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The future of Nuts

Hip Priest
Ten Bobsworth
Natasha Whittam
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221The future of Nuts - Page 12 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Fri Oct 23 2020, 11:28


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

So apparently I am free to post but I cannot pm anyone.

Thank you to those who have supported me on here while I have been banned.

For the benefit of all those who have not followed this saga (hi Hip Priest) I am not a fake account and have never posted on here using another account. At the risk of being banned again I set out at some length the truth of the matter below. I am not trolling Sluffy. I simply want him to admit he is mistaken and apologise.

1. Sluffy won't provide any evidence to back up his mistaken belief and won't explain why he can't reveal his evidence
2. he won't even name who the "real" me is supposed to be. I suspect he thinks I am Nat (I am not) who has denied this on at least two occasions and is probably finding the whole thing very amusing
3. he has previously accused me and TROY of being the same person (we are not)
4. he says he banned me for trolling him when a look at the post (post 43 in the Keir Starmer thread) that got me banned clearly shows that I was not trolling him. What in the post I quote below in full constitutes trolling?

You make the totally incorrect accusation that I "posted for a reaction first and foremost" when the reason I posted was simply to ask you to justify your sweeping statement that all politicians are the same.

You now seem to have admitted that they are not by saying "of course Labour and Conservative governments do different things". So it is not a false belief that one side is better than the other.

Asking you to justify what you say is not trolling.

5. he claims (in post 159) that me asking for proof that this is a fake account shows I must be a fake
6. he ignores the fact that karly (post 179) confirms that he doesn't think this is a fake account
7. he is now claiming I post on "more than one account" again with no evidence
8. he has stopped me using pm. Does this mean he can read our pm's? He has ignored okocha's specific question regarding this.

Altogether I feel I have been treated pretty badly by Sluffy simply because I disagreed with him. I leave it to you all to make up your own minds about this but I will let it drop and won't comment on it again unless Sluffy disputes any of the above facts.

222The future of Nuts - Page 12 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Fri Oct 23 2020, 12:11



I stand by all I've said.

People can believe whatever they want, it is only the internet after all.

I'm not here though to be abused or trolled and when people deliberately won't stop doing one or both of those after I've asked them nicely to pack it in on numerous occasions and after several warnings I will put the stop to it, because clearly they don't ever intend doing so.

It's as simple as that.

223The future of Nuts - Page 12 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Fri Oct 23 2020, 12:42


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

When is my best mates ban up? Can't wait for him to come back  Very Happy

224The future of Nuts - Page 12 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Fri Oct 23 2020, 12:44


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:When is my best mates ban up? Can't wait for him to come back  Very Happy
Saturday night I think. I've put a tag on him, and he's presently in Dale Vince's dustbin. Shocked

225The future of Nuts - Page 12 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Fri Oct 23 2020, 12:45


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:
Saturday night I think. I've put a tag on him, and he's presently in Dale Vince's dustbin. Shocked
The restraining order must have ended  Very Happy

226The future of Nuts - Page 12 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Fri Oct 23 2020, 12:47


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:
The restraining order must have ended  Very Happy
I think Nat thinks he's Breadman. Outrageous suggestion. He'd have surely let me in on the joke.

227The future of Nuts - Page 12 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Fri Oct 23 2020, 12:50


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

boltonbonce wrote:
I think Nat thinks he's Breadman. Outrageous suggestion. He'd have surely let me in on the joke.


228The future of Nuts - Page 12 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Fri Oct 23 2020, 12:58


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whoever he is i hope he never comes back unless he's completely changed his ways.

229The future of Nuts - Page 12 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Fri Oct 23 2020, 13:09


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:Whoever he is i hope he never comes back unless he's completely changed his ways.
I hold out little hope of that. Might be an interesting weekend. Very Happy

230The future of Nuts - Page 12 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Fri Feb 18 2022, 11:51


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I must say, since coming back from my Nuts holiday, I've been pleasantly surprised at the relative harmony on show.
Even Lusty's put his fishing tackle away, and is making do with a pond net and breadcrumbs. Very Happy
Probably can't last. I'm sure Sluffy will be watching us with a wary eye.

The future of Nuts - Page 12 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRHtnfvjFCjynzafIlPaN-hvsaUimGdROigXQ&usqp=CAU

231The future of Nuts - Page 12 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Fri Feb 18 2022, 12:40


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:I must say, since coming back from my Nuts holiday, I've been pleasantly surprised at the relative harmony on show.
Even Lusty's put his fishing tackle away, and is making do with a pond net and breadcrumbs. Very Happy
Probably can't last. I'm sure Sluffy will be watching us with a wary eye.

The future of Nuts - Page 12 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRHtnfvjFCjynzafIlPaN-hvsaUimGdROigXQ&usqp=CAU
Couple of days of peace after KP reminded him of his responsibilities, but unfortunately he couldn't help himself and he started having a dig again.
I'll try to stay out of it, but when he completely fails to grasp what I'm saying, or puts a twisted spin on it, or insults me based on "what he thinks I'm thinking" - and he really has no clue - it simply serves to remind me that the site doesn't have the facility for individual contributors to block him, so we just have to put up with his nonsensical rambling and keyboard warrior insults. Hey ho...

232The future of Nuts - Page 12 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Fri Feb 18 2022, 12:56


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

233The future of Nuts - Page 12 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Fri Feb 18 2022, 14:28


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

The future of Nuts - Page 12 R.d59800b6ab2faefc31161e156f46f7b2?rik=PwMoq2Ix%2f%2bFmOg&

234The future of Nuts - Page 12 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Fri Feb 18 2022, 16:08


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

We've enjoyed some peaceful, good-natured periods in the last six months, but an irritating lack of self-awareness inevitably wrecks the harmony via some desperate attempts to prove intellectual superiority.

235The future of Nuts - Page 12 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Fri Feb 18 2022, 16:12


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

okocha wrote:We've enjoyed some peaceful, good-natured periods in the last six months, but an irritating lack of self-awareness inevitably wrecks the harmony via some desperate attempts to prove intellectual superiority.
Hope Nat comes back. I miss being called an utter gobshite.

236The future of Nuts - Page 12 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Fri Feb 18 2022, 23:16


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

boltonbonce wrote:
Hope Nat comes back. I miss being called an utter gobshite.
You’re just an utter gobshite bonce. 🤗

237The future of Nuts - Page 12 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Fri Feb 18 2022, 23:32


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:
You’re just an utter gobshite bonce. 🤗
Thanks. I appreciate you trying to help, but the venom just isn’t there.😒

238The future of Nuts - Page 12 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Fri Feb 18 2022, 23:36


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:
Whitesince63 wrote:
You’re just an utter gobshite bonce. 🤗
Thanks. I appreciate you trying to help, but the venom just isn’t there.😒
Haha yeah Nat had that special touch. Very Happy

239The future of Nuts - Page 12 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Thu Apr 28 2022, 09:16


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

240The future of Nuts - Page 12 Empty Re: The future of Nuts Thu Apr 28 2022, 10:00

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

boltonbonce wrote:

I don't think you would have caught Bertrand Russell wearing a banana-yellow suit and jiving away to 'Down the road apiece', would you Boncey? Great version of the song btw.

But I wholly approve of the idea of finding out the facts before spouting off with opinions.

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