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The future of Nuts

Hip Priest
Ten Bobsworth
Natasha Whittam
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241The future of Nuts - Page 13 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Thu Apr 28 2022, 10:45


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I would have paid good money to see Bertie dancing to anything. At the age of 89 he was jailed for committing a breach of the peace, and spent seven days in Brixton prison, so I'm pretty sure throwing a few shapes would be a doddle.

242The future of Nuts - Page 13 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Thu Apr 28 2022, 10:56

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

boltonbonce wrote:I would have paid good money to see Bertie dancing to anything. At the age of 89 he was jailed for committing a breach of the peace, and spent seven days in Brixton prison, so I'm pretty sure throwing a few shapes would be a doddle.

Wasn't he one of those loonies who believed that tyrants weren't really tyrants and if you were nice to them they'd be nice to you?

243The future of Nuts - Page 13 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Thu Apr 28 2022, 11:41


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Ten Bobsworth wrote:

Wasn't he one of those loonies who believed that tyrants weren't really tyrants and if you were nice to them they'd be nice to you?
The road to happiness and prosperity lies in an organised diminution of work. 

                                                                           Bertrand Russell.

My old boss often accused me of taking this too much to heart.

244The future of Nuts - Page 13 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Thu Apr 28 2022, 12:36

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

boltonbonce wrote:
The road to happiness and prosperity lies in an organised diminution of work. 

                                                                           Bertrand Russell.

My old boss often accused me of taking this too much to heart.

Did your old boss ever say that 'The devil finds work for idle hands' or was that Chaucer?

245The future of Nuts - Page 13 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Thu Apr 28 2022, 17:34


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Ten Bobsworth wrote:

Did your old boss ever say that 'The devil finds work for idle hands' or was that Chaucer?
No, but he did say, "You're fired" on more than one occasion. He always relented. 
Mind you, he once appeared on site, with a gaggle of his architects, wearing a white linen jacket and black pants, and I couldn't help shouting "Two tubs and a choc ice please". Even Hannibal Lecter would have offered me a warmer return look.

246The future of Nuts - Page 13 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Wed Feb 14 2024, 21:42


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I'm hearing rumblings of discontent amongst the Nuterati. Could this be the end for real?

247The future of Nuts - Page 13 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Wed Feb 14 2024, 22:20


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I really hope not Bonce.

I know it hasn’t helped with what has gone on with people arguing on here through the years and with how the Trotters have gone down the leagues and even Natasha going awol.

I really wish this place would go back to how it used to be with members putting in approx 50 posts per day having a laugh with each other.

Members such as Norpig etc shouldn’t feel the need to quit. It’s supposed to be a fun place away from the usual 9-5 grind away from life’s bullshit where members alike join in the conversation on BWFC and chat about anything from fish and chips to Bruce Forsyth whilst having a laugh.

248The future of Nuts - Page 13 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Wed Feb 14 2024, 22:24


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy should pm Norpig and have a chat and get him back.

He also needs to calm his one man crusades down a bit as well.

249The future of Nuts - Page 13 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Wed Feb 14 2024, 22:32


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

karlypants wrote:I really hope not Bonce.

I know it hasn’t helped with what has gone on with people arguing on here through the years and with how the Trotters have gone down the leagues and even Natasha going awol.

I really wish this place would go back to how it used to be with members putting in approx 50 posts per day having a laugh with each other.

Members such as Norpig etc shouldn’t feel the need to quit. It’s supposed to be a fun place away from the usual 9-5 grind away from life’s bullshit where members alike join in the conversation on BWFC and chat about anything from fish and chips to Bruce Forsyth whilst having a laugh.

Yes. I can't help thinking Brucie let us down by dying, the selfish bastard.

I could have squeezed a lot more out of him if he'd lived on.

Don't know what the future holds. We'll probably never stop the arguments, but maybe we could curtail them a little, instead of dragging them out page after page. Some of us are never going to agree on anything, so why bother.?

250The future of Nuts - Page 13 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Wed Feb 14 2024, 22:41


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

karlypants wrote:Sluffy should pm Norpig and have a chat and get him back.

He also needs to calm his one man crusades down a bit as well.
I've pm'd Norpig, but he hasn't replied. He's probably in his room with his headphones on, listening to that air raid siren music he likes.
I've offered to send him some Arthur Askey records, but I don't think it's helped.
Tried that with Breadman too, to no avail. He binned them, although he did have the courtesy to send the holes back.

251The future of Nuts - Page 13 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Wed Feb 14 2024, 22:57



karlypants wrote:Sluffy should pm Norpig and have a chat and get him back.

He also needs to calm his one man crusades down a bit as well.

I've reached out to him in the past but he always seems to view it that I'm always in the wrong no matter what I say or do.

I've posted again on the ST thread to say publicly that I have no idea why the thread developed as it did - he seems to read into every post I make that I'm always the bad guy on some megalomaniacal intent to destroy the site.

I'm not.

As you've said in your post above the site was intended to be simply a bit of fun, unfortunately its been toxic since Brexit, Anderson and the hatred by some of the Tory Party.

