.  

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham used to be dismissive of Donald Trump—like other Republicans who thought Candidate Trump was a flash in the pan, an aberration to be laughed off or ridiculed. In 2015, Graham appeared on the channel he’s called “fake news,” CNN. “There’s only one way to make America great again,” he said. “Tell Donald Trump to go to hell.”
As Trump’s violent mob descended onto the Capitol on January 6, many of his chief enablers have tried to gaslight their way into back into America’s good graces—including Graham. After Biden’s convincing win in November 2020, Graham was a strident supporter of Trump’s big lie that there was widespread fraud, and became an outspoken attack dog for the president on cable television. “President Trump should not concede,” Graham said in November, before deploying full-blown “push back” and “fight” rhetoric leading up to the insurrection.
But after the violent siege last week, Graham apparently saw the light: “Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are lawfully elected,” he stated on the Senate floor, mere hours after the attack. Just days before, the senator was campaigning in Georgia and encouraging supporters to “send a signal the squad can understand.”
It’s an impressive amount of flagrant, self-serving flip-flopping. And perhaps President Obama said it best in his memoir, released at the end of last year: “Lindsey’s the guy who double-crosses everyone to save his own skin.”

And I'll add, the Republicans need to find cojones... trying to overthrow the government is as bad as it can get for a democracy.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Years after the courts first requested them, the Supreme Court - including Trump's own appointees - have finally ordered him to make his tax returns available to the prosecutors.

And so it begins....probably months and years of trying to get the full original information, delays, appeals and whatever tactics are employed to drag it out as long as possible.

Will Trump be long forgotten or have passed away by the time a verdict is arrived at?


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Watch out Donald is back today according to the QAnon nutjobs  Shocked


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

Over here the QAnon nutjobs are known as people who still think brexit was a good idea. Smile


Guðni Bergsson
Guðni Bergsson

It was, just give it time. (No, XM, I'm not talking in decades )  Very Happy



You've got to laugh at how stupid people are or you would cry I guess!

"A CNN poll released this week suggested 70% of Republicans still believe Mr Trump's allegations that President Joe Biden did not legitimately win the election - despite the claims being repeatedly proven to be false".


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Sluffy wrote:You've got to laugh at how stupid people are or you would cry I guess!

"A CNN poll released this week suggested 70% of Republicans still believe Mr Trump's allegations that President Joe Biden did not legitimately win the election - despite the claims being repeatedly proven to be false".

The lunatics are running the asylum.  But the frightening result could be totalitarianism driven by "The Big Lie."


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

And if the hand recounts were not enough, Trump cronies in the Arizona Senate have given the ballots from Maricopa County to a partisan outside firm (with no experience in elections or election counting) for yet another recount.  Trump said yesterday that this will prove that he won the election and that other states will follow suit.

And of course, this will go on until someone declares Trump the winner.  Even an insurrection will not stop this man or his followers.

And if we go back to his campaign boast, we have to think this may be the only truth he has told in the past 6 years:  “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters."



Liz Cheney: Why her sacking by the Republican Party matters

Liz Cheney has been one of the few Republicans in Congress who have been a vocal critic of Donald Trump's stance on the US election result and continued to hold him responsible for the riot at the Capitol in January.

But this week her colleagues voted to dismiss her from her senior leadership role.

The BBC's Ros Atkins says Congresswoman Cheney's removal shows how tight a grip the former president still has on the Republican Party.

Here he explains what the move says about the party and its immediate future.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Read a story the other day about a former British spy employed by Trump to train women to set "honey traps" to record and film people he didn't trust. Which from what I could gather was pretty much everybody. United Police States of America.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

FBI raid Trump's house:

An fbi raid on August 8th at Mar-a-Lago, the Florida home of Donald Trump, indicates that an investigation into his activities since he left the presidency has escalated dramatically. The unprecedented intrusion into the residence of a former president—who is also mulling a third run—has provoked outrage from Mr Trump and his supporters, who will seek to gain political advantage from it.
The inquiry apparently involves documents Mr Trump may have illegally brought with him from the White House to Florida after leaving office. It appears to be separate from a host of other legal tangles he faces: an investigation by the Department of Justice (doj) into Mr Trump’s attempts to thwart his electoral loss in 2020; civil lawsuits directed at his business practices in New York; and a criminal inquiry into election fraud in Georgia.
With no word from the fbi (headed by Christopher Wray, whom Mr Trump appointed in 2017) or the doj, the main source of information on this development is the subject of the investigation himself. “My beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida” Mr Trump wrote on Monday evening, “is currently under siege, raided and occupied by a large group of fbi agents.” Mr Trump was in New York at the time. His son, Eric, had informed him of the raid and told Fox News that the fbi had a search warrant for presidential records. Mr Trump said federal authorities’ sweep through his home included prising open his safe (which, according to his son, was empty).
The legal risks for toting classified documents out of the White House are high. An investigation has been under way for months concerning 15 boxes of documents found at Mar-a-Lago that should have been turned over to the National Archives. The Presidential Records Act, a law passed in 1978, requires presidents to transfer all notes, memos, emails and related papers to the National Archives upon leaving office. While the act lacks an enforcement mechanism, related laws have teeth. Criminal statutes prohibiting the mutilation, concealment or depredation of government property carry penalties including fines and imprisonment.
The doj’s aggressive approach suggests the inquiry is at a fairly advanced stage. To conduct the sweep of Mr Trump’s home, agents had to persuade a federal magistrate judge that it contained, in accordance with the Fourth Amendment, evidence suggesting “probable cause” that a specific federal crime has been violated. Merrick Garland, the attorney-general, has made no statement regarding the investigation—in keeping with the doj’s usual practice of keeping mum until charges are filed.
For now, there are only clues as to which documents the fbi was after, and why. It is notable that Mr Garland decided to press forward with a search warrant—and the surprise raid it authorised—as opposed to the slower path of issuing a subpoena for the documents. According to Andrew Weissmann, a former doj lawyer who was general counsel for the fbi, Mr Garland’s tactics strongly suggest “he believed there would be obstruction—that those documents would not be produced or would disappear” if Mr Garland had opted for a more deliberate process. The historic first of raiding a former president’s home is “not a step you take lightly”, he told msnbc, and Mr Trump himself, rather than his advisers or associates, “is clearly the target” of the investigation.
The raid is not, in itself, proof that the doj will ultimately bring charges against Mr Trump or anyone else. But Mr Weissmann suggests that discussions about the allegedly mishandled documents between the doj and the former president may have culminated in an incomplete return of papers. If Mr Trump retained classified documents after promising to send them all back to Washington, Mr Wasserman says, he could be subject to charges of theft of government property and making false statements.
Republicans have reacted with fury (and perhaps a little glee). The most common line among elected officials and on sympathetic media, such as Fox News, echoed Mr Trump’s statement, in which he claimed the raid was the sort of thing that happens in “broken, third-world countries”. Rick Scott, a Floridian senator, said exactly that, as did his colleague, Marco Rubio, who added “Marxist” for good measure. Kevin McCarthy, the leader of the party in the House of Representatives, threatened to investigate the doj for what he called “weaponised politicisation”. Talking to Sean Hannity on Fox News, Eric Trump said for the first time that he hopes his father will run again.
On the conspiracist far right of the party, Marjorie Taylor Greene, a member of Congress from Georgia, and Paul Gosar, one from Arizona, called for the fbi to be defunded or destroyed, as did Laura Ingraham, a Fox News presenter. On pro-Trump forums, anonymous internet trolls called for “civil war” and for militias to step in to start one. But so far, with the exception of a few dozen unarmed people who congregated outside Mar-a-Lago, there is little evidence of Trump supporters responding in real life to the call of the internet.
After a noted silence, Mitch McConnell, the leader of the party in the Senate, has also demanded that the doj provide an immediate explanation for the raid. The party seems sure to keep talking about it—not least as a fund-raising strategy. Mere hours after the news broke, the Republican National Committee sent out texts with links to WinRed, a Republican fund-raising network, seeking money to “stop Joe Biden”.
The political turbulence stirred by the raid is exactly what, historically, the doj has sought to avoid in conducting its business. In keeping with the department’s long-standing wariness of being perceived as partisan, Mr Garland reminded his associates in May to stay “neutral and impartial” when undertaking investigations with political overtones. Bill Barr, Mr Trump’s second attorney-general, released a similar memo in 2020 regarding “certain sensitive investigations”. To uphold the doj’s “reputation for fairness, neutrality and nonpartisanship”, he wrote, prosecutors should approach potential election crimes with “sensitivity and care” and without giving an advantage or disadvantage to any candidate or political party.
Republicans might interpret the events of August 8th as a sign that the doj has abandoned this discretion. But Mr Garland’s long-earned reputation for circumspection—which some on the left have lamented as excessive—suggests the opposite. He is not one for taking bold steps on a whim. The doj is likely to have taken this extraordinary measure, despite the political firestorm that would ensue, for a straightforward reason: because it has a very strong suspicion that evidence of a federal crime was lurking in Mr Trump’s Florida home.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

The noose is tightening.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:The noose is tightening.
...but his supporters are mobilising...

Donald Trump for President of the USA - Page 25 Shutterstock_editorial_1634963a


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Dipshit Barbie is angry.

Donald Trump for President of the USA - Page 25 211126-lauren-boebert-jm-1016


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Steve Bannon tells Alex Jones ‘deep state’ is planning to assassinate Trump and FBI planted evidence

...well he would wouldn't he.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

wanderlust wrote:Steve Bannon tells Alex Jones ‘deep state’ is planning to assassinate Trump and FBI planted evidence

...well he would wouldn't he.
Watch out for those bone spurs playing up. Shocked


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

wanderlust wrote:Steve Bannon tells Alex Jones ‘deep state’ is planning to assassinate Trump and FBI planted evidence

...well he would wouldn't he.
You'd think Alex Jones would keep his head down for a bit after last week wouldn't you?


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse



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