Shame really, it was very funny before all the hate started.

252The future of Nuts - Page 13 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Wed Feb 14 2024, 23:04


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

253The future of Nuts - Page 13 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Thu Feb 15 2024, 08:59


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Sluffy wrote:

I've reached out to him in the past but he always seems to view it that I'm always in the wrong no matter what I say or do.

I've posted again on the ST thread to say publicly that I have no idea why the thread developed as it did - he seems to read into every post I make that I'm always the bad guy on some megalomaniacal intent to destroy the site.

I'm not.

As you've said in your post above the site was intended to be simply a bit of fun, unfortunately its been toxic since Brexit, Anderson and the hatred by some of the Tory Party.

Shame really, it was very funny before all the hate started.

Kettle and pan come to mind Sluffy!! 😉

254The future of Nuts - Page 13 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Thu Feb 15 2024, 10:57


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Funnily enough, Norpig and I were in touch just yesterday, via pm. He seemed fine; his only concern was what had happened to Nat....

255The future of Nuts - Page 13 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Mon Feb 19 2024, 18:56


Tinned Toms - You know it makes sense!

Thought I'd have a little look in, see how you chaps are getting on. Thought I might find something like this. Whatever happened to the days of KP doing unspeakable things behind the bins at the back of bargain booze? What happened to Bonce's unhealthy obsession with Bruce Forsyth? What happened to the days of taking the piss out of Norpig for knocking one out over a poster of Adam Le Fondre on his bedroom wall, of Johnny's quiz's, Nats behind enemy lines, Scott and AD's stupidity, Boggers piss taking, Breads dry humour etc, the list goes on. I used to love coming on here and having a laugh about mindless shite. I also used to love the debate on serious topics and the general conversation and the portal buzzing with activity on a matchday. What went wrong? Such a shame as it was easily the best forum around a few short years ago.

256The future of Nuts - Page 13 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Mon Feb 19 2024, 19:05


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I feel your pain mate. I can't believe it has got to this. Sad

257The future of Nuts - Page 13 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Mon Feb 19 2024, 19:05


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Nice to see you 58 by the way! Smile

258The future of Nuts - Page 13 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Mon Feb 19 2024, 19:12


Tinned Toms - You know it makes sense!

karlypants wrote:Nice to see you 58 by the way! Smile
You too mate. How's it going Karly? What's the story? Who's fallen out with who this time? One thing I can bet is that it probably isn't worth it. I guess the Internet isn't for everyone.

259The future of Nuts - Page 13 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Mon Feb 19 2024, 19:17


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Bwfc1958 wrote:Thought I'd have a little look in, see how you chaps are getting on. Thought I might find something like this. Whatever happened to the days of KP doing unspeakable things behind the bins at the back of bargain booze? What happened to Bonce's unhealthy obsession with Bruce Forsyth? What happened to the days of taking the piss out of Norpig for knocking one out over a poster of Adam Le Fondre on his bedroom wall, of Johnny's quiz's, Nats behind enemy lines, Scott and AD's stupidity, Boggers piss taking, Breads dry humour etc, the list goes on. I used to love coming on here and having a laugh about mindless shite. I also used to love the debate on serious topics and the general conversation and the portal buzzing with activity on a matchday. What went wrong? Such a shame as it was easily the best forum around a few short years ago.
Nice to hear from you again 58.  Hope you're well stocked with tinned toms.
With regard to Brucie, the selfish bastard died, with not even a by your leave.
I too miss the old days. Even Nat's pissed off.
I'm still here, despite the poison laced Carrs pasties someone keeps leaving outside my thread. I fear I might be the last man standing unless something drastic happens.
I've tried to get Breaders back, but his buttock transplant didn't go to plan and he's confined to barracks for the foreseeable future.
Might have to resort to the 'what we're having for tea' thread. Maybe KP could get it going again.
It's all very serious these days. My collection of celebrity underpants doesn't even get a sniff. No one is interested.
Please keep checking in. If only to feel for a pulse.

260The future of Nuts - Page 13 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Mon Feb 19 2024, 19:30


Tinned Toms - You know it makes sense!

boltonbonce wrote:
Nice to hear from you again 58.  Hope you're well stocked with tinned toms.
With regard to Brucie, the selfish bastard died, with not even a by your leave.
I too miss the old days. Even Nat's pissed off.
I'm still here, despite the poison laced Carrs pasties someone keeps leaving outside my thread. I fear I might be the last man standing unless something drastic happens.
I've tried to get Breaders back, but his buttock transplant didn't go to plan and he's confined to barracks for the foreseeable future.
Might have to resort to the 'what we're having for tea' thread. Maybe KP could get it going again.
It's all very serious these days. My collection of celebrity underpants doesn't even get a sniff. No one is interested.
Please keep checking in. If only to feel for a pulse.
Glad to see you're still alive and kicking Bonce, especially as I know you've probably fallen off more than a few ladders since I last checked in.  Very Happy

Next time I'm here I'll leave you some new slippers by the front door with some custard creams and a complimentary tin of tomatoes.  tongue

